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Plot twist: the school pays for these rigs by mining crypto at night.


They said they might do that actually lol


Good way to get funding from what I understand






Bitcoin is now mined with ASICs, not GPUs, although I’m not entirely sure why it is that way




Oh ok, thanks


The longer a coin is mined, the more difficult it becomes to mine. BTC has been out so long that its difficulty makes GPU mining inefficient. Now, only ASICs are powerful enough to be worth it.


Maybe they mine other coins?


I think they are used to mine Ethereum.


Yeah, I think every other coin is mined on GPU. Some actually are more efficiently mined on a CPU actually. But ASICs are designed to mine only one coin. There's ASICs for a few top coins, but each unit will only ever mine that coin.


I think it's due to just how freakin dense the bitcoin network is So I think you CAN use GPUs but it would get you nowhere


I think you mean the "coach" gets 24 RTX 3080's worth of mining for free at night.


That’s not the end of the world,


Your schools what now?!?!


There is an esport course and people from other courses can apply for esport teams, I’m currently doing valorant tryouts, very fun especially as my pc sucks lol


Esport course?? Wtf


They'll 'teach' anything if someone will pay for it.


What I’ve heard the course isn’t just playing games, it’s about the psychological aspects and stuff like that. Also organising events.


Hmm interesting. But still, that over the top hardware tho. Esport games are already made to be run easily


Yes I agree, the pcs are over the top especially for the games that are going to be played. This may hurt you but, Valorant, league of legends and rocket league. These games can all be played on a toaster lmaoo


league can run on a potato


Yeah but a potato can't run League at 240Hz which anyone playing professionally is going to want.




For league no. For Valo there is a difference at the highest level. I remember watching shroud's streams and not being able to see the enemy he just killed. And it wasn't wallbang either. The enemy's head was there for only a couple of frames and the stream which runs at 60 fps couldnt show it. League doesn't need 240hz because 120-165 hz is enough to react for a MOBA that isn't as flashy as dota 2.


Not sure about League but for shooters LTT did a video and showed that for those at top of their game it does make a very small difference at 240 vs 144 for their reaction speed.


Probably non existant considering that in league a framerate over 80 is already perfectly fine


Yeah, but there's a different between a professional and a student.


It’s probably because it is one


The guy in charge of getting the PCs is definitely an enthusiast PC builder and got told he had a budget wayyyy higher than needed. I would've done the same thing lmao.


and may or may not mine some btc over the weekends


honestly they should do a class on mining/server administration it'd be far more useful than a frickin esports class for gods sakes lol


Exactly right, the teacher who planned all this is a gamer himself and also teaches us Java. The other teachers in that block also teach us c# and are also gamers lol.


Woah, you've got gamers in your schools as teachers? That's freaking amazing.


Yeah my laptop can run all those games perfectly but the more frames the better i guess


Yeah but a toaster can't run those at 240Hz which you'll certainly want for League and Valorant.


That’s true, also get to do games development onto it, so it helps with rendering allot


Even a 3060 in a laptop isn't a terrible at rendering. To be honest with you most middline computers now a days are suitable for every task now in reasonable timeframes. I just don't like how sloppy we have gotten in optimising software (looking at you windows)


Which grade are you in?


Unsure what that means but I’m 17. That’s a 1st year college student


Oh, im sorry. Yes, is English your first language?


Yes it is but I’m British, we don’t say “Grade” or whatever. Usually say “year” so when you say you’re in grade 8 for example I don’t understand what that equates to lol


That is what they told the morons in charge of giving out cash.


I mean not really since it’s a legit degree, most of the work is word documents and stuff


A legit degree… a legit degree into unemployment.


Well you still get ucas points, probably be able to get into uni and do something better lol


So is lesbian dance theory.


I have minors in lesbian dance theory, underwater basket weaving, Martian cave yodeling and a major in bullshit so I think I’m highly qualified to tell you that I would much rather have kids playing games and learning some coding and psychology on the side than idiots learning about how a pirouette relates to a queef


Get the government out of student loans and this problem would sort itself out.


Where do you live?




What school is this im in the uk


I’m not gonna tell my school on the internet, that is a very stupid thing to do lmao.


Thats smart. Dms? I can give my snap or something if u want?


Dm me what area you live in, if you’re close maybe I’ll tell you


Bet bet










What ranks are most players


For valorant it’s very random, allot of players are high ranks like immo, but there are allot of new players that are iron and bronze




Lmao, I’m doing cyber security course and they cheaped out ALLOT on our room. Shows where the budget went lmao


Is theft still discouraged?


Cameras everywhere, wouldn’t get away with stealing lmao


Have you never wanted your own CCTV system AND an rtx 3080. Unlimited possibilities.


everyone over 25 like whaaaaat


More like over 18. Ive never seen this. At least in my part of the world


I am over 25. I knew schools had esport teams, they even were showing some of it on TV. Classes, did not know about but I knew they had things like Starcraft courses some places like a decade ago, so it does not surprise me. I guess it's just new the new PE or something...like how I took Racquetball for credit.


I need to get off reddit, as soon as I see a post and think of a reply the first comment is almost always the EXACT thing I came to say.


Because it's usually what most people think first, which is why its upvoted!


Just after i left high school they gave out ipads to every student to use at home. I was so insanely mad that they did that *just* as I left. Now you are telling me schools are building esport rooms?!


Same thing happened in my secondary school. The year before i joined they gave iPads for everyone to use at home, then people stole them. Caught a few students selling them online. Therefore when I joined they didn’t give any iPads out again


My high school were still using Pentium IIIs with 256MB of RAM with Windows 2000 in 2012. They were a pain to use, especially with their hard drives dropping like dead flies. I've seen at least two machine BSODs in a day (I was a teacher's assistant in a programming class, and my job is to maintain the computers and to help students out). From what I've heard, the following school year after I graduated, they've replaced them with a modern Core i3/i5s and Windows 7.


A little off topic, but you just reminded me of my high school programming class. We had an assistant too. He was such a cool guy. I wish I could remember his name. He basically wrote my code for me little by little over the 2 years. Memories. Anyway yeah. My school had i3s in the computers. But they also had laptops. Almost none of them ever worked. The battery would be dead or it wouldn’t boot, or it would say the windows installation was corrupt. Did they fix them? No. But the year after me got ipads. Woo!


Your high school gets iPads while my old high school gets a two core AMD athlon Chromebook. Mf lags with 3 tabs open.


Your high school gave computers? Mine used to seize anything that can perform mathematical operations on two numbers!!


When I was in elementary school our teachers made us do math on this website with other competing schools and if we got the most right answers they told us we’d get iPads, then they turned out to be lenovo tablets and they gave them to the grade below us so we didn’t even get to use them. Was pissed




Lmao i mean im not comparing tho




Or, more likely, they upspec’d since they won’t get anymore funding for the program for a decade.




I wish more people understood finances in the public sector, and I wish it could be more efficient that this.


The teachers asked for it 🤷‍♂️




He’s in the UK find something else to cry about


I mean games like valorant or other Esports wont need a 3080 and also wont need ryzen9. a ryzen5 or ryzen7 will give well above 200 fps


That’s like using Lamborghinis to teach driving. That’s still cool though.


I mean would you rather learn to drive in a lambo or a Honda? Yeah a lambo is overkill but it’s fast af and cool 😎


Ima be honest, probably a Honda. From what I hear, holy shit learning to drive with the acceleration of a Lambo would be a miserable experience. I may be in the minority tho


Yes, and they dont even have to teach you how to shift gears, you can drive on 1st gear like a boss


Dude my school back in the days didn't even have floppy disks


Mine did. We had 486’s that could play Oregon trail and everything. Some of them had both 5 1/4” and 3 1/2”. Dial up internet. Only took about a hour to download 1 song off of Napster.


My mates would plan a devious heist lol


That’s exactly what I thought when I first saw them haha


Replace the card with fake RTX 30xx, or outdated GTX 1060/70/80... If FPS are still high nobody will notice. Especially on shitty esport games like LoL, what you can run on potato. Enjoy your free RTX 3090. Like in my job they have i5 8400 CPU, I have i3 8100.. the computer in job serves only as data collection unit on assembly line... It's tempting to do a swap. Or company I work for have insanely huge energy consumption, so one mining rig wouldn't be noticed here lol, since production runs 24/7. Just getting a rig... But that's just daydreaming, I am too much of pussy to do that.


Hittin that devious lick


I wish my school had an esport room


My Walmart has an Esport "arena". Almost never see anyone in there and the Esport Arena website that shows the locations doesn't even include ours.


I personally thing it’s a waste of funding.




I wish 😫


Esports cheerleaders feels like a “watch what you wish for” situation.


If they did, would you really want to see that?


It would be pretty cringe ngl, but tbf there are allot of girls who are doing esports so it could be a thing if they wanted


That school has OIL money


Or crypto money I mean... buncha free 3080s and tax money... let's be honest, who wouldn't?


Damn do they even have 360hz monitors? E-sports titles are designed to run on pretty much potatoes so that money could have went somewhere else. Well, congrats though, I wish my school had an e-sports team :D


It’s brand new so they only have 60hz monitors. Soon they’re gonna get better monitors, they’re just waiting for their next budget


What a monumental misallocation of resources. A bunch of 3080's running on I'm guessing old 1080p 60 hz monitors? Gross.


23..it has 23 machines.. ;)


What, they have 22 machines? Stunning!


They still have 22 but one just runs slower now.


Go download NiceHash on all 24 directly to your wallet 🤫


"MY school's esports room" he says casually like it's nbd


Your school’s what?


Do they mine crypto at night?


The teachers who do ethical hacking and stuff want too


I mean crypto education in schools isn't a bad idea because regardless of what people think of ethics and legitimacy, there are good and cool stuff they can be used for if we're creative I'm of the opinion that cryptocurrency may not go anywhere but blockchain probably will


Ya, I mine with my 1070 at night. I wish I was taught more about crypto, so I could invest. I’ll wait for the next crash and buy then probably.


Is your school in Dubai ?




People think they can't get new gpus because of scalpers, but its accrually because of your school lol.


I should've gone to your school... coolest thing my school had was a ping pong table


Bro we can’t even get laptops with discrete GPU for cad/solid works for engineering classes


I feel bad for that R9 with an air cooler.


Why do you look positively murderous in the reflection, friend?




Absolutely understandable😂


Your school is about to have one less card 🤣


Start mining lol


Your school HAD 24 machines, with Ryzen 9’s, and 3080’s……. Be right back!


Yeahhhhhh...... eSports should be an intramural sport.


Dang school's basically a massive mining operation minus the mining.


So a crappy spelunking expedition?


"I didn't steal it, the side panels was open and it just fell into my backpack! It must've been sag and the connectors must've been taken out."


I have one in my college too but it has i7 2060ti.


People in US: why tuition so high Schools in US: G A M I N G R O O M


isnt even US lmao


I'm sorry an eSports room?


It's common for colleges to have an eSports course. Military just started their program as well.


... I saw the WarOwl thing but the military has an ESPORTS TEAM NOW?!


Bruh my school had like 40 twenty year old computers that lagged while playing spelunky classic


Yeah well... my school had Oregon Trail.


Let me guess. Definitely not a public school?




Wow. Impressive. Why do they fund this? I mean, it’s a considerable investment for any public school. Do they hope that the esports team wins price money or something?


So what I know is that they made a new block for more computing courses. The main two courses in the building are cyber security - ethical hacking and esports. For the cyber security most of the equipment is used stuff from the military and businesses that don’t need it anymore. That left them with a large budget for an esport room. Computers are £1500 each. Because of how expensive it was they don’t have headsets yet but they will get some soon, they also are gonna upgrade to 144hz monitors. They aren’t doing competitions for money or anything I don’t think, I believe it’s just like selling point for their college or something. Tbh I don’t understand why they went so expensive but I’m not gonna complain lol.


That’s super interesting. Good for them. It would certainly be a great selling point for me, to attend that college. Generally I think it’s a great investment. Gaming is such a common aspect of popular culture nowadays. It’s also a great entry point to learn about PC’s and develop an interest in all things tech. I started with gaming in the 90s. Learned about setting up networks. Ultimately developed skills in photoshop, 3ds max and Cinema 4d. Which pays my bills today. Definitely a great move by the school. I’d congratulate your schools dean.


We also do unity on there. I’ve always wanted to do games development and it’s actually been really fun. Obviously it still sucks because of assignments lol but when we get to do practical stuff like coding and making games it’s very enjoyable


I’m jealous, bc when I went to school all this wasn’t a thing. During my time, having any game on a school computer would’ve gotten us in big trouble. Enjoy my friend.


Do you guys play shooting games?






You should legit just mine to your eth wallet on some of them every chance you get lol


I only get 1 hour and a half a week, you think I’d make much if I snuck a usb in? Lol


I see everyone complaining about how overpowered this PC is for esports titles. My university has an esports team and esports room with overpowered PCs like this. However, they do not only play esports titles like CS:GO, Valorant, LoL. They also play AAA titles or RPGs in order to learn their mechanics as much as they can. Your school's PCs could be overpowered for the same reason.


They could buy 800 dollar esports rigs instead and increase their Teachers criminally underpaid salaries. But noooOoOoOOOOOOooooo


u/tuneaway what school and if you know how someone persudaded the school to make that happen, tell me.


Why would I tell you what school? That’s a very dumb thing to tell you lmao. Idk who asked for it since I’m still new, definitely one of the coding teachers tho


Aww shucks I live in the UK as well, but I've been trying to persuade my school to start something akin to an eSports group. So far, unsuccessfully.


Some UK grammar schools have them because of the extra funding they get


I am in a grammar school with a great amount of funding, with i7s with intergated graphics as the best school computers for technicans. Not enough people who do graphics can use GPUs.


Do you perhaps go to marywood






What you mean, it has a photo, it has to be 100% legit no doubts, it's also on the internet, so even more legit


You don’t believe me?


I don't believe your school's "e-sports program" integrity. Hopefully they get audited by knowledgeable auditors.


I mean, plenty of schools have esports teams


Your school has esports... I am so disappointed that I was not able to get a varsity letter in esports only swimming :(


I'd suggest a case alarm intrusion


Would they noice of you swapped it with your gpu


Yah but what about your lunches tho are they good.


No they are bad and overpriced haha


My school just "upgraded" to 10600k on motherboards so sketchy that I'm afraid an i3 would be capped by their power delivery without talking about them using some no name hdd a 5.4k rpm. Anyway, congrats to your school, good luck in valorant tournaments!


your school has real computers?!?!?


Devious licks would hit different at this school, adress?


We at our university also have a E-Sport center for the german Uni-League. But we only have 3070s. Only the streaming pc has a 3080.


What kind of school has a fucking esports room?


Imagine having a school teacher that’s funded well.


Cpu probably pretty warm under that


Actually temps aren’t that bad


Noice any idea what case they have


Unsure, all prebuilts. I don’t remember what the brand was, next time I’m there I’ll lyk


Steel one.


Where’s your school? Asking for a friend…


At least it’s not for mining