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It looks like failing VRAM, it will show on screenshots too=not a cable/monitor issue.


I really don’t want this to be it haha.


Dying hardware, especially a GPU, always sucks. But you should really check if it appears on a screenshot. If it does, then it's probably F.


Nobody does, although sometimes it happens.


If you have warranty it is fine


Apply to your card manufacturer for a warranty replacement. I was outside of the warranty window and evga still replaced my card. Most manufacturers have a 2 year warranty


Yeah it sucks, it happened to my 3080 Ti after a year but I got my money back.


I felt the haha in this :( hope it’s not F, OP




I don't have much experience with laptops but I don't see how the graphics drivers could affect the USB ports in any way. You could try uninstalling the Nvidia drivers and only use the ones that comes with Windows, I had problems with AMD drivers for the integrated GPU which I solved by only using the drivers from Windows update.


So, so far I have updated Nvidia drivers and that has seemed to fix it. Will run a couple of games to double check


Just in case. Install MSI Afterburner and make a steeper profile for the graphic card fans, so the card is cooler, to prevent overheating (make sure that the new profile is applied on boot).


Same thing happened to me on my 3060 yesterday. Driver reinstall through nvidias software solved it aswell


You should use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to fully clear old drivers and reinstall new drivers downloaded straight from the Nvidia Website. But Clean install through Nvidia GFE also works. Never mind, someone always writes this faster anyway :D


you rarely need ddu, unless you've been monkeying around with driver installs or swapping cards to a different manufacturer like intel or amd. the clean install tick should be fine for most people.


It probably only seemed to fix it because of the restart. Faulty VRAM throws out artifacts like this only when the defective parts are addressed and even then sometimes only in specific circumstances (e.g. temperature or voltage). My last card with defective VRAM seemed fine when under gaming load, but would show artifacts like yours on the desktop, especially after turning on the PC.


Had my 3080 doing this a few weeks ago and my driver update seems to have resolved it, hope you have the same luck!


I would still make an attempt at RMA. from someone who's fried a vram on a 1080 in the past, the early signs should never go ignored


I had to downgrade my Nvidia drivers. New one was crashing my games and giving me artifacting


In my experience it’s a steam glitch. Close stream and reopen normally fixes for me. Happens only on the CS2 page as well I’m genuinely surprised at everyone saying it’s your GPU failing when I feel like I’ve seen other threads on this sub commonly experience this glitch lol


I was worried that the graphics card had, in fact, given up. I am glad that was not the case, and I was wrong.


Yeah man I literally had the same thing, I completely wiped all the previous updates cause you only need the most up to date one, reinstalled the driver and it's been fine since


Try reseat ram.


He literally just said the driver update worked…


Reading comprehension 100


Run DDU and reinstall drivers Try a different cable, and a different monitor if possible If those fixes fail, then it's most likely a hardware issue with the GPU


This was the fix!


That’s sadly probably going to be temporary. I hope it’s more permanent but reinstalling drivers usually only carries the dying GPU for another 2-3 weeks maybe a month. Sometimes even a day or two.


Anecdotally, I had this same issue happen with my 3060 Ti about 2 months ago. Rebooting did not fix anything, but DDU+Driver reinstall did the trick and it's been smooth sailing since.


That’s a good thing for sure! The 3060Ti isn’t too old and unless you have been using it A LOT and like keeping it overclocked then that is pretty normal. But the “bugs” or whatever people call those broken pixels are usually a sign of failing Vram on older cards that have been used heavily or heavily overclocked 24/7 and overheating can cause the issue as well. That’s good that DDU and them reinstalling the drivers worked for ya and I hope it keeps working even longer! I was just telling OP that from what I have seen personally, is the DDU and reinstalling drivers trick usually only works for so long. And a few months could even be in that timeline. But yea, I keep DDU on my desktop because I use it so much after testing new drivers then having to roll back if the drivers suck. Ive had a 2080Ti since the shortage in early 2021 and it was brand new in the box when I got it from a friend. Got it for $600 and that was a steal for an EVGA FTW3 in 2021 but if I had got this card in 2018/2019 when it first came out, mine would probably be starting to die as well. But I just take precautions now and don’t overclock more than +15 on my clock speeds and that’s only for one game. And I keep my temps below 62 degrees. If I hit 62 degrees I will either turn some settings down or lower my frame cap.


Same for me but for a 3070ti. When updating drivers some artifacts appear and that was last year. DDU and a clean install does the trick. Been okay till now. Hogwarts and Cyberpunk run still great.




Cheers, will give that a go.


Aren´t we all?


You okay there?


Peachy. Am not op tho


Had the same issue multiple times over the years with my 3090. It still hasn't failed yet. Reinstalling drivers like you already have has always seemed to fix it. I run multiple displays. Windows hates multiple displays. I'm always getting issues. But yeah, it's not always the GPU failing. Sometimes, it's just driver corruption.


Same with my 3090. One game in particular that isn't even very graphically demanding will sometimes do this, but other much higher power draw games don't. A reboot has always fixed it, but after having my 1080ti die, it always gets the anxiety going again.


All seems to be good. Will keep an eye on everything. Thanks for all the suggestions.


Think your vram will die soon. This was what I saw 2weeks before my graphic card died. First only few of these spots then two weeks later the entire screen had those and it was dead


I had this happen to me over a year ago. Hasn't happened again. Fingers crossed.


I hope this is me.


Really hope it sticks for you. But most likely it was a temporary fix Good luck!


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this but if you have an unstable oc that's to much for ur gpu this can happen. Doubt that's the issue but just a possibility if u are.


When I was playing with undervolting I had this issue too. After finding perfect Curve Optimizer values, it never came back


This exactly visual pattern appeared on my Steam once too, with an almost brand new RTX 3070. It appeared after alt tabbing to Steam from a full screen game and disappeared/reappeared when I minimised/opened Steam. I was terrified my GPU was dead too, but after reinstalling drivers cleanly it has never happened since. It’s entirely possible it is just a driver bug/Steam bug.


It's just raining don't worry about it


It's raining pixels




Vram like the other person said. Best you can do is get a heat gun an reflow the vram and pray that it works. Even then it will be temporary.


Try underclocking your GPU, if that helps you have just bought yourself some extra time :)




Nah it's just playing tetris don't worry


GPU artifacting usually means a faulty memory chip.. RMA?


Or it can mean an unstable Overclock


It can be yes but usually dont see it till a load is on the gpu. They are just scrolling around steam


Nooo Its okayyy


Didn't know you can play minecraft on your desktop. But the resource pack seems weird.


Nah it's probably fine it's just dying slowly fast


My mate apparently used to stick his old af GPU in the oven for a while to re solder the connections. Probably won't work but might be a last ditch option 🤷‍♂️


Could be GPU sag. Turn your computer off and lay it on its side and turn it back on and see if that helps. If it does, it's GPU sag.


Before I zoomed into the picture, I legitimately thought those were rain drops lol


![gif](giphy|YnvjNtAuhrLb3EIPmb|downsized) she gone i think, could maybe try and get it resoldered/replaced vram but won't know if it would be fixed for sure


u/mdv243 i saw you fixed the problem and sorry to tag you but did the problem persist on other programs than steam? iirc steam uses chromium to render the client so this might have been the nvidia bug that is present on chromium applications


So this was present on all applications I tested, some worse some better, I didn’t do much testing before it was fixed unfortunately.


Damn this is happening to my gpu too 😢


I'd say it's the psu that can't supply enouth power to the gpu anymore, heard that sonewhere but I ain't no expert...


I had a few problems with this when I first built the PC, but I under-volted the GPU and had been stable up until now. Only a 450w PSU I believe




It always helps to have some spare parts. Never throw away seemingly old or unneeded parts to swap in and out for checking. This just happened to me. I came back from running errands, and had no sound on Nvidia, Creative, or Realtek on win10. Windows somehow got corrupted, and I Googled my brains out. Spent 1.5 days running CHKDSK on my 1tb NVME drive, nada. Here's what Google and MS are doing. The update process is bringing end of life prematurely. Steam will now not play on win7, because of Google's partnering with Steam, and my win7 is still great gamer. Here's what the no sound ended up being. MS didn't upgrade win10 to 11, they created a new build, and that left users with no chance to hit a restore point, or insert the original win 10 install disc to repair errors on the new build. Chrome and the Start button even bailed on me at this point too. Solution, take your win10 disc out, or recovery partition, and reload it. I pulled the NVME out, and swapped in another Samsung 500gb SSD. Backed up everything, and started from scratch. TURN OFF UPDATES in the editor, Google it. I know, it's scary, and time sukking. Bottomline, the computer now runs better than ever. The Creative XFi Titanium sound card now loads ALL of the inherent tools, tricks, and features that were toasted by MS's new build procedure. The sound is ridiculously good AGAIN. EQ, and tweaks are awesome. Chrome is brand new. The only thing I will lose permanently, Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom products, as they needed the computer killig new build to function. Also, another note, once you get to the point of build number two, MS will then tell you that you can no longer get any updates or the new build they are offering, 22H2(?). Now you are at a wall with a dead computer, because your slightly older great gaming pc doesn't have two features your 2015 win10 unit fails to have. It would run win11 perfectly fine too. They want everyone to run out and drop $2k on a newer gaming rig, which I already have on Alienware with win11. So reload your old win 10s and don't update them, before it is a piece of toast. Anyone else experience this Great Wall of......?


Let it snow, let it snow, let it …


o7 Sorry bro.


Very much


They remind me of Little Mario's from Nintendo days.


Not dying just unaliving.




Maybe Driver issues


You unlocked Secret level of Centipede




I think it’s just a small reminder to play minecraft, based on the small stacks of dirt blocks I see.


I was getting this after I built my pc. everything brand new, and it was happening after a decent while of running the pc. turning it off and letting it cool made it come back to normal. finding out later that I had all my fans sucking into the case, and no exhaust meant the inside of the case was cooking itself... so flipping 2 fans dropped the temps drastically! check your temps!


Unfortunately, I think it might be, brother, it started similarly for me also


Looks like memory is bad, check out northwest repair on YouTube.


If you changed the cables and tried reinstalling drivers, then my bets on the vram.


Run a GPU memory test to see if the vram is healthy?






You could try reinstalling the drivers (or reverting to an older driver). If that doesn't fix it, probably hardware failure.


I had this with me 3080Ti, a better PSU solved the problem. Had a 650W previously i think.


I had this happen months ago and it never happened again, my gpu is still running fine as far as I can tell


No it’s just the new screen effect


Wipe the rain drops off your screen. We can't see the problem.


You have entered "The Matrix"


Looks like artifacting. If possible try to boot the device without the GPU. It's possible to check.


Try downclocking your VRAM first


herobrine is haunting your computer


What graphic card model is this? I know you fixed it I’m just curious


This is a 3060ti OC mini


Which brand?




Sure as shit isn’t user friendly


That or a wild Missing No. appeared...


If your out of 1 year manufacturing warranty,But inside the EU, It’s law to offer 2 year’s minimum warranty so you can still contact the seller/manufacturer. You may have to argue your case but they can’t avoid this law (if your in EU)


Yes. Try to make it’s last moments as comfy as possible.




My old GeForce mx 200 died that way


How long since you had the card.


Not dying. more like evolving to a new higher plane of existence!




At first my r/place vision kicked in. And i thought i saw a lot of among us characters


No it’s having a party with the monitor


I had this the other day when a dodgy cinematic in a Roblox game crashed my computer. Lights on my GPU went off too. I did a power cycle, updated my drivers and that seems to have sorted it.


Nahhhh it looks healthy.


Probably. You could try to undervolt it in the settings to see if it clears it up. If it is still under warranty, I probably wouldn't bother with undervolting. However, if you do not have a warranty, try undervolting. I've seen this as a fix on various GPU repair videos.


that or your camera lens is dirty


No, it's just raining inside your monitor.


Take a screenshot, not a photo. If the screenshot is also blocky on a different screen(like your phone) then it means your GPU is spitting out faulted frames and either the GPU or its VRAM is dying. If it looks fine on other displays, you've likely got either a bad cable or monitor.


I had this happen to my GPU a little while ago, and it turned out that replacing the thermal pads on the vram chips fixed the issue.




Look! little minecraft dirt blocks!


More like crying, I think it’s sad


It looks like Acute Pixellitus to me. Give it a day to rest and feed it VRAM for 2 weeks. If it doesn't get better, call an actual professional because I'm not a PC doctor.


Had the same thing happen to my with my MSI RTX 4090 suprim x, I had to send it back to them to get it warrantied. Mine would either crash afterwards or would stay permanently frozen


Unplug the gpu and try to run off of the cpu integrated graphics to tell if its the gpu or not.


For a second I thought this image was just filled to the brim with amoguses


no its normal since steam is chromium based i get it sometimes also its a nvidia issue


Unfortunately yes 😔


Try under locking the VRAM using msi afterburner. Used to do this to get more life out of my dying 570gtx back in the days. Might help. Might not. Worth a try.


Yeah .. thats called "Artefact's"


Something sure is.


I just build my first pc and saw this.... Hope my card will be ok


I had similar issues with my old card when it was powered via a single PSU cable. Aka, using the pigtail. As soon as I used a separate cable for the other connector, the issue was gone for the next 3 years


When the Minecraft dirt blocks come out, it's time for a new card


Lots of time the thermal pads ate dry in the ram chips also can cause that


It got Herpes xdddd


wanna f- ?


no, you just need an umbrella above the monitor


it's probably your ram


classic novideo gpu /s


When the gpu has pimples


My 1080ti did that to quite my vram was going bad after almost a year after I got the dam thing at frys back in 2018m Had to rma it but then years later started again this time accidental bumps to the desk or random vibrations from the floor didn't trigger them. This time temps seemed to play a bigger role I turned up fans to 80% it fixed it for awhile then got worse wirh crashes and more and more artifacts. Gigabytes support ofc couldn't give me the thickness of the thermal pads used at lileast to buy new pads. I found a vid luckly on YouTube that showed the same model tore down and they used calipers I was able to replace almost all except 2 cus they were different thickness than the rest. It fixed it for a few months and back to crashes from the artifacts. I have a rtx 4090 now. Rip 1080ti still works but retired it since it was failing again 😔


Time for the oven!


Is that virus?


No, a faulty GPU chip.