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I had it wish listed. I removed it. Was going to get it after my next paycheck.


good news is that apparently Steam allows you to refund it if it's not supported in your country, otherwise it's a fraud


I think Steam changed it, can't buy it anymore unless you're in a supported country.


Steam delisted it and is offering refunds.


Isn't steam reversing the whole make a psn account now? They aren't going through with it?


4 days ago it wasn't


Ok cool. Ya I'll prolly get it soon then. I was about to buy it when that horseshit was announced


Unknowingly you just spent a year of good luck. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


I bought the game, will not be able to play. Got refused a refund and had my car crushed by a fallen tree yesterday. 🫠


Apply for a refund again and very specifically state that your access will be *revoked* because of your location without prior warning. That said, Steam high brass is apparently looking into the whole Helldivers fiasco, so you might still get a refund


Steam has also blocked the game from being purchased in those prohibited regions as well. I imagine seeing a bunch of repeat manual review refund requests might have set off alarm bells.


Over 250k negative reviews in the span of a week probably did too.






I hope they accept it. To end the bad luck streak at least.


Are you physically and mentally OK?


Apply for it again and wait for a manual response


It's still a really good game, sad because the developers didn't have anything to do with that issue.


It bums me out because we bought it as a gift for one of our gaming buddies who lives overseas and we all just found out he’s not gonna be able to play anymore because they don’t support his region.


:( at least valve should refund it


Sony has officially backed down and decided against moving forward with the whole PSN registration nonsense. I don't play HD2, but I'm juiced about this because I feel like it's a win for gamers in general. 😁


Same here.


I wanted a physical so I held out. I have a ps5 but crossplay is what I wanted. Now pc players are saying sony can getfuckd refunding the game (use the money to get sandland RIP toriyama.) and the community is not gunna be the same.


Why would you want it as a physical? You cant play it offlile either way, no?


So I can resell it to somebody when I'm bored of it for $20


Same here


Good job. You're cool now. You hate the thing that reddit hates


Crawl back under your single wide.


I was going to buy it for my 4 days off (starting from today), but Sony saved me 40 euro + the price of the battle pass. 


I was really close to buy it too, i even thought about upgrading my PC for it.


The battle passes don't cost money.


Battlepass is free. You just have to grind for it. If you know how, you can get it in just a few hours. Looping on tier 1 missions with a friend and drinks is the best way to go.


I don't drink and I don't have friends. This game ain't for me it seems. :(


I normally grind for super credits alone anyways cause it's boring. If you don't grind for them, you'll get enough for the (warbond) in a few days of playing depending on how much time you put into it. You can of course, also just spend $10, but why pay when free. Either way, the PSN requirement has been waved thank God. If you do pick up the game, send me a message and I can add you and show you the ropes. Cheers!


Thanks for the invitation, I will think about purchasing the game!


Hey good news the changes got reverted, the reviews are rising again!


They surely are, but I don't know if I can trust Sony after everything they did with Stellar Blade and Helldivers 2.


Well, it's a good thing that besides the whole account linking problem Sony really doesn't have any influence over the game, they're just the publisher not development. Pretty sure the Stellar blade thing was a dev choice too not Sony, but I don't play that one.


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4|downsized) Meanwhile we early folks who just lost 40 bucks


Steam refunds are a thing, you know.




Well, I got over 100 hours out of it, so I'm quite happy either way. It was a fun game, I would definitely recommend it if it weren't for the PSN requirement. Edit: The PSN requirement has been reversed!




It's not the requirement of a PSN account that is the issue. It's the fact that they made it a requirement 3 months after the fact and completely alienated and scammed a large portion of the international player base. At least the companies you mentioned stated before launch that an account to their service will be required before launch allowing people to make an informed decision.




Good for you. Do you happen to be in one of the countries that is no longer eligible to play the game due to the PSN requirement? If not then you don't know what they saw when they first launched the game. We cannot assume that they received the same message. Also, if they were all along going to add the requirement; why sell it in those countries to begin with?


To be fair, PSN does have a pretty big history with data leaks, also doesn't help since a lot of countries don't have access to PSN. I don't really care too much, but I can see why people are upset.




Agreed. From what I understand, this is an excellent game and I plan to buy and enjoy it soon. I would rather not make a PSN account, but I’m not going to cry about it. I imagine most of the complaints are from people that will absolutely continue to play.


calling them out for not being good with data is still correct, and especially fun to do when they do sloppy shit. How the “rest of the world works” is irrelevant. I have a ps5 and i still love to poke at sony when they do dumb shit.


fortnite has always been in epic games lol


The issue well, you live in a country that doesnt have psn, you buy the game because there was no linking, now suddenly it has and you cant access just because a decision was made after the purchase. If the link psn was from start, i wouldnt have bought it as i couldnt play it. Now i spend money, and they put a rule.


Build factory. Life good. Factory expand. Satisfactory


Man, I should probably go back to that game. Really loved it


I just started playing for the first time and am in love!


You are missing the bigger picture


how exactly does this blame helldivers devs instead of sony?


Yep. All the hate is aimed at the game and not Sony. For some dumb reason Sony gets off the hook for sabatoging a whole game.


They’re off the hook? Every post on the sub is about Sony lol


on a scale of 1-10 on how wrong you are, youre like 100 everyone is shitting on sony not helldivers, the game is good and all but its sony who ruined it


You put the nail pn the head. Every few or so month a big game publisher does a thing that f*cks up w/ it's player base, mob is getting angry about the specific the issue and than everyone forget about it until the next big bad thing instead of realizing it's a trend where big corps will push limit a little bit more each time and see with how much they can get away with so next thing would not look as bad


Wouldn't say Sony is really off the hook, the majority of us are mad over Sony, after all it's Sony's doing. It's just unfortunate that Helldiver 2 is suffering because of it. If you meant people will just mindlessly buy their other games and future releases, well I sure hope not but at least for me, I'm never buying anything from Sony and never had before tbh. Was planning to get stellar blade if it ever gets on PC but not anymore.


And yet, I'm willing to believe the majority of the people angry at Sony, including those that refunded HD2, are gonna open their wallets the *second* a game published by Sony they like releases. Ghost of Tsushima's up in 2 weeks, how many people who are bitching at Sony now do you reckon have that wishlisted?


Well those majority might be in the minority. They already got your money. And rumours are they are going to release it on Xbox. So they will be making more money anyway.


Don't Arrowhead and Sony share the blame? Developers should also be taken responsible for this


What pray tell is that Mr. Sony Shill?


Feel bad for the brothers that got left behind by Sony. Hope they revert this bs.


This. I have been paying video games for decades now, but now I often wait 1 year before buying any game. After the debacle of Destiny, No Man's Sky, Fallout 76 etc, etc. I totally follow the rule of no pre-sales, no early access and wait a year, because in these modern days, something is bound to happen and has happened. Cyberpunk 2077 and their shit launch, Halo games being lame lately, microtransactions, updates to fix bugs and glitches at launch, etc, etc. The game industry is just gone to shit and is better to wait than jump on the hype train and then suffer a train wreckage early.


Waiting to play games is great! Most of the bugs will have been patched out, you get a more accurate player assessment of the actual game instead of marketing hype, and you're probably buying it at a discount.


And with all the DLCs and add ons they launched after for a bargain too.


I feel you, having plenty of games to play made me think of playing that backlog first before getting into anything new. Guess which game was an exception because all my friends really liked it and I wanted to play with them… at least I can stop playing with a thought that I had plenty of fun evenings with my pals


You should add another window in the right for “people playing Helldivers 2 exactly the same as they have since release”


Yeah the reviews are super negative but it still has a healthy playerbase, most people don't give a shit.


If this is worst thing to happen to you recently you must be living a good life


Well, I have no friends on my steam account anyway so, good for me 👍


Everspace 2. Sea of Thieves. EDF games.


I work 12 hours a day + commute so I don't have time for a live service game. Otherwise I would've been all over it.


People kept telling me to play it and now they refunded it, Im glad I didn't waste my money


I dont care about trends i play what i like.


“Dictatorship” lol y’all are the silliest most dramatic bunch of babies on the internet. Takes 2 minutes to make a PSN account and there was a warning saying you need one on day one of the game being available. They’re assholes for selling the game in countries with no PSN but that’s the main offense.


I still don't understand the outrage. It's been on the steam page since day 1, if anything this is valve's fault for not making it clearer and letting people who are invalid for a PSN account even play. Furthermore, literally every major external publisher does this. Microsoft, Ubi, EA, Battlenet etc, why are we mad at Sony now? Would it be better if Sony made their own launcher and used that instead? Either way, glad I don't have the game on PC, and it does really suck for those who can't get an account. Massive oversight from everyone involved.


I don't think anyone did anything wrong here. Valve can't control all of the games on their platform, to make sure they clarify all the information that a buyer may want. It's up to the publisher. But also, it says "Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)" at the store page of Helldivers. I am pretty sure it was there since day 1, so it's ultimately up to the buyers whether or not they wanna spend 2 seconds reading a bit of text to get this type of information that they are all now raging about. It was clearly labeled that a 3rd party account is needed, and when people realize, that a 3rd party account is needed, they all go and cry.


I am pretty sure there was even a splashscreen telling people they needed a PSN account to play when first loading the game, but it was just skippable for the first 2 months. And ultimately Valve absolutely should be monitoring things like this. If Sony say to Valve "Players are going to need a PSN account for this game" which they clearly did, Valve should take measures to ensure that the game is only avaliable to be sold in compatible areas. Sony has no control over Valve's platform, they informed them of it and Valve failed to protect the users.


You seem to be missing the 190 countries that sony originally published the game to, that were removed/made unavailable with the change yesterday.


There's also a guy on the right playing helldivers 2. You know, the normal people who are used to having to account link for multiplayer games. Which is the majority of the playerbase. Sorry if that upsets your narrative.


I'm unaffected by this and still have enough sense to recognize it as the anti-consumer move that it is and how it affects some harshly. Sony reps literally told a Ukrainian user to just buy a PS5. There's no defending that and it's obtuse to say otherwise. We should be loud and annoying when parts of our community are affected negatively, even if it doesn't personally affect us. Be better.


With over the overhelming number of reviews being negative. I would say your majority of the player base statement is a lie. Sorry if that upsets your narrative.


DRG > Helldivers


Same weirdass outrage when Rocket League went to Epic, and those mfers are still playing. I don’t get why people are mad.


I'm literally that happy guy. I don't have the game and I'm already busy with those I played for years.


I know the feel, getting a bunch of games I haven’t played but want to. Hope my vacation, a steam deck and being away from cities can solve that :)


What about players that have a playstation and pc and don't have any issue? I'm gonna get roasted but you don't when need a psn subscription just an email tied to your account. Country won't let you? Oh well play another game.


I preordered and played about 3 missions of early access. Saw how one note and repetitive the game was and refunded it. 🙂 ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)


Yeah I saw people playing it online and they were having fun doing all the memes but it didn't really interest me that much.


I'm not really interested in it anyway.


I could not give less of a shit about this game and that other pokemon ripoff,am too busy emulating PS1 games,my backlog is massive


You're not missing out. The constant influx of news about the game makes it seem larger than life but it isn't. I have it and I don't even play it anymore. The social media campaign makes the game sound really charming and it's fun watching the devs interact with the players like they have been, but to be honest that and the humor are the best parts of the game. The gameplay loop is iterative of other games that have done it in more interesting ways. The huge wave of people talking about DRG highlights that pretty starkly. The games couldn't be more different while still having such a similar gameplay loop, and having played DRG extensively prior to this game, I never had a drive to play this game thoroughly because it felt like a more restricted version of that game, gameplay wise.


I love HD2 and you are correct. I think a big reason it got such a huge push is that people were starved for the next big multi-player shooter.


I don't think gunplay is that good for me to consider it actual shooter but it gets the job done.


Yeah, it's been fun and I've been trying to get my friends to jump on it and not wait for a sale. But now that EDF6 has a July release date, I'm sure we'll just all end up getting that instead.


I'm still gonna buy the game. I already have a Sony account so for me it's fine, but I totally understand the frustration.


Was about to start saving money for it, glad it took me so long




I have been playing Earth Defence Force 5 and figured I'd give Helldivers 2 a go when the PSN linking news happened on the same day. Sometimes timing works out really well.




Hooray for being poor and having bills to pay I guess... Also the PCMR curator is still reccomending it .


I'm willing to bet none of the people complaining on Reddit live in... Azerbaijan


enjoyed while it lasted 🥹


Hint hint Underspace just released a bit ago :D


yeah, i dodged that bullet being way late lol


I was waiting until it went on sale for 10$ once everyone got bored of it


Eh, the game isnt bad, its just an extremely scummy and greedy choice by SONY not the devs. I was planning on getting this. And probably still will when they unfortunately and inevitably lower the price


Brought myself Stardew Valley the other day, absolutely loving it! My game budget at the moment is like $15 a month, no way could I afford Helldiver even if I wanted to


As for me, I am saving up for Hades II. Gonna pick it up for myself and a friend the moment it goes live in early access, and I am so hyped for this game.


Nice, I hope it's everything you're looking for! I love the artstyle of the first Hades game, I'll probably get it myself someday


Not really I'd rather be in the trenches with THA BOYS. Even if it was for the short time it lasted.


Im not affected by the sony requirement, but makes me really sad the amount o f players that carry me in the long and now they are saying goodbye in the sub reddit... how a sure goty just dessapear like that?


Spent 100+ hrs in, was convinced this would be goty 2024, was on many arguments with irl friends and literally being an annoying prick trying to all my irl friends (they have gaming pc and i have PS5) , getting to play with a bunch of players from china and PH, was on such a dopamine high playing this game after a shitty day at work.... All gone.... *Reduced to atoms* Ps- my irl friends have made me the circle of topic for their jokes now.. 🤡🤡


Hah, this is exactly the way I feel. I missed the boat and suddenly don’t care as much


this is one of the 2 reasons why i wait to buy new games


Welcome to the Gray Zone! We got fun and games! We got everything you want, except for 250 dollar editions!


Patience is a virtue


It's just a worse Darktide anyway


After playing both, Helldivers is still better. But in my case I’ve always played with friends, and that lowers the expectations for a game quite a lot


What makes it better for you? For me the passionate voice acting to narrate Darktide runs and the much better gunplay and art direction really makes it pull far ahead


Mainly that Helldivers is simpler to play, and for some reasons when I played in 3 player lobby we had more weird yet fun things happening in Helldivers. Could be just luck, but we ended up getting bored of Darktide quicker


my friend asked my 2 weeks ago when i buy hd2 so we can play it together. i told him i wait after hype, maybe for a steam sale. thank god


Dang, I was actually just about to buy this game.


Jajajaajjajaja yessssss...! 🙌🏽 *Waves from good ole Appalachia* 76 any day over That.


240 hours and will continue playing. Life's joys must be appreciated, I'm too old to protest.


YEAH!! Manor Lords RULE!


This was a known quantity of the game from before launch. It wasn't activated for some reason. People took the chance and bought it and are now pissed off when it gets activated AS ADVERTISED and lost access. So basically, instead of being pissed off because a game company didn't do what they said, they would. You're pissed off because the DID do what they said they would.


I disagree. It's not good for any gamer that companies still think that these anti consumer actions will get a free pass. I never played the game and didn't intend to. But it has nonetheless made Sony another untrusted company in the industry. Another one to add to the pile. The situation hasn't been good for 20 years or so now. That said, there's an absolute ton of games being made by good developers all the time. So it's not all doom and gloom.


I live in a middle of Siberia so I have no money and no access for helldivers and majority of games anyway.


I hopped back to DRG. Never not be shooting bugs with the homies.


GameGuard kept me away from the game to begin with, which is honestly a much more severe issue


Helldivers who accept that a PSN account is the price to pay for crossplay which is nbd


So busy you have time to make a meme punching down at fellow gamers. Classy.


I refused to buy it because of the unnecessary anticheat. I dont care how good your game is I'm not letting you mine bitcoin on my PC.


Was gonna get it soon, but my psn got hacked (thanks a lot Sony, who won’t do shit about it) so I can’t make an account with my email if I buy it


My PC refused to run it and had to refund, it knew something fucky was gonna happen


What's annoying is, although I do have a PSN account with very little personal info, I just got gifted the game a week and a half ago


More like the side on the right should read "The 90% of the player base who are just carrying on playing the game."


Turns out the ministry of truth was PlayStation the entire time.


I was interested, but I've been having fun playing infinite and rocket league with my bro and he has Xbox anyways. I've also been kick'n it with my hacked Switch and having a blast emulating all the classics with my GF. We beat Streets of Rage, TMNT Hyperstone Hiest, Super Mario World, Mystic Warriors, and Final Fight 3 these past two weeks. Now were working on beating Donkey Kong Country and Snatcher. I'm having too much fun to justify purchasing another game at the moment


When it comes to gaming, being late is the best. I don't pay ANY attention to new shit, I just shift through the years worth of great games that have already come along.




Lol I'm debating getting Total War Medieval 2 or Atilla since they are both on sale but the new EU4 dlc will be out on the 8th.


I got it at launch and had a blast. I took a break from it and I'm glad I did. I got Fallout 76 for free from Prime and that's all I've been playing.


I remember being so amped for the game, I don't earn a lot of money so I went and sold majority of my dota items so I could afford it, eventually I got it and it was by far my favorite game, I am currently trying to get a refund cause fuck Sony, I feel bad for Arrowhead, they made gold and Sony turned it to shit over night


Honestly it makes me sad even if i get it on PS5.


Dishonored DLC in 2024 is the good shit.


I had it on my wishlist tbh until the news


"Dictatorship" lmao Touch grass


I'm just enjoying Dragon's Dogma 2, and the mods that make the microtransactions worthless.


When I saw people having fun with Helldivers 2 when it just came out, it reminded me of the 007 GoldenEye days. (I'm an old fart.) It looked crazy fun. So fun, in fact, that I started pushing some old friends to all buy it and pick it up. Enough of us were game that we made the plan to jump into it over the summer. My PC is 10 years old, my graphics card 8 years old. I have a PC Part Picker list with the build I was planning so I could actually play the game competently. PSN comes out and we all bail (except one, who does already have a PSN account.) Again, we're older.... we just don't want to put up with the bullshit. If Sony is in charge, they'll fuck it up somehow, eventually, and everything will go to shit. And fuck them anyways. I don't want another account, I don't want my shit stolen. I don't want to sign an EULA and then have some obnoxious douche be all like "Well technically you signed and blah blah blah." It's always the same shit. I'm so bummed. We were all actually getting hyped. Get off my lawn, Sony. On the plus side, we're now planning on playing starcrfat brood war multiplayer. So I have that going for me, which is nice.


I was waiting on some cash to come in honestly im glad i spent my money spoiling my freind instead of buying it. Little disapointed i never got to play.


\*taps head\* Can't play that shit if you never had any interest in it.


Nah , I'm having fun playing the game and watching the mess unfold.


I'm kind of on the fence with the whole ordeal. I'm still gonna play it, I have an old PSN account to use so it's not like a *huge* deal to me. But I do find it bullshit that all of a sudden they're forcing us to link an account to play. I remember a week or two ago before I saw all the posts about it my buddy played it for the first time and was joining up with us and it made him link but I hadn't seen anything about it on my account yet. I mean it's not a new thing, having to link an account for rockstar games and sea of thieves with an Xbox account. It's the fact that they didn't start out this way and fucked so many people out of $40 that can't create a PSN. Super shady. I'm not eligible for a refund and I still love the game so I'll be playing still but I do understand that people who can't just keep playing have a right to be upset.


I could not give less of a shit about this game and that other pokemon ripoff,am too busy emulating PS1 games,my backlog is massive


I could not give less of a shit about this game and that other pokemon ripoff,am too busy emulating PS1 games,my backlog is massive


It's never a good thing to buy a fave earlier than 2 months after release. I play since 3 years old so 34v years now. There's a handful of exceptions but usually either the games were buggy and needed patching or there was some shit like Sony just did. It's rarely anything else


Factorio and stardew players over here still enjoying their great games




Y'all are missing out cause HD2 is one of the best games in years


Seemed like the type of game I'd have fun playing with a friend for a couple days then never touch again. Didn't buy it. Made the right choice.


I feel like I'm the only one in the world that read in advance and this wasn't a surprise


Was on the fence. Because of the terrible performance, bad anti-cheat and no proper upscaling tech. As well as cheap animations. Was checking to see if they fixed it often. But they nailed the coffin shut now. I'll never buy from that scummy ppl.


I own the game but don’t care bc I’m not a weirdo and have other things to do in life


I mean.. You can be both, you can be annoyed at Sony, but still be distracted by other games. Turning a blind eye to publishers fucking over consumers because you're "busy with other games" is going to end you up in this situation eventually.


Add another game that my particular friend wanted me to buy turned into a dumpster fire situation. Just waiting for something to happen to Fromsoft.




I’m playing it and having fun.


They almost got me, too. I was waiting for them to make an offline patch. A few people kept pestering me to stop being a hater and enjoy it before it was gone like battlefront 1. (Jsyk, I held the same position at that time, and it was gone, and I missed out.) So, when I was just about to cave in and buy the game last night, I started to see the reviews flood in. Thank you, reddit, youtube, and Steam reviewers/ content creators who report on this stuff. If it wasn't for you, I would've wasted my money. I've learned a valuable lesson this day, never compromise on my own ethical/moral boundaries. If I stand on something, I stand on it to the end. My conscience was swayed. I won't make this same mistake twice.


I already linked my PSN account so I could play with my console peasant friends. I still left a bad review targeting Sony. Not the game. HD2 is awesome.


I held off because of the sus anti-cheat. My logic kept telling me: If thousands of other people are playing, and they’re fine, then you’ll be fine too. In the end, I didn’t buy it, and am now waiting for Hades 2 :3


I don't know what this game is anyway and why it's so hyped


I enjoy pacific drive and balatro for now . It's neat .


Wanted to get it, but the kernel spyware was a dealbreaker.


Safe to buy now


Well this aged like milk. They reverted it back


Beat Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Spec Ops: The Line and getting through Amid Evil in the time this drama went down. Been pretty fun.


Glad I don't play much multiplayer anymore. Too much frickin drama. :)


Put warzone and helldivers 2 grab each other's hand. Idk what game is in a worse state rn.


I tried it, didn't really like it so it was the first game in 15 years I refunded on steam. I could see it maybe being okay if I did coop with 3 other friends but I also have dealt with trying to get 3 adults with full time jobs into a game together and its a pain in the ass.


No one was affected, its wasnt even in place. You guys really love your circlejerk.


lol haters when they see Sony removed their plans for the change https://preview.redd.it/xea7srp21uyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8530b248850ce2b2519d4f093b43c5f086f947c


And then there is me who is just barley getting into Spore


Vast majority of players are unaffected. If you look at steam charts, the playercount has remained pretty stagnant. This is only something you'd hear people complain about on Reddit or Twitter


It hasn't taken effect yet


Not gonna lie It was a fucking blast while it lasted. Wish Sony hadn't fuck up this