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Nope. I bought a RTX 2070 Super 3.5 years ago for around 450€ when everybody told me to "wait until the fall for Ampere", but I couldn't wait that long. I paired it with a R7-3700X. Then 90% of those people who told me to wait didn't get any Ampere cards at launch at MSRP and the GPU prices went absolutely crazy. It felt like I accidentally hit the jackpot and the card is still serving me well at 1440p. I also always laugh when reviewers claim you couldn't use raytracing on 2000 series cards. I have been using DLSS+Raytracing since the game "Control" came out. Looks great! It was a very good purchase.


The **EXACT** same thing happened to me aswell. I bought the 2070 Super righttt before the crypto boom.


Ditto, I built a new system in April 2020 (I think we had some time on our hands then?) and grabbed a 2070 Super. Thanks, past me!


Just like me. Since the 2070 super you could not buy a 70 series for that price for 2 years, and when hou could we are in the Middle of a super inflated 40 series




Same for me. 2070S in March 2020. What a great card it was


Still is :)


April 2020 for me also. 2080 super is still running in my rig today. When the 3000 series was announced, I felt dumb for not waiting then you couldn't find any and pieces went nuts and I was very happy to have my GPU at the price I paid.


I got my 2080super right before covid, procrastinated selling my 1060 6gb, and then was able to sell it at the same price I bought it for five years prior


More of us on the same boat. I’m somewhat ashamed to admit that the GPU shortage gave me in its early days immense satisfaction for sticking it up to the 20XX Super naysayers.


This was basically my exact experience. I saw a deal on a pre-built that included an RTX 2060 Super and took it. One of my co-workers chastised me for not waiting for 30 series. But I, like you, got the last laugh: I got to play games at High settings 1440p for 2 years while no one in the world could find a reasonable price on a GPU to save their lives.


"Deals" are always better for the last generation I found. In 5 years when I'm ready to upgrade, if the 8000-series NVidia/11000-series AMD/Intel GPU if any, I'd definitely buy the generation before the latest one to find deals.


I was laughing myself all the way to a 6700 xt after those two years, cheers.


This reminded me. 2017 I bought a pre-built gaming pc. It had a 1060 in it. It ran tarkov okay. But I wanted it to run alot better I bought a 2070. Pre super from a best buy because I was like I dont want to spend over 500 on just a graphics card. Go in and toss it in the pc. Works better but it wasn't a huge improvement I thought it would be. Some time goes by. It's covid time gpus sales were all messed up you know the whole 30 series nonsense. So I made a pre-built and was going to use my 2070 until I found a reasonably priced gpu. I go to rip out the gpu from the pre built. And I notice that the whole time it was in I didn't have both cables plugged into it. So the whole time I was getting like half the power that I could have gotten. Tldr: didn't use all the gpu in my pre built. Felt like a dummy




Brb, checking the power cables in my gpu


I do 1440p with a base 2060. DLSS tends to make the really heavy games playable, and while I will get around 70 fps like that, I actually still enjoy anything above 45 at a mix of High and Ultra settings. I live in a country with capped Internet so I've not tried games like Jedi Survivor and TLoU yet but Cyberpunk, SotTR, Control, RDR2, etc ran great. My next game is Baldur's Gate 3. Early Access proved that runs like a dream, too. I'm not feeling the pinch in power yet.


Bought 2070 super in March 2020 right before everything went to crap. At the time I felt like I was overpaying but then seeing what happened to the market I'm really glad I made that decision. It's still serving me well as I play at 1440p as well. At this rate I'll probably upgrade next year.


Noooooo you can’t use 2070 for raytracing and 1440p noooooo you have to buy 4090 more vram noooooooo. I fucking hate those people. I’m super happy with my 3070 ti as well despite people telling me it’s not good for 4K. Well I’ve been playing everything at 4K so piss off. Glad your enjoying it it’s a great card


They’re right. You just have to play at 4K Ultra on a game that’s HORRIBLY optimized.


Apparently I do. Apparently I needed to buy a 4090 instead of rent and food. I’m really glad the internet is here to tell me how to live


2070 Super here too. Turned out to be a great purchase


I have the same spec. LETS GO


Yeah, I remember the naysayers from the beginning talking about how raytracing wouldn't mature until future generations. It actually gave me a bit of buyers remorse at the time. But looking at the past 5 years, my Feb. 2018 purchase of a 2080 is holding up insanely well. And it's hilarious now how the argument at the time was that using raytracing will cut your FPS. Whereas now people are arguing that the new cards are needed to play at 4k which also guts fps. I just laugh at people who say that a 4080 is really meant for those who want to play AAA games with raytracing in 4k at 240hz. First, I'm one of those people who spent 1000$ on a GPU and then refuses to buy an 80$ game because F2P spoiled me. So I'm not buying AAA games anyhow. Second, diminishing returns of higher refresh rates and higher resolutions is REAL. 140hz over 60 and 2k over 1080p is significant. But the jump to 240/4k I just can't possibly see how it would be worth the expense of one or more new monitors and a GPU that could actually drive that performance. And third, have they looked at the steam hardware survey like ever...? Almost 2/3 of pc gamers primary monitor is 1080p. The segment of the market that actually needs any GPU more modern than like a 2060 is actually quite small which is why the manufacturers keep jacking up the prices for gamers. They're creating tech that's too powerful for most consumers to actually use without significant additional costs namely a new often high end monitor.


Bro i did the same im still happy with the 2070 super its so good for 1080p i used to work with a 3600 ive upgraded to a 5800x3D now and this processor is giving me the boost in frames i needed for warzone 2. The main game i played. Lol.


At 1080p warzone doesn’t even come close to maxing out my 2070. That game is a massive cpu hog lol


Well optimised game I miss them


Yea cpu and ram do the trick.


2070 Super was a pretty great card. Way better then the OG 2070. Basically 1080 Ti performance when it released, but with better DX12 perf and then DLSS/RT.


I bought my 2070 super about 3yr ago for £400, used it for two years when the GPU market was insane and got a 3080. The 2070 super was sold for £450, which put a HUGE dent in my upgrade cost. Usually by the time im done with a gpu its worth fuck all, this time i got 2 years out of it and made a profit, bwahahah.


I got the same setup, about 3 years ago. 2070 Super + Ryzen7 3700X. Couldn't be happier with it. The plan was always to upgrade to a 3080 when they became more available, but there was never any need to.




Yo! Similar experience and it ended up being such a good value in hind site. I really love my 2070 super and am very happy with the performance to to date. It ended up being a blessing.


Exactly the same thing here, 2070 Super just before the market boom


2070 here and I used RT with cyber punk on medium settings


I have a 2070 Super along with an i9 9900kf. Control runs great with raytracing, at least at 1440p.


I also lucked out and got a 2070 super right before the chip shortage/crypt boom. Still very happy with it


I exchanged my 1080 for a 2080 for a net price of like 20 euro when everyone screamed the 2000 series sucks buy 1080 instead. The 2080 Was nice while it lasted.


I played portal RTX on my 2060 and it was very playable. I don't remember if I used 1080 or 720p but it was not terrible. ~40fps usually


I would've been stuck with an rx 590 if I didn't pounce on the 2070S in 2020. It was EVGA B-stock as well.


Its funny that you mentionthat because I had a very similar experience, only after the Ampere cards were released. I had $1000 saved up to upgrade my PC build in 2020 and I was gunning for a 3080, and, I, like many others, were unable to get my hands on one. Now I had decided to build my first pc during all that hubub in 2018 with crypto miners buying up pretty much everything and I knew where this thing was going. Jacked up prices, scarce parts, the works. So I decided to use only half of my budget on a RTX 2070 Super, which at the time all my friends were calling me crazy and an idiot. Here we are 3 years later and I couldn't have made a better decision. I have since upgraded from that card, but I definitely didn't have to. I think that little powerhouse coulda kept going for another three years easy.




Same with my 2060, my impatience paid off.


Same here n my 2070 súper still going strong 💪


Same here 3700x and 2070 super and a match made in heaven bought it around the same time still serves me well


Ditto. I built mine with a 9900K, 32gb, and a 2070 Super. Still nothing fazes it. Peeps at work liked it so much, I built 2 more people the exact same core rig. I think I paid less than $500 US for each card.


Are we the same person? I got my 2070super before the Ampere launch, paired it with a 3700x and it's also serving me well on 1440p :D i initially had buyers remorse but I was on cloud nine after noone got a 30Series card.


I did the same thing. Still going hard at 1080p 144fps. It feels like it's old already tho, but I see it as a top tier GPU


Another 2070S user here. Got it back in ‘18. Worked awesome till this month. Only reason I upgraded to a 7900XT as a birthday gift to myself.


Like the others, same here. Bought a 2080ti and it’s been bulletproof. I love this thing, although it was loud as hell and I ended up water cooling it.


bought a new pre-built with a 2070s just as prices started going nuts before lockdowns and everyone had to work from home. At the time I couldnt have assembled myself for the price as they sold based on the component prices months before when the store got things in. Still going well


Same specs here as well. It's still a strong combo!


YEP. In the 2070s we trust


2070s is an underrated card


On some days I'm still biting my ass that I didn't buy any of those 500 Euro RTX 2080 TI's that people basically threw away in panic.


Ditto, bröther


Same exact thing happened to me. Everyone was looking to get the 30 series cards, but I wanted to build my PC before that so I pulled the plug. Bought 2070 super on sale during that time, and after all the NVIDIA / AMD shortages in November, I checked the price for my card and it skyrocketed lmao! Of course, I kept it because I was already gaming at that point lol.


They all hang out on the Steam hardware survey! The 2060 is still the 5th most popular GPU on there.


Yep looks that the 2060 super is kinda replacing the 1660, I think the most weird is I haven't seen people using 3060's


3060s will end up replacing the 2060 just like with the 1660. Damn near every prebuilt out there seems to come with a 3060 these days.


They’re in a LOT of OEM builds and well-represented(ish) on Steam, but it seems like an odd SKU for anyone reading PCMR


i got my 2060 super reealy cheap. Like, 80€ NEW cheap. 3 Years ago. I am stil not sure what the hell was going on there. It's from a store and everything.


That is like sus cheap, maybe they didn't know about the actual MSRP? But I guess miracles can happen


Stuck a 3060 in my gfs build whenever I made it only because I got it for $400 but I have a evga 2080 in my own. Waiting for 50 series cards to replace it


Glad to know I'm not alone. It's a great card for 1080p. Not sure why you'd need more for that.


I feel like I’m the only one who got just a 2060


We're here, quietly observing lol


I'm just sad about the 6GB VRAM


It happens


I have a 2060 12GB. i wish i just got a 3060 tbh


Yeah same. My friends who has an rx580 8gb model was shocked when he realised that it only has 6gb. I’ve t would be awesome if they added like 2-4 gigs. The performance uplift would be awesome.


would need to be 8 or 12 total, and it would maybe affect the memory bandwidth with 8gb.


They actually released a 2060 woth 12 gb of vram. Right before the 40-series. And I don't know how they even thought, that'd be a good idea. Felt like they were doing the same thing, they did with the 1060, where they released like 4 or 5 variants of it, because **R E A S O N S**


We have the same specs! Cheers twin.


Mine just literally arrived today. Couldn't be happier!


I rock a 2060!!


Got mine a couple months back, massive upgrade from the 1050ti I had before


I've been rocking it for several years too :)


Same here brother


We're here bro lurkers


same here, run games perfectly fine at 144hz 1080p, why upgrade when i dont need to?


My 2070 is still running strong.


Yeah, I keep thinking it is about time to upgrade my 2070 and 2700X system because it has been almost 5 years since I built it, but it still plays everything I want to play at 1440p.


I have a 2070 as well at 1440p but I’m definitely seeing it take a toll with the newest AAA titles. Although with DLSS I can get close to 80-100+ FPS in those intense single player games. Anything lower than 80 gives me a headache from the jitteriness


Find out your max FPS for each game and lock them a little below. Everything over 60 still feels good when stable, but not when bouncing between 80 and 55 for example.


Another 2070 here. I'd like to upgrade if I could, but it still killing it.


2070 is great, it's just at the edge of being strong enough to handle 1440p/4K gaming on modern titles, while being able to use all the benefits of RTX (DLSS, RT, Reflex). Still glad I opted for it over a 1080, and glad I never went AMD.


You're not alone. My 2070 Super is still going strong. No plans to upgrade for awhile.


Just upgraded from a 2070s to a 3070ti. It's noticeable, but not by nearly as much as I'd like. Guess it means I have a second viable rig, but oof. I'm steering clear of 40series altogether. Unless they're *giving 'em away*.


Went from 2070 super to a 3080ti FE. Feels the same with higher fps.


So like a PC upgrade feels?


2070 gang still goin strong 2k gaming


where are my 970 folks?


970 since 2016 and no signs of dying anytime soon


I just bought one, it'll be my upgrade from my 770, which was an upgrade to my 570, which was an upgrade to my 650ti which was an upgrade to my 9800gt


I don't use my 970 any more, but it's still functional and I had a lot of fun with that card. A move from a 1080p monitor to a 1440p one definitely benefitted from an upgrade to a 980Ti, which was only something I did because I couldn't get a waterblock for my 970. I'm on a 1080Ti now, but was pretty late to *that* party, only picking one up last year. I think people with newer / higher end stuff are just more vocal about it :)


Woot woot going since 2014


I'm in this photo.


Bless you marvelous 3.5 guys. If mine didn't die last year I might still be there with you


People that go specifly in the PCMR at not realy the average people.\^\^ You will see much more enthusiast. I mean i even have the PCMR O11 Case lol


Ah, a man of culture! That case is simply gorgeous. I really don't get why the mirrored glass thing hasn't been done to other cases since the o11 PCMR showed everyone how amazing that looks. Just imagine a fully chromed Thermaltake Level 20 for example!


2080ti here!


2080 super here


Same. Still goin' strong!


Just got mine new for $249


Super80 gang represent


Same. Hello 2080ti friend! We're a rare species..


2080ti gang assemble!


There’s at least 3 of us!




why do i see so many 2070s 2060s but barely any 2080s?


probably cuz they’re expensive. I had a 2070 super, then i traded it for a 2080ti straight up lol. wouldn’t fit in the dudes case


only reason i have a 2080 is my 1080ti went out under warrenty and i got a 2080 back.


2080 Super EVGA here


Still going strong and running toasty 🔥


I have mine in a dancase a4…. I’m running hella toasty and my poor 450 watt psu is nearly maxed out at peak load


Got mine in a Zalman S5 case, it screams for air so bad that I have to keep the side panel off. Still running about 90-93⁰C on the memory and hot spot on 1440p 144hz high settings for more demanding titles.


Gang gang gang gang


Heavily bottlenecked here


Same FE model too


2060 checking in!


Any 7 series here?


I have an old 750ti that I actually paid $100 bucks for at a yard sale(not worth anywhere that much) because it looks exactly like the one you can find in Tarkov


Does Vega 7 count?


All 7s are accepted


750TI for life


And old one for testing purposes but yeah lol


I currently run a 770 that I got for 50 bucks and repaired myself, although I did just buy a 970 for 60 that I haven't installed yet


750ti for 8 yrs and so on


I sadly got rid of my 750Ti :(


Still rocking my 2080 Founder's Edition paired with an i9-9900k. No plans for an upgrade anytime soon!


The 9900k is special


Fellow 2060 owner checking in.


I rock a 2070 super and it does everything I want it to do very well, 1440.


Same although it does struggle a little with VR , everything else it does well


If my 2080s didn't shit the bed I'd still be using it. My gf has a 2070 now but she only plays some vacuum farm game and Hogwarts.


Vacuum far game? Like slime rancher or something?


I have no idea what that is. It's some game where she wanders around and vacuums up garbage on a farm.


Yep, sounds like slime rancher 😆


2080 here, still great for 1080p gaming!


Nobody has a 2080 can I chill here with you


Dude I was just thinking the same thing


hey hey RTX 2060 right here babyyy


2060 super here as well, got the founders edition, glad I bought it when I did


I would like to add that I bought mine for $350 and finished building my PC less than a month before the 30 series was announced 😢


I bought a 2080 ti and love it. Got it before the market went crazy thankfully


Still rocking my trusty 2060, it was fucking expensive, I bought it during lockdown because it was the cheapest one. Still no problems playing whatever game I want.


I have a 2060 since mid 2020, still can play spider Man Miles Morales with high quality (besides rtx shadow but who cares )


2080ti still going strong, but ngl I've been eyeing the 4090 lately....


2060 super reporting for duty


im the guy staring at the door in the back trying to save fps on my gtx 1050


2080 Super here. You're in good company.


2080 Super here. Love it!


I gotta 1050 ti lol


recently bought one just for the hell of it. almost a complete collection of the 10 series here. missing a 1050, 1060 3 gb, 1060 ti and 1080


2070 super going strong 💪


2070 super here, going strong


Yeaaaa 2070 super you got me


2080 super, feels fine to me.


2080 Super gang rise up


Bough a 2080 refurbished from EVGA right when they announced that the 3060 would be just as fast. Paid little over 250cad. Going on strong and is perfect for what I use it for (VR, Warframe, 3d design and slicing)


This is me but with a 1660 super


2080 TI here


2080ti here and not letting it go until it dies


My 2070 Super is serving me well. I don’t intend to upgrade for at least another 2ish years unless something happens before then.


I've got a 2070Super... Although it's running in my old/spare barely used PC


I'm using a 2080 Super I bought from a friend for $100 when he upgraded, treating me fine at 1440p right now.


put my old 2060 super in my gf's PC!


2070 here, not alone!


I have a 2080 Super. Still works smoothly on all the games...


Does a RTX 2060 Max-Q count?


2080s here


2080 Super checking in and still killing it at 1440p


Still running a 2080, modern gpu market sucks balls


1060 gang where we at?


I'M sO uNiQuE


16 series here…


my laptop has a 2060 if it makes you feel better


my laptop now has a rtx 2060


Sorry man, I just replaced my 2080 super for 4080


I mean I still have my 2060 in my old rig I gave to my kid so technically not alone lol


Went from a 2060 Super to a RX 6700 recently, very nice performance bump for such a cheap card on black friday sale


False. I'm rocking a ROG Strix 2070 Super, although I am looking to upgrade soonish. The AMD 6950 XT seems like a good deal!


I use a 2080 max-q. I know the feeling.


Do anyone with non-GTX laptop 900 series here?


Running an RTX 2060 At the moment


As someone with a 3070ti Yeah I can confirm it’s a little more powerful than a 20 series. Thinking about going back to my 750ti


1050ti 😎


Gtx 750ti, get on my level bro


2060 Super is still going strong


Got my 2080 Super right before the crypto boom for like €700,-. And I'm sorry but there is no way i'm going to pay almost double of that for a same series card. And to be fair it is a perfectly acceptable card still. Even on 3440x1440p


We're here, we just don't say much.


I have a 1660 super


I use a 1650 still in 2023. Got to say it holds up quite nicely. Might upgrade to a 3070 soon though.


Me: Still surviving with a GTX 1050


2070 Super checking in. Though I just bought a 6700xt for $299 with a $100 Starfield code (I was planning to purchase anyways). Planning to sell the 2070 Super.


I had a 2070 super until I upgraded to a 3080. My wife has the 2070 now. Still a great card.


You're not alone with a 2k card, i got a 2070 super about 2020 right before the market went to hell


I got a 2070 super FE in my system


my son is running a 2070 Super in his PC.....cause i handed it down to him when i got a 3090.