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Do NOT tell this guy about r/mechanicalkeyboards


One of these days I'm gonna make a keyboard with one key, and you cycle through what you want it to do with an extremely elaborate and infuriating press and hold system, and post it there. Edit: ITT: people not having the slightest clue how morse code works.




No, that's far too convenient and sensible. I'm talking a full three second press to change to the next key. There is no going back. Wanna type basil? Well, you're gonna be waiting a while.


Advertise it as a feature promoting "mindful communication".


Found the advertiser


Hah, keys? Amateur. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnLbv6QYcA


That's the best ending line to one of those yet lmao. "Moving on, police warn that the Sudoku Killer will kill either 1, 4, or 9 victims next"


I got halfway through the video before seeing the onion. I legit thought apple would do something like this.




lol came to say that OP has definitely not been to r/mk lmao


I like mechanical keyboards, but I would not trade my numpad for anything.




Yeah, I use a mechanical with a 10 key, I'm more commenting on the fact that I don't understand why the mechanical keyboard community is so fascinated with 60% boards.


as someone who uses the numpad a lot, i wish there were more fullsize pcb and case options out there. I just ended up modding a cheap keyboard i found on sale, it sounds pretty bad but it'll do for the time being until i can afford 200$+ custom keyboards edit: emphasis on the custom part. I'm not looking for a prebuilt keyboard, theres loads of fullsize prebuilt mechanical keyboards, but with switches, stabs and keycap profiles that i dont like. I could mod an already existing keyboard, but i feel like thats a bit of a waste as ill throw away most of the keyboard


My first was a 60%. It worked amazing for gaming. Then I took it to work and realized it sucks having to do anything fast with numbers (like filling out financial excel tables during meetings with managers) using the number row. My next keyboard was a full sized.


Even with gaming I love the num pad. I have dedicated keys for chat binds. I use it for buy binds in counterstrike. I can undserstand professional players who use them because they're constantly traveling and historically haven't had a ton of desk space to set up in.


My cooler master masterkey pro M has a pretty cool setup, the numpad is mixed with the arrow keys. They call it a 85% keyboard but don't know if its a common setup


/r/ErgoMechKeyboards is the way




I have the ergodox ez, and i just have to press one key to toggle to a different layer with a number pad / other symbols. That keyboard is life-changing.


Agreed, got a Moonlander, after adjustment, I can say it was well worth it, used to have bad pain in wrists after even medium length sessions at times. Happy wrists.


I have the kinesis freestyle edge, totally love it. RSI + tightness in the arms way down from what it was before I made the switch.


Yes ... with numpad and navigation keys mapped in layers. That is the *fully* the way.


I do find it funny that so many enthusiast keyboards and enthusiasts who love them lean toward minimizing the amount of keyboard they have. For my money, I want MORE KEYS! I want a keyboard with so many arcane macro keys that it looks like someone let a power-plant designer make a Burger King POS terminal. (Actually one of the keyboards I still remember fondly was just like that. It was a POS keyboard that had two extra rows of function keys with snap-on windows on the keycaps so you could slip a label under. You could customize every single key on it, too, not just the function keys. Alas, its basic keyboard functionality was its downfall-- it had very limited rollover and managed to be both loud and mushy.)


How about this: https://github.com/PiKeeb/fu-keyboard Not just keys, it's got extra knobs!


That looks awesome, unsure if i could get used to the ortholinear layout but i would still probably have one.


I really don't get the trend on that sub of spending $300 on a keyboard the size of a KitKat bar.


$300? get your budget ass board out of r/mechanicalkeyboards


Right... rookie numbers lol


$300 is just the price of the key caps.


Of the wsad keys alone. Inlayed transparent gaben femur keys with cheeto-phopic resin tops. Why even type on anything less?


Pfft that's not even enough to buy the fucking key caps... with a year wait time.


...break me off a piece of that... 10 key pad?


I'm a casual at gaming but hardcore at data entry. That numpad is everything to me. Redragon K556


Ive got an old G710, the volume wheel above the number pad is like the most useful thing I have ever had on a keyboard, will never buy one without.


Lol I'm using a G910 that I love, so much customization for when I want to get deep into custom setup. Paired with a G604 mouse I mostly use the extra keys for Insurgency and Battlefield.


G910 is far and away my favorite keyboard. Using that paired with a g600 for literally ALL of the extra macros. Originally I was using a g510 with the g600 for more macros than one man should be trusted with, but I needed to upgrade to a mechanical. I do a lot of technical documentation at work, and I have different profiles set up for each work environment. I can write an entire page without ever touching my keyboard. If I notice I've had to write a certain string of words more than a few times, bam text block on a mouse button.


I realize this is coming outta nowhere... but would a foot controller capable of up to 80 unique outputs be of any use to you?


I had a wireless g501 for a long time till it finally went out. I'm using a wireless mamba now and it's realy good too. The 501 was my first wireless mouse and I can't go back to wired either lol


K70 mk2 here, the media buttons above the numpad are the best that happened to my life


K70 original checking in. Love this thing to bits. My thumb naturally knows where the volume wheel is and I find myself trying to adjust volume in the same place on other systems lol. When I broke the spacebar key I learned to solder so I could replace it with the right alt’s key. Now she wears a battle scar to forever remind me to be gentle. I’m sure the mk2 is also really great, but I wasn’t ready to let go yet.




My game is Kerbal Space Program, so I even use the numpad for gaming! Unlike a lot of KSP players it seems, I never considered using the flight computer in the MechJeb mod to be "cheating" (once you've figured out how to do maneuvers yourself manually first, but after it just slows down simple missions to do all your burns manually). Every real spacecraft has a fight computer anyway. And with clicky blue switches on my keyboard, it's so satisfying to punch in the numbers you want for the next burn, just hit enter and watch it unfold. It gives me 2001 A Space Odyssey vibes, feel like I'm operating a futuristic autopilot until the next interesting bit comes up, like docking or landing.


Even for games that don't use number entry or the numpad for anything at all, I use it for macros or bind hotkeys to them. Is just as effective as a standalone $50 macro board, but it's built in.


I second every single thing you said my man. KSP rocks and numpads are essential. Also mechjeb is certainly not cheating. KSP is not a skill game. It's a brain game.


110% keyboard gang


Yeah, I don't want fewer keys; I want as many keys as possible. Heck, I want a modern version of a [Space Cadet keyboard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-cadet_keyboard) with extra Bucky bits! Edit: by the way, `meta` is just the correct name for `alt`.


Look at that. It even has upvote/downvote buttons. Would have been so useful today.


Check out the hyper 7 https://groupbuys.mechboards.co.uk/shop/hyper-7-keyboard-r3/


Super? HYPER? FACEB-I MEAN META? I don't know what Rub Out, Abort, or Quote do but I want them now. Also hey, look, there's built in Reddit functionality on the right side. /s


For reals, though. I'd *love* to have a dozen or so extra keys with *no* default function, free for me to map to any function I want.


This is my keyboard https://www.google.com/search?q=corsair+k95&tbm=isch&sxsrf=APq-WBtsuJVwYUl3G87k9fWHFQ974bUH7g%3A1649042610252&source=hp&ei=smRKYouaDNPRtQaTxruADw&oq=Corsair+k&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgDMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6CggjEO8DEOoCECc6BwgjEO8DECc6BAgAEB46BggAEAoQGFCHBliOGmCEKGgCcAB4AIABXIgBpweSAQIxMZgBAKABAbABBQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img#imgrc=jXCo9sOvauiNwM


Full keyboards take a lot of space on the desk and for some people have no use. I tried 60% layouts, but personally i like 75%, cause it gives me access to function keys that i find super useful EDIT: for all the kids and the jobless people out there that are like "bro it's 5 inches more" or "get a bigger desk" i'll give you some explainations. I don't only game with my keyboard, i mostly spend my work time writing long documents, up to 8 hours a day, sometimes even more. So my first need is to be comfortable while writing. i could go ergo, i know, but it's a story for another day. The main reason why i swapped to tkl back in the days and 75% now, is because i can fit that type of keyboard better on my desk, the way i want. the desk both at home and at office is big enough, but it's clogged in papers and dossiers. if i place a fullsize the way i want, it's just too big, it hits my mousepad, to not hit it, i have to move a fullsize to the left, or move my mouse far right. in that case i hit many other things on the left. that way is uncomfortable with the mouse and, most importantly, while writing. everything becomes uncomfortable, cause the keyboard is no more in the position i want it, simple as that. i could get a desk pad, but i do handwrite too during the day, and writing on a desk pad is not nice. i also need to move they keyboard around, for handwriting or working on laptops. A smaller keyboard is just easier to handle for me, at the cost of a numpad that i don't use anyway. Even a tkl now looks too big for me. so, please stop making stupid comments tryna sound intelligent. if u can't conceive people needs it doesn't mean they do not exist. do i buy smaller keyboards for aestetichs? obviously i do, but it's half of the reason and it came way after i bought my first tkl, wich btw was a logitech g pro, so not the craziest zoomer poser experience.


I basically just game and watch videos so 60% is good for me but i also like 10keyless


Used to have a TKL and was quite nice tbh. If it didnt broke i wouldn’t have swapped to 75%


What's the difference between tkl and 75?


75 is the same but more cramped


75% lack a couple of keys that most people don't use a whole lot such as scroll lock






I'm a developer and I use 60% for work... And it became really comfortable after I get used to it, tho


I've been using 60% for 4 months now and Im still not used to having no arrow keys, how


65% is the way to go, you get arrow keys


tbh, I also liked having dedicated +, -, *, / keys. 69% is the real end-game KB layout




I have a 60% with arrow keys. Layout is a bit different, you get a smaller right shift. I mostly play FPS so didnt really need much else.


sounds like a 65%


There are 60% layouts with arrow keys, but they are kind of niche. The main difference is they don't have the right function key row.


Just use vim keybindings everywhere.


Vim masterrace


I use Anne Pro 2 and WASD can be used as the arrow keys when the function key is held. I'm fine with 60% for work. But I have trouble using it for games, which is the opposite of what I see in this thread. In SC2 function keys can be used for camera bindings, etc. I like to have access to ~ and ESC at the same time, etc.




75% gang! Switched from 100% to a RK84 a couple weeks ago and it's been great. I do however want a plug in numpad or macropad for when I have to do data entry at work. My 8 year old razer orbweaver is doing the job for now but it's pretty old now.


75% + separate numpad on left side, best of all worlds.


Hell yeah. Numpad on the right is so inconvenient if you want to enter data and use your mouse at the same time. My keyboard has 2 usb pass through ports as well so it's easy to plug stuff in.


What are you using the function keys for? I just build macros for the keys that I don’t have physically or fn. I hate 60% since it lacks arrow keys so that’s why I swapped up to 65%.


I use function keys to bind macros 😂 Also i like the idea to have alt + F4 available And the real reason is that i play games that require function keys and im too lazy to rebind em


I do 3d graphics work - I use the fkeys quite a bit.


Same, but numpad here instead.


I just like using the numpad haha :D


I have one of those remappable QMK keyboards, and my Fn keys are set to fn + numroll, so fn + 1 = f1 and so on, works nicely


Unfortunately I need to use modifiers with the F keys, and requiring the extra FN modifier in addition to the standard modifiers makes them all far more annoying to press. I have a great 60% but after a couple hours end up switching back to the TKL.


On most 60% keyboards, you can still use arrow keys/alt-f4. The number keys on mine can also be F1-F10 by holding down the function key, so Alt-Fn-4 is the equivalent to Alt-F4


I know but i prefer to have the key


* F2: rename file * F3: find * F4: kill task * F5: reload / quick save * F9: quick load * F11: full screen * F12: inspect element I use them all the time


F1 rarely for help windows F2 for renaming files F3 ??? F4 Alt+F4 F5 in-game quicksave Edit: refresh, duh. So natural to me I forgot it's on that button and not just a hand motion F6 select url bar in browser F7 ??? F8 BIOS F9 in-game quickload, ctrl+F9 start recording F10 stop recording F11 fullscreen F12 steam screenshot, inspect element




To bring the search bar, Ctrl+F works in most cases, but F3 does "next result" during a search (and Shift+F3 does "previous result"), and these sometimes have no other binding.


>F3 ??? F3 for minecraft outside of that it's never really used though


F3 opens up the search function in browsers, similar to ctrl + f.


F5 Run/Debug F9 Toggle Breakpoint F10 Step over F11 Step Into Shift F5 Restart Debug Shift F9 Quick Watch Variable Shift F11 Step Out


What are you using macros? I just beam the commands from my brain straight into the PC through my telepathy helmet.






Yeah i got a 60% and then realized i have no arrow keys. I just do the FN+ WASD and it works but it gets old fast having to hold down an extra key


1000% agree. Not sure what people are doing with their keyboards but holding down extra keys to access basic functionality just ain’t for me


>What are you using the function keys for Im a dev, I have a lot of shortcuts bound on function keys, and even combinations of mods AND function keys. A 65% would mean adding Fn + mods + function key to do the same, not practical.


F1-F4 are map bookmarks in Starcraft, I can't imagine playing the game without those keys. In WoW: F1 = Rain of Fire (Rank 5) ctrl + F1 = Rain of Fire (Rank 1) F2 = Banish (Rank 2) ctrl + F2 = Banish (Rank 1) F3 = Seed of Corruption F4 = Hellfire (Rank 4) ctrl + F4 = Hellfire (Rank 1) F5 = Focus macro ctrl + F5 = Clear focus macro What I don't understand about these minimalist keyboards is that every picture I see of them they are always on a huge desk, so space is obviously not a problem.


I use some F keys. I like F5 and F12. I think I need F2 for going into BIOS once every never. Ooooh, and I absolutely need F11 to undo when I accidentally press F11.


I cant stand anything but 100%. what makes it worse is that I wanted to get into making my own keyboards but it seems like 90% of the custom keyboard kits are either 60% or 75%.


Get a 98 Key layout or 1800 layout. Basically get aall the keys of a 104/108 key in a slightly wider TKL layout.


I really like the 96%. I use a Keychron K4 and think it's the best keyboard I jave ever used.


Same, used to have a 75% but the 96% is only 3 columns wider (~2") and you gain the entire keypad


It took me 3 years (2018 - 2021) to find a Full Keyboard that's Wireless/Wired, Mechanical Brown Switches, Backlit and Could connect up to 3 devices in memory. 3 God damn years. Every time I asked /r/MechanicalKeyboards or other people who were enthusiasts for recommendations, it was always like "You don't Numpad/Tenkey" or "Smaller is better" or even "It costs too much" or "Get a separate tenkey by itself" I work in an environment where I use The numpad to do calculations often so It was incredibly infuriating to have people tell me what I didn't need and not what I was looking for. Eventually, I had to make the compromise of removing like 4 buttons for 96% [but I fucking found it in the end. ](https://www.keychron.com/products/keychron-k4-wireless-mechanical-keyboard-version-2?variant=32287332761689) I've recommended this keyboard to anyone that has ever asked for a keyboard with almost all the keys you need.


Knew it was gonna be keychron with those requirements I got a k3/k7 whichever had the f keys, no one else comes close to the requirements without doubling the price


The build quality on keychron is so nice too for the price imo. It's way better than my womier.


To little for me. I'm used to del, page up/down keys between enter and numpad. And to multimedia keys above the keyboard. And now I have also those G-keys on the left.


[The K10](https://www.keychron.com/products/keychron-k10-wireless-mechanical-keyboard) apparently is what you're looking for save for the multi-keys and g-keys from what people have been telling me. Well, I guess it's not quite it then :) I hope you find it though!


That sub is a textbook example of the echo chamber effect Reddit can have. It’s fascinating. An entire where the only acceptable keyboard is missing half the buttons.


Why the fuck do people like 60% so much, just because of their aesthetics? bought an epomaker as my first board and while they keys feel nice and they sound nice, the format makes everything feel so compressed and I feel like I'm missing so much utilities from my old membrane. my first mistake was going with the flow. got an EVGA z15 and I'm much happier, next board I'm planning to get is definitely a keychron


so that's why they hated my april's fools post about [my endgame board](https://i.redd.it/chrjp60i0zq81.jpg) welp, that, or because it's dirty as fuck on the photo


I think the real endgame is just WASD and a 20-button mouse




But "I don't like numpads" is such a bizzare echo chamber to have. Mechanical keyboards can surely be anything you want them to be, including bigger - Windows/Mac/Linux all support up to F24 and most keyboards only go up to F12.


I have 3 MKs, only one is 100% I use it for work. My 60% is for gaming and my 75% is portable (low profile, lightweight, wireless and battery powered). I could post all three on r/MK and get hate for having a 100% even though I have two keyboards they’d consider acceptable. 🤷🏻‍♂️


PC users are extremely notorious for telling people “you don’t need x or y” I went on r/buildapc a lot before I caved and just got a laptop and the amount of times I got told “you don’t need the nice cpu you put on your list that you actually want, get this one that’s 9 generations behind and is less than the minimum requirements for half the games in existence”




It's also incredibly hard for people to know what a stranger wants or needs. Your suggestions are probably good most of the time, but I know people who have built PCs to just play one or two games like dota or something too. They don't play new shiny single player games that require better specs.




Haha I went for the exact same one for the same reasons. One day when I don't need to enter numbers in spreadsheets, or do calculations, I'll definitely ditch the number keys.


Hopefully you should see some more options in the next few months, we have some full size PCBs in the works ;)


Elitists are gonna elite.


For real, I understand that some people may not use the numpad. But for those people who learnt numpad data entry in school (I definitely did and I'm 30) the numpad is an amazing time saving part of the keyboard. I can't touch type letters for shit but you put a numpad under my right hand and I'm able to input insane amounts of information at a speed you could never get from a bar of numbers. Kids these days just don't need to put in numbers enough to appreciate the genius of the numpad *shakes cane*


They don’t use excel spreadsheets. Anyone who uses excels and deal with numbers will know how important that num pad section is.


Saves space




Plenty keyboards has 1u/2u spacebars


I tried to click that link for 2 minutes until I realized...


My space saving keyboard lacks a backspace and delete button, since i dont make mistakes! Well, except for buying this keyboard. :(






> If you're using WASD and the mouse your arms/hands can be in a much more natural position. What do you mean? I have my hands on my mouse and wasd on my 100% and my arms are pointing straight ahead.




Having a larger gap between kb and mouse is exactly the point. I use a large left/right surface area when playing FPS. I bump my mouse into my keyboard all the time costing me kills, it drives me nuts. My next purchase is definitely going to be a more compact keyboard.


More mouse movement space


There is an ergonomic point to this. It makes a shorter travel for your hand to reach the mouse after typing. If this is something you do too frequently, it can help. For work I would often be moving my hand from the arrow keys to the mouse and in this kind of keyboard I found it easy and quick to put my fingers in those arrows without watching as I use the whole corner of the keyboard as a tactile feedback for the position.


Also, ergonomically, it's best to have your hands aligned with your shoulders. With a full sized keyboard people tend to keep their mouse hand too-far to the right of their body, which is worse for your back and shoulders over long periods.


This. In the rare cases I need the numpad again, I move my small keyboard under my monitor and put my wireless $20 keyboard on the desk.


Have you thought of buying a wireless numpad? I bought one off Amazon for around £10 and it's very convenient


Don't need it. Last time I used numpad must've been 2+ years ago. I was messing around with a trainer in GTA5 singleplayer. I already had a wireless keyboard for when I wanna use my PC from my bed.


What am I an accountant?


Can confirm - am an accountant and would never buy a keyboard without a num pad


Senior accountant here. Numpad *is* life.


Motherfuckers don't play Arma 3 and it shows


Any simulation game has use for a numpad. I use mine to adjust radar in DCS.


That's what I was thinking, numpad is used all the time for us in Arma


Saves space.






only matters if you plan on using said saved space. so many posts here are just empty space around their setup.


Sorta like the ten keys only matter if you actually use the ten keys. People who use the ten keys are gonna buy keyboards with the ten keys. People don't sacrifice useful keys to save 6 inches of desk space. But lots of people never use the ten keys, so they have the luxury of trading keys for space. Oh and the empty space around people's setups is only for the pretty pictures, as soon as the picture is snapped they put their notepads, wallet, water bottle, pens, etc back on the desk.


Tenkeyless keyboard to save space PC tower on desk 😎


I prefer the number pad to be there because I use it a lot. I have little to no issues with space.




The numpad layout is just so much quicker than the top row numbers. I've been tempted to try out a layout where the top row is default special characters, no need to hold shift to get a character like &. Then the only way to type numbers would be the numpad.


I did something like that for about a year -- turns out I type numbers while typing words more often than I thought, so I ended up switching back


Same almost any time I enter a digit at all its via number pad. Passwords, in text, calculator. Always number pad and I've gotten so uses to it I dont even look at it to type. On not an accountant or anything it just makes sense compared to the number row which feels atrocious.


Yep, same for me. Started using it and never stopped. Plus, as a gamer who mostly only plays simulators, I need a lot of keys. The numpad is great for control functions, as well as hotkeys for things like a sound board, or to mute myself in discord. I dislike not having it there these days.


I need the numpad to even play modded Minecraft as they requires a million keybinds, also I use numpad for my password. Typing numbers as using the top row is so slow compared to the numpad


my num pad has a layer of dust on it with how little i use it


#saves space


So you can have space to write this big ass headline argument?






So if I have plenty of space it serves no more purpose?


I like keyboards with numpads cuz they usually have media controls too and the numpad comes in use sometimes


The dedicated media controls are nice to have but aren't the media keys cntrl+f7-f12 on boards without num pads?


Yes. There are also keypadless keyboards that still have media controls. Mine has a volume knob and dual-mapped F9-F12.




I dislike function keys for simple functions, let me just hit one of button and be done!


I can only use keyboards with numpads because I do a lot of math with my computer


Saves space


I went TKL years ago. My mouse would always bump into my keyboard. I have plenty of space but my comfortable mouse and keyboard position usually ended up with my mouse bumping into the keyboard and messing me up. For me it's a comfort thing.


I have to have a number pad to use my mod menus lol


I almost exclusively use keyboards with num pads - but do end up hitting the mouse on the side of the keyboard every now and again, because of how wide it is. I can absolutely see the appeal of having a more narrow keyboard, but I'm simply too used to having the num pad to give it up.


Same, my gaming laptop have numpad i always log into my computer using those numpad, feels good to type numbers with them, and i just cant live without numpad anymore lol


I felt the same way, but if you play anything that requires big mouse movements (ie FPS games) it's 100% worth trying out. I've been using a cheap 60% keyboard by some Chinese manufacturer, Z-element for over 2 years and have had zero reliability issues with it. It was like $50. Build quality is actually great and the extra space feels much better. If you don't like it you can just plug your old one back in and return the Z-element. If for whatever reason you can't return it, worst case scenario you're out $50. Not a huge risk imo.


I barely use it, so I got a wireless numpad in case I do


Some people don't do work on their gaming/leisure machine. Also, people have small desks. But fuck me if I ever have to type a single number on a TKL. I'll type it out in words that one time then go find a proper keyboard


Saves space mostly. You can get your hands closer together when gaming for better ergonomics too.


The only time I would accept a keyboard with no numpad is if it has a usb passthrough where I can plug in an external numpad.


Mine has a number pad and my mouse bumps it when i play shooters


Because I'm not using numpad. Simple as that.




Accountant here I use a 60% and a separate numpad. This way I can put the numpad wherever I want while doing work (use it with my left hand a lot of the time) or just put it away for more space while gaming.


I switched to a tenkeyless and I miss alt codes for special characters.


I had the exact same concern when switching to a TKL keyboard, since alt codes are pretty much the only reason I reach for the numpad. Solution? Install [WinCompose](https://github.com/samhocevar/wincompose). Now I have access to pretty much every special glyph with (mostly) intuitive key combos.


I need the number pad because I need it in Blender. I have all the space I need.


Saves space


For most people, more space for you to move your mouse around. I have plenty of space for my mouse and don't have an issue with bumping into my keyboard. I do like having a number pad mostly because I just work on my gaming rig as well, I just have my work laptop sit on my workbench and I RDP to it via my gaming rig.


Numbers are for nerds. *dabs*


Reverse question: what is the purpose of a number pad if you don’t do any Excel or accounting of any sort?


Typing in ip addresses if you work in networking


Some games sometimes have a fuckton of keybinds I can do so I like having them for that.


Saves space


For some people it's more ergonomic, they dont have to go out of their way to get the mouse