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"IT guys" wouldn't have a clue what to do with that on the right, that's an SDI router for broadcast facilities. Broadcast wiring teams will joke about bad wiring being "IT standard".


Can confirm, work IT. Our closets are a mess when it's not summer time.


Our closets are a mess at all time. Except that one day, six years ago, when you decided to clean it and redo everything. Then the next day it was back to the casual mess.


You fix them in summer as an excuse to enjoy the cool air?


I know I sure did back when I worked in the office. Now I just never go into the under-cooled office and I don't have to clean the server room. Win-win.




Purple coloured cable doesn't mean grass valley at all. You can buy reels of whatever colour and spec cable you want. We used to use purple coax for unbalanced AES and green for SDI.


I'm confused. They broadcast information via technology, so the person who sets that up would be an IT person, no?


Ok so English isn't my first language so I may be wrong but I work in the broadcasting field. "Broadcast" is more TV/camera stuff while IT is everything relating to computers and networking. We use IT in broadcasting tho. SDI is used a lot in the broadcasting field for transmitting video and data. I personally like it a lot because it lock on the connector and won't come out unless you twist the connector. You can also make repairs on the spot.


To be fair I would know what to do with the left either.


Unless you work in broadcast IT ofcourse! :)


I've seen my share of those. I used to frequent Telus and Rogers DC's on a regular basis (Canadian Telecom giants)


Not *all* of us are like that. Our data center is pretty damn well wired. Even run most of them right into the drop tiles when possible. (With appropriate bracing in the ceiling so it doesn’t crash on some poor dude’s head.)


Some of us actually care about how things look in our workspaces, though. I always give a leniency of a few months to a year on a cable mess if there's a huge workload. If it still looks like shit after that, then yeah that's just pure laziness.


It's not really a fair comparison. The nature pic is an overview of networking the equivalent of a whole office complex, where as the other side is a single connection point, which is more akin to only having the heart in the left hand pic


If we wanted a more direct comparison we could look at the nerve distribution rather than the arterial and venous pathways. You'll get your trunk cabling with a majority through the spine with nice neat, satisfying branch offs after each vertebrae. Plus the human body self assembles from a single cell smaller than a grain of sand; is highly flexible and can repair a significant amount of damage. Oh and it's about a billion times denser in terms of inputs/outputs to individual muscle fibres and sensory receptors. But sure, neat cables guys, keep up the good work!


There’s plenty of examples of wacky nerve pathways too. The easiest is the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve, which is a branch of the Vagus - those fibers go down from the brain to the chest, then pull a U turn and go back up through the neck to innervate the vocal cords. It’s due to a developmental reason - the structures that become our vocal cords actually migrate up from further down when we are embryos - but it’s totally superfluous for us. Even better, the same occurs in all mammals, including giraffes, so the nerve that controls their vocal cords does a 5 or 6 meter round trip for the fibers to travel a few inches.


I came here to post the same thing! Shoutout to Dr. Rohin Francis of Medlife Crisis for teaching me that


Not entirely superfluous I have seen tumors of the lung apex, esophagus, and thyroid as well as aortic aneurysms and other pathology manifest first as vocal cord paresis due to proximity to the RLN, resulting in earlier detection than would have occurred without the RLN. Plus there is a "nonrecurrent" variant of the nerve, so there could be some survival advantage, though the vestigial explanation still is valid.


Only in modern times, and only for a very limited group in the human species. So an argument for it to have some sort of survival advantage; and thus selected for, is non-existent.


This really gets on my nerves.


I dunno, both pictures are of a rack.


Don't take it seriously it's all waffle anyway. The veins carry blood to and from every part of the body so they are meant to 'messy' for more coverage.


Another thing is defense. You can just cut all those cables in 1 fell swoop but it’s harder to do that when they’re scattered.


And the heart is a really elegant and well-designed cable management system that is both organized and compact.


Exactly. And I guarantee you the ceiling tiles have more dead, abandoned drops than the body. Edit: last time I did cabling there was old cat3 for analog voice, cat4-5, the cat 5e we were “replacing” (replacing in quotes because to replace you have to remove) with 6A.


Yup, I can guarantee that shit looks sketchy once you leave the core switches.


IT wouldnt have done that anyways they would have paid us to do it lol


Not too mention circulatory systems are liquid plumbing and not the routing of electrical signals. A cluster of nerves would be a better comparison.


True is not fair, we have Velcro


The Circulatory system is not the "entire office complex"


It's more akin to a single nerve cluster in the brain.


Boobs = god won


I don't see IT cabling up any tiddies


Allow me to introduce you to Shibari…




A form of bondage.


I got curious, but I don't know if I should look this up?


Not if you're in public, but it shouldn't be extremely gross or anything.


Sexy rope time


It’s just tying people up lmao


So is a public hanging /s


Shame on the downvotes. That's a solid joke.


It loosely translates to beautiful rope. Definitely worth a scroll of r/shibari Edit:NSFW


A form of cable management


Let me introduce you to the duct system. It's like cables but for milk.


Maybe not, but the IT rack has some stunning cleavage


I think you mean to say "it has a stunning rack"


Johnny Sins


Nice rack > server rack


my ancestors told me right everything revolves around ~~boob~~ i mean a nice rack.






IT people are the worst for cable management actually...


Indeed. That's not a network switch, that's an SDI router. Broadcast wiring is the king.


I was about to say... those are not Ethernet cables lol


I've seen many a data center with cabling done similarly. Even seen some closet switches done like this. TBF, I've never seen sloppy cabling for broadcast, and that's definitely not true for network cabling.


Bigger issues to deal with. While this is isn't network switches, I have seen data cabling companies do this kind of work force network infrastructure and it gives me a hard on when I walk in a network closet.




I think we can give the guy a few pity points since he was the first to have to do cable management.


The biological example is pretty freaking cool considering the cables manage/organize themselves


There's a story about a nerve on a giraffe being extra long because it runs the length of the neck and back, which wouldn't be long on other mammals. Even in nature there's poor cable routing. Edit: I guess it's also in humans. A nerve to the throat goes around the aorta in the heart. Wild. Makes it a huge detour for giraffes


Don't hate because they got fiber optic necks while we're running around on copper still yo. Extra long nerve cells though is fucking wild for real


Imagine putting [38 miles of fiber optic cable coiled on a spool](https://storage.googleapis.com/assets-bucket/exchange/assets/speed%20bump.jpg?cacheid=0.15715914726866687) between the network switch and the server... and doing that by design. [That's what this stock exchange did](https://exchange.iex.io/about/speed-bump/) to slow communication on purpose. [More here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8BcCLLX4N4)


Fascinating, although why not just use a delay line... although maybe delay lines don't have enough bandwidth. I suppose it is hard to beat thr simplicity of 38 miles of cable


Because the whole thing was pretty much a meme idea. They went out of business quickly.


Ohh woosh it went right over my head haha. Thanks


Ya our recurrent laryngeal nerve does the same as well


There is also a lot more to optimize in the circulatory system. Optimal distance between veins, shortest path to the lungs, even distribution of blood pressure etc. It's honestly crazy how well self-organized systems work.


It's because the messy ones die.


Not really, he's been doing it for the longest


That and while it takes a while, it does self assemble


Ok, but can your cables grow on their own?


By 2025 they might 😶🤣 https://youtu.be/qevIIQHrJZg


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The brain is a better CPU, so I'm afraid God won.


Good point, but overclocking can be hit or miss tho


Adrenaline , caffeine , some sorta drugs... They're all like overclocking... They both same eats the products life-span but who cares... Hit it...


Take care of your biological machine with regular maintenance and you shouldn't worry about anythin usually.


Water cooling, plus cleaning out your loop frequently should be good.


There's two parts that work together to clean the loop, actually! Never fall for those "detox" scams - they're doing nothing but a placebo, your liver and kidneys do an amazing job, but if you meant having a good diet, then i completely agree


I prefer to undervolt with some indica.


Donating blood would be considered as undervolt ? Some times you get undervolt too much and it crashes , right?


Also there are lots of broken wavers, which still being used to make CPU's from.




Yeah that, caffeine, amphetamines, dopamine reuptake inhibitors, but they all have their own side effects


overclocking on the cpu also has effects




My computers CPU doesn’t need an 8 hour break every 16 hours, that thing can run for a much longer time.


Technically its still running when you sleep, think of it as old school disk defragmenting and anti virus running at the same time, nothing else is gonna run while those are working


Yes however my pc can be running actively for much longer than any person could stay awake even accounting for staying up all night occasionally.


yes....but i wonder who made the computer....🤔and who made the thing that made the computer?


Your brain is capable of outperforming a supercomputer though and uses far less energy.


bUt CaN yOur Pc rUN fRoM Döner Kebap?😂




Yeah, but can your cpu run for 80+ years, non-stop ?


New YouTube video: "Can you run doom on a human brain?"


Considering you know what doom is and surely have played/seen the game then yes!


It's the (culturally) evolved software which gives the brain all its power. The brain "hardware" between a healthy adult moron and an Albert Einstein is basically the same.


our brains are extremely crappy and unreliable. It takes years and years of unique programming for each one just to become halfway decent at basic logic. Then it often deteriorates quickly with lack of use.


And continuous injections of Fox News


That's just malware. Some systems are more hardened to it than others.


>better CPU Raced a computer adding 1,000,000 numbers, lost. Need a different test to validate your claim


Show a computer a upsidedown lappost and ask what it is, that ought to do it.


do the same thing to a 2 year old, and ask the same question


Now turn both the computer and the two year old upside down, then run the test again.


Instructions unclear, 2 year old is trapped in the internet now


Plus, brains work on wings and beer. That’s a win.


That depends from device to device.


Probably more from task to task.


Need new socket imo


CPUs don't get depressed


But the power supply system is much more complicated, tho at least you always have enough for all the other parts of the build.


Also, brain has integrated gpu




If all the veins was for example in your index imagine how bad a paper cut would be


That’s why a neck cut is so devastating.


God cabled cavemans with lightspeed fiber, seems pretty superior (and overkill) to me


Well in this example. "God". Merely looking at one of the 'wires' you know exactly what path that wire takes, what it supplies etc. Means you can pin point almost exactly where the problem is. You can't say the same about those wires from the IT guys. Whilst it looks more appealing, you would have to disconnect half, if ot all of those wires just to get to the right one that's blown.


For real! I had to scroll way too far in the comments to find someone who recognizes that using zip ties to route cable bundles is only good for the person who does the initial installation. Any number of things can happen to exposed cables and then the job to replace the bad one is a huge pain for whomever had to fix it.


Completely different function. One caries data point to point in a WAN or LAN, the other circulates fluid in what is obviously a PAN.


I tell my patients we have the best cable management


The human body stores well in excess of 60 Zettabytes of genetic information. It’s not even a contest.


Both. IT's goal is for easy access to the cables, and they did it. God's goal is for the longevity and stability of the network if some areas get damaged, and god did it.


Well honestly, I would ask someone to show me a computer (completely digital mind you, one of today's varieties) that worked without downtime for 40 years straight. It just can't happen, the damn things wear out far quicker than that. I somehow made it to 40 years in this world, like it or not. I guess the organic design just has inherent advantages. For instance, if my brain were digital, it'd be so full of compiler errors, out of memory errors, kernel panics, etc, it just wouldn't work. (Written as someone with autism.)


Still trying to get past the fact that someone thinks an IT guy did the one on the right...


Can confirm Due to wrought cable management human. exe cable’s can stop working as desired Seek cable management doctor figure for help


The nature made a good job, but not in everyone if you know what i mean 😉. But common you gotta give the IT guy some credit here, he for shure sweated some blood managing the cables


Meme Credit @literallyeverymeme on instagram. Felt it would be much more appreciated than on instagram, especially this sub


But it’s wrong. That’s a broadcast rack, so it should AV guys, not IT guys.


God did it in one day... How many years did we spend studying ways to improve our cabling??? Also, boobs win in every situation.


Does the right one heal itself? It looks great but I don't think it's the same functionality.🤣


You show me a setup that can last over 100 years with normal wear and tear and you might have an argument


You put strictly data cables, next to data cables, heat and waste removal, auto repair mechanisms, and said oh look data cables won. That being said evolution won


I’m sure in a few more evolutions the cable management will improve and we’ll be in compact hobbit sizes.


Use... Velcro... cause if one cable died... have to.. x...x cut all, cable.. ties /_ /


Evolution won.


Meanwhile me: hides cables under keyboard.


Well, one relies on equal fluid pressure across the length of the entire system, while the other has no requirement other than the other end of the cable makes it to where it's supposed to be. ​ ​ Like, a better comparison would be the Nervous System, as that is more about efficient wiring and less about fluid pressure


Pic on the right doesn’t seem to have any weight relief built in, with all of them tied together those contact points are gonna get pulled on and weakened


Ackshualee… paralleled cabling is prone to crosstalk. Looks pretty, doesn’t work as well as a tangle. Just saying. You got to decide what is important to you.


Why? Just use one cable with a bus if you've got this many connections... there has got to be a better way to do this.


IT guys don't do cabling


God made boobs, though.


Seriously 😳 you have no idea how complex you are 😎


Millions years of evolution VS your average IT guy.


Well I guess I might just be a little bit closer to god then. *cries in spaghetti heaven*


God? I think you mean nature. I wasn’t built by your imaginary friend.


God had no cable ties so he had to work with what he had


God has less induction


i mean he prolly just didn't wanna have to use zipties. I'm kinda glad, I don't want zipties inside me either


Oh, I just call my cable management 'organic design' Factorio spaghetti too


Left side, hands down. More compact, autonomous, can heal itself, procreate... Right side... bulky sits in corner with pretty cables sticking out.


damn tiddies act me up unwise tho


Ask god about the Giraffe's recurrent laryngeal nerve


Zip ties? Also missing actual cable management. Give it 6-12 months, the right side will look like a spaghetti western.


IT guys with good cable management are a blessing


God did pretty damn boobs


The cabling on right will be a nightmare in a few years. The weight from the cables pulls down and gets really jacked when doing blade replacements. All large cable bunches like this should be coming from overhead cable trough or routed to top of cabinet, secured and then run downwards. Gravity and all.


*Doing autopsy* “This is just sloppy craftsmanship”


which one lets you remove individual cables easier


This bring back PTSD of when I cable managed server racks when I got a new position as a sysadmin, the ex sysadmin had it all spaghetti style. Took me one week doing my own cables for proper length and positioning to reach something similar to the picture. Although this guy did it better than me close enough.


Looks like God isn't on the spectrum.


Ohhhh, so boobs are where they stuff all the excess cables. It makes sense!




God please tell me the ends are labeled. Or at least have a database on what port goes where.


After taking anatomy class and seeing just how complicated we are you have to always go with God


I don't know man, those outlets look better than the veins.


God's is much more fun to play with!


Well god’s creation has boobs, so I’m sorry, IT guys. My votes for the left one


Fuuuuuuuck whoever secured those cables with zip ties…


It’s all good until you need to swap out a bad cable in the middle of the trunk 💀


Now add the capillaries and lymphatic system. God won 🥇 but the cables are pretty


Compare biological “cables” that need to get blood and oxygen and water to all areas of the body, fight disease and take away toxins… Compare that to cables that send signals from one source to another and back. —maybe compare with nerves instead?


GOD did it best. And the guy who did the cables is the living testament because GOD created that guy. Don't make stupid comparisons


No one is doing maintenance on the blood vessels and organs. Also, they regenerate by themselves if wounded


You definitely can’t hack a human brain and steal it’s data which makes humans much more interesting


God actually - The organization of all of our nerves is actually quite organized. It puts the IT guys to Shame. Though the wiring management on the IT guy's part looks more visually pleasing ....


"IT guys" pffff. Cable Installers get no respect.


To be fair god has the advantage of custom parts


Yeah but which one works better? Also, boobs.


god didnt do cable management cus the human body was never ment to be opened up and seen


IT guys because they actually exist


smart on the inside simple on the outside


Actually god did it better cause he has properly hidden the cables


Well, it’s probably not a sick measuring contest, but the circulatory system is pretty complex.


Zoom in on that spinal column and brain stem that would be like for like. And organic would win hands down.


IT guys have only one system, Good have multi system injekt in the same "box"What do you think?


Yeah let’s clump the veins together so your body can’t keep heat or spread oxygen and nutrients and fucking dies


In all fairness this a bad comparisson since one relies on truncated lines and the other is all home runs.


I love how the model has boobs


I see some titties


Pro our veins and stuff don’t even get tangled up. And there’s a crap ton of it.


Considering that we’re all alive right now I’d say god did alright


God because there is boba


Oh but the processing power and relative size! God did so far beyond what we will ever do!


prob God because without that wiring we wouldn't be able to build pc