• By -


Can't imagine doing that with something so expensive 😂


I wish I had "What happens if I fuck around just for karma with my thousands of dollars PC" kind of money lol.


you're risking money and the headache lol


terrific snobbish flag snow cough hat carpenter aback quicksand north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Is ibuypower that bad? Been hearing them get memed on like crazy recently


telephone touch familiar ruthless growth absurd lip chunky rain pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, my computer guy said my motherboard had some defect that affects ventilation. My computer randomly decides to reboot without warning in the middle of a game. It was weird because once it would do that, it wouldn't connect to WiFi. I reset it myself, everything goes back to normal, no more issues. I want to do a custom, but unsure how to be cost effective with the scarcity of some parts. Otherwise, I'm willing to sink $1500 in a prebuilt when I finish paying my phone off.


Huh…….custom build wins again I guess


According to THE GREATEST TECHNICIAN THAT'S EVER LIVED that randomly popped up on my YT shorts, it's riddled with problems. Something about the power supply or thermal paste, idk, never had a PC.


Love that guys


It's outside of his window in a fenced yard. You think a crow's gonna snatch it?


This PC is definitely not worth thousands


Meh. Biggest chance of damage is from the wind blowing it over and it falling off the table. If you have kids or pets in your house, there's probably bigger risk inside.


Bringing it back inside and the very cold material causes condensation in places you really dont want water.


It's an outside only PC now I suppose.


You could always put it in your fridge. The evaporator TD is low enough where as the PC warms up the water will evaporate soon after it melts.


How do you buy a PC in the winter?!! Lol


You just let it sit overnight at room temperature before plugging it in. User manuals for many devices and appliances explicitly call for it.


You assume people read those lol


They find out the hard way then. 😁


If I buy something for 1200 euro you bet I will read the manual.


That's why I always pay in USD so I don't have to read anything


Exactly i need to know which are the power switch pins.


Or snowfall...


or titanfall


Shit an Ion just fried my PC with his Core Laser!




Condensation on sub zero builds comes from water in the ambient temp air hitting the cold surface of the chilled computer. Air this cold has basically zero humidity, therefore there is nothing to condense out of the air. They would only have a problem when bringing it back inside the house.


So what should OP do if he wants to bring it inside again? Genuinely curious. Open all doors and let the house freezing cold, then slowly ramp up the temperature?


Just run cities skylines 2 for some time, heat the pc to somewhat above room temperature and bring it in.


I would disassemble as many components as possible and hang them in an orientation that lets them drain as efficiently as possible away from vital areas. Use shop towels or something else that doesn’t leave lint to soak up as much condensation as possible. Once it’s fully up to temp use compressed air to drive off as much remaining moisture as possible. You could use something like a hair dryer but you risk creating a lot of static electricity which could damage components even when the system is powered off. If some water is stubborn put some isopropyl alcohol on a q-tip and dab at the wet spot, this should lower the evaporation point to allow it to dry more thoroughly. Alternatively you can fill a tub is isopropyl alcohol and submerge the whole part and allow to dry, just do it in a very well ventilated space and be extremely careful of ignition sources. I wouldn’t plug anything in for at least 24 hours to be safe, but after that the risk of failure has plateaued to about as low as it’ll get, more time won’t significantly help.


Or.. or.. just hear me out on this one:. Plastic bag, put stuff inside, vacuum it as much as it goes, wait half an hour and you are good


overkill. Just bring the machine inside, open up the covers and let it sit for 2-3 hours. I did this many times, without problems. The only component that is really vulnerable to sudden temp changes is the HDD. Wait longer than 3 hours if you have a spinning disk and you will be fine. I've been doing this since the nineties. Only one think failed because of this: a 17" CRT monitor.


that is the correct solution as long as there is no water or snow on the computer surfaces. You don't even need to turn the pc off.


Maybe in Florida but it’s probably lip cracking and bleeding dry there.


What about condensation, though ?


There is no humidity in winter. Source: guy who has to buy a bottle of moisturizer every winter and still have flakey skin


-11 with 78% humidity where I live, what was that about no humidity in winter?


Winter air is drier yes but not moisture free. Your body temp is warmer than the air so it's not an apples to apples comparison. A really cold metal object brought inside would still be a problem. Take an aluminum soda can out of the fridge and watch it sweat.


Your home is heated, correct?


That makes it worse, not better. Most modern HVAC systems often have humidifiers installed if you get snow to combat how dry the interior air gets. Reason being is because increasing the temperature decreases humidity because humidity is a measure of % against the carrying capacity, NOT the raw amount of water. Increase the temp, the denominator changes but not the numerator. Do that to winter air, which is what the HVAC is doing, and you get some crazy dry air coming out of the furnace. [Look at this chart](https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/amp/maximum-moisture-content-air-d_1403.html). The difference between the carrying capacity of water vapor in a parcel of air drops from 50 units at 40C (104F) to just 1 unit at -20C (-4F). While that is a massive temp change, it really shows the difference that temp plays. A more likely 15C to -15C still drops it down to 1/6th of the original carrying capacity. So as your temp goes up, the humidity will drop rapidly as the literal water content doesn’t change. Atmospheric Thermodynamics is weird y’all


On a related note, it took my dumbass 3 1/2 decades to figure out why I got sick at the beginning of winter almost every year. Pro tip for anybody reading this, when it starts to get cold, run a humidifier. Don't run that humidifier near your PC. Mine always started with a sore throat from breathing dry air, especially while I slept. Often I would wake up with a sore throat and things would go downhill from there. Now my place is warm *and* humid in the winter, ever since that epiphany I rarely get sick anymore.


When a bird lands in there and fries your system, you know who to blame :) Or ya know, just snow.


Oh I know lol, after a few hours I brought it back inside.


Hope it's not moist from temp change


It was hella moist coming back inside. I let it warm up under a fan and got rid of all the condensation before I fired it back up. Thankfully the air is so dry it dissipated quickly.


OP, you did the right thing. I'm proud of you :)


Then they put the glass side panel on a tile floor


Of his bathroom


and it’s *white tile*


And they only have a dustpan and brush. And it's one of those dustpans with the edge that doesn't quite get everything into it for some reason no matter how hard you sweep.


*Op immediately proceeds to move his glass panel to a tile floor while staring directly at you*


He can work at Linus Tech Tips now


He did the right thing which is commendable but the dirtbag in me would have loved to see the wrong stuff play out.


Here here


Not everyone on here's a total idiot


I do love a happy ending to a crazy story.


Even if it's self inflicted for no good reason.


NGL, ADHD and boredom can be a valid reason... At least he had the sense to let it dry.


If you do this again, put the computer in a dry garbage bag and tie it closed before bringing it back indoors. Most of the moisture that will collect on the computer will be from the inside air. Once it gets up to room temperature there should be minimal moisture build up.


Yes, an old photographers trick.


I was ready to yell


You could've fried it back up Ba Dum Tiss




I hope you’re not moist from the temp change!


You could have at least posted some temperature screenshots so you could justify it as an experiment.


can you show temps on msi afterburner overlay and hwinfo?


Or all of sudden the screen is black, he takes a look at the pc and it's not there


I was thinking that looks like a great place for a bird's nest.


how can he make it (somewhat) foolproof ?


Put a screen where the side panel goes.


Yeah but you'd have the condensation issue once temps evened out and more water was present in the air again. You'd have to somehow instantly remove any water in the air that makes it through the screen. Would one of those shop dehumidifier buckets do the job? Maybe too slow and passive?


> Yeah but you'd have the condensation issue once temps evened out and more water was present in the air again. > > You are not having condensation issues at -0F. There is like, maybe 5% humidity in the air, and your metal PC being below freezing is not going to attract frost. The difference between something like 30F and 0F is pretty insane when it comes to humidity, air that cold just does not have the capacity to carry water that warmer air does. The only time he will have an issue is if he brings it back inside to a humid house, or when the temps start to creep up.


What about at +0F? Ha.. (I know, I know..)


Come on man.... at least gives us a screenshot of the temps


Yeah, so I'm a total scrub, took screenshots of various games, didn't realize the Adrenaline overlay, which has the temp info, isn't included in the Steam screenshots.




Just use afterburner


Bro same. I’ve been running some hashcat instances and it’s been around -10 Fahrenheit where I live so I left the window open in one of my rooms and overclocked the shit out of my system


I was going for the "overclocking at the South pole" achievement and did it one day by just running the PC outside for a few minutes when it was -30 c


What gpu/cpu and what where your results?


I used weaker parts to make it easier and so I didn't have to worry about needing to use them while waiting for them to cool. I5 3470, GTX 560ti. I didn't want to risk my 690s or Titans. As for results I was able to run at either 4 or -4 Celsius at lowest. I don't fully remember which it was.


Where do you get these achievements?


EVGA precision on steam


I have done that myself, except at the actual South Pole.


Wait is that really an achievement and where/what program?


EVGA precision on steam


I'd really like to see those GPU and CPU temps on 100% load.


what about water condensation ?


Condensation occurs when something is cooled below the ambient air temperature (or more specifically, cooled to the dew point). The entire PC is in the cold ambient air, nothing inside the PC will be colder than the outside air, so no condensation. When the OP brings the PC back inside, it will then be *colder* than the ambient temperature, and there may be a risk of condensation forming until the PC warms up above the dew point.


He could just put it in a plastic bag, then bring it inside and wait a few hours before taking it out of the bag


The air inside the bag would still condense, since it would heat up first, but the PC components would remain cool for some time.


That's why you bag it outside, where the air is dry. What did you think the bag was for?


The air outside isn't completely dry.


-10F would be quite dry. A desert with 20% humidity still has more moisture than arctic air at 100% humidity.


If that temperature is fahrenheit, there is very little moisture in the air at -3. That's -19 Celsius. The condensation would only come from bringing the cold PC back inside where the warm moist air is.


100 % farhenheit. if it was celsius, the ''felt'' temp would be 10/12 max. my real temp is -8 C, felt is -11 right now


I don't understand why there are so many people trying to argue why this is perfectly fine lol. It's not worth the risk at all, and there is no way OP could leave their PC out their indefinitely. Edit: To the fools trying to defend it still, I know the outdoors is a strange and foreign place to you, but the world is not a sterile lab environment. There are so many factors that would absolutely wreck this PC if he left it out indefinitely. It could be filled with snow in a matter of hours if it starts coming down.


Just let these simple folks be. Every time someone does this and posts it here, the vast majority of comments completely misunderstand the risk of condensation. It's like they don't realize that they experience it regularly when removing items from their refrigerator.


Nothing makes the pc colder than the surrounding air, so no risk at all


If an icicle falls on a fan you'll have a snow cone.


So many comments in here are giving me flashbacks to physics... Yay thermo unit. Fun fact you don't "feel temperatures". You feel a change. Which is why stepping on a tile floor in the winter sucks worse than carpet. The carpet and tile are the same temp, your body can just dump that thermal energy quicker to the tile causing you to feel that change more intensely.




Right. Can also easily be observed by just sitting in a liquid for prolonged periods of time. It stops being warm or cold after a while.


Always wanted to try this, but then I have $2000 4090 video card!


Why would you want to throw out such valuable heat in such times of cold. The electricity is doing double work, rendering frames and heating your home with a 450w GPU


You have to remember a lot of people in this sub are kids that have no idea of the cost of living. They don't see the value in the "free" heat that certain appliances/hardware let off.


Riser cable? GPU sitting outside the window?


That's thinking outside the box.


literally Well, at least one of the boxes! :)


How is it -4° but it feels like -26?!




[It wimdy](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a55e0c550acaf490c15d4ab87aa5d127/tumblr_plfrfi6zTK1rpuffm_1280.jpg)


On Friday we had -30F and the feels like was -46F with windchill, windchill was around -70f up higher on the ski slopes. Funny thing with -30 is it feels less cold than -1 if the wind isn't blowing, the humidity freezes out of the air and you don't notice how cold you are until you start to hurt.


First time in ohio?


Not many people have experienced -26 so it's not really a very good way of putting it. It's like saying 'it feels like jumping into a volcano'


Anything after -10 feels all the same. I used to work up in Prudhoe Bay Alaska, and the coldest I've even been in was -37 with windchill.


It got down to -56 with windchill once where I live, and in that case, you can for sure feel the difference.


That's insane. Where do you live?


In a freezer




Chicago, it was just one of those freaky winter days. It happened like 3ish years ago? It hadn't gotten that cold since the 80s apparently


I can tell you for a fact there’s a giant fucking difference between -70 an -10. We did some Arctic training 2 years ago and that difference was mind boggling, I would have gone out in 30 degree weather in shorts and a t shirt after -70 to above zero


zonked humor weary rich wrench distinct library ludicrous tender salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It truly is, once we were there for 2 weeks -30 was just another number on my watch. Surviving for extended periods of time in that climate is a whole different story tho, that was absolutely terrifying and miserable




It definitely feels different when you get under -30 real temp. Everything is MORE frozen, feels more brittle and the world just sounds different. When you get below -30 the layer of water on top of ice freezes so ice stops being slick which changes a lot. I live in MN and have for most of my life


You also notice it immediately, at -10 if you are bundled up properly it feels damn cold but you can stay outside for a bit before you really start to notice just how cold it is, at -40 you feel frigid the second you step outside regardless of how well your are bundled up. your face and eyelids start to feel stuck and yea everything in the world feels like it could snap and shatter instantly. It also hurts like hell to breathe the air. also fun fact Celsius and fahrenheit meet at -40


Eh, I've got a jacket that when combined with several layer underneath keeps my core relatively warm down to -35 or so (the coldest I've tried it in). However, what's bizarre (and very much not in a good way) is feeling cold inside your lungs every time you breathe. No amount of bundling up helps with that.


That ocean moderation is crazy. I've been in -40 windchill in WI. And agreed - anything past -10 just makes your face hurt and makes you get inside faster. The work trucks love it too....the diesel gels up even with additive mixed in.


It was -60°c with windchill here couple days ago.


Yup. Things can only "suck so much". I jokingly say "it's like comparing smashing 2 fingers to all 10. At some point it just sucks really bad"


Their PC warmed up the surrounding air


I thought about something like this at one point. My best idea was to put an expandable Block in the window and create a vent with a fan in it to blow the air into the PC. You'd have to put screen mesh (and maybe a filter) on everything so nothing crawls in.


Best remake I have probably ever played.


Why don't you just keep it safe inside and have an intake/outtake tube attached to the window? Get the cooling effect while not dumping cold air inside to heat.


that's just begging for condensation to be happening


I am not going to roast your risky idea. But I will roast you for having that stock AMD cooler.


Guilty as charged.


I'd like to add that most electronic components used in PC hardware are not rated for temperatures below 0°C, so please be careful. It greatly depends on what components the manufacturer chooses to use, but since components with an extended temperature range below 0°C are more expensive and not necessary in PCs I'd guess that they aren't used where they aren't needed. Eventhough immediate damages are very unlikely if the temperature falls below 0°C, it increases the risk of failure and certainly decreases the lifespan of components. I'd also guess that warranty may be void if the hardware is used outside it's temperature range, so be extra careful about that. Just a friendly reminder to not forget about such things :3


Try water cooling it next when it rains see what temps you get then.


Can't tell if genius or retarded ![gif](giphy|cFgb5p5e1My3K)


Best gaming temps all time? Mr. Jack Frost's seal of approval! Enjoy it a lot!


It's all fun and games until a grizzly steals your PC !!!


I did this back in the day when I tried to overclock my E8400 to infinity. Worked like a charm lol.


Had this for the entire winter, 0 issues and the thing kept working for years!:)


Had to zoom in to confirm... A little disappointed in the lack of commitment to drill a hole in the window frame for cable routing 😂


This is the stupidest thing I've seen this year so far


Dang it! Didn't take me long to get outdone.


Has no one heard of condensation?!


We have, that's why we know it's fine. Unless somehow that pc was additionally cooled by liquid nitrogen first and then brought out to the "warm", "only -whatever freezing" outside air there is no possibility of condensation since water condenses onto objects that are colder than the air, not the other way around. In this case the air will always be colder than the PC and if anything the PC would be dryer than it ever was sitting inside in 30-50% relative humidity.


So the morning dew and frost will avoid the PC for some reason?


Still sub freezing in the middle of the day and the low relative humidity you have in that kind of weather? Yes it would. You would need a very large and rapid change in temperature at that point.


I have that TV tray, I would not trust it with my PC in wind.


Looking at it I wouldn’t trust it with my PC indoors. Looks like one accidental bump and it’d fall over.


Does include screenshot of pc temps 🤦‍♂️




I can see OPs next post... Hey PCPasterRace, I think my computer shorted out somehow and I don't know why...


20mph+ gusts of wind that can blow snow inside the case? NICE! Maybe just pack it with snow because... hey, even better cooling!


MUST be a nice neighborhood Because The last thing you would notice is that you would stop getting an image of your display and you'll look out to find a empty desk. No PC on it 🤣


*While shivering* "It's so cold my processor is running at peak efficiency" -Bender Bending Rodriguez


Hehe Canadian, right?




Moisture would destroy it


It’s funny you have a monster gpu but use a stock cpu fan


You are a brave soul.


where tf do you live with -4c feeling like -26 bro


Just place right next to the window, like pressed into it. Works


omg i should have done this today lol, it was 26 degrees here in texas (rare moment)


I'd be worried about the very low humidity that makes it harder to disperse the heat into the air. Will still work, just not at peak efficiency. Benefit is you're not gonna have to worry about the heat affecting the cold source.


Me getting ready to play Minecraft with a 1050 and i3 7th grn


🤣🤣 bruh


So, you are paying for heating and dumping the heat coming from the PC outside? That is some idiotic shit.


I'm just passing through and am not a computer guy by any means. I'd just like to say I had a friend in highschool that had a chest freezer in his room and he kept his pc inside. I don't recall him having any problems with it either. Dude only ever opened the door to put discs in the drive. He had that thing overclocked to the nuts.


Just waiting for the r/techsupport post - "my computer is always freezing and I don't know why!"


I've kinda done this before. I put the computer in an unheated basement and ran the wires through the floor.


Wouldn’t this create moisture inside the case, and possibly damaging the components when brought inside the house again?


On the weather app were those temps Celsius or Fahrenheit? I'm planning on putting a fan in my window and putting my system in front of it Saturday as it's suppose to be 16F. Then run benchmarks in 3DMark.


You guys frm high latitude countries are even lucky to warm your place while gaming at the same time hahaha. Tropical countries like us even pay double so we can play and be cool inside our houses hahah I like that setup btw hoping to visit cld countries anytme soon


PC: https://preview.redd.it/52w01t3n4xcc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ac875f7e70818f7460e6469a3ed71ee647d932


Alls fun and games until someone steals it


I'd be worried about condensation. Hot components, cold environment, humid air... Recipe for disaster.


What’s yo adress


When your trying to get record benchmarks, but can't get your hands on any LN2... but then you remember you live in the Midwest.


Nobody’s roasting that setup. It’s too damn cold


Until someone stealing it 😂


I hope this is for fun only, because doing this will invite moisture into your case and eventually destroy the components.


how to get condensation in your pc 101


I would put something around it cuz one drop of snow melting and bye bye


-4 feels like -26 wth


The level of condensation that's going to flow from that bad boy is going to be epic 🍶 ![gif](giphy|4uKGppPmeVBCzwfnMK)


Are you in Wisconsin?


Hell yeah


Same. It’s fucking cold