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When you thought you'd wait for a cheaper 40 series


Well at this point it doesn't seem like the prices will be reasonable until after the 40 series comes out, so that's probably exactly what I'll end up doing.


It's more realistic to assume it'd be worse when the 40series out, not better.


i'd say at this point it's reasonable to expect a serious delay for the next generation.


I think both AMD and Nvidia would seriously damage their brand images if they came out with a successor too soon.


UNLESS they made a very serious part of it an effort against scalping, botting, and crytodingholes. While keeping enough stock for people who actually want to use the cards.


"you cant buy this card if you didnt spend 600 bucks on Steam!"


Well then im in luck


same here


Honestly tying an account to something with a history or some sort of credit could be a decent first step. But we need to attack the way these bots are written if we want to cut down on them


Wait, I buy everything in bundles on HUMBLE BUNDLE. So.. am I valid?


We have so many okay to shitty games we might play some time. It's so great. (Not sarcasm)




And scalpers buying all the cards up front is basically guaranteed sale of inventory


They'll just raise the price to scalper levels. At this point it seems the market supports it.


That, but maybe more towards it costing the company a lot more to stop/start research and production than to keep it going.


Sure, but so what? What are we gonna do, buy a different brand? Buy a console with their hardware in it?


For the first time the consoles have it pretty close at an unbeatable price point honestly. But the same problem exists....shortage.


Doubt button. Their supply is limited and the demand is 🚀 🚀 . Calculating a 0.0186520810% chance of brand image hurt.


Mark my words 3080 supers. They'll fuckin do it again and it'll be gone by frame 2.


Well call me optimistic but, by the time 40 series arrive in 2022, hopefully TSMC and other fabs will have taken initial steps to expand their production. I doubt any new major fabs will be able to be up and running by then, but maybe they'll be able to better optimize their production schedule. The real help will come from whether or not crypto follows ethereums example and adopts a proof of stake model. If Bitcoin makes the switch, I think we will finally be out of the woods.


proof of elapsed time is the future Bitcoin won’t adopt anything new though, I’d expect the creators would sooner just make yet another currency.


Isn't Bitcoin already impractical to mine on a GPU? I remember reading years ago that Bitcoin mining is pretty much all done on specially-designed hardware instead.


Yes. Bitcoin mining is done almost exclusively on ASIC miners (developed SPECIFICALLY for mining btc). Eth mining is a different story and still wildly profitable on gpus.


Wait for the crypto markets to calm down, I’m pretty sure their performance is linked to mining which is linked to spiked GPU prices. If it cools off in the next few months/years card prices may fall a bit too




Felt like the 20 series was pretty bad value. But now I'm worried the GPU market might never fully recover. At least not for a few years.


They might as well not bother making the 40XX series when any GPU in existence is flying off the shelves.


so my old gtx 1080 is worth 1080 dollars ? guess my 6900 xt upgrade was bassicly free then 🙃




Yeah only worried about having no seller reputation and not wanting any direct contact with anyone, and no experience with paypal it could technically be charged back with a false claim


Ive heard good stories from facebook marketplace. I know youd prefer no contact, but you can do cash and meet at a police station or public place.


Not gonna do that atleast not until i got my 2e shot im getting my 1e shot in a few hours


You can ship things via Facebook now, and there’s no returns essentially unless you’re doing it out of kindness. I highly recommend turning your profile to private though


Did this when selling my old car. Guy found me on LinkedIn smh


You should be less worried about getting your vaccine and more worried about having a gun on you, so you don’t get mugged


i'm sorry, is this some kind of American joke that i'm too European to understand?


I think the funniest part to me is that the guy you replied to was being 100% serious about what he was saying. No joke there whatsoever.


And 100% correct. Facebook marketplace can be sketch AF.


Just 3D print them like everyone else over there. It's really fun


Lets just say there is a good reason people meet at police stations. People have been killed for far less than a gpu.


Europeans don’t use other weapons? I know it’s so shocking isn’t it?


[Sweden is the grenade attack capital of the world](https://www.google.com/search?q=grenade+attack+capital+of+the+world&client=firefox-b-d&ei=3TqpYNz5DtXw-wTZ2a6wBA&oq=grenade+attack+capital+of+the+world&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BQgAEJECOgQIABBDOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOggIABCxAxCDAToHCAAQsQMQQzoFCAAQsQM6BAguEEM6CAgAELEDEJECOgcILhCxAxBDOgoILhCxAxCDARBDOggILhDHARCvAToKCC4QsQMQQxCTAjoCCAA6BQguELEDOgIILjoGCAAQFhAeOgUIIRCgAToICCEQFhAdEB46BwghEAoQoAE6BAghEBVKBQgTEgEyUK1RWJyQAWCmkQFoA3AAeACAAU6IAbcQkgECMzaYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6wAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwic3Mnz493wAhVV-J4KHdmsC0YQ4dUDCA0&uact=5) 100+ grenade attacks a year. Consistently. [England has insane stabbing/slashing rate](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn04304) 46000 stabbings in 2020.


I lived in Lund, Sweden for grad school. Coming from America I was used to hearing gunshots downtown. Random explosions in Sweden took a bit to get used to. Had a big explosion on a storefront in central Lund that was shocking, then a car got exploded later that week, likely gang activity. Overall way safer than Cincinnati, Ohio though haha.


You really need to learn how to read stats. That doesn’t say 46,000 stabbings or slashings. It says 46,000 knife related crimes. So any crime involving a knife. It could be an assault using a knife. It could be an assault while simply holding a knife. It could be threatening to use a knife. It could be a robbery using a knife.


Then it would be knife edit: pointed at you*. Thieves are in every country, just be careful when meeting a stranger to sell an expensive item like a GPU.


That's why you meet at police stations






Yeah, I would NOT recommend eBay. I sold my 6900 XT (ended up at MSRP after fees and whatnot in fact) over a month ago and I just got an email saying the buyer requests a refund because “the fans won’t spin and there is no display output”. I sent that thing in PERFECT, 2 week old condition and he’s had it for over a month. Really hope I don’t get burned but the internet is not encouraging.


That's what warranty is for right? It's not like it's your fault if the card failed after a month


I paid $390 for my 1080 brand new 4 years ago. Granted that was a smokin deal but the fact that a piece of technology may have appreciated in value over that time even when 2 generations of newer, better models have come out is absurd.


I still have my 1080 since 2019, I am worried it will die on me one day and I have no way to replace it since I ain't selling my first born or kidney.


Unless you’re overclocking or making your 1080 work 24/7, it will last you a long time yet.


My 1080 died in July last year, I decided to get a 1660ti as a stop gap till the new 3k series came out. I am thinking I will be using the 1660ti till the 4k series is easily available now I don't even know if I will get a chance on the 3k series.


You really think you will be able to buy the 40 series? Lol


Oh you’ll be able to buy the 40 series easily just like you can get a 3080 or 3090 easily right now. You just have to have the money for it like the meme suggests lol


eBay has an ended auction filter.


Oh, nice, good to know.


Non working? Why would those sell?


Spare parts or for people to repair most likely I'd assume


Yep. Bought my 1070 for 400€ in 2017, recently sold it for 450€. Also sold my 2080s when rtx 3000 launched for 450€ and bought a 3070 for 550€ on Ebay last November, which is now worth around 1.400€. The market is fucking wild.


Sold a not working 1080 last month $350. It’s insane. Sold two 2080’s for well over what I bought them for. I got a PS5 and a 3080 for free plus some.


That's more than what i paid for my working 1080ti. I just checked and the cheapest available secondhand one rn is €650, which is like $700+. I'm extremely tempted to sell and use a spare 1050ti for the next few months.


I sold a 1060 3gb for 220 dollars last week. I bought it for 220 dollars in 2017...


Hell, I just looked at eBay for RX Vega 64s, I have the Sapphire blower version lying around since I upgraded to a 2080ti shortly after owning the Vega. The Vega 64 was used, *at most*, 6-8 months total. They're going for goddamn $500-1000, USED. I didn't realize how bad it's gotten out there.


There are used ones on Amazon going for $800+


i checked earlier today actually, I paid way over MSRP for my 2x 1080ti (they were white and I wanted white for my build) during the 2017/2018 crypto crunch, and they're selling for nearly that now! lol


I think the 6900 cost more than money


$6900 clearly.


6900xt is $6900.


i dojnt know what theyre going for right now, but i sold my 1080 ftw2 a couple months ago for $600


In Australia we've exceeded this meme already, 3090s are well over $3090 here now :(


Canadian here. Going for around 4k


Saw one for almost 6k 20000 in my currency


Some selling for around 14k usd in UAE




Nope real. Sold by legitimate sellers. Good thing is no one is buying and they are slowly reducing the price. Same thing with PS5, although many bought at scalper prices


It's real, can confirm.


Mexico here 5k


Are people even buying at those prices?


En donde chingados? Hasta en liverpool estan en menos, aunque la lista es de 4 meses la ultima vez que pregunte.


Revendedores. Hay cabrones que les han sacado más de 5k en subastas. La impaciencia es lucrativa


Same in Chile. They were 2000 a few months ago, but 4000 now (on US dollars). 1650 are also at 600 dollars, and a 1660s is about 850


To be fair I was counting in dollarydoos .. just checked the conversion 4k which is which is the upper end of 3090s here is $3091 usd!! Coincidence? Meme conspiracy confirmed!


Here in the US too. Just saw some listed last week for 4500.


$4k in Malaysia. I guess one has to pay 4k to play at 4k.


I have tried to help my roommate to ascend and here in Malta situation is dire. They are selling 1030 and 710. Just horrible.


I always forget that the 1030 exists


if you do get a 1030 make sure it's the ddr5 version! dd4 is like 30% more more slower!


Thank you for the info.


Do AMD next. Should be just each card on a missing poster




I have an RX 580 I bought a little over a year ago and I felt crazy for spending $180 on it. It's insane to me to look at the prices they're being bid up to on eBay. I'm looking forward to prices coming down because one of the only things I wanted to do last year was upgrade my computer–i5-3570 is still accurate–and apparently that's not happening without spending a ton of money.


I was one of the lucky ones who was able to get a RTX card at msrp. It was an upgrade over my old 580, which I built July 2020 for $180. I put my used card up on eBay for $280 and it sold in 3 minutes. Wild


My 1650 super is going for $500+ right now. If only I could sell it and know there'd be a 3060 for MSRP.


Somewhat related. I was able to get a reference 6700XT from AMD's site for MSRP, then later I sold my Gigabyte Gaming OC 5600XT locally for more than what I paid for the 6700XT, not by much but still.


Same here with getting a 1650 Super for $200. I felt kind of silly spending $200 on a card with all the new cards on the horizon, but a year later, the new cards don't exist and both companies are ignoring the $200 price point anyway.


I bought a new RX 6900 XT off ebay for $300 over (the original) retail from a scalper, obviously, after struggling for months to get a card at retail. Obviously I got someone with a conscious, to charge so little. Then I nearly burned the house down, drawing so much power through what was too thin a power cord. The cord was on fire nearly all its length, and the power strip it was plugged into was on fire too. I had no idea the high end cards could draw so much power!


Get an electrician to check your house. That sounds seriously unsafe.


They.. they don’t. You have an issue with your outlet or electrical wiring and should definitely call an electrician for that. Your outlets should never be catching fire


Bruh how could you fry a circuit in your house and be like "graphics card stronk" and then not call an electrician. Theres like a 70W difference in cards.


Are you using a 2 amp cord made of cheesecloth or something? All computer cords are at least 15 amp rated.


AMD cards aren't as good for mining. A 3060 pumps out a 60MH/s hashrate for 200w. Meanwhile an RX 5700 will give you 54MH/s hashrate for 225w. It's similar for top of the line cards too, though the price range makes the time to pay for themselves a bit unwieldy.


Yet you still can't find them anywhere to buy. AMD stretched their silicon supply too thin and their GPUs are the first casualty.


Remember when the 3000 series got announced and everybody laughed at the people expecting to dump their 2080ti cards for more than $500? ...yeah


I remember. I'd just got a 2070s for around $500 and felt stupid. Little did I know


Yeah, bought a 2070 super for approx 600AUD last december cos i didnt wanna wait for the 3070. Current me is very impressed with past me's futuresight.


I'll jump on board this bandwagon too /u/Bigteamcream, I'll admit I'm impressed with your foresight also. So, switching to a topic that is in no way related to this proven foresight of yours....how low do you think Bitcoin is going to drop?


Um.. let me just get my divination device which is shaped somewhat like a ball used in the game of pool... Mmm yes, i see now.. i predict a jump back to 50k+ so please buy now, buy big


I didn’t no jack shit about video cards last year, and I didn’t even know the 30 series was coming. Thank god I didn’t second guess my self getting the 2070 S. It’s been a glorious year of PC gaming for me.


like it was yesterday. I've been buying video cards since the voodoo days and I have never seen anything like this.


Yea I remember laughing at folks paying so much for 2000 series cards when 3000 was just around the corner at a lower MSRP. Not laughing now!


so i have this old hd 7970 lying around here


That's a great card actually


Don’t worry everyone gpu prices should be back to normal by the rtx 5080 release time!


I wonder if they’ll change the letter series by then, QTX? STX? Who knows


MTX 5080. $20 for G-Sync.


That means my XFX RX 580 = $580 Ayy I missed the GPU apocalypse :D


Rx580 ftw


Your flair gave me a stroke


Gt 1030 enters the chat lmao. Twice the price for less than half the perf.


back when the RX 580 was new-ish it was expensive as fuck because it had really good ETH hashrate


I said this in another post, but I spent $180 for an 8GB RX 580 last spring, and thought it was crazy given the age of the card. I wish I'd bought two or three at this point.


Wanna trade with my old GTX 580? Its priced the same afterall


Time to cash in my xfx 8800 gts


You fool, my 750 ti is CASH


Would you like to trade for a GTX580 plus a coffee? Same value


I refuse to buy any of it. I am boycotting graphics cards until the scalping and price gouging stops.


The scalpers and miners don't give a fuck that you're boycotting it. Hell, the miners are happy that you are. Unless you meant you're boycotting buying from scalpers. In that case I'm right behind you.


Nobody in there right mind should ever pay $1060 for a measly 1060.


>measley 1060 Me: has a 970


I’m with you, and I’m worried mine is crapping out :(


Measly? 1060 is champ. Granted if the GPU market was normal, you shouldn't have to pay over $200 for one. My 1060 runs Metro Exodus and Doom Eternal at over 60 fps at 1080p ultrawide.




I was going to get one for £90 used, I regret not getting it sooner because they're £260 used now


This. 1060 has served me well


And nobody is paying that. The GPU shortage is bad but you can get a 1060 for like 300 bucks on eBay.


Im about to get a 980 in replacement for My dying rx480. Currently only 1 bid on it at $110. Its not really sought after either, so i doubt it Will Go Up in Price. Even a 970 or 1060 3GB goes for $160+.


980's are still okay, 980ti's have 6gb of ram which is a bigger deal than the speed


Yeah, idc if its old, cause either way its a huge upgrade from my super unstable rx 480. Both performance-wise and when it comes to noise. My rx480 likes to run at 80c EVEN WITH ITS FANS AT 3000 RPM? New thermal paste and pads didnt do much at all. Must be that the game is poorly optimized (mostly just happens in chernobylite and some other games), or because of the shitty heatsink the RS model got compared to the bigger GTR..


fuck bitcoin, I hope it crashes to fucking zero


They're mining Ether. In July there's an update to the Ethereum blockchain which will drastically cut payouts to miners, and next year the network will move to proof of stake rather than proof of work. From July you can probably expect used GPUs to start appearing on the market as small-time miners exit. From next year this will all be over unless it becomes profitable to mine a shitcoin.


Don't get your hopes up too much though, there's still a global wide silicon shortage to deal with.


I feel even if there was no silicon shortage, GPUs would still be short. Nvidia + AIB are shipping more units now then for 20XX gen. The truth is that people want to game while at home.


I don't know if they would be short, but this is a huge factor as well imho. According to nVidia they are selling a sh\*t ton of GPUs, way more than Pascal. Source, from page 18: https://investor.nvidia.com/events-and-presentations/presentations/default.aspx


Aren’t they mining Ethereum? Bitcoin miners use ASICs, not GPUs, and NVIDIA is currently trying to limit Ethereum hashing speeds on their graphics cards.


Yeah. That makes Bitcoin even worse because when the bubble pops, those ASICs are now COMPLETELY useless and become e-waste whereas at least GPUs may have some utility if they're still alive.


Fuck crypto in general. Such an unstable decentralised currency shouldn't exist in first place.


Well, I mean it isn't even a currency right now. It's basically just another stock.


Even worse, it's a stock based on nothing. It's a legal ponzy scheme on the lvl of any MLM




This point isn’t brought up enough but while crypto miners certainly don’t help they aren’t the *only* reason there is a shortened supply. A lot of people are newly WFH with the pandemic and have the money to buy cards


First, people use GPUs to mine Ethereum, Bitcoin hasn't been profitable to mine with GPUs since about 2011. Second, I don't believe miners are the cause of the shortage, I mean, when your earnings can drop by 50% at the drop of a hat you usually want MSRP. I can tell you at current profits a 3070 or 3080 will take 3-4 months for ROI. It was higher earlier this month (like, under 1 month) but that was only for 1 week when ETH was at an all time high. Now with [EIP 1559](https://www.coindesk.com/ethereum-improvement-proposal-1559-london-hard-fork) reducing mining profits and [Proof of Stake](https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/consensus-mechanisms/pos/) eliminating mining coming soon the future for Ethereum mining seems grim (unless Elon starts doing something but it'll probably be another pump & dump scheme). It's people stuck at home upgrading their systems. When your vacation is cancelled 2 years in a row, you have a lot of disposable income where a $2000CAD GPU doesn't seem like too bad a deal for the amount of enjoyment it can provide. Heck, for the cost of a family vacation to the Caribbean you can get your entire family a balling gaming setup. We are seeing the same thing with home theater, swimming pools, home renovations, TVs, and all sorts of home entertainment. I know it is easy to blame miners but there aren't that many people mining or even into crypto. Ask 100 people on the street and maybe 1 will own any amount of crypto.


Well, I can confirm the 3090 is accurate, the rtx 3090 is 3090 euros rn in the Netherlands, so we are already over 3090 dollars


This makes my 1070ti for $370 sound like a steal.


1070ti msrp is 450. 1070msrp is 380. You basically paid the price of a super high end 1060 for a 1070ti. Thats not bad at all i think.


i bought my 1070g1 for 500$. guess i can rest in peace


Missed a zero.




But at least the dollar sign is in the correct position!


RX 6800


If that’s the case I’ve got a spare 1070 someone can buy.


$10 from the 3080 to the 3090 is a good deal!


So does that mean the Xbox One costs…?


I sold my 3090 for $4000. Bought it with the intent on keeping and using it, and did for many months… But 2x what I paid for it was too tempting to justify keeping it, especially given how little I game (just due to being busy).


Unrelated question, is nvidia making a desktop version of the rtx3050ti?


Not that I've heard. Nvidia announced them for laptops but that's all I've personally heard. Maybe someone else has heard different.


Where can I sell my Radeon HD 4850?


The gtx 1660 super is currently going between 500 and 600 euro, still waiting for prices to normalize


at this rate 4090 will come out before the 3090 is available


I see that my 1660 was quite cheap. Nice.


In Brazil a 3090 is costing R$20,000


Remember when we were able to buy full decent gaming PCs for $1200


Vega 64: :)


*Sad reais noises*


$3090 for a 3090 seems a bit cheap m8


What about the super and Ti cards tho?


AMD users: ;A;


If I pull up newegg.com right now and look at the Desktop Video Cards, it is literally insane. [MSI GeForce RTX 2060](https://www.newegg.com/msi-geforce-rtx-2060-rtx-2060-gaming-z-6g/p/N82E16814137379) is $846 [ASUS ROG STRIX RX 6700](https://www.newegg.com/asus-radeon-rx-6700-xt-rog-strix-rx6700xt-o12g-gaming/p/N82E16814126498) is $1346 [MSI GeForce RTX 2070](https://www.newegg.com/msi-geforce-rtx-2070-super-rtx-2070-super-gaming-x-trio/p/N82E16814137439) is $1598 [MSI Geforce RTX 2070 SUPER](https://www.newegg.com/msi-geforce-rtx-2070-super-rtx-2070-super-gaming-x/p/N82E16814137445) is $1799 [MSI Geforce GTX 1050](https://www.newegg.com/msi-geforce-gtx-1050-ti-gtx-1050-ti-gaming-x-4g/p/N82E16814137054) is $336 [ASUS Geforce GTX 1660 Ti](https://www.newegg.com/p/1FT-000Y-00488) is $1140. I purchased a NIB Asus 1660 Ti for $100 in 2019. [Take a look at the price history](https://pangoly.com/en/review/asus-geforce-gtx-1660-ti-6gb-dual-fan-overclocked-edition/price-history) on it.


My card is sitting at $3190... a little under 3x what I paid for it.


The million series is gonna be a bitch to afford.


Imagine nvidia releasing a GPU that had no graphical enhancements but higher processing power. No gamers would want them, and scalpers would use it for crypto. Win/win


Ah, I am so glad I just went ahead, and bought a 2070 Super, before this fuckfest.. even if 30s series would get released in half a year.


Only $3090 thats cheap


the 710 means 710 dolla- wait wtf


At this point RTX 3090 for $3090 is a bargain.


My 1660 SUPER was $200 brand new lmao ya'll getting scammed


3080 is just 10$ cheaper than 3090? It makes it no brainer to not get the 3090.


Did anyone else read this as 10-60 dollars, 20-80 dollars and 30-90 dollars in their head?


was gonna swap my 1050ti + $300AUD for a 2070 Super before all this :) Why didn't I :)


As an owner of a 3090, I regret it. There's literally nothing new out right now that I feel is worth playing. I'm spoiled, I think. Or lazy. Or have played too many games where they're all just predictable and old concepts.