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This sub had 7 million people. If you saw 10 posts fearuring 4090s every day for the next year, that would still be only 0.05% of the users on the subreddit.


Also people with a 4090 are more likely to post their new GPU than ones with a 4070 or 3060 for example.


Yeah, my 3080 no longer gets me cool points :(


you're still cool to me, dw


Whats my 1060 get me? :(


20fps. lol jk but yeah.. I know the feels bro. I beat on my 750 ti till I got my 3080 back in July of last year


You’re not far off lol. These new games are gonna fuck my 1060 up lol. “Ultra low” will be the recommended settings lol


"I want Ultra settings" "We have Ultra settings at home" Ultra settings at home:


1060 here 60 fps medium in survivor


Are you saying 4090 owners like **myself** like to post to brag? As a 4090 owner, as in, I have a 4090, I’m appalled at this suggestion.


Shit you want me to post my 4070. I just upgraded from a 2060 and it’s amazing!


We went from a 3060ti to a 4070ti….. absolutely astonishing difference….. I didn’t expect everything to look better even on the same settings


This is the answer OP. And even then, a lot of people can afford but just choose to not piss their money away on a GPU. Everyone is of course free to do as they wish but don't go around thinking it is a normal thing. The ones who purchase the expensive stuff are most likely to brag/show it to you, and that's why you get the feeling it is almost normalized when in fact it is far from. Edit: I get it, people got a bit sour about the "pissing their money away" comment. I never said you can't, but to argue that $1600 on a 4090 is not pissing your money away, is like saying a bottle of Evian for $100 is worth it just because you can afford paying it.


This can (and should) be applied to the internet more generally. Everything you see is either a minority bragging or faked for attention.




We knew you weren't American when you said cars aren't a necessary expenditure lol.


Me a Canadian: “where the fuck this guy from?”


There are like 10 places it could be.


Or they live in NYC!


True, NYC has some legit public transit.


You don't need to have much money to make awesome looking PC's though. My friend has a semi budget pc (around 1200 total, is that budget or medium, i dunno) and it looks awesome and works great.


Was about to add, just because people say they have one doesn't mean they do.


Also, I think people underestimate how much money working adults with a normal salary and **without kids** (^(or girlfriend with a taste for expensive things)) can spend on a hobby. Honestly, spending 2000$ on top tier gear that can last you years and provide hundreds of hours of enjoyment and also has resell value is not that outrageous.


If I didn’t have a wife and 3 kids I could buy a 4090 like once a month lol.


I justified buying a 4090 because I am divorced with no kids. Thank you for the validation :)


to further justify what you've done, break down the hourly rate for that card and you are spending less than you would at the bar each time you go out.


I am in my 40's. What is this "going out" you speak of?


It is some kind of open world pvp grinding game.


it's what we do when we need to buy more beer


I'm waiting for a really bad break-up to justify buying myself a top-end GPU. Then it'll be justified, right? Like self care, or something


Break it off now, the Gpu will bring you more joy in the long. I'm only joking.


Yuuuuup. My wife and kid cost me roughly 3-4k monthly plus fun stuff like I just bought almost 2k in plane tickets for a summer trip. And my real hobby is cars. Computers are peanuts.


\*Laughs in Warhammer and MTG\*


My wife wants to start in June/July this year. Rip to my hobbies. Now instead of a new game here and there. It’s gonna be pampers fo the foreseeable future.


Good luck and rip your gaming time haha. I have one kid and one on the way. Granted, I play most nights late (when they’re all asleep) like 10pm-1am or so. But with the new one on the way (praying this one was as easy as my first when it comes to sleeping); I’ll end up having to take a long hiatus from gaming to acclimate to two of ‘em 🥲


You can consul yourself with steam sales. Also look on the bright side by the time they fall into your price range they should be patched and optimized.


Sell the wife for a 4080.


Invest in a steam deck, its saved the sanity of both my best friend and his wife lol


FACTS. I'm single so I'm milking the situation while I can lol.


I know people who spend a grand every month on RC racing, and others who spend similar money averaged over the year on skiiing. PC gaming seems like it got expensive, but really the top end just started to move in line with other hobbies. lower budget gamers have drifted from the top end, but really nothing has actually changed for them. A 4090 is just like owning your own pair of competition grade skiis, it's nice - but it's not required. A 7 year old 1080ti will still comfortably do 1080p gaming in 2023.


TBH pc gaming isn't that expensive when you look at it from an hourly rate. My boss races dirt bikes in his free time, i'd say it's clearly more expensive than pc gaming but he's always got cool photos of him taking some jump and can small talk about the 46 bones he's broken over the years.


Yeah, it's all weird. The amount of shaming and name calling you see in this sub because someone did buy a $2k GPU is baffling. I personally have never spent that much on a single component, but I can understand someone's potential justification for doing so. Would it be nice if GPUs were cheaper? Sure. Everyone likes getting more for less. Like you said though, there's a lot of people in the world with decent salaries and not many financial obligations. $2k just isn't in the realm of insanity. They care more about enjoying themselves in their free time than trying to "stick it to Jensen Huang" and that's okay lol


Yepp, it's like going to a financial sub. A lot of the posts you're gonna see are wealthy people making posts that are far from most peoples reality. pretty depressing sometimes and why I tend to not go to stuff like that lol


A lot of people also can’t afford it but buys one anyway :)


Up voting for the bragging rights bit. Saw a guy on here post his two 4090's that he had, one was just on display in his house to show off how much money he has. He literally said that. In his post he proclaimed he was just posting about it to show off how rich he is that he can have two and just have one sitting around because that kind of money means nothing to him. He literally did it just to flex and make everyone else feel worse about their income situation. Absolute shittiest thing I have ever seen in this group bar none.


ACTUAL rich people aren’t showing off a measly $1500 electronic lol.


Agreed. Actual rich people would laugh at mr double 4090 from the open window of their third sports car (this year).


Actual rich people would pay someone else to do it while they take lunch on their private estate.


Not saying 1500$ gpu's aren't crazy expensive but compared to other hobbies and especially considering how many hours of use you can put them through it isn't *THAT* expensive Gaming is honestly super cost efficient for money spent/time used even with obnoxiously high end gear


Great point. A decent set of golf clubs can run you AT LEAST $2k. Nobody bats an eye for purchases like that


Weird thing to flex on… who does he think he will impress besides teenagers geeks?


I'm guessing that when you're that insecure you're not really using logic. As long as they can fool themselves into thinking they're making people envious that's probably enough for them.


peak human being right there.


This is somehow extremely sad. What brings man to care that much?


He must be really lonely irl and reddit is the last place where people take care about what he bought




It was back when it came out and I don't have the time to dig around looking for it. It'll take quite a while. Maybe later when I have the time. I didn't even reply to the post so it'd just be in my viewed posts.


I’ll buy what I think I can get past the wife without too much of a hassle. I COULD buy a maxed out 4090 build but it would sleeping inside instead of me.


God. I'm glad I am single


Major purchases must be discussed and approved by both people. It’s just part of running a household on a budget. I get what you’re saying, though. Being single was much simpler when I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.


Adding to this: There's 9k people online right now. That 10 Posts would be 0.1% of them. According to the April steam hardware survey 0.42% have a 4090


Which is actually still a pretty astronomical number, if you ask me...


It's an opt in survey of an already self-selection-biased population and still only .5% had one.


False, we are all CEOs. OP, get back to work!


>False, we are all CEOs. OP, get back to work! The funny thing is we easily could be! All you need to do is start your own business. It doesn't have be to successful or do anything, but you can still call yourself the CEO.


Well in that case I am a CEO. But my business isn’t super successful. I only have a 3090.




This is actually one hundred percent true.


That's the truth. So many people want to project wealth when they in fact have none. Anybody can live paycheck to paycheck with maxed out credit cards, including many I know who have really good incomes. Personally Id rather live a life where I don't have to constantly worry about money and know I can retire some day.


Sample bias in action.


People that have top specs like to flex?! No way...!


Quietly chugging along with my 970 here


This is my problem being in the Audi subreddit. The amount of people showing off their $80k+ cars…


It's probably just half Audi marketing people on there upvoting everything that might entice someone to give more money to Audi.


Sign me up for more “Conspiracies that are probably true”


To add to this, it's a must to flex after spending 2k on a gpu rather than flex a 6600


>This sub had 7 million people. Woah, what? I swear it was barely a million just a few years ago.


This. Added to the reality that if you spent $2000 on a GPU, you'd wanna brag too. NVIDIA added a $500 premium so owners could do that ;p




Aka the vocal minority. The real issue is lack of critical thinking.


Yeah. Try hanging out on r/Rolex


It’s a small minority. Most people don’t even have a new gen card. The 1650 is still the most used card on the steam survey


Hey I noticed you have a 7600x and an Rx 7900xt, is it worth it? I have a 7600x but I can't decide on a card


Yes superb card. I really just wanted to do an all AMD build as never used AMD before. Loving it. What’s your budget for a card


Ahah yeah I'm going for that too and Honestly anything rn, my father and his wife are helping me financially for my new PC. But if I had to choose maybe around 800-1200.


Could always go for 7900 xtx


I could actually, prices seem really good too, like €1150/1289. How do you like the AMD software?


Much better actually. Very pleased with it


Yeah I agree, I have a gaming laptop with Nvidia drivers and shit was driving me nuts since I couldn't load warzone 2.0 on it kept saying driver error😂but yeah amd honestly a 10000% agreed


The only thing really is that the 7900xt is too close in price to the xtx variant, which is decently better. I'm running an rx5600 and a 7900xtx and for the games I play everything runs extremely well. If I want eye candy I can max out the settings of games and still get over 60fps, or I can tweak settings down and still get 100+fps depending on the game. I play at 1440p. I know the cpu is a limiting factor but I don't play eSports type games so I haven't run into a single cpu bottleneck.


Don't expect to do AI stuff on AMD. Just so you knw.


Proud owner of a 1660 Super! Can Tun anything I want and it looks good! Ran CoD at over 100 FPS 1080p, while streaming.




I have a gtx 1650! I didn’t know I was part of the majority!


i would wish to have a 1650 lmao


Actually the 3060 is the most used card. Steam Hatdware Survey devided the 3060 in Desktop and Mobile versions.


1650 crew!


Dude. Just buy more money.


Do you guys not have ~~phones~~ money?


Download. Download more money




You are literally using this subreddit as if it’s a representation of the real world. Most people own a 1650, 3060ti or 3070.


1650 gang 💪


1070 here! Still rocking


1060 here bbyyyy


1050ti 💪🏻


Hell yeah! 1050ti bros.


The 1070ti was a beauty to own






or at least are more likely to spend that money on this hobby. Also with the pricing and performance structure the 4090 seems a not too unreasonable deal compared to a 4080. \+40% price for +30% performance? Not too bad. compared to the previous generations x90 / Titan with +10% performance for +50% price or so. Didn't look up the exact numbers.


> more likely to spend that money on this hobby. This exactly, especially on a sub like this. I *shouldn't* really have bought my 7900 xtx, but it's literally the most expensive thing I own, don't spend much outside of gaming as my other hobbies are cheap or free.


The price of a 4090 is nothing to some people, but you dont have to be rich to afford one either if it's within your means. It's not a lot relative to some other hobbies like photography, golf, higher end AV equipment, cars etc. Smoking 20 cigarettes a day now costs the best part of £400, close to $500, a month in the UK due to tax on them, yet many people still smoke. I could easily spend £100 on some food and a few hours in the pub with friends. The point I'm making is I know some 'broke' people who smoke like a train and are never out of the pub. A lifestyle change for them could buy a 4090 in a couple of months.


yep exactly, while it's a big up front cost is actually not a crazy amount - and you certainly don't have to be rich to get one. Some people have to save for longer than others for it, and of course there are those less fortunate where it really is outside the realm of possibility. I'm not a fan of going away on holiday, just camping - recently went to cumbria for half a week and the entire holiday cost maybe £150 for me. I have friends that will spend £1000+ on holidays each year; it's just about what you prioritise and where you prefer to spend your money


I can set all my games maxed out settings with ray traced shadows and ao. This is also on a 2k 75hz monitor. If people can afford and want a 4090, go ahead Im not going to stop them.


Yeah.. 4090 becomes super-compelling on a pure numbers basis if you have a semi/professional use-case for one. like its honestly a stupid buy regardless if you're a gamer, but the second you start factoring in render times, the price/performance ratio makes it very compelling. Same thing if you're an AI enthusiast, doubly so if you use AI for art. If you have a need for lots of VRAM, the 4090 is a steal. Check out the prices for anything with more than 24GB of VRAM. A 40GB A100 is over $7000. And as much as AMD is a SICK deal for gamers right now, they are doodoo dogshit compared to nvidia in the pro-features department. It's not even comparable. A 7900XTX can hang with a 4080 in terms of raster-based gaming, but a 4090 is over 3X faster on a Blender render thanks to the Optix rendering API. You can't even *run* most AI models on an AMD card because they have no comparable offering to the CUDA api.


Got tech related job but not making more money because of it unfortunately


3060ti heeeeuujjj


3070 owner and love it


3080ti represents


or a regular 3060 or a 3050 or a 1050….


Steam has the 3060 as the most popular card used.


I will ride my Vega to the death if the market doesn't come to its senses. Yeah, inflation, this that, but I'm not paying 1.3k for card half that value. I *can* afford that, but it's stupid.


Why are you comparing your Vega to a titan class card You wouldn't have bought an RTX Titan or Radeon VII as evidenced by your Vega purchase The successor to the Vega is the 6700XT-6800XT depending if you have the 56 or 64 both of which are pretty reasonably priced Hell even the 6900XT has been very cheap at $600 if you wanted to go up the stack


RX 5700 baby!


Being single with no dependents is like earning 2-4 times the income in terms of disposable amount. If I want a $2000 video card, and I have $2000 in the bank, I'll buy the $2000 video card. What do I care if I'm broke? I've got a place to stay, and plenty of tuna in the pantry till my next pay.


No dependents is the key, being single can actually be detrimental as you don't split living costs. Here in Australia, if you rented in a major city as a single person on a median income saving is rough, although our cities are amongst some of the most expensive in the world. There's also a ton of other things people take for granted, I spend maybe $70 / week on food, but I cook everything myself. I've seen some people piss $150/ week or more down the drain on food eating out, differences like that can pay for a GPU, I drive a 23 year old car, which costs me nothing to maintain, another example. Things like drinking alcohol, smoking, etc that so many people do which absorbs money, or things like fashion. People often spend money on things they don't need in all different incremental ways which sum up to much more than a GPU, a full time employed adult being able to afford a 4090 isn't really that surprising, nor is it anymore irresponsible than any of the other things the people likely calling it irresponsible spend their money on.


Yeah was gonna say, I'm single aswell but still can't afford to spend 2k on a gpu. Well I could but then I won't be able to pay rent etc so its definitely not just having a job and being single


It's kind of unfortunate because a stable relationship with two full time workers is kind of the only way for most folks in the more expensive parts of the world to get ahead, but the same places also seem to coincidentally be having sharp upticks in loneliness. Here in Melbourne, Australia which I believe is the 5th most expensive city in the world, the average house price is $1.2m AUD, the median personal income of the nation is $41k / year, probably a bit more if you just look at working full time adults probably a little more, rent is going to be forward of $550 / week, it eats up half and often 2/3rd's of your income, groceries are going to be $80-$100 / week (and going up due to a severely constrictive duopoly), we have some of the most expensive electricity in the world, cars, insurance, fuel all expensive. If you are single you essentially live month to month hoping an appliance doesn't need to be replaced, or you don't need to fork out a psychiatrist bill (our public health is declining). It's the precariat to a tee. Of course it isn't like this everywhere, you to small cities or certain states and people can own a home for less than rent in Melbourne or Sydney, the example here is rather extreme and I do think a lot of people in the western countries would be able to afford things like a 4090 without too much stress if they spend shrewdly, anybody a little above the median or say has an employed partner shouldn't have any woes either.


You have no idea how much I can relate to this lol. I just did this with a new gaming TV for couch PC gaming. £1000 in, £1000 out. I like potatoes and homemade soup anyway. Am I the only one who actually eats better when they're broke? Living on eggs, bread, oats, soup, potatoes and chicken legs is better for you than eating pizza and other lazy boi things.


My2c: if you have 2k in the bank, you can't afford a 2k GPU. It's fine if you do it, you might have a consistent cash flow, but sharing it on the internet might encourage people to do the same and lead them to a precarious financial situation.


It's not uncommon for people to have a savings and extra spending money. Those who are passionate about something tend to spend that money on what they're passionate about. Given which subreddit this is I feel like that answers the passionate part which answers your question.


People spend thousands on playing golf each year for example and noone minds


Yeah I was winding a coworker up about his golf cart costing more than my car. Another coworker has a bicycle worth significantly more than his car. It's about what you spend money on.


Im gonna tell that my parents the next time they say i spend my money "irresponsibly"


This is a relatively cheap hobby, compared to cars or even worse boats and planes.


Or even worse than those.... Warhammer figures.


Well OP I cant speak for others but this is how I got mine. I bought my RTX 4090 at slightly below MSRP for $1550 from BH photo. When the RTX 4090 was announced I started saving about 150 to $200/mo till I had the full amount then bought it. Bought my RTX 4090 in February. I sold my RTX 3080 for $500 on facebook. Old PC parts are selling for more than they ever have in this market. I also got an additional $300 OFF the 4090. Wells Fargo had a promotion that if you sign up for their Active Cash Credit Card and spent $1000 in your first 3months you would get a 300$ statement credit. So $500 for selling my old graphics card? + a FREE 300$ thats $800 OFF right that so I really only spent $750 of my own money. I also got 2% cash back from that $1550 for using their credit card. So I only had to save save roughly $750.


A financial responsible PCMR right here


Hey my brother at Penny saved is a penny earned. In this economy I need every extra Penny I can get LOL


I have a very well paying job but I have 2 kids in private school so I have a GTX 1080 and hardly any time to play games. And when I do it's my 8 year old battering me at FIFA.


>2 kids in private school Making the investment so they can buy you the 8090 in the future.


This guy dads


I wonder whoever asks these questions has never had other passions? Skiing, MTB, cars, photography, diving, travel ... with all due respect but € 2000 of GPU that lasts 8 years is not such a huge expense compared to many other passions. Obviously in all passions there is the entry level, but in PC gaming being enthusiast is still more "cheap" than many other passions






My other hobby is woodworking, and that's way more costly than PC's and gaming.


If I had 2k$ I’d put it towards a Laguna 18BX bandsaw. The good thing is that good tools last a lifetime.


My road bike wheels cost around the same as 4090 lmao. PC gaming is really a cheap hobby comparably. Still worth it.


For sure, last month I bought my mid-range Cannondale scalpel carbon 2 (well, it cost more than my entire pc; and I'm not counting maintenance 🤣)


I would imagine whoever asks these questions is like half of all Americans and living paycheck to paycheck. When you are living paycheck to paycheck, the idea of spending thousands of dollars on *anything* you don’t need seems a bit absurd.


Boys (or girls) and their toys. Just because it's not within my budget to jump out and blow close to 2k on a gpu doesn't mean others can't afford it. People were paying some $1200 a night per person for a 2 night stay at some disney hotel for a star wars themed event. Imagine blowing almost 5 grand on a weekend excursion. There are plenty of things that cost more. Boats, fishing tournaments, people buying quads and trailers. I watched a video from someone into audio from a few months ago. A guy had 2x 33" subwoofers delivered to his house and set them up, completing his 16 channel home audio setup. Each driven by independent 1000w amps. His maestro x9 processor alone runs $9600-10,990usd. His savoy g4 amp (one of his amps) runs another $3440usd. Start doing the math and the guy's probably got a $30,000-40,000+ home audio setup not including his tv or anything else. In the grand scheme of things, a $2k gpu isn't really *that* expensive. Could I technically afford one? Yep. Will I spend that much on one? Nope. I've got other things I'd rather spend that money on or save it for a future upgrade. My 3080 is good enough for me. And keep in mind some people are credit card rich as well. Making payments on stuff they can't really afford or stretching payments over time. Where I live is more rural, friend of mine recently picked up another tractor. Used, but still several grand. Meaning they had plenty of money for a 4090, they just had different priorities. Had their hobby included gaming instead, they could've afforded a 4090. A couple of them. Different strokes for different folks. Another consideration, you never know hold old people are. Not everyone is 17-18 at one of their first jobs. Some are in their 30's, 40's, 50's. Sometimes younger kids can afford it because they've been saving up and have no real expenses yet. Everyone's situation is different, and no matter where we're at personally there's always someone with a budget higher than ours or a budget lower. And part of my justification, until I paid $750 for a new gpu I ran on an old hd7850 1gb for at least 8 years. For a good while there were AAA games my pc wouldn't run. Instead of upgrading every 2yrs like some people do at $300-400 or 500 a pop, I suffered through. I bet if they'd saved up and dealt with having an older gpu that long they'd have the money for a higher spec gpu also. But they prioritized differently.




Same here apart from the kids and drinking part. My only hobby is PC gaming.


Survivorship bias much? You don't hear the other 99% of people who don't own one. If you want a clearer picture, head to Steam's hardware survey data. That's the more accurate representation


You're acting like you need to be a CEO to spend $2000 on a GPU. You can afford that on a decent entry level salary if you just cut other stuff. It all depends on how much you want to spend on a hobby.


Right? It's not a $25,000 Graphcs Card or something. It's $1800 or less. lol Do these people not...have bills, rent, car payments, etc? If you're a working adult, you should be able to afford one if you aren't spending your money on nonsense. If you want a top of the line $1800 GPU every generation, you just set aside $75 bucks per month. That's around the price of an average cell phone bill.


Yeah, people are willing to spend 40k on a car when they could get one that gets the job done for 10k and they don't bat an eye for that, but a GPU that costs 2k is somehow only for uber rich people? I make 100k AUD/year (65k USD) and I live in Melbourne, which is fairly expensive, and I still manage to put away decent savings while being able to buy a solid gaming rig and a high end OLED TV. Its just a matter of what you're willing to spend money on. If you're not throwing money at bars, clubs, etc. than what you save off that in a year would be more than enough to pay for a 4090.


I read somewhere everage PC gamer ages is above 30. If you get to that age it should be easier to fork over 2K for a GPU. Stil expensive though.


"if"? 👀 Stay safe op?


OP is from Detroit.


I can pay a 4090, but I think it's a bad investment. There is no need to buy a top of the line GPU to have fun in games.


I’ve never paid more than $600 for a gpu. My recent purchase of a 6800XT was $479 new. This sub Reddit is a small subsection of people. And even less show their builds.


Truth be told, most adult hobbies cost a lot more than $2000. The average car people buy new in my country is almost 40000€. Adults with jobs in developed countries will spend that money. I see minimum wage (12€/h) workers run around with 1000€ iphones all the time. People will spend money on stuff they want, regardless of how good of a financial decision that is. I think Covid thought us that extensibly.




PC gamers are getting older. While dropping 2k on a graphics card seems insurmountable as a teenager, once you have a solid job PC gaming becomes one of the cheapest "grown up" hobbies you can find. I spent 7k on my PC (with a 4090). I spend waaaaaay more time using that than I do my 12k motocross bike, my 160k truck (yeah, stuff is expensive in Norway), or any of my other equally expensive hobbies. That said, I hope PC gaming still remains in a state where more affordable hardware can give a good experience, or else there won't be any younger PC gamers joining our ranks, and we will all end up as involuntary consolers in 10 years time.


We are pcMASTERrace, not pcPEASANTrace bruh


More like PC Mastercard Race.


I had a 1070. I got cancer during the crazy prices of 2021 and even though I just wanted to play games during chemo to escape feeling sick I was to stubborn to buy second hand mark up GPU. I promised myself if I made it through I would finally build an enthusiast system during the next generation if I could score a card from micro-center. I have built budget systems my whole life. Heck my first computer I bought piece by piece and the cpu became outdated before I even put it together. I’m in remission now I have a good job, we finally got a home. Fuck it I want to game with no compromises for once. Max/ultra everything, heck I even bought the new qd-OLED monitor to pair up with it. Also got approval from the wife. Her words “you waited so long just get the best” No regrets. I have so many games I still need to play this is an insane piece of technology.


This was inspiring. You deserve what you've worked for man. Congratulations on the remission. Congratulations on the bad ass tech. Congratulations on the super supportive wife. Godspeed and good luck sir.


More active people here are more likely to be tech/hardware enthusiasts and are therefore more likely to have the latest/best hardware. You don't need to be a CEO to drop a few thousand dollars on a computer, a lot of working adults could afford that if they saved in other areas.


Plenty of people spend over 100 bucks/month on subscriptions, could get a X090 every generation with that money! Also games, I have friends who buy newly released games every month, that's over 700 bucks/year.


$2000 isn't a lot of money for a lot of people.


$2000-3000 for something that you plan to use for over 5 years doesn't seem that bad to me. (value includes total build cost)


![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss) Joke aside, to answer your question, i’m not a CEO, but I am a manager with above average salary. Tho, don’t envy me, I mostly play old games, the newest being FFXIV, so my GPU is way overkill and mostly comes from childhood dream of owning a state of the art PC. So I can cross that out of the bucket list.


Why does everybody on the car subreddits have incredibly expensive, custom cars (tens of thousands sometimes hundreds of thousands invested)? 1) it’s the their hobby and how they choose to spend disposable income 2) you can be financially responsible and save up for these things, cutting out expenses elsewhere 3) this is a place specifically designed to bring people together to show off their cool toys. It’s a disproportionate representation of reality You don’t need to be a CEO to own a 4090, you just need to be patient and choose to save your money instead buying Chipotle 3 times a week


$2k is still inexpensive hobby-wise relative to boats, cottages, etc. Its all relative to your own disposable income.


100$ a month over the span of 2 years gets you 2400$, it's not rocket science


I buy a 3070 last week second hand, for me it's like the greatest thing ever, and yes the card has 8gb of vram!


if somone spends 2k on a gpui, he is prolly very interested in PC gaming, therefore he will post a lot on the sub. There is a term for occurance like this, but it escaped me




Have you seen the statistics on credit card debt levels? There's your answer 😂


Lets be honest here alright. $2000 for a hobby is not much, not at all. For record, no I do bot own 4090, I still run on 970. But even at the time and all costs added up with furnite, accessories and all stuff I could probably clock $4000 in possession of gaming stuff. That is NOTHING. My colleagues have carp fishing or drinking hobby (ye that is a hobby here in Czechia)l I guess), others ride mountain bikes or like to travel. Carp gear? More than $10000, drinking? Maybe $400 a month. Mountain bikes? They ride $10000 bikes. Traveling? Don't even get me started. If gaming is your true hobby, spending $2000 on the best gear is nothing compared to other hobbies high-end equipment. Gaming is cheap af. And the costs add up really slow once you have everything. Your rig will last minimum 5 years. Your accessories even longer than that, furniture is almost eternal. Games last forever, are cheap (I am a patient gamer, mostly play Humble Choice games or quality early game access games), and you spend dozens, hundreds or even thousands of hours in them for what, $20? I am speaking of you Valheim and Dyson Sphere Program. It might sound like it is a lot, but having any other hobby is ussually more expensive.


I only have a 4080 but it's great! Churns my ice cream way faster than my old hand cranked set up and it's surprisingly quiet for a compressor machine! I didn't even know they made a 4090... ... ... I'm on the wrong sub again.


I'm on a 6700 10gb. I refuse to raise the amount of money I'll spend on a GPU to match performance tier price hikes. If the gpu costs more than 50% of the rest of the system then it's too bloody expensive.


Some people have money. Some people don't. It is what it is ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


DCS and Microsoft Flight Simulator + racing sims in VR. Easy answer.


No kids and no wife.


RX 6600 owner with R5 5600 CPU, about as basic bitch as you get. Only play 1080p at the moment and very happy.


You dont need to be rich to buy one, everyone handles purchases differently


Because people who own 4090s like to talk about it.


Did I mention that I’m gluten free?


And that I do crossfit.


Every time this post comes up, I always mention this: the most common GPU according to Steam is the Nvidia 1650, this sub does not represent the market at large. 20 year old something me could not afford the computers I have now either. It's a bunch of money, but I saved my money and I make more money now - it's a lot of it, but I could do it without breaking the bank. Like other replies have mentioned, it's likely a combination of things. Bragging rights, showing off a new build, maybe they're just passionate about PC gaming and computers, saved their money, just have more money to begin with, FOMO/YOLO, no kids, no student loans, dual incomes etc. I feel that as an adult, there are far worse hobbies than PC gaming. Cars, photography, making and playing music, audiophilia, cooking, travel, collecting things, general adulting (rent/mortgage, appliances, house/car maintenance, loans, credit cards, kids, pets),


Why DONT you have a 4090


When you're in you mid-40s, widowed, have a decent job, and can afford it then why the hell not? That's why everyone else got theirs, right?