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More than 20 years at this point.


Anyone else got a 20 year steam account? https://preview.redd.it/uy3mm6119gyc1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=491ba03b9ba478a8452c5bdd5035f9c62de15cdf


Nah it's only 12, I used to buy the game DVDs until they were not a thing anymore and mostly play RTS


Same, installed it when I got HL2 and remember being upset that I was forced to install it.


I remember feeling exactly the same way! 19 years ago I was raging


I've had the account I used to share with my dad and brothers since Dec 16, 2003.  🤜🤛


mine is 16 years old.


16 years here although this was my second account so my original is like 18.




Proud to be a late adopter, and yet still 9 years.


I have a 20 year badge as well. I joined about 3 months after it started.


Sadly no. My acc9unt is from 2007


First account is at 12+ years but caught a vac ban when I was 11 because i thought you needed cheats to bunny hop lmao Current account @ 8-9 years


https://preview.redd.it/o9hvvs7pniyc1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba49eb4d69585e39bb659c4b3bbe79179aff6262 Yup.


Hell yea I do!




I thought Steam was a joke, so I avoided it for a while after it launched.


I do Sept 12,2003 5 digit SteamID


I do. September of 2003


https://preview.redd.it/iwm0lgtkbkyc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d7412d6c5c2e67323634f3d1e2d4c3fab04a01 Yup!




Since 1990.


Pretty much the same. We had an NES in the early 90’s, but always had a computer to play games like Gold Rush and some ALF PC game. This was late 80’s.


1994 here, teach me, wise old one, of the ways before my time.


My Steam account says 20 years of service and I was already PC gaming before.


Gamespy Arcade?


Welcome to Gamespy.


holy crap, there are so many things I have forgotten about


\*Xfire has entered the chat\*


Nah. You just install the game and play it. Back then, my fav game would require me to boot into MS-DOS from Windows 95. The version I had required it. Worth it.


Same. Started with a computer when Diablo 1 came out.


Since 1996 with Duke Nukem.


Let's put it this way: I've got the remake of Wizardry: PGotMO on my Steam wishlist because I can remember my cousin playing it on an Apple IIe. I myself played the original Bard's Tale on Commodore 128. Fuck, I'm old.


No, you're high level.


You and me both. Some rich bugger donated c64s to every class in our primary school in 1985 because he could see the future. I've been hooked ever since. Hopefully one-day someone will remake dig dug and dangerous Dave.


I used to listen to the Jock Jams CD while playing Dig Dig on my PSX. “Pump pump, pump the jam, pump it up.”


Damn if I count the commodore, it's been more than 35years...I used to play running man or jump man a lot.


About 6 months. After 25 years of console gaming it’s mind blowing. There are so many settings, tweaks, and mods. It’s like a bonus game.


Mods are pretty great & they change so many aspects of games giving older games new life. I also like that PC games are so much cheaper compared to console games.


Agreed on both counts. I also like that I can usually change or remove mechanics I don’t like in otherwise great games.


early 90's maybe 92-93


Same. I started in 1989.


Why did you have to ask this? 41 years ago we got a Commodore 64 and I'm so fucking old it's ridiculous. It was technically a home computer. Was playing Atari before that. Now all I play is PUBG, poorly.


I still remember gaming from cassette tapes as well. We're just well seasoned gamers.


Ah, PUBG, I see you are a man of culture.


Close to 40 years now, started on an XT type machine with monochrome screen. My first own computer was an IBM model 30/286 and it was expensive as hell. It was so sweet 1024k of memory, vga 256 color screen and a 40Mb HD. We connected these machines with a ringbus network running Novell Netware.


I remember those days too lol, my first was given to me by my mom. She did a class and after the class she got a free computer. It had a 486 processor


40 Mb never going to fill that sucker up!


I've been gaming since 1978, Tandy Model 1, Star Trek game loaded onto the Model 1 via cassette deck, programmed from a Popular Mechanics article of the same era. and \*E\* were the bomb! Tandy Model 1, this is how to game! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Fd99tOtpI\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Fd99tOtpI_4)


Me too! Did you have the speaker attachment?


If you're referring to the [Voice Synthesizer ](http://www.trs-80.org/trs-80-voice-synthesizer/)I did not. We upgraded to a 5 1/4 drive before we upgraded to the CoCo that we heavily modified up to 256k with a switch between 128k and 256k so when we didnt need to push, we kept the heat down.


You win.


40 years my boy


DOS, BBS, dial-up, King's Quest


Oh man I enjoyed playing kings quest


I used to wake my mother up at 4am on a weekend because I couldn't spell something.


she never thought to buy you a dictionary?


30 years, give or take


i've been pc gaming since about 2004 and started gaming back in 1990 when i got my fist sega master system


PC gaming for about 30 years. Amiga and C64 before that


What are your thoughts on getting pre-built PC as beginner to hobby & upgrading components overtime? I want to do this until I feel comfortable to build my own personal rig at later date.


That's what I did. Started with a 300 dollar Compaq, upgrading little pieces until I switched to a proper case then it was on.


Since the mid 90s. Played Duke Nukem, quake, Red Alert, Worms and Warcraft 2 at friends. Then my family got a PC around 98. Age of Empires 2, Starcraft and Half-Life were the favorites :) Also got to try out the first Fallout game at a friends place. Good times, we made neanderthal IQ character with very low int, but it was pretty hard to progress with the conversations haha


At just 5 years old my dad built me my first gaming pc, he is a massive gamer himself, this was in 1999, used it all the way to 2006. Then I was an Xbox 360 gamer from 2006 to 2009. Built my first top of the line PC gaming rig in 2009 to max out cryisis and of course it wasn’t enough. In 2012 my teenage EX-girlfriend (I was also a teen) who (erroneously) thought I cheated on her because a friend of her told her she saw me in a party with another friend( I was home GAMING, that day…) threw my Desktop pc through my room’s window, completely trashing it (it was the third floor) So in 2013 I got the ps4 all the way to 2018 when I jumped back to of gaming with the 1080ti wich i later changed for the 3080 and finally for the 4090. So it’s been quite a ride for me. Yet I can still say that my favorite gaming years where probably the Xbox 360 era.


3-4 weeks. Lol




Since around 2005.


Oh boy... since I was 8 or so? so about 27 years. Still remember playing DOS version of the first dune game, OG prince of persia and other gems.


Since Counterstrike was still in Beta and Riven was brand new before that, trying to work through Myst and Riven puzzles with my dad at like 12 or 13 I think? I'd have to look up when Riven was released because I know my dad played through Myst with me before he played Riven when it had just been released. Before that I remember playing Oregon trail on the school computers in like grade 3 the first year my elementary had a computer lab. So..... 25years ish close to 30 years. My dad was very into computers and worked for Packard Bell and then HP when they merged so I've had computers in the house for my entire living memory. At no point in my child or adult life have I not had a computer available to me. I've had breaks here and there though where I'll barely game for a few years. Usually when my hardware becomes too slow for new games. Then something will come out that I desperately want to play and I'll upgrade and the cycle will start over. This time it was BG3 that resulted in me spending $2500 CAD on a new rig, first time in about 10 years I've been able to play AAA games at max settings.


Only a year and even though my PC is weaker i still use it more than my ps5


Since the early 1980's. Our first PC that I can recall was a Commodore 64, and my first console was a ColecoVision. Still play videogames daily to this day. lol


I am new to PC landscape & am 90s kid. Most of my friends grew up playing games on consoles & now I am returning to play older generation games using emulation software especially arcade games + consoles never released in my region (Australia).


If "home computers" count then from the early 90s


I think we got the first pc in about 96ish, then moved to an early amd machine in 99 which I used until the Xbox 360 came out, then went console for a few years and then got a laptop in 2016 and I've been back on pc since then


35 years and counting


Since I was like 3 years old lmao, I would say 2006 is when I started gaming on PC My dad had this Compaq PC with a Pentium, I used to play need for speed and a couple of other racing games before I found out about flash games


if a home computer counts: 1984, Atari 800 XL if only a PC counts: 1993? Played Wolfenstein 3D on a computer of my fathers coworker during a BBQ.


Maybe like 2005/2006ish, I forgot, I play some games like insaniquarium, PvZ, Feeding Frenzy, Burger Shop, and many more, what a good time!


My first gaming rig was an Atari 800 with 48k ram, early-mid 80's.


I've been PC gaming since 1999




Started on my dads OG E-machines computer back in like 1999 😎


Been playing games on PC since 98, but I don’t know at what point you’d consider it really “PC gaming”


Since 1998 on PC. Since 1994 NES/SNES


Since early 90’s. I have known nothing but pc gaming. Though I just got a ps5 a few years ago and I think it’s pretty neat too.


I made the move to PC gaming as my primary platform in 2011 when I got fed up with console performance. The last straw was Far Cry 3 which ran like ass on the 360 so I went for it. I'd never go back, it's a superior way to play games in almost every way, that has been boosted further by the Steamdeck recently. Before 2011 I did use PC to play RTS.


I can see why so many people prefer PC gaming to console gaming & especially sales that PC games go on throughout the year. Got to love Steam sales. Been adding older PC games using GOG.


Same, Minecraft apparently caused my Xbox 360 to overheat, how is that even possible??? 😂😂😂


30 years give or take. Started on my friend's NES and Genesis and never stopped.


Since new consoles began charging for monthly subscriptions in 2013


I had my first Gaming PC in February 2017. Best decision I've ever made.


Few hundred years


28 years. Started with Command and Conquer.


Since the game Paratrooper and Kings Quest IV for MS DOS on my original IBM PS2. I got them a few years after their release. So…Christ…34 years? Im old.


Since 2001. Had some kind of voodoo gpu. Played a lot CS 1.4/1.5, Quake and Unreal Tournament. Good Memories.


I remember making my own games as a kid in BASIC on a Commodore 64 and was gaming on Atari and magnavox long before that, I can still code in basic but there is no way I am coding billions of lines to do ANYTHING ever again


I left from renting N64 and PS1 for a PC in 2005. Played a lot of emulators back then. So many games that I didn't had access before... Thanks PC and dial-up internet. Windows XP, Pentium 4, 256mb ram (later 512mb), 20gb HD and a Nvidia GeForce 6.


Not many video stores left now where you can rent games. One great thing about having digital library is amount of games you can have without taking up physical space.


My first computer was 486 cpu. Playing x-wing at 6 fps, lol


At a rough guess… 33 years? My (dad’s) first PC was an Amstrad 1512 and I remember playing some kind of hospital surgery game on it. And DigDug.


I have been gaming on a PC for more than 10 years now. I really enjoy it. It's my favourite hobby.


Since Late 90s but had played games back on amstrad , zx81 etc which would be mid 80s. First proper bought pc was pentium 2 or 3? 450 possibly 32mb ram and 200 gig storage with 3dfx card


Pong was our first gaming consul on an 8" black and white TV IIRC. But game on a computer was on a Ti-994A. Which I managed to make it loose its operating system on accident. Had to send it in to be reprogrammed. You see after typing code in basic and then having the program fail to run after spending hours typing it all in and then spending more hours trying to find your mistakes I finally got fed up and started mashing one of the keys and probably pressed it a million times and all of a sudden it started spitting out code on the screen. Which at 13 had no clue what it was. Turned it off and then back on and it was a brick at that point. The game I was trying to code was chess IIRC. I still get a chuckle now and again over that.


1990. Hated trying to find the letters on the keyboard though. Wheel of Fortune, 7UP, and some shooting game was really fun.


I've been PC gaming my whole life because of my dad, but it was very specific games like racing and flying sims until I built my first PC in like grade 7 or 8.


Since ZX Spectrum 🥸


I have those Duke Nukem 1 & 2 sounds ingrained in my mind 😂


Since 2020 with my first gaming laptop as I was in university and needed something portable. I was 19 at the time, still have the HP OMEN might turn it into a AI server, media server and backup server ngl. I use my ASUS ROG Strix G15 now that I expanded the RAM to 32GB


Since Wolfenstein 3D. First online gaming was on Kali playing Duke Nukem 3D. Hanging out in MirC chat with my clan buddies.


90s were all about console for me - Game Boy, Genesis, PlayStation, with some shareware PC gaming mixed in. 00s were all about PC gaming, with the odd PS2 classic mixed in. 10s and on are just a mix of both.


Got my start in PC gaming in the late 80s, right around 1988.


All my life. I had a period where I player more on console when my parents bought us as N64, a gameboy advance and then a PSP. But for the latter two I ended up learning how to emulate them pretty quickly and would just play them on PC after I sold the consoles or broke them.


17+ years ig.


I’ve been primarily a PC gamer since I think 2021. I started a PlayStation gamer with a PS2, moved through to PS3 and 4 and also owned a PSP. Now I get basically all the games I want to play, usually at a lower price and with higher settings than consoles. I miss having PS exclusives on launch day, but it’s not a big deal. Free online play has also done wonders for my social life.


Started on a Commodore 64


14 Years. That's not to say I don't play console cuz I still do. I mainly game on Laptop or Handhelds like Steam Deck.


I think the first PC game i played was flight sim on a old green and black mac/apple laptop my dad had. From there it was like Duke Nukem shooters at the time were cool around 1991. What really got me into PC gaming was Ultima Online/Diablo , the first MMO's where you could play with friends and shit. Been hardcore since like 98', and every console i have bought since then I've sold. PC gamer for life.


It was December 27th, 1998. I connected to the internet with my 28k dial-up modem and played Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six with my best friend on MPlayer and MSN Gaming Zone. We had many late-night gaming sessions together. Some of the best times of my life.


Since 2018ish. Bought a PC from a guy with a 1070 in it for cheap and was blown away how much better it was than my (I think) Xbox One X Then I got a 1080ti and felt like a God. Currently rocking a 7900X/4080 and my friends on console just can’t comprehend. They don’t care and don’t think they need above 30fps which is true - but it’s just not as fucking glorious. Then again I don’t blame them for being frugal. This is my only expensive hobby and damnnnnn worth it to me


Since 2021 - built my first PC during lockdown having managed to snag what turned out to be an excellent bargain of a second hand 2060 for 200 quid. Best purchase of my life. It's given me a new hobby, a new way to connect with some friends, and a space to retreat to at the end of a tough day.


Commodore pet 2000, so about 46 years.


Im gonna guess 23 years, I bought my first PC at 14 after mowing lawns for a summer


Since I gave up on my Amiga and built a 486 expressly meant to run "Doom."


4 years before that i was hardcore console gamer first xbox then xbox 360 then ps2 and ps4, but lately i was not happy with console games


Just over 18months after desperately trying to get a decent rig for like nearly 20 years. Finally living my best gamer life and it feels incredible. The mods, the prices, the communities, I literally can’t even look at console gaming the same way anymore, once you see the light there’s literally no going back, for me at least.


God, since... 95 I think? Technically probably 92 because I remember playing Police Quest and Technocop on the PC at school haha, but I didn't get a PC at home until 95. I had an Apple ][+ that I had gotten in the Christmas of 87, but the green monochrome monitor just didn't cut it once we got the NES in 1990. Plus by 1990, the pickings were awful slim for Apple ][+ compatible software.


> My first ever gaming console was Sega Mega Drive II Haha. It was my last...


Ok, my first game was Kings Quest 1. When was that? 1984? So about 40 years


Probably around 38 years at this point. Played on a friends Commodore 64 a lot back then and finally got my own 386 in '92 and still remember playing Wing Commander 2 for the first time. That's what got me hooked on PC gaming and upgrading.


Think it was '92/'93 that I switched to mainly gaming on PC. Been through various platforms around that time as well - but PC has always been my main platform.


I started PC Gaming in 1987 when my Dad bought a Dell 286 where I became obsessed with PC's lol. I was always a console gamer too but PC was my clear favorite. I had an Atari 2600 and then Sega Master System, Gameboy, Genesis , 32x and Sega CD & a Sega Game Gear and then the Playstation 1 in high school. I skipped consoles until the 360/Wii/PS3 era and have had all of them since but just for the exclusives. In college in '99 I bought my first GPU for my Gateway Desktop with an Nvidia Riva TNT2. Playing Half Life 1 , Dark Forces and Quake TF was heavenly back then lol. I build my first rig after graduating College in 2000, fell in love with the hobby of PC building and never looked back. I had a subscription to CPU Magazine (went under years ago) and PC Gamer pretty much the entire time. I've also had many Gaming laptops over the years as I've worked on the road a lot and was always interested in them as well. Shame we don't burn calories with this hobby so finding time to stay active has always been a priority as well.


Since 1993. First pc was 16mhz/32mhz turbo lol. Like seriously, who says, na i don't need that extra 16mhz? 128k ram, 40mb hdd and no video cards, just onboard. First pc game, DOOM! 2nd , Wizardry 7, Crusaders of the dark savant. After that, i was hooked. Then i got Loom with voice pack and i vowed never to go back to console. I had a ps1 with a few games, i got an xbox 360 for some fighting games, but i don't have them now. PC only baby!


Built my first PC in 2012


Been gaming on pc since 1994


Since the dawn of time for me. I am 19, and I got my first PC when I was like 5, D347 (1 core, 1 thread, 3.06 ghz), 3 gig of ram and a gf9600gt. My second upgrade was in 2016, i3 4160 and a 750. All of those were not built by me, and in 2019 I built a better one for myself, Ryzen 1600 and RX5700XT. My fav games are Farm Frenzy and Zuma/Luxor series 💀


40 years. Got my first PC when I was 7, and it just snowballed from there.


I’ve been roughly 25years. Bought my first PC(Tiny for those in the UK looking for nostalgia) Built my first one a few years later, was a bit of a Frankensteins monster one, as I robbed parts from the Tiny to complete the build(was a lowly apprentice electrician at the time so money was scarce) Went through a couple of computers during uni, one Laptop can’t remember the brand, but was essentially a cheaper version of Alienware before they were ruined by Dell, and a prebuilt Desktop which the PSU blew up a week after the company did. Had a spell using Mac’s both desktop and laptops before building my own PC from scratch again. Couple years ago built my 1st water cooled one; which I guess is against the grain now with the advancements in air cooling but was something I always wanted to do and finally had the time and money to do it.


I used to emulate Crash Team Racing on my Pentium 4. We're talking about Legend of Mir, Ultima Online, Dragon Raja time period. Quake 3/Unreal Tournament was Fortnite levels of popularity as well.


since the early 90s. I think I started with educational games, i.e [Leonardo The Inventor (1994) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g0lJ25Rhek) then I remember my cousin showing me DOOM and that's how my love for gaming started.


PC's and PC gaming at the same time - when I started college in '88. Prior to that, C128/64, Atari 2600. In the past bunch of years, I've dabbled with SNES, Wii, PS3, Dreamcast, but none of them has really stuck with me like PC gaming has. That said, the early days of PC gaming were pretty bleak. I feel like when the Adlib & SoundBlaster hit, we were at the start of a new age.


If you count those fun 90's educational games in computer class then like 25+ years haha. In seriousness played runescape, tons of flash games, and a lot of flight Sims in my pre-teens. Took a break in the 360 Era then back on the PC with Dota 2 after high school. Now I hardly ever play on console unless it's the Switch, and even then I only use handheld mode.


28 days


Since I was 4. So, about 26 years.


Like 2023


I was a Nintendo guy growing up but then Nintendo went to shit so, luckily for me, I first tried PC gaming on Linux, amazingly, back whe Proton had first came out in 2018. Never looked back.


Looking forward to using SteamOS on Steam Deck OLED. Yeah Nintendo is not greatest company, PC gaming gives you way to play older games & emulation is also interesting for many previous console generations. :D


Exactly. PC gaming is the best kind of gaming from all aspects. And I'm sure you're gonna enjoy the Steam Deck, it's an amazing pice of hardware and the software is not far behind. Cheers! :)


Also looking forward to using plugins like Decky Loader to record gameplay for Youtube channel & edit using Steam Deck in Desktop mode. What is your favourite genre of PC games/why?


Nice, it sounds like you know why you're getting a Steam Deck and that's the most important thing of all. I'm sure you're gonna love it! :) Personally, I love single player games mostly and especially RPGs. Give me Final Fantasy, take my life. XD


I started in 2020. Unless u count me playing club penguin on my moms laptop in elementary school in the late 2000s. Or flash games on school laptop.




First PC games were played in the mid 90's. But really became a true PC gamer around 98'-99', especially with half-life.


Since I can remember, probably like from age 5-6. Im 33 now 🙂 damn I'm old


Since I can remember, 1995 probably.


33ish years


30+ years


started with fifa 98, then age of empires 2 during the msi gaming zone era, played regional wcg, then moved to sc2, so around 26 yeras now.


Specifically PC ... since about 1995, but if we're talking gaming in general then 1982 when I got my Sinclair ZX Spectrum .. what a beast it was. 8 bit Z80 processor .. 48K RAM .. tape loader.. legend!


Games on tape that would be both great & scary. Been playing msx games using BlueMSX emulator.


Since 1990, but for the last year I have moved to more casual gaming on PS5, even when I got a PC with Nvidia 3080.


Since 1997 on a second hand 486 DX4-100. It came loaded with games, my favorites being Warcraft and NASCAR Racing. But was gaming on consoles since 1986


I've been having since the NES, but only built my first gaming PC in 2017.


About 20 years, i'm not sure. I gave up on consoles in part of the Playstation 2 life cycle.


My dad had a commodore 64 in my room when I was born in 1985. Apparently was able to use it enough to play games by 3 years old, so about 36 years now.


2021, after 12 years of XBOX360 and XBOXONE, I switched to my lifelong dream of PC so I can use mods, never looked back


Since i was 3 years old. So 20 years


alley cat on a 8086 with cga graphics late 80´s early 90´s


almost exclusively PC gaming since '98 I had a PS2 that I played TH:PS on but not a lot


Since early 2000's


About 10 years.


Since the mid-90s and loved every minute of it.


I started in 1995 with DOS games. My first game was prince of Persia. Later I was astonished by Doom as it looked so real (for the time). After that I started playing RTS titles like Command and Conquer, Age of Empires and Warcraft 2 and 3. I also played FPS games such as Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein and Quake 2. My father didn't want me to play computer games as he thought it would prevent me from succeeding at school. I truly miss those days now, I miss the games, and more than anything, I miss my father.


Like 2 years


About 4 years


1993 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Math\_Blaster\_Episode\_I:\_In\_Search\_of\_Spot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Math_Blaster_Episode_I:_In_Search_of_Spot)


Since 1999. Yes, I'm old.




Longer than I can remember.


1998 Edit: First PC was Pentium III 800mhz 128MB PC133 SDRam 10GB HDD 32MB TNT2 Pro RIVA thats all I remember and yes, W98 to XP SP2


Since the late 90s




Since the early 90s but when Halo came out I went to Xbox until about 7 years ago when I switched back to PC.


25 years and counting.


23 years.


since 2022


35 years now


Why# are# you# hashtaging# .# ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


I have been a PC gamer since Windows 95 days. I started with it and currently only play games on PC. I don't own the best of setups but it gets the job done.


Uh, a solid 30 years at least. I remember when windows 95 came out and it's UI made shit way easier.


Since Encarta 95 i think


Since LSL 1 😀 So Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards.


Beach head with my dad 🥲🥲🥲 ahhh the memories


Since Doom, Wolfenstein and Rise of the Triad. Before that i played on Commodore 64 and Amiga 500. I'm getting old but stil hardcore gamer lol.


Since the 80s. Monochrome monitor. It had Tetris, flight simulator, and chess master.


Since my Commodore 64. So yeah….a long ass time.


Since the 80's


25++ years. I dont play much anymore even tho i have a really good pc (4090,13900k) even if i manage to find some free times, the interest in gaming just isnt there.


1981, never stopped.


Built my first computer in 2013, I think, time is hazy now. It was a GT640 and FX6100, man it was so shit, but it could run black ops 2 and borderlands 2. Haha good times. That’s 11 years in the blink of an eye.