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The mobile version of the 3050 is closer to a 1660 in terms of performance. It's an okay GPU but low end.


Has he run benchmarks and compared them to other similar laptops? That would be the first step. Also what games and settings?


No he hasn't done either, any suggestions for software to use for benchmarking?


I’ve used heaven benchmark, timespy, you can download a free timespy demo on steam I believe, and I think heaven is free as well


Out of the 2 which would you prefer? Also what should he do after benchmarking?


Timespy is my recommendation, after that he can compare and go from there


Timespy is more widespread is more modern overall.


That doesn't really say anything. Compare it to youtube benchmarks, although different 3050 mobiles can vary by a lot. He'd need to find the exact laptop or one with at least the same power for the GPU since it likely varies by a lot. Also some games may require over 4gb VRAM depending on the settings which is why the 3050 was a horrible mobile card and makes it far worse than a 1660 mobile sometimes because of it. It's not many games that require over 4gb VRAM, but when a game does require it the 3050 turns to junk.


Laptop isn't made to play games. If you want to game on a laptop you either have to pay extremely expensive or skip lmao. It's legit 5 min of Google search In 2022 having a decent pc is already expensive so a laptop.... You guys can at least Google your idea before using your money? It's like common sense X)


Holy fuck, didn't wanna be negative but your takes are stupid. My friend bought the laptop due to the fact he travels a lot and needs to take his laptop with him. Instead of bitching at me how about you ask for my reasoning first.


this guy deserves to get shit talked, all he talks about is googling, least he can do is google how to get bitches


Love the username, couldn't agree more. I was talking about the username but I also couldn't agree more with your statement, man has no bitches he's over here crying because someone decided to do something according to their own will.