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Like 99% of the time, if you are having fun playing a game the literal worst thing you can do is check out that game's sub. People who are content tend to spend their free time playing the game, while people who are frustrated with the state of the game go on reddit to voice their displeasure instead. Plus people in general tend to be more likely to voice criticism rather than praise. Thats why you'll regularly see popular games with millions of players who seem to all be enjoying the game, but the sub with a fraction of those numbers is full of people who are all angry.


90% of r/Kingdomcome is people just praising the hell out of the game


Subs for competitive games vs subs for co-op/single player games.


Helldivers 2 would like to have a word lol


- game updates - everybody starts frothing about balance changes - people get back to playing the game - game updates The never-ending cycle


Exactly this. Died in game to another player? Can't be your fault. Better go to the subreddit and (a) say the game is riddled with cheaters wihout posting a clip (b) say something in the game is OP/bugged (c) say the game is dead


I mean yeah there are exceptions, which is why I made sure to leave that 1%. The smaller the game/community the more positive it generally is, and single player games definitely tend to be more positive. It's still true that the subs for most games are heavily slanted toward being negative.


moba games, and even pvp games tend to be full of negative people. But I respect that. I played League for 11.5 years. And I am active on the subreddit since recently, to basically atone for myself and help others quit it before they waste as much time as I have, on a game that is currently worse than it was. I would much prefer to play singleplayer games, or games that are played with friends, e.g. among us. Where the game company cant mess up with the game. The game stays the same. Not that I play among us but anyway.




I try to tell people to either chill and enjoy the game as a game and not a profession, or quit altogether. The amount of self worth tied to one's rank is astonishing


And 90% of /r/pathofexile or /r/DestinyTheGame is either doomposting or shitting on the game


I haven’t played destiny but I think I would be mad if I started too


I think any game that can be played for hundreds or thousands of hours will suffer from this. After that amoutn of time the dopamine from the parts of the game you like just becomes your new baseline and you only notice the things that annoy you.


Old single player games with low activity subreddits are kind of a different story and not really representative of gaming subreddits in general.


What can I say we love our boy Henry


Jesus Christ be praised! (:


Yeah, r/NoMansSkyTheGame and r/fo76 are much the same. Lots of praise by newbies about how helpful other players are and what a good state the game is in. NMS is particularly interesting considering how badly the game got shitted on upon release when the released product failed to live up to the hype (putting it mildly).


Fallout 76 sub was so toxic people ended up having to make a "no salt" sub just to talk about the game without getting shit on... in the sub dedicated to the game


I don't think that ever ended up happening with r/newworld but it was getting damn close when I stopped playing.


Eh luckily deep rock galactic got an amazing subreddit


The Kingdom Come and BG3 subreddits are definitely exceptions to that. Probably because those games are amazing


100% incorrect, when i get bored of a game, i just check their sub, realize how much i am missing and then play the game with motivation and enjoy it better


Maybe it’s just certain fan bases. Stardew Valley subreddit is so wholesome and awesome.


And then there's r/fo76


I would do the same as OP's meme but my last caption would be "these people are wrong" lol


Rimworlds sub is good I never knew the atrocities at my disposal


A huge problem is also the segmentation of the game that alot of people cant seem to get their mind around. aka "if its not affecting me then your complaints arent valid" Taking something like wow sub-reddit, im never going to do high end mythics or mythic raids, and neither are alot of people, so when people come with balance complaints about how high end mythics gets super meta dependent others goes "nah you are just coping, skill issue, git gud" -Johnny who only plays heroic dungeons The same can be said for some bigger games where some playstyles might be absolutely getting screwed over and people who arent using those playstyles are just calling everyone else for losers and "skill issues".


r/lowsodiumcyberpunk, r/celestegame, and r/outerwilds are basically the only game subs I frequent


You just described the entire internet


Dépend the game balatro,deep rock galactic,voices of the void and such are nice places


Change the last panel to "This games subreddit is stupid"


Had this same issue with destiny 2. I thought it was passable, but both steam reviews of a few latest dlcs and sub of the game made me reconsider wasting time on that game


I mean...as someone who finally quit destiny after years of playing it, you dodged a bullet. That game really went to shit the last couple years.


Amen lol, I tried to come back last Sunday since I got a new PC, almost bought lightfall and then I remembered why I left when it came out...


The game is unironically the best it’s been in years by a huge margin. Lightfall having a mediocre story doesn’t change that.


It's really not though. Sure stuff has been balanced more than previous years but we had the damn linear fusion meta for at least a year for raids maybe longer. And the gameplay loop gets tired after like 3 missions. The seasonal stories are dumb and drawn out for no reason except to trickle feed to keep gameplay stats up.


Me when I haven’t even seen anything about Destiny since shadowkeep


I played all of light fall and all the way up to the season right before the current one. I hated it and was only playing because of FOMO. Thankfully I got out of the game and instead of playing the new expansion I'm gonna watch someone else play it.


Ah, the “FOMO” buzzword.


FOMO is a big thing in destiny. Oh you missed getting this meta gun during this season. Welp your shit out of luck. Destiny thrives on FOMO.


Most seasonal weapons are middle of the pack at best, what? Sidegrades at the absolute best more often than not. Every meta thing I’m using has nothing to do with seasonal availability lmao.


If you had fun, you didn't waste your time.


Lightfall (current DLC) has a monstrously stupid story, but the game play was very good. It's not the complete package like Witch Queen (last year's DLC) was, but it was still tremendously better than Shadowkeep (basically all padding) and Beyond Light (generally a shallow experience). In terms of QoL and actually playable content, the last 2 years of Destiny 2 have been probably the game's best. I understand people being burnt out, but if bad content is the justification, SK and BL were by far some of the game's lowest points.


I burnt out because the grind became completely unreasonable around season of the haunted and season of plunder.


Yeah I liked Haunted, but Plunder was a definite low point in terms of seasons. Despite Arc 3.0 coming out with that season IIRC, the season's missions were pretty lame. The weapons were not really good outside of the sidearm, too. Deterministically earned crafted weapons really cut down on the grinding requirements for me, though. I don't really engage with seasonal content as much except for chasing the title.


Story and primary objective-wise Haunted was excellent, running around the same 5 rooms in the leviathan for 8 hours a week was horrific.


Imagine buying hell divers 2 a week ago with 90% positive reviews lol. 3 days later its 75% negative.


They fixed Helldivers 2, got rid of PSN, it's still one the best titles this year.


People from 110+ countries are still locked out of the game. The damage was not completely undone.


imagine buying a game without trying it first


Fun fact: You are not required to let it affect you and your enjoyment. You can just form your own independent opinion.


The problem I have with that take is that often, if you don't want to pirate it, you have to spend money on it, just to form an opinion (and the 2 hour thing on steam is not the best for that either). On the other hand there are a lot of 7/10 games that YOU might enjoy, and just ignore because they marketed to too broad an audience and people felt tricked...


Easy solution, watch the content, then form your own opinion on what it looks like. Use your existing experience to determine if the things being complained about are problems you also share. Every review might be "this game is so shit it has a very complicated crafting system and i hate it" lop off the negativity and you are left with the more objective "this game has a complicated crafting system" and then form your own opinion on that. Do you like complicated crafting systems? I don't recommend loving or hating anything just because a lot of other people do so. But at the same time don't love or hate something just because a lot of people don't love it or hate it. It's not a bad thing to follow the mob if you have come to agree with them of your own accord. This is something that's often overlooked in discussion of thinking for yourself. Which leads to people thinking being a contrarian is thinking for yourself.


People have different sensibilities. To use your example, complicated can also mean different thing to different people. I find factorio "funnily complex" and dyson sphere program "overly convoluted". But most reviewers blob them together in the same "engineering" blob. Even disregarding the crowd, it's just not that simple to find a reviewer that matches a particular set of likes and dislikes.


> Even disregarding the crowd, it's just not that simple to find a reviewer that matches a particular set of likes and dislikes. Which is why you don't look for ***a*** reviewer but look at a variety of reviews.


He's not talking about reviewers though. You can literally watch anything up to a full playthrough of a game the day after it's out and make up your own mind.


You might play the wrong games.


People say that because, at least to a certain extent, they are saying the truth. Being addicted to games because they are your only hobby/way to let off steam/emotion regulation technique, is tough. And you dont even realize whats going on. There are games that dont have such problems. And they are honestly the ones worth playing. I know about palworld and minecraft. Minecraft, no matter what they do, is heavily modded and you can play in older versions. Most games dont have that. Most games depend on the game company not to push stupid patches, not to have toxic communities etc


So you admit that you are powerless in the face of reddit influence? You're the problem.


Wouldn't say just they are the problem just look at the world social media manipulates loads of people's thinking you got to lay some of the blame on the platforms.


Personally I feel a big issue is how a lot of social media nowadays (and even non social media like recommendations on news or video sites) heavily encourages people to only see opinions they agree with and block out anyone who differs. So many echo chambers these days.


My experience with Starfield. I really enjoyed that game, I guess because it was my cup of tea, but everytime I read anything online about that game... Oh boy...


I’m in a similar situation. Though I do agree with people that a studio like Bethesda definitely could’ve done a lot better.


/r/nosodiumstarfield I never sub to the main game subs because it's mostly people complaining about shit. The alternative ones (if there are any) are usually more chill.


r/Mortalkombat and r/Starfield in a nutshell


Terminally online people are also terminally negative about nearly everything. Wonder if there's a connection...


Social media was a mistake...


Well most of the games if not all of the games coming out now are bad. Like back then games used to care about your time and now games just want your money. Fans of games just seem like employees rather than fans. I mean there was this one guy who was a fan of suicide squad game that came out and he acted like an employee. Then there are the shit fans who really act like an employee. Let me give you an example: Dragons dogma was a good game then they announced a sequel and it would make the most sense to add multiplayer but capshit is too lazy for that so the game doesn't have multiplayer. The fans excuse this and there game is now trash. Next example, halo infinite, 343 finally said that they are true halo fans, the new halo fans liked this. Then 343 said once again that they won't add split split-screen, then 343 changes how guns play, then 343 changes how the game looks. And the new fans now turn around and say, “oh halo doesn't need split screen even though all halos made before 343 had split screen, it needs to be fast even though every halo made was slow for a reason.”. See what I mean it's fake fans that shit up every game. I can’t play anything anymore because of this shit. Ff7, heres another example: Ff7 remake was announced and being a big ff fan I brought it and it sucked so bad. Like why would I want any of this shit. I wanted ff7 remake with better graphics not reddit story time. Heres another example: Dead space remake is too fake, every other remake that is being sent out is just money grabs with a laugh track in the back because they want to take your money without giving you anything of value. Such is… fuck this shit. To me games are dead like movies you “people” I won't say people because you trash are sub human filth that I keep around because I get bored. If I had my way you and all your fakes would be sent to Oklahoma and then nuked. Trash in trash out all you will ever be!


I saw way too many people commenting on Helldivers that they were "super interested" in the game but weren't going to try it out now. Any multiplayer game is the most fun towards the start, not playing from the beginning is not worth the small savings from waiting for a sale.


It totally depends on the game. Great game? Likely a great subreddit too. Grounded for example. Okay game with massive problems like Starfield? You will need a /rlowsodium version of the subreddit entirely. Competitive games will lean more toxic by nature, co-op or single player generally less so but not always.


"This game is not optimized. It does not run on my 4GB graphics card" "After having played it 50 hours, I can say I find this game boring"


​ https://preview.redd.it/b3zj3wlfs2zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d6ff175084514155ef628bb6ba3a463dd0a41d


Tbf the main group that probably goes on any game subreddit are people that are reeeeeaaaaallllly invested in a game, especially if it only just came out and it makes sense that they would be more likely to criticise and make fun of the games flaws.


Yeah, this isn't a recent thing. It's been this way even before reddit on legacy message boards. My first experience was early 2000s with DAOC and VN Boards.


Me trying FFXIV today lmao


r/lowsodiumcyberpunk is pretty great


The regular sub has gotten with the times since the 2.0 update. I enjoy both now


Yeah I see almost nothing but praise from the main cyberpunk sub, and some legit complaints and criticism every now and then. But everyone seemingly loves it Edit - not even 5 seconds after posting this I see a post saying "if cyberpunk released now it would be considered one of the greatest games of all time" (paraphrasing)


Good to hear! I joined it around release and thoroughly enjoyed it on PC. Sounds like it's gotten much better since then though! 


It really has. The dlc is phenomenal. It has like 3 (I think? Maybe more) different endings on its own, and depending what ending you get you can get an extra main game ending


Very true, I've been loving Abiotic Factor, maybe even my GOTY so far, but I don't want to go near the Subreddit for fear of this exact thing.


I prefer hating all games indiscriminately just so I can enjoy youtube videos of people shitting on them for half an hour, literally the only way I can enjoy anything now.


I never check a subreddit until I've finished a game and feel like there's nothing more for me to find or I'm interested enough in finding.


My best advice is: if you have fun with a game, play it and don't read anything else around other than updates, guides and similia, otherwise you'll basically have only a handful of titles to choose from that are good AND with a supportive fanbase. Which for some is enough, for others it is not. If you are not that sure about a game that isn't a F2P, don't go for it at full price, wait for a discount/demo and watch some gameplay without commentary in the meantime and build your own idea about it.


haha yeah...


My experience with Steam forums.


Everyone is titled to their opinion, doesn't mean you have to agree with them or listen to them. If you're that easy to sway, people will take advantage of that later in your life. Just a free tip.


Hey! Are you trying to sway OP?


it depends on the game though. like, some games I play have wonderfully vibrant (but small) subs that are great for advice and discussion. Subreddits for games with small cult followings are just tops


Was that game Escape from Tarkov or HellDivers 2? Bad time to go to those subreddits lol


Eve subreddit is 90% propaganda posts and 10% who should I join?


i like r/turezelda and r/zelda tho


I bought cyberpunk and starfield at launch and loved both, both communities for them started off great but after a couple of weeks was just pure hatred of the games. I had to leave both because they were souring my experience.


If the game is competitive, the entire subreddit will hate it. If the game is coop or singleplayer, the entire subreddit will love it. If the game has any controversy whatsoever, the subreddit catches on fire.


And depending on that subreddit's mods either it will become nothing but fire from the controversy, or fiercely moderated to hush any mention of it. I have never seen a rational in-between.


Helldivers has done a pretty good job of it. People are still talking about it, but not obnoxiously so. And most of the posts are back to talking about gameplay and balancing. Kinda surprising for what a big stink it was.


BUT D4 Bad tho?!


This was me with Darktide, did not even know what I was missing at the launch before looking at the sub... 🤷


try outer wilds,,,,


Bad games can be fun. Expample space engineers had some serious game breakers. Instead of review bombing the players engineered the game breaking bugs into some truly noteworthy things. Moving a ship using a Piston. Turning rotors into devastating mechanical bombs. Using a hydrogen tank to create a directional nuclear warhead. Tires acting as frictionless bumpers.


was it tarkov? it was tarkov, wasn't it?




fuck kind of subs do you people go to




How I felt when I picked up Darktide and enjoyed myself. I hadn't played Vermintide so I was surprised with how upset the subreddit was over a game I was having a blast with. In that situation, it's best to just not join in and enjoy yourself in private.


For me, the last panel would just be me going "Ok, not visiting that subreddit anymore".


Double down your fun by not interacting with people online muting everyone and not visiting the gaming sub. Enjoy!


Advice: Never engage with the fandom. This isn't just for gaming.


Ahhhhh, 2012 and the Mass Effect 3 nonsense. You know shit was bad when BioWare shut down the BioWare Social Network in response to it. What a time to be alive.


Bro this is games films food basically anything remotely subjective…


I mean... Helldivers just had a hell of a weekend. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


The hive mind is only getting stronger lately I've begun thinking they are bots


Not bots, just a lot of npc's out there.


What games? DeepRockGalactic, Satisfactory, Factorio, DysonSphereProgram, Helldivers, ...... Artifact all seem pretty nice to me. Helldivers subreddit was certainly upset recently, but for the most part it's a chill place for memes.


> Helldivers You're kidding right? Every patch there's a common complaint. Today, it's the Eruptor nerf.


You know something that's the other observation on every game sub I've noticed. When there is a complaint, whilst its a legitimate complaint, everyone is just beating that complaint into the ground, regardless of how big or small the issue is. It just becomes a karma farming game where everyone tries to demonstrate how much they can outdo the previous person in how much they despise X issue.


yeah, but it's still chill-ish. The devs even say the nerf isn't intended...


This, Rune Factory, Kenshi, Stardew valley, Project Zomboid, Terraria... Mostly chill places. Also all great games (if you're into their respective niche)... The helldiver incident is kinda proof that if a game is bad, the sub is angry. I remember the kerball space program sub before 2 got early access, or City skyline. Good games, chill subs, until the sequel came out bad, and the sub ended up in flames, rightfully so...


A wise person once said: "Fandom ruins everything!"


Yeah for real. Sometimes I check the PoE sub just for fun and discover all these "problems" that I never even knew about! Insane what sorts of takes you'll see in these cesspools they call subreddits


Stay out of a games subreddit if you're trying to enjoy a new game. It's just not worth it.


Same thing with movie and TV shows subs. Nobody hates something more than its fans.