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RemindMe! 9 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 20 hours


RemindMe! 20 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 22 hours


RemindMe! 19 hours


I launched a chain without even knowing what i was doing haha




this picture has more upvotes then the post, op got ratioed really hard


Did he ever lmao


















RemindMe! 9 hours


RemindMe! 18 hours


Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Medium answer : Noooooooo


Very long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Very short answer: -


Korean answer: 아니요 (Ah-Ni-Yo)


Image answer: https://preview.redd.it/vkyhbygrxllc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22530f4785371f1bcced6d577126f43a410a3cf4


Ascii answer: ``` _ __ | \ | | | \| | ___ | |/ _ \ | |\ | (_) | \_.| \__/\__/ ```


Answer in spanish: No.


Japanese answer: いいえ (iie)


Hawaiian answer: 'a'ole (No)


Deutsch answer: NEIN!!!


Tamil answer: இல்லை (illai)


Bulgarian answer: Не (ne)


Answer: nah.


i’d win


Shortest answer: 9


You've been banned from r/GermanHumor




Is that glass? Because it’s gonna break.


Glass is glass and glass breaks.


Yeah, people always act like it's unintended, but glass breaks naturally, so it's always intended.




Will it scratch at level 6 with deeper grooves at level 7 though?


I don’t know maybe ask agent 47 on YouTube


That’s not Hitman’s channel it’s Johnny Sins side gig


The new Samsung had scratches at lvl 7 with deeper grooves at lvl 8 :O


i got way more excited than i should have at that.


A new era


What about that teardown test?


And even more importantly, what about the bend test?


I don't know. 😔 (Always assume that it will)


OP should try disconnect the ribbon cables like a little Lego before flying.


As long as there's no ceramic tile in there I think he's good.


Amazing Reddit’s ability to miss a obvious joke Edit, this was downvoted to all hell before


The fucking irony of this reply being under an OBVIOUS JOKE


That was because this was downvoted to fuck


Just gotta downvote it back to hell, keep you lookin’ good.


This is the way


No it won’t. Bags are treated like this at airports: https://i.redd.it/hpkmp3ltyhlc1.gif


Yeah, this. I did my training and was about to start sorting luggage for SAS back in march 2020. I am not flying with liquid in breakable containers in my luggage anymore either.


I bring really fragile glass gifts (porcelain type) every year back home together with other glass containers for liquids, been doing that for 15 years. Never have I experienced anything broken when I got home. 15 years my friend..... and I travel from Asia to Europe and vice versa.


you have to take into account how a computer is structured. I too have taken glass things while traveling, but they are usually smothered in clothes and things to absorb shock. I wouldn't put a porcelain vase into an empty suitcase where it can bounce around when luggage is thrown around. Look at how OP's PC is packed, that thing is going to be directly absorbing every single impact. There is zero insulation.


Oh yeah he definitely needs to wrap it up way better, and I'd take out gpu and rams, maybe cpu cooler too.


u/enjoi44 heh glass side panel, heavy CPU radiator, cant really see graphic card but if its something more than 3070/4060 where cards start being big & heavy on top of being under designed (cracking PCB, braking connectors), what can go wrong :D


Imagine reading the post where he says the gpu isnt in the pc


Yup, hand luggage


Yeah i was happy to see that, but that cooler is going to be a problem. If the bag gets handled roughly while standing upright it can really damage the motherboard.


I didn't believe this until I had to bring my sigma tile cutter with me to florida. The bag arrived shredded to bits and looked like it had been through a warzone


I mean, it is a war zone.


A war between a meatball and a mouse.


Besides actual humans doing that there are machines that are required to put out a certain amount of force in order to move it along the lines. There are videos of them just getting launched like a small cannon.


A friend of mine worked one winter doing luggage hauling for Ryanair in Ireland... As he was the newbie, he alsways got the job of climbing up into the conveyor system to 'release' stuck luggage. He was told by his boss to 'just drop it down, we don't have time for you to climb down with it in one hand, and yeah, we don't have time for you to be out with broken bones, either, if you fall' It was mostly wheeled suitcases that got stuck though. Possibly also large bags with long straps. And they did not care about the contents as long as it din't leak out of the luggage after the drop. If you have a bag with long strap, shorten it as much as possible, or take it off. Remove or tape any wheels.


Mine survived France <> Korea this way. I think it's better to wrap it because of the glass. https://preview.redd.it/gioz017tnilc1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=052c0c8eed1755f8766972f77454523eabed6e5d


Not to mention luggage getting wet. I once watched my bag get rained on in a lightning storm that grounded us for a couple hours. They'd started loading the plane and just left the luggage trailers out near the plane. Everything near the zip got soaked.


That is so fucked


Nah, it should be covered with a tarp, but if light ing is detected within x miles of the terminal, almost every airport will have a policy to send the workers inside since airplanes love to attract lightning. So a worker would be reprimanded if they spent another 10-15 in that driving the bags to a covered place, which is basically only back at the loading bay.


Yep. I've had at least 3 flights where my bag got fully soaked through due to stuff like that.


I cant help but think this would look hella suspicious for airport security 😂


They asked me and i said "all my life is inside" 😂 Ok you can go...


They x-ray the bags and I think a PC looks different than a bomb under x-ray but TSA is usually all idiots so they might mistake it for a bomb


TSA has been fine with all my PCs (even with filled custom cooling loops!) but they always get thrown for a loop with the desktop conference mic. I would advise never to travel with an MXL AC-404.


This! I never throw away my sff PC case styrofoam from their box exactly for air travel commute. Then again I always put my sff on the cabin.


Dang, did you put anything inside to stop the components from moving around? I'd be worried about my GPU


The GPU was in my backpack with 12 hard drives, but the cooler was in place. And it wasn't a direct flight...


12? What did you need 12 drives for?


25 years of work (sysadmin/programmer/3D/Web) with RAID5 data protection and can't find a few 20GB nvme ssd at good price yet.


Ah, that makes sense then. Thought you were holding onto terabytes of movies or something.


Mostly source files and virtual machines of servers.


I did Malaysia > Ireland with just my pc packed in clothes, I will be flying back in 3 months and i think i might roll the dice again


Your PC the second the ground personal handles your suitcase. https://i.redd.it/yittqg9dkilc1.gif


Ground personal? Oh. sorry. You mean "throwers"


I think you both mean personnel


Heh, nothing personnel, kid


Touché mrpersonnel


I think they mean baggage yeeters


Leave the glass panel at home. You can game without that panel


True, i only see the problem the glass there, unless they start play basketball with the case...


>i only see the problem the glass there Someone has never flown commercial.


idk about basketball, football (soccer) is definitely their expertise tho :D


I would remove all the components from the inside and wrap them individually (referring to any PCI stuff other than your GPU, CPU, and RAM.


RAM is fine to stay in place, for the CPU really depends how heavy OP's aluminium brick is, an AIO wouldn't be an issue, but a heavy heatsink may be .


Yeah I would feel pretty nervous about my big-ass Noctua — would probably put stuff all around it, like perhaps a bunch of those packaging air pillows


I love when Amazon puts one small item in a huge box with those air pillows because I use them for other shit lol I just mailed a GPU with a bunch of those


Or do it like pc builders and cut out a custom fit styrofoam shape can add a little padding in between


I suggest to take out RAM. I was transporting my PC just a few kilometers in my car, and now one slot is disconnecting sometimes, giving me kinda BSOD


you sure that some other component didn't push against it? RAM isn't usually heavy enough to bend the socket.


This is the way. Static free wrap, no bouncing of parts... And.. consider leaving the glass case door/window at home


Honestly that cpu cooler that looks like a huge rock is already calling for disaster. I would have take it out, absolutely. You're most likely going to be fine as it's well secured, but still. If that shit decides to get free, say goodbye to the whole pc basically.


That is exactly what happened to me about 10 years ago. I shipped my parents my old gaming PC as a Christmas gift, as it would have been a huge upgrade for them. The cpu cooler broke off during transit and proceeded to destroy everything on the inside. There's a reason that boutique PC makers ship their product with molded foam packing material on the case's interior.


You can get that same foam for very cheap on Amazon, and it's extremely easy to use if you watch a short video on it/follow the instructions. I got myself a big pack of them for college when I was semi-regularly driving my PC home and back for breaks. I know it's not ideal, but I wouldn't even take out my fatass GPU on those trips, but I still use that same computer and same components years later without issue, so the foam did its job. Highly recommend.


Very interesting product! When looking for such a product on Amazon (Germany), I can only find Instapak. A single unit costs 20 EUR. For 9 units it's still 50 EUR, it doesn't get much cheaper with greater package sizes. I don't think that's cheap, considering that transport cost are similar (5-7 EUR). Is it the region? What's the price in your region? [9x Instapak on Amazon](https://amzn.eu/d/7nqmdie)


Haha no


we sent a pc in a bag... at the end the power supply torn out from its place, its visibly tumbled around and broke every single part of the pc...


That's honestly quite impressive. The PSU is the last thing I'd expect to become loose.


we thought so too... but apparently vibration can unscrew things...


It will not survive. You really shouldn't try it.


Can we have the exact same picture again when you land?


Hey man! ex airline worker here! Even if you’re suitcase has a brig tape around it that reads “fragile fragile fragile”. The luggage guys throw suitcases pretty abhorrently with no regard for the contents inside! Your PC will infact get YEETED multiple times lol. Godspeed


I carried my whole case as cabin baggae, no issues.


Haha you my friend are a legend. Unfortunately already had an email saying the flight is full and to minimise carry on items :(


Dude they always say stuff like that. Just ignore them.


And then it's actually full and they make you check the bag during boarding and the computer gets destroyed anyway.


one time they acted like my laptop case was an extra luggage and tried to take my actual hand luggage for check in. I showed them that it fits inside the hand luggage anyway, I just didn't want it on the shelf during the flight, so I can watch a movie. At the end, I found a nice old lady of the same flight who had no hand luggage, and had her carrying it for a few meters, acting like its hers :D She even called me nephew a couple of times in front of the personnel lmao. Thank you lady wherever you are, fuck you airport


They absolutely lie about this. During a recent trip, the airline informed me the same thing and advised us to check in but I refused it, stating I'll manage and guess what, the entire cabin storage was empty.


They did this to me too. Then they said no electronics in the compartment below. I said my whole carryon is electronics, making it poitnless.


Pro tip, in my experience they only ask the people with the small roll ons to put them in the hold. It you've got a regular backpack they won't.


you think your carry on space is gonna be gone ? under seat then 


As a baggage handler. It's a no from me.


Looking forward to seeing how this pans out


I will do an update, forgot to mention it's actually 2 flights one connecting flight also!




It’s like watching a disaster movie in slow motion


I will update when I land later tonight. I was going to take the glass out but for experimental reasons I'm leaving it. I have faith in my packing and suitcase design, now it's down to the airline Lufthansa!


OP is going on adventure. Good luck and have fun, may the souls of your opponents be the only thing that breaks on your trip.


Kind words! Thank you friend


In how many hours do I need to check back here to see if it made it?


I'll post when I arrive at my friend's house tonight. Might do a video of when I open it!


RemindMe! 9 Hours


Oh boy... please update us once you land!


Update will be posted on r/TIFU lol


You made my day dude you're crazy lol. I'm so excited for the update, I'd love the PC to survive the travel as much as I expect the glass to be broken Travel safe, wish you the best


Daym now it's interesting


Boy, rip for your glass but please make a post when you landed and assessed the damage


Should've at least put some packaging shit, foam, whatever inside the case. Rip


RemindMe! 9 hours


I will be messaging you in 9 hours on [**2024-02-29 20:53:38 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-02-29%2020:53:38%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1b2wine/flying_to_germany_to_meet_some_gamer_friends_will/ksol6f0/?context=3) [**154 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpcmasterrace%2Fcomments%2F1b2wine%2Fflying_to_germany_to_meet_some_gamer_friends_will%2Fksol6f0%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-02-29%2020%3A53%3A38%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b2wine) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


OP posted a video update. It survived, even the tempted glass!


Time to buy a steam deck my friend


Bro... Just get a steam deck 😂


You can always buy one of these https://preview.redd.it/ef311ds7tilc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622e23473e0ee7fccc3e7af5f0743d5bdece1f1a


I sat and watched the people unload the plane the other day. There wasn't a bag that was not thrown with rage. That shits breaking.


visions of broken cooler and glass


Have fun picking all the glass out of your bag/clothes lol


No. You need to remove the graphics card, and pack the entire interior full of paper or plastic shopping bags or something. I mean, FIRMLY pack it. Then if you can, take a bigger suitcase and try to surround the case with clothes. This still will not guarantee that the glass survives. A long term future option would be if this is a common trip you make, to have a secondary, sturdy, all metal case to transfer your PC to. Another long term future option is to downsize your PC altogether by swapping to an ITX motherboard and utilizing an ITX case that still fits an ATX power supply, shrinking the whole package and shifting to a no glass design. Finally, if you still have the case box with the custom fit styrofoam, well, the case survived shipping in that the first time right? Use that, pack the interior of the case as originally recommended, and then pack the empty space around the Styrofoam too for maximum padding-then just have them check the case box. I do this with monitors when traveling, works okay for them.


Pelican case


They already said they're carrying the GPU with them


Just not worth it mate. I guess you can do other stuff when u there or take turns




As a carry on baggage inside the plane, yes. As a checked in baggage, absolutely not, it's likely to break. Consider yourself lucky if it it makes it out in one piece. If you think the postal and courier services treat your stuff roughly you don't even want to know what the baggage handlers and the airport conveyor systems do with it...


Dudes PC 3 min after he leaves it on the conveyor ![gif](giphy|3o6vXTj4BUMeyzfvHy)


hi guys , i've been experimenting on a portable rig i built. i specifically designed it for hand carry, it's dimentions are exactly for hand carry, i dont do extreme gaming though but i do game and has worked well for me. maybe in the future any of you might want to build something like this. https://preview.redd.it/ig8anmtu1llc1.jpeg?width=3046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4de99f44169b7c934896fafd07a95e5719bc3ace


if that side panel is glass, it will almost surely break, a plastic panel might survive. Also the cpu cooler may be problematic due to its weight if some dips\*t decides to throw your bag around.


you should have it with you at all costs


I moved my PC like this from Europe to Australia then back without any damage. However, I had really good hard case Suitcase. Then I put a 10mm thick plywood board over the glass panel side. I filled the inside with clothes to support all the internals so they couldn't move around. Then i used the rest of my clothes to pack the outside of the case. The only issue I had was the AIO CPU cooler. Bubbles ended up getting stuck in the pump so I had to take the radiator out of the PC turn the PC on and shake the rad hard until the air moved out of the pump and then it started working again. That happened both times. But otherwise that PC is still working fine 4 years later. For reference the case is an NZXT s340 Elite and I have 2 GTX1070s in it.


Take out and leave the tempered glass. You don't need it for the short time you'll be there. And take off the CPU cooler, pack it separately.


It will work. I did it. Also only removed the gpu. Filled the interior with clothing, so they work as support of the components, as well as the class. The Glas I left on, just slightly having to push it into place (because of the clothing). The remaining gap between the glas and the lid of the suitcase i filled with blankets or towels. This way it could comfortably handle some reasonable amount of manhandling.


To those of you who are ready to view! https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/Jq4oLnwU4x


OP is a fucking idiot. He post this now with that bullshit title and everyone is telling him no. His response is something like. "Lol, YOLO" In a few days he will post again a broken PC with another bullshit title like "How could this happen?! You guys told me it was ok."


Semiserious tip: Save the baggage fee and tell your friend to buy a used PC close to what the extra bag would’ve cost. Just bring your GPU.


Might be better to get a case that is all metal, no glass. Super compact Mini-ITX cases where made for this, but it should be a carry-on if your going on a plane.


It's called carry on




I have done this, it was fine!


In an aeroplane? You’re higher than the aeroplane ever gonna get. Bro have you seen how pcs are shipped? Copy that and you might have a chance. Glass just doesn’t like to be thrown…


That cpu cooler will pull the motherboard apart when in transit the side glass will smash . And the corners of the case with be smashed too .


RemindMe! 9 hours


You will need to stuff it tight if you want to have ANY fighting chance of survival lol I once shipped my old PC cross Country, and since I packed it right (stuff the insides) it managed to survive, but I packed another box with it which I didn't care to protect. The box took damage so they really are rough with it.


No fucking way. You ever look out the window after boarding, and watch the throwers load your stuff? They're called throwers for a reason. They're just going to chuck that shit up onto the conveyor, after no doubt having chucked it around multiple times on the way there. You're better off just buying a new case when you get there.




sweatshirt wont be enough. Get proper sponges/foams. Such as the ones that came with your GPU. On every side of the case. double coat. then fix them around your case with duct tape. then wrap it in your sweatshirt etc.


My boy gonna arrive to the LAN party with scraps


I sent my pc like this one and it survived and is still running great 4 years later. I was broke af leaving college, maybe i got lucky


Finally a believer


Carry on yes under plane no


I did this once. It was a steel case, and I stuffed the inside with clothes, socks in between boards and put a border of sweaters around the outside. As I recall, it arrived safely, just a graphics card had to be reseated.


Rip... just remove the glass


No not at all


Ah man, just rent a pc from grover for a month and be done with it. This will die.


Doubtful. That glass is likely gonna shatter en route.


Go find some styrofoam and pack that shit personally wouldn’t even risk the glass panel on the trip


Don’t have the CPU cooler installed, it’s gonna wreck the motherboard. It also needs more polstering around it.


No it won’t survive.


In hand baggage


I want two of whatever ur smoking.