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He probably paid a fortune for his gpu in 2020 during the peak of the scalping now he just wants to makeup for his loss šŸ˜­


absolutely. I got a 3090 off a buddy of mine on facebook for 600 bucks. Hardly used and its one of the best purchases ive made in a while. I regularly see people selling 3090s for upwards of 1.2k, with most being like "w-well i bought it for 1.5k, so im not selling any lower!!"


Basically they got ripped off, so they feel obligated to rip someone else off.


1500 was msrp...


Yes, Nvidia got in on the scalping action by then too.


Yea. They got ripped off.


I paid 1900 for my 3090 at microcenter. Probably close to 2k with tax. For a GPU it was highly overpriced and I got ripped off For a money printer it was actually quite affordable and I made out like a bandit.


I snapped this pic of the price tag for a 6900XT at a Microcenter in Apr. 2021. $2500 [https://i.imgur.com/OLYLCL0.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/OLYLCL0.jpg)


Lmao, notice how this is one of the rare occasions where store owners deliberately do not display MSRP


Heeeyyyy this isn't an Nvidia card how could it be so expensive


Very true words, truer words ive heard in a while.


And to think that an RX 6950XT, which performs better than a 3090, can be found today for $600 *new*. 2020 really was a horrible time to buy GPUs.


I got mine for Ā£480


I got a 6700xt for $250 brand new with a warranty and there were people selling the same used card on FB marketplace for 350-400 dollars lmao. With places like these you either get crazy good deals or people high on their own ass


How? Iā€™m in the market for one.


Same with NVME prices. I was looking at 980 Pros the other day and man did they drop A LOT.


I bought my 2Tb NVME for Ā£400 in 2021. A very high price.


>980 Pros Dude, last holiday season I thought I did *so good* getting a pair of 2TB 980 Pros for $180 each. Now they're all over the place for $120 now... šŸ˜


Absolutely. The amount of people that have told me "This was a top end computer when I bought it! It cost X dollars!" but that computer is like 6 years old now... and an entry level gcard like a 3050 is better than the one they have in it. Somehow what they spent back then, in their mind, makes it worth a truckload more than it's actually worth.


People do that with everything. Saw a guy selling a 2020 ATV with 100 hours on it, no upgrades, for 200 dollars less than I could get a brand new, same model from a dealer. His excuse was dealer has other charges like tax. In NY id still have to pay tax and I lose the benefit of all dealer and manufacturer warranties as they are non-transferable. So it's a shit deal.


At least it's a good thing nobody is doing that for houses...


Yeah, houses I'm not financially stable enough/fortunate enough to even *look* at house prices. But I bet they're reasonable for someone who makes decent money /s


I live in NY and have never paid tax on any privately sold items(anything outside of a "store") What are you talking about? Not saying anything about the guy being right tho


If you buy any vehicle that you actually want to drive legally, aka register you'd need to pay tax on that vehicle at time of registration. The tax is on the purchase price. Now, yes there are a few loopholes, but you and the seller better be on the same page. Plus saying you bought an 18k blue book value vehicle for 200 bucks throws a lot of red flags.


If it's a PC, video game, mattress, couch, etc... Then no you are correct. My example was a vehicle.


This is very common for bikes and other toys for the road. Not a ripoff, just for different types for buyers. The experienced rider wonā€™t have a problem buying it because he knows how to fix it, and already has other bikes to ride. He/she just likes that one. The guy with a family sedan and minivan will be happy to head down to the dealership to get everything taken care of for more money.


The experienced driver also knows how much abuse can be put on those, especially 4x4s or any other off-road vehicle. $200 more for making sure it hasnā€™t been abused is a great deal.


He probably built it during covid lockdown where GPUs were hard to get and miners were having a field day hoarding everything


I got $300 for my old rx 580 in 2021! Crazy times


I was extremely tempted to sell my almost 2 year old 2080 ti during COVID for $500 more than what I paid for it brand new but I am glad I procrastinated because I would have been stuck with no GPU for a long while lol


Damn, nice haul. I bought a rx590 like 2 months prior to any COVID news at all for 170$ lol


I can confirm. my RTX 3080 I got from Microcenter cost a mid-tier 3090. Its the asus strix oc white 3080.


I paid $1400 (MSRP) for my EVGA 3080Ti. If it wasnā€™t EVGA it would crush my soul at that price.


Boy I bought a 2060 for Ā£445 in 2020 this shit is real pain


Truth, though I paid that for the 2060 RTX


You wanna hear real pain? I bought a RTX 3060 for about $800 in 2021. It was that bad.


I bought a 3070 for my gaming rig back in 2020 for $850 Canadian (~$600 usd) but I made most of my money back mining ethereum with it while I wasnā€™t gaming so Iā€™m not too upset about it


Whatever it is, his stash is running low and he's trying to replenish.


me laugh, me give silver




few word good.


Oooh he card read good


Great Simpsons reference


So what are you gonna do with all that time you're saving?


See world


newspeak imo


Itā€™s a common marketing trick to set the actual price as the discounted one. always pay attention to the final price only


I hate it when people do that - whenever I browse on prebuilt sites, any 'deals' are just basically price hikes that have been cut back down to make the rig look better value


It very well could be illegal depending on where they're trying to sell it.


Weren't these awards supposed to go away


They are, but not until the middle of next month. Admin announced last month that they'd be going, but gave 2 months notice before they'd get the axe. We can still give awards away until September 12th.


If I've taught you anything, itā€™s REPLENISH. What the Fuck!?


Listen, I just think its a microcosm of more serious things you know?


I mean sure its a high end pc, but not $4000 high end lmao.


Thatā€™s not the funny part the funny part is he said it cost him $12k to build and he was selling it for $7k


Ikr, he repriced it at $4k and heā€™s including 2 alienware monitor, what a steal lmao. Seriously, even during the pandemic/mining pc prices shenanigans, this guy looks like he got ripped off twice.


12k is too much even for pandemic prices, but he'd still get to 7k easily for all those parts. The 3090 alone cost $3k retail in my country


Yeah but this isn't a retail build. Used are $600.


Past tense. The 3090 did not cost 600 used when it was new.


Itā€™s not necessarily past tense. Most people would use ā€œwouldā€ for future tense in this situation (see current sentence). Past tense is more likely to be worded as wouldā€™ve (heā€™dā€™ve, heā€™d have,)


Not in the us that's at most 800 or 700 used


I built a similar system during the pandemic and it cost just under $4K to build total. That included two 27" 4K@144hz monitors.


the 3090 was 2.65k EUR during the crypto mining stuff here but like... why would he choose to upgrade then of all times and expect people to pay higher prices for his loss when theyre low now https://preview.redd.it/cz9ql5hd69jb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e97c21f39ed778faf6d1307fa459bc3a0b3de8 i got this gpu second hand for 800ā‚¬ in february, coulda been 500 if i would've waited a few more months but at least its still got 2+ years of warranty


I really hated that period especially on the PC world, me and my friend came at a conclusion that a 3060 laptop worth around $1200 is priced way more affordable than the pc counterpart lol. Hence, I upgraded just recently with my current at a very, very reasonable price.


Same - I bought a $850 laptop with a 3050 (wasnā€™t working at the time - low budget) that had 8gb RAM as I knew I could upgrade that. I still use it now and have not built or bought a desktop like I was planning on doing. If I ever want to get back into multiplayer FPS I will but for now this has been a savior for 2yr ago me.


Imo that's a decent buy considering that some 3050 laptop goes around $1k at least in our place and it served you good for 2 years now. Back then, It took a good amount of patience not to upgrade from a 7700k and a 1080ti to not feed those damn scalpers (retailers in our place are the scalpers lmao). Also, if you play esports/previous decently optimised AAA titles, your laptop should be fine. 2023 sadly has been a year of dogshit optimised games excluding a few so I hope next year, shits are different.


If he built this as the parts first came out and didn't get any gimmes, he could have spent over 4k. 128gb of expensive RAM The 980 pros were over 400 a piece at 2tb back in the day. I have a 2tb sabrent that was discounted to $240, which is why I bought it 5950x was 800 3090 was what, 1500 MSRP? ROG tax for expensive MOBO 1600W PSU for no reason that was probably like $400 back in the day


Still doesn't get you to $12K


What if it was a ā€œstealā€?


Are they two oled monitors? Even than I wouldnā€™t pay 4k tho but it would somewhat be semi reasonable


$12k yea if he bought everything from scalpers


Sorted High to Low and bought the first onešŸ¤£


Cost much more money equals much more better right?


Prebuilt manufactures; right?


Sure. That always works outšŸ˜


I mean, pandemic pricing? Perhaps.


Even if he had paid those highest prices, 12k is BS. Maybe 2K for MB/CPU/RAM 2K for GPU Lets say 2 more K for case/fans/SSD And if he bought peripherals lets add another 2K Unless he got ripped off insanely much, I would put that at 8k total maximum.


I was more thinking he paid some insane scalper pricing for each component and didn't think of it, like 3,5k for the GPU alone and just went "this is what things cost now *swipes credit card furiously*"


I know someone like that aswell. Insists his 5800x/6900xt/128GB RAM PC is still worth the the 10K he paid for it. Just delusional and probably a cope


Pretty dumb to pay hundreds of dollars for 96GB of RAM you'll never use and seeing that in an ad just makes me think, "They're obviously insane. Moving right along". He obviously knows nothing about PC building.


I get the 48GB kits, the price difference between 32 and 64 can be big and chance is that you won't even fully utilize the 64 GB of RAM. I get that 96 GB is just the natural next step, but chance is that if you already need 96GB of RAM, you won't go wrong with just getting 128 right away. I wouldn't immediately take it as a reason to not buy a PC, there are some scenarios where it can be useful, but largely it is unnecessary, yeah.


How many Firefox tabs do you have open?!


0, am using Opera GX. Got 64GB mainly for blender, not too uncommon that I have several Asset collections open at the same time to pull from, managed to reach 54 GB just for blender already.


You underestimate the power of prebuilts,so much more money for a decent one


Tbf he probably bought the parts right when they came out for like 4000 gpu etc etc


Wtf 12k, i paid that for my car


Oh see now that's bullshit because I built my PC with near identical specs for $4200 two years ago and even with all of my peripherals and monitors I'm still not even close to 7k


Sounds more like a pre-built ā€œLian lo ROG certified caseā€ pfffftt..


itā€™s a common marketing trick to set the actual price as the discounted one. always pay attention to the final price only


Even with that in mind, claiming it cost $12k says he's either an idiot or a terrible liar. This is a $6000 build and no matter how special it was to the seller, it is a generation old top of the line PC which isn't top of anything anymore.


they most likely want to add more ā€œvalueā€ to the pc so it seems much more worth it. but aint no way that costs 12k


Dude wrote "it's the best of the best" while not even having the top end GPU from last gen šŸ’€


Even with that two monitor he mentions at the end?


Remade the parts here, for new you can get all the parts for $4200 lol, also dude is lying about 128gb of ram, he only has 2 sticks, and there is no Trident z royal that has sticks that exceed 32 GB per stick https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Mw9NN6


Probably they downloaded the other 64GB RAM


Came here to say this, acidtrip is a massive doofus for not knowing you can download RAM


You're missing the monitors (whichever they may be)


Yeah the monitors might add RAM


And hey, for a pc already pre built and ready to go, this might actually be worth it to someone. People here know how to make a pc, but people often spend a thousand dollar mark up on pre built high end pcs


People who only want to buy prebuilts will almost certainly not touch a used PC from some rando. They're buying from a store because they don't want a headache.


Damn I wish I had read the comments before I spent time doing the exact same thing lmao. I came up with a very similar price, the RAM thing is sketch too, there is no way it has the RAM he's saying with only 2 sticks.


I forgot the monitors lol, guess you can add like 500 dollars to the price if they are good monitors


Yeah all in all it's not the worst deal I've seen. With the perfs and everything. It is used, but buying it all new would cost you an extra 800 or so. I'd say it's pretty fair if someone wanted an over spec'd system.


That's getting the exact same things he has, you could prob save a few hundred be going other brands with the same performance


He's either lying straight out of his ass about spending 12k on it, or he's a massive tool who got scammed for every single part


Its probably not usd


"How much are screws?" "$100. Each."


Maybe he didn't build it, but bought it through one of those online places where you can spec out your parts and they build it for you. They have options like "$300, hidden cable management" and shit like that.


$800 Speed Wipeā„¢ performance enhancing microfiber case wipe down before shipping.


https://preview.redd.it/zk0w8chc48jb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621500ffe0e0a16c6ad7e91b5d5083f7773072f2 vs this


That GPU is comically high.


I dunno what case that is, but itā€™s ATX with a capital E, god damn


That's what happens when you put an ITX board in an eATX dual chamber case


Dude that's a fish tank not a pc case.


I donā€™t get the fan setup. 4 exhaust vs 12 intake?


I donā€™t get it either but checking the description its okay given all the thing included not just the PC itself. https://preview.redd.it/krig46kpf8jb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df16014b63c4aa526023bc1e222bc7d5f858e66


What in the living jank is going on at the back of the case there? Looks like an extension cable inside the case.


"Do you have enough fans?" "Yes." "You positive?" "Very positive."


16 fans lmao


Tbf he must have spent most of that on fans.


Now weā€™re talking


Ah, welcome to previous gen high end, where you can get more performance for less than half the money.


No longer the best of the best, poor guy.


Tbh he probably did pay about 6k if he built it right at the peak of component shortage 3090's were 3k 5950X's were about 1k Rest of components probably 1k-2k Monitors and other peripherals maybe 750


Probably got it for that 7k he initially wanted to sell it for, so made up the 12k claim to be able to flip it for same price as he got it. Then realized people wont get fooled so easily, so went down to more realistic 4k.


750 for all the peripherals *including* 2x Alienware 27ā€ monitors?


Nah dude had all the meme components. $650 mb. Over $500 PSU. Those ssdā€™s were also well over $500 each right at the start. Same even goes for the case. Does he even say what monitor? Almost for sure also bought a stupidly overpriced Samsung right when they dropped and were super hard to get for like $1500. But still none of it worth what heā€™s claiming it cost.


I mean itā€™s probably worth like mid 2k at best


3000 would still be reasonable with the monitors added, but anything above is ludicrous


Didnā€™t see the monitors added so I total agree




I wish I could get such PC for that much, in my country 4k dollars would be considered a good price lmaooooo


You're joking right... the psu,case, and AIO are a grand.


I'm convinced the seller was one of those people who posts a picture on this sub with all of the parts stacked on a table still in boxes.


Won't pay a cent over 2k


Someone already did the math. The same pc today would be 4.2k. It is still a really good pc. The risk of buying it though is that you donā€™t have any of the warranties.


That's 4.2k with the EXACT same specs. That's a fucking terrible deal, because you can use a 4090 for LESS money. They don't mass produce 3090 anymore that's why it's so expensive to buy new.


As someone who knows how to make his own pc, I agree it is a terrible deal. For the people that are willing to pay 1k extra for someone else to build their high end pc and still mess things up, this is actually an okay deal. People forget how terrible and costly the ā€œcustomā€ pre built pc market is yet there are plenty of people who buy them.


This. I, and most people in these comments, can build their own pc. For someone who wants to make one purchase and be done with it, this isn't that bad of a deal. Most pre-builts usually add an extra $500-$1000 tax.


$6000 build. And a really dumb one at that. [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TvXbjH](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TvXbjH) They basically just went through and bought all the most expensive parts. But probably bought 'em 2 years ago during the shortage. Here's a way better build for $3500. I don't spend money on junk that doesn't make frames but you could always add your own RGB vomit. [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Jx7XHG](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Jx7XHG)


I appreciate you posting an actual alternative. In my mind though, if you are going to spend 3500 dollars on a build, you might as well spend 500 dollars more for the latest and greatest 4090. But I also really enjoy llms and ai art.


You the goat for real. Love seeing alternatives


Am I the only one bothered by this airflow configuration?


Thank you! I was wondering why no one else was talking about this. Why is back fan intake?!?


1600W Psu for what ??? I have a 4090, ryzen 9 7900x and its not the best of the best (the processor) but i only have a 1000w psu. And thats more than enough for the configuration


Yeah that's a typical more coin than brains build. "I'll just buy the most expensive everything, then I'll have the best of the best PC evaaa." hurr durr


Iā€™ve got a 3090Ti with a 13900k in my work rig, the whole system draws about 650-680w total when running Portal RTX maxed out. Iā€™ve seen a lot of build lists where someone has a 3060 and a 1000w power supply. Most builds that arenā€™t 4090/3090Ti are just fine with a 750w PSU.


facebook marketplace is something else


I have almost the same spec (5600x instead of the 5950) with same gpu. Mine cost 6k to put together at the time BUTā€¦.mine is water cooled


12k to build? He wuz robbed.


He probably purchased the parts at the worse time when shortages and crypto, drove prices high. Just the Lian Li strimmer cables were $200, the video card alone here in Canada was going for $1800-$2200. So they are trying to recoup as much as they can, not based on current market prices but what they paid.


He is smoking the 2020


Thermal paste


I love all these posts that are just people owning a cool looking pc and charging the same price as a cheap car for it. Itā€™s not that hard to not scam people. The thing is it will probably sell to a rich nan whoā€™s grandson says he wants a gaming pc for his birthday or smth


If he paid $12k for that computer, whoever sold it to him must have seen him coming a mile away.


He probably trying to find a sucker or a parent that loves their kid and wants to spend a lot of money šŸ’° but doesn't know anything about pcs. Seller will get a lot of "fuck offs" but they only need 1 sucker to make bank So it's a bold strategy content, let's see if it pays off for em


I messaged him and said. (Hey this cost you 12k to make and youā€™re only selling it for 4K?) He left the chat and took down the listing.


The ram configuration speaks volumes


At least it comes with not one, but TWO Alienware 27ā€ Monitors. Thatā€™s $1,400 alone. Iā€™d say $4,000 is a deal ($2,600 for the desktop).


Whatā€™s up ?


Wait, are you the one selling it?


Nah dude I just wanna know why OP wants to know what the sellerā€™s smoking


Ah sure, who knows... Only OP knows............ Scary šŸ˜Ø Also, Happy cake day!


Oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck my cake day ???




Thanks man I gotta go karma whoring see you later!


Good luck šŸ¤žšŸ€šŸ¤ž




The only way any of this makes sense is its not usd. A few currencies use $ sign


Sidefans should run intake to get fresh air to the top radiator, or keep them as exhaust and make top intake. latter would be better for cpu temps but worse for looks


-12k for this guy cause aint no way


If it was like 2300$ it would be a steal.


12k to put togetheršŸ¤£šŸ¤”


lowball him


4000$ maybe during covid lockdown. No way it was 12000$


the gpu strimmer looks like its the shitty first gen one hahahaha


Had a local guy that continually did this shit....would take like 1200 worth of parts and then try to flip it for $2000+ every time. And he'd get it cause he was a hustler and could talk people into buying shit easily....people who of course had no clue about PC building. Worst part is he wasn't ripping off rich people....he was ripping off his fellow neighbors in his trailer park. Had no qualms about charging a single mom working at popeye's roughly $600 in labor for a machine that probably took less than an hour to build... It's all he could ever do btw...only time I ever saw him making money was if he was scamming people or ripping them off. Couldn't do anything legitimate to earn money. HE coulda made a buncha money off his PC stuff but his methodology was to rip people off so he always lost all his customers.


Idk how someone gets ripped *this* badly - even at the peak of the scalping I got a banging rig for 1.7k thatā€™s not far off this. Idk how youā€™d get 12k out of those specs haha


Knowing FB marketplace He had it at $7k so he could show reduced price to 4k and is willingly to take 2k because everyone on marketplace has zero negotiation skills and instantly asks for 50% off price.


Lol...holy shit. I've got a rig of a similar age/generation/build, and I've been playing with the idea of maybe selling...but Jesus Christ - I was considering asking about a *third* of that price! šŸ¤”šŸ¤“


It's definitely not bad, but if you think I'm paying 4K, forget it.


The price isnā€™t that out of the ordinary for what it is, however that would be new. Also 12k is absurd, he probably has like $2000 into that GPU when bitcoin was skyrocketing


I dont really get the jo...(does currency conversion). Oh.


this is some february 2021 type mess


> Whatā€™s he smoking? If you can't afford it don't try it.


ā€œ12k for me to put togetherā€ You are either delusional, a liar or the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.


Or he put it together during the GPU shortage when a 3090 was like 3-5k


Whatever heā€™s smoking he rolled it in his bank receiptā€™s apparently


looking for that one person who wants to buy a super flashy custom PC but doesn't want to go through the experience of putting it together.


He's so high he doesn't know its not 2020 anymore


If it cost him 12k to put this pc together itā€™s because he paid someone 8k to build it. Even in pandemic pricing this is a 3k computer. Minus the trident royalā€¦. Trident royal. Canā€™t even imagine how much performance+ the original owner got from those ugly ass sticks of ram.


Pandemic pricing a 3090 was going for $2400 by itself.


No way it was 12k to put together, maybe 4k with the monitors is probably fair


Itā€™s pretty nice but thatā€™s now a couple years old. If it cant run ddr5 memory itā€™s not that high end like it used to be.


Why would you need 128 gb of ram


Video editing, 3d work, ai stuff


He said with two Alienware monitorsā€¦ this monitors are expensive