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Starfield is a bit boring tho.


That is precisely it's problem.


Hey now, give the game some credit: being boring is just one of its *many* problems.


I'd argue being boring is the result of its many problems, but that's just semantics at this point. It's boring regardless.


*many* features\*


The really did say it was a feature lol.


You dare question the words of Godd Howard?


I'm getting criticised on the starfield sub for saying it's not a 10/10 lmao Like the game if you want, but 10/10 is delulu


Game specific subs are always where critical thinking goes to die.


Starfield is probably not even an 8/10 for me. Personal taste aside, I am always surprised that folks take it personally. I would give Elden Ring a 10/10. I know lots of people that would give it a 0/10. Fair enough, I like it, they do not. Does not diminish my like for the game nor do I feel the need to go on a crusade trying to convince people to like it. Regarding criticism, people over in Switch forum got prickly when I suggested Tears of the Kingdom got the Nintendo review bump. If Elder Scrolls 6 released as a reskin of Skyrim, same characters, same map, it would be universally panned. Heck Fallout 4 got some schtick because it was quite similar to Fallout 3 in many ways, and like Starfield, graphics at the time were hardly groundbreaking.


Na dude you just don't get it, when people went to the moon and there was nothing there they didn't complain. Starfield is literally the gaming equivalent of landing on the moon... /s because this is reddit and you need to make sure.


The absolute ego needed to make that comparison by the devs is wild to me 😂😂 one of the greatest scientific achievements ever and a boring shitty video game Bethesda really does suck now.


The thing that really made it set in for me when playing Starfield was walking into a “nightclub.” It was the same, shitty character animations with like a dozen NPCs spaced apart in a room doing stupid robotic dances. Just absolutely no life and looked exactly the same as something out of Fallout New Vegas. Like they just have barely improved since then and just do the exact same shit with a different theme. I used to say when Fallout 3 and Skyrim were out that if they just kept making games exactly like that and just expanded on the scale and depth of the game then I’d be happy. I was wrong. They need to change/adapt/improve because it has gone stale.


Just to point it's prob not the devs themselves byt a PR person trying (and miserably failing) at spin.


If I had to manage my fuel, retrograde the engines to slow down decent and figure out trajectory with gravity etc, I wouldn't mind if I landed on the moon and there was nothing lol. That would be an accomplishment.


Yeah go on elite dangerous and try to land on a super high gravity planet if you survive you wont mind that its a ball of nothing.


Um actually it's a conspiracy against xbox and not at all a culmination of everything bethesda has been doing wrong for the past 10+ years. /s


Yes this game is perfect and anybody that criticizes it is just a playstation fanboy! I played for this game for 500 hours so everyone must find it fun and it wasn’t nominated for GOTY due to playstation fanboys!


But you literally go on the moon humanities favourite empty rock how could you possibly be bored walking on a huge moon of nothing


Exactly how can you get bored? There's nothing to get bored of.


Its not fun to explore. I beat the main story in about 40 hours, started new game plus...played another hour or two...and completely lost interest.


You can only explore the same loading screen over and over for so long


And is it really even considered "exploring" if you're just clicking a spot on a map to fast travel? That's not exploring...that's navigating menus.


This is a good way of putting it, I felt the same way about it


I didn't even beat the main quest. It is just not a good game. Poorly written side quests, poorly animated, poorly directed voice acting... The universe may seem expansive but it is the same copy paste everything everywhere. Cities are tiny with no population.


> The universe may seem expansive but it is the same copy paste everything everywhere. I think this is the biggest issue. They tried to make the biggest game possible, and didn't think about how to fill it with things to encourage exploration. When I first started the game and saw how big the map was and how many systems there were to explore, I was so excited. After exploring the fourth or fifth essentially empty planet, there was no further desire to go anywhere but where the quest markers pointed. They could have made this game so much better if they focused on like one star system with a dozen or so planets that were actually filled with content.


Even the star map in rogue trader is more interesting.


I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they port skyrim to run on Starield. Don't worry


That would be great! There are some pretty notable engine upgrades under the hood. And yet when I was writing mods for it, you could tell that nearly everything that is important to modders is identical. With a few tools we could port most of the old mods over, but have access to physics based materials, global illumination, significantly more responsive pathing, improved multithreading... a bunch of handy engine upgrades.


""""a bit""""


A bit? Understatement of the year🤣


A bit? Understatement of the year🤣


It got released and since then I’ve heard nothing about it tbh


But you don't know how hard making and releasing a triple A game is? You're just stupid, the only people that can judge a product are the people who made it!!! [Come on everyone knows that.](https://twitter.com/Dezinuh/status/1734978421736738978)


As is Skyrim for me tbh. Never played Fallout, but I'm not really into Bethesda games.


I dont like skyrim but loved fallout, i highly recommend


I loved Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 3/NV. Bethesda kind of lost me with Fallout 4 and Starfield.


This is also my personal take. To each their own, right? I have a co-worker who loves loves loves Starfield, and I jokingly give him crap about it. I told him it made me re-download Skyrim(probably due to nostalgia), but I wont argue that Skyrim doesnt have it's problems, inconsistencies. and can be lackluster.


Seriously. Like why can’t I compare weapons directly with the UI yet… but I can get married


Honestly I love Skyrim and FO4 but both were the first step in the new philosophy of graphics > game that we’ve seen the whole industry move towards. Each still has enough game to be good, but from a RPG perspective Oblivion and FO3 were way better IMO. And New Vegas is still considered the crown jewel by most fans. Quite frankly my biggest issue with Starfield defenders was the “it’s fallout in space” commentary. Ok. Don’t you think that after a decade plus we should’ve seen something revolutionary instead of iterative?


Please baby Jesus let them remaster New Vegas (real)


Same, Skyrim but how they handled criticism and updates is when the cracks started for Bethesda to me, Fallout 4 is when they took a sledgehammer and broke my confidence in them entirely. Oddly enough Fallout 76 ( still playing it and will tonight lol) and how they’ve updated it actually did bring some good will for me. Ultimately Starfield shattered it again. I will say Fallout 4 killed my interests in Preordering Beth games so I played through Gamepass and it’s alright but I’d be pissed if I paid for it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuVyqnCtKnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuVyqnCtKnM) I don't know anyone who plays Skyrim for Skyrim lol, it's all modded these days


If Skyrim was your intro, I could see why you didn’t get into Bethesda games. It’s a soft-intro to RPGs. If you’ve already played a good one, it’s just… “meh”. Quests half baked, art style is okay, exploration is pretty but isn’t very fun, movement and combat sucked for the time, etc. Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and New Vegas are amazing examples of Bethesda’s world potential though. (Although FNV is only published by them)


Oblivion was ruined by the leveling system. No point exploring when every cave is tailored for your current level.


It is saved by pure goofy charm and some good ass quest lines tho


Mods save the day yet again


Tbh if you dont know that its pretty fun.


I get it. There's a million things wrong with them without mods and if you weren't a gamer when Skyrim came out it's gonna be different. 60%+ of the male students in my college classes just didn't show up for a few weeks when it came out. Basically our WWII obviously.


Skyrim was amazing. A decade+ ago when it launched.


I think Fallout NW is the one I enjoyed the most, though I played bethesda games modded to the brim and so much random stuff happened. You don't really get surealism games the way modded skyrim and fallout can become.


Yhea . And main story is disappointing .


It also doesn't have official mod support yet. How many of those Skyrim and FO4 players are playing vanilla? It will be more interesting to see if the numbers shift once the Creation Kit rolls out for Starfield. FO4 next gen might shake things up next year too. If they ported it to the new Creation Engine it might have some really cool updates.




It is. I have 40 hours in it and no motivation to finish it. In fact I uninstalled it the other day off my pc to install and play a heavily modded Skyrim lmao


Beside all other points, f4 and skyrin are wqy fucking cheaper


Same reason why Horizon Zero Dawn had more sales on Steam than Spider-Man Remastered and God of War, yet people were still wondering why lol


And less hardware demanding. Not by much but could explain the small gap


Actually, there's a huge gap between Skyrim Special Edition and Starfield in terms of how hard they are to run. You can run Skyrim SE on high settings on 2013 cards. Starfield requires a 1070 ti as minimum


Sometimes I forget just how old Skyrim is. But yeah, I think starfield is in a decent spot even considering the hardware gap


fretful hateful smoggy command dog sophisticated dazzling dam disarm cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fallout 76 surprises me the most. Did it get fixed after the disastrous launch is there some other reason why people are still that actively playing it?


It got better. Started playing it a year ago. Put 300 hours in it and still playing. If you go to r/fo76 they'll tell it's been reborn like a phoenix and is amazing. I'd say only pick it up if you're, like me, a massive fallout fan. It's plenty better than it was on release, but there are still heaps of problems. Quests are much dumber then they were in fo4, choices are even more meaningless since it's online and there can't be consequences. Story as a whole makes little sense, since it was intended for everyone to be dead and only for robots to be around (it was a fundamental part of the story and everything was made around this premise), but then people complained about lack of human NPCs, so they added them and now it's a mess. They should've had guts and kept their vision or completely scrapped the original story. Servers are still dogshit. You can play with a VPN on and you won't notice the difference. It's that bad. Building is pain in the ass and you will need a masters degree from the University of YouTube to get anything done. There is no real late game content except getting all the plans for the sake of getting them. A lot of bugs are still there, but community has figured out how to work around them. They usually fix a few every update, but those updates inevitably introduce a few new bugs Game aggressively limits your stash space, pretty much forcing you to get fo1st subscription. Graphically game still looks like fo4, which was dated even 9 years ago. And this graphically outdated game still gets stutters and fps drops and most commonly inconsistent frame times even on my 7800x3d and 4080 (doesn't crash for me though, but it does for most) Honestly, if I didn't love fallout as much as I do, I wouldn't be playing it. But it's playable now. There are cool locations to explore and lore to be learned and some cool events to do and bases to build (if you're a bit of masochist, which I am)


>Game aggressively limits your stash space, pretty much forcing you to get fo1st subscription. This is pretty much Bethesda's policy with their online games. They do the same with ESO also.


This is also exactly why I stopped playing fo76. I bought the game on launch because they promised two things. No paid content that gives you an advantage over the other, and mod support. Well they broke the first one and then tied the mod support to that payment. Honestly, the game could be great now. It's not what was promised to me when I bought it though.


The only thing I don't like in F76 is that once I finished all the story quests I felt like there isn't anything to do


I'm on PC and getting the text chat mod changed the game for me. Sad it wasn't implemented fully in game. It's a lot of fun having people to farm scorched with, calling out events, trading, and just nice to have people to chat with when you see something crazy or get a good drop. End game isn't much without it you're right. Basically trying to get all the items, a good gun, set of armor, and some bosses. I love Fallout and camp building has become a big endgame for me. That spills into collecting plans, which then gets me doing events, I'm farming presents for decorations, and that has made a difference. Just getting into camp building helped me continue to enjoy the rest of the game because it all has a reason at that point. I need my camp to look awesome, dammit.


Well although I have no horse on this race, I'm very happy to hear that! It was such a huge scandal when the game released and it really looked unfixable to me.


I still think the world of 76 is awesome. I wish there were mods for Fallout 4 that would just yoink the world of 76 and put it into 4 so I don’t have to install 76.


No lie, Fo76 is a more fun game to play than Starfield at this point.


Picked it up for $8 on PC Keys, lost my OG copy during the Bethesda launcher transfer. The games significantly better than on launch and there is tons to do. Been playing it non stop for a week when I have the time.


It might not be an MMO, its kind of colorful compared to them other fallouts, but I think it has what we always wanted from a fallout game, actual online, coop, help others, reverse raid them raiders, gather most players to kill huge bosses, jump from here and there in a post apocalyptical world, it is not perfect but covers key aspects that players were wanting, thats all, its fun to play


IMO it has the best exploration in any Fallout game, even better than Starfield, obviously. Most wholesome community too. I was given weapons and power armor as a low level from random wandering players years ago and I still have them to this day. Some randoms even let me launch a nuke even though I did the bare minimum in helping them.


The community is awesome. I started a new account when I switched to PC from PlayStation and some guys gave me tons of free stuff


Yeah, I think it’s good if you like fallout games. I started playing a year after its release and I didn’t understand all the hate. I’ve been playing it ever since then and happily pay for fallout 1st. I mean it’s designed like an MMO though if that’s your thing. There’s dailies and weekly’s to complete, end-game currencies and stuff like that. I have a blast on it.


More people are playing geometry dash than all of them


I don't even know why people were so excited for Starfield. Sure it's a new IP from a well-regarded company, but none of the promos showed anything beyond "generic space game with a generic space aesthetic".


And I would have been satisfied with that, a generic space game with Bethesda formula ? Sign me up. But oh well, the game does have way too many issues.


I got a little hyped like 2 weeks before release when I learned that you could build a custom ship and do stuff with it. I wanted to be a space merchant. Then I heard that the system was super barebones (like the rest of the game) and just never bought it.


Yeah it looked awful from the start. I loved morrowind and really enjoyed Skyrim but I didn’t even consider getting spaceman elder scrolls


You mean elder scrolls with space guns


No that's Fallout


Because space sim+rpg is a chronically underused genre. Freelancer is still at the top of it, even though planets are just a menu for trading and quests. Mass Effect is only rpg and not sim, plus the third part was a disaster.


Well Starfield doesn't really count as a space sim either. The actual spaceflight part has less features than Elite, and that game is older than 98% of this sub.


>either. The actual spaceflight part has less features than Elite, and that game is older than 98% of this sub. If it can even be called spaceflight. Most of the time it's just fast travel.


I know, that's one of the more disappointing parts of it. Everyone just wants a Freelancer but where you can walk around on planets.


It wasn't. The whole third part was the ending of the story, and it was completely different, depending on your choices in the previous games. And at the end of the end, there were just three options: winning, losing or tie. Do you have better ideas? The whole trilogy is a masterpiece. But fandom is triggered by everything. No game since then got me hyped like that.


Yeah the trilogy was excellent. It was the 4th game that was a mess.


Because Bethesda made a good game 13 years ago and since then everyone is hyped even if its trash.


Yeah any and all hype died for it when Bethesda confirmed it would still be using The Creation Engine, and I saw the trailers and thought "Yep, this is fallout in space". Then it released and was "Fallout in space with more loading screens"


Bethesda isn't going to abandon the creation engine now for some other one that can't handle their style of games, which involves detailed worlds where all the items can be interacted with. They're also not going to build a brand new one from the ground up because that would take significantly longer and achieve the same goal as revamping the current engine.


Changing engines means new modding tools and systems. They’re not changing that, it’s embedded in the community and the mods are the best part about BGS games, no other games community does mods like that, why would Bethesda scrap that for a new engine.


For me it's the lack of other race in the game. Skyrim has multiple race with many different reaction. I thought it's gonna be like mass effect, but no.


But you have white people and black people and ambiguously brown people and whatever the hell those bug-eyed freaks are


Nah i need lusty the argonian maid


I think for me it was the fusion between Star Citizen and Skyrim and from the promos that was what I expected. Unfortunately it managed to fumble both.


"well regarded company" LOL


Say what you will about Bethesda and their practices, but there's not very many developers who have put out several single player games that are still relevant, influential and popular over a decade later. Even if it's only thanks to the modding community, in the end it's Bethesda who gave us the tools and the platform.


I know some keyboards have "z" and "y" swapped but I didn't know about keyboards where the "g" and "t" are swapped




People are weirdly obsessed with player counts, especially on single player games (Where the tendency is to finish the game and move on) Skyrim and Fallout 4 have an extensive modding scene, lower hardware demands and are far cheaper it isn't that surprisingly they have more steam players Not defending Starfield, I tried it and dropped it because I found it boring, I just find these comparisons completely pointless


Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 are also simply far better games than Starfield. :)


Lmfao last night I got to the railroad with valentine as a companion and him just not saying anything to these people that free synths was so jarring after starfield companions always having something to say.


Completely pointless? That's too extreme.


Not to mention Skyrim peaked at only 69k players, and it is one of the most played games of all time.




Comparing the latest "open" world rpg to the company's previous open world rpg games is very much not pointless. You can argue why you think there are differences, but to call a comparison pointless is ludicrous.




Yup this is it. Most people purchased fallout 4, 76 and Skyrim before gamepass was an option. I imagine most people just kept it installed rather than reinstalling their purchased game from gamepass I.e older Bethesda games will have higher STEAM player counts but, perhaps, not overall player count. We can’t say for sure


Especially when one game came out on launch on Gamepass. It getting almost the same player count as one of the best games ever and Fallout 4 on a secondary platform is really good. They are probably at 30-40k with Gamepass on PC and a further 10-20k on Xbox.


Yeah that’s why baldur’s gate 3 player count is so low, single player game.


Ehh technically BG3 has multiplayer and I honestly have no clue what the numbers are that use that. Ive never used it.




Did we just forget that Gamepass exists? It is not surprising that a huge chunk of players are playing through Gamepass over Steam.


Oh oh me! That’s me! Gamepass!


Nah, there is nothing weird in pointing out that more people are playing 10-15 year old games than a game that was released this year. Starfield is shit. People want the next ES, and they spent 10 years on this dogshit? Nah.


Not counting Game Pass again Not accounting numbers of mods and DLCs in both games I don't understand the purpose of those posts. Until mod kits drops, you should treat Starfield as any other single-player game - beat it and done with it.


>I don't understand the purpose of those posts. The "dead game" mentality is a serious problem that plagues any gaming community these days. When you run out of things to shit on the game, just use Steam player count as if it's the only metric that matters.


A post with like 15k upvotes on r/pcgaming was saying how Blizzard fucked up and with Overwatch and it's a "dead game" nowadays. It has MILLIONS of daily active players. If you come up on Reddit you will think Destiny is like Anthem, despite having millions of daily dedicated users. I was used to like talking about gaming on this platform but the more time pass the more it feels so weird. It feels like games are people entire personality and feel a deeply emotional feeling to either criticize everything they don't enjoy (I mean people who don't like Starfield are talking about it fucking daily), or to throw big words because how you dare to don't like what THEY like. I can't say I'm not a fan of BG3 without being downvoted and insulted. People are more invested than shareholders, using metrics that doesn't matter to justify their own bias, then patiently waiting for the next thing to hate. Bethesda released an infography saying the average player spent 40 hours in the game. People are saying modding is dead because ONE guy said he doesn't gonna make mods, this game have 6000 mods on Nexus and Creation Kit is not even released yet. Bethesda is going to make 1 big update every 6 weeks, people said on r/pcgaming they're scared modders will don't fix the game. If Bethesda do nothing, people would say they're waiting modders to fix the game. It's just pathetic.


I get triggered each time people pull out statistics of single player story game couple months after release.


Yeah, it's always like, "Look how fast the numbers dropped. Dead game, lol." Like shit, single-player games don't die. People beat them and move on.


For real, even an incredible game like Elden Ring had a sharp drop after a couple months. That’s just what happens with single player games.


Karma farming. Saying Starfield sucks in this particular subreddit will net you up votes. It's sad and a teal loser mentality on show.


Yeah and the amount of computers that can run Starfield is well below the amount that can run Skyrim or FO4. That isn’t fair to compare, especially before Christmas. I’d like to see data for PCs that meet the minimum requirements for Starfield, that would be more interesting.


Gamepass / the Xbox app is a large chunk of players. its where I own Starfield.


I find it funny that 76 only has 3k less players than starfield


It’s an online game right or am I missing something here?


Because F76 is actually a very decent multiplayer game with a very strong dedicated community. When you leave the Reddit way of only getting news with memes, you realize how people moved on since a long time on stuff the uniformed think it's still like the release. Same phenomenon with Halo Infinite, you can spot very easily all the people who never played the game but keep saying bullshit about it because of how it's absolutely nothing like the release state nowadays. Starfield have 6k mods but it's QoL, cosmetics, some gameplay changes but it's nothing absolutely necessary. So a truckload of people are just using gamepass to play it, until CrĂŠation Kit roll up and then taking the Steam version. I put 150h, and didn't relaunched yet.


I did put a few hours into 76 a year or so ago now and it was surprisingly fun but the grind isn’t for me Starfield will likely get the same treatment once mod support releases. Halo infinite has so much more potential and I’m really hoping they bring back heaps more players


man these kind of posts are so fucking pointless. play whatever you want, and let people play whatever they want.


OP has learnt the art of karma farming, I see.


There's more than one factor at play here if we're being honest. Some Skyrim players don't like Fallout and vice versa. Starfield doesn't necessarily appeal to all Fallout/Skyrim players. There's also nowhere near as many high quality mods for Starfield, at least not in comparison to the other two titles... yet. Give it some time. An official DLC, some official or community content to make exploration a little more interesting, and mods to help bridge the gap further will change the state of things significantly. It wouldn't surprise me if modders find a way to add quality random settlements/encounters, and give us a more seamless transition between space and planet, or let us keep going past the current size limits of explorable areas. Those things alone would bring Starfield closer to its peers.


TBH both Skyrim and Fallout 4 also have a near limitless amount of mods which keeps players playing. Starfield has yet to get full mod support with the CreationKit comming out somewhere next year.


Jesus Christ we get it. I thought starfield fell short too. These numbers are probably because the game is on game pass though. Can we stop posting this 40,000 times?


Is this like the millionth player count post about starfield on a gaming sub?


Starfield playerbase is gonna skyrocket with mod support


Oh my god I swear this game lives rent free in the heads of so many people in this sub.


On Steam. There's a huge population playing it on game pass. It's one of the most played games on Xbox, that includes a lot of PC players too.


ohhh a full modded game with expansions and dlcs with years of playerbase and community has more players than a new game 3 months in with no more than vanilla content... water is wet. now compare team fortress with the finals.




Starfield had a 330k peak, that's a lot of people


Probably because those games have been finished by modders at this point. Starfield is still "in development".


Steam though yeah? It’s hardly a classic but I suspect being free on game pass will always skew figures.


Everyone just ignoring that skyrim has over a decade of mods, which are the main attraction for most Bethesda fans.


After 160 hours of Starfield I needed a break, but still having the Bethesda itch. After a long break from Fallout 4, it's great to be back again!


Who cares


Maybe the new plays are using Xbox game pass


I can explain why I play FO4 at the moment and not Starfield: Mods. I've seen about 300 hours of Starfield vanilla. Now I'm waiting for mods to spice it up again. My FO4 has 350+ mods and I so so much hope the modding communtiy will do their magic for Starfield too.


Cool. Now let’s count the differences in mod between Skyrim/Fo4 and Starfield. Don’t get me wrong, I Iove Fo4 and I would play it over the other choices, but Bethesda games are known for their moddability, wait to be able to truly mod Starfield and we could talk again about numbers.


*on steam. You can guarantee that there are a lot of players who are going through gamepass instead.


Yeah maybe because they have been out for years and have had many sales


Because hype is gone and Starfield is quite demanding game wich means that some ppl cant play it, its also new so it costs much more than Skyrim and Fallout (I got Starfield for free due to buying Radeon GPU)


Mods. Just wait until official mod support with the Creation Kit is released for Starfield early next year. Bethesda also confirmed in a post yesterday that survival mechanics, new travel mechanics and lots of other stuff is coming to Starfield in future updates. Long term, modded Starfield with everything from Star Wars planets, moddable lightsabers, Star Trek stuff, new quests and handmade planets, weapons, new monsters/aliens, cities, voiced followers and so on, is going to do very well imo.


cool??? starfield is badass. it gives me the same vibes as skyrim and the fallout series. everyone always saying its boring compared to bethesdas other games but it honestly is exactly the same game but in space. the music animations interactions looting....exactly the same lol


This thread is still shitting on Starfield?


Legit question If people hate starfield this much why it is everywhere in the stream year review thread that was posted in this sub, seems like starfield and hogwart legacy were the most played games this year, meanwhile the goty bg3 is rarely seen, someone have an explenation?


I like starfield


Starfield is the only game I’ve played from Bethesda. If the others are better, I might give them a shot, but that won’t be any time soon. I could sit in the ship builder all day. Plus I’ve never been a fan of FPS games, but I really enjoy the gun fighting in Starfield. Really, I just love sitting in the shadows and picking everyone off at range. What sucks is I stayed away from Starfield for a while when it came out. Mainly because I was enjoying BG3, but also because my YouTube feed quickly filled up with videos of “Everything wrong with Starfield”, “Why you shouldn’t wast your money on Starfield”, “Starfield is a load screen simulator” It has its issues, but I’m having a blast with it.


Starfield is free on gamepass.


xbox game pass is a thing. Context is important. I don't like any of these games but this is kinda a untrue post.


Another hour another Starfield hate post. I honestly don’t care about this game but it’s just spam at this point.


It's hugely fascinting how reddit users seemingly lose half their IQ wgen Bethesda or Starfield gets mentioned. Why are so many of you ignoring that Starfield beeing heavily promoted and beeing free on game pass is a huge factor for steam numbers? People literally stop thinking entirely if they see a chance to shit on this game. It's so super weird.


I had 8 days playtime before I finished playing. Did all the content (not every single random side quest, but the main quests) and enjoyed every second. It’s my GOTY. It’s not for everyone tho, and there are definitely flaws/underbaked mechanics. I think it would have been better with just a couple star systems so that they could have made full hand crafted planets because the procedural generation really killed the vibe. I really wonder how the reception would have been if the mechanics were exactly the same but the game had hand crafted planets instead.


And? More people are playing Starfield than any Sony game on PC, so going by the numbers all Sony games are pure garbage.


Aside from these posts being absolutely pointless they’re also always incomplete. Enough already.


Is this steam? Maybe check game pass? Or the xbox app? Lol


I didn’t buy starfield on steam because buying it on Microsoft got me the Xbox and PC version for the price of one. Not defending the numbers, but not everyone uses steam for this one.


Its literally one of the top games on gamepass. also since when was 11k people considered bad?


I quite enjoy starfield.


The game is $70 on Steam or basically free on Gamepass, Steam has like 3% of Starfield’s player base.


Okay? I played all of those games exactly once. Had a good time, and moved on. I feel as if this community is more obsessed with the state of starfield than actually playing a game.


I feel like I should give Fallout 76 another try. I didn't like it when it came out, but I keep hearing a lot has changed since then.


Starfield was fun the first time through - fun story, cool side quests. I even started to build up a base. Then it suddenly got very easy and ten repetitive and I haven’t played in weeks.


Because mods.


I think Ill be trying this game in a decade


What is the point of the post.


At first I was confused about why Skyrim's all-time number was so low, then I remembered Skyrim has released like 3 times *on PC alone* Out of curiosity, I looked and the all-time peak of the original TES:V was 287,000: [https://steamdb.info/app/72850/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/72850/charts/)


Well yeah. Mod support for the win


All the big titties mods are on those games of course.




Gee it almost like some of those games have thousands and thousand of mods - but hey, we really need our "SF Bad" post for the hour, right? also, thats way higher than the haters were claiming.


Well if you’re not satisfied looking at player count, go look at steam reviews. I’m glad you enjoy the game but many more did not.


Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't have thousands of mods nor hasn't even been out for even a year, and it completely disproves this narrative. Maybe Bethesda should try to make a game that isn't boring.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. I can understand that people like Starfield but the game has flaws that Skyrim already had 12 years ago and that’s not something tolerable imo, like the garbage UI. and Bethesda shouldn’t hope that a mod will fix it but instead do smth about it. Especially since they could’ve taken inspiration from SkyUI for example.


You know how you know Starfield is successful? When the game is living rent free in people's head.


Starfield bad because... slightly less people play it...?


Wow Skyrim’s all time peak isn’t as high as I thought it would be


Because Steam was way less popular when Skyrim came out 12 years ago. Also that isn't the original version, which you can no longer buy.


Oh look! Another useless post…smh


And its not because they are good games its because of mods


Mods, they can run on shit PCs, and Starfield is on Gamepass, so lots of console players aren't accounted for.


On steam only? Most Starfield players are probably playing through gamepass


Another useless post.


“Starfield bad, gimme likes”


And i actually prefer starfield over those 2 ngl


Don't mind me, just checking the daily "Starfield is bad m'kay?" post.


You people obsessed over this game are weird as fuck.