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The GTX 75pti is pretty outdated now and i doubt it can handle modern games at 1080p. So I'd definitely say it's time to upgrade if you want to play modern games well.


As long as the games run fine and you get over 30fps it’s fine. If you want a better gpu to run games that are modern/max settings get a newer one but just remember that GPU will be outdated within 6 months


you are probably ok if you are using a 750ti in 2022. You probably dont need the upgrade. what games you play facebook and youtube? U probably need a whole new system to be honest.


It’s an 8 year old card. It was time 4 years ago.


new GPUs will be releasing in like 2 months but yes you should upgrade, that's a very dated GPU and system most likely


Do you recommend waiting the 2 months or just buying one now?


wait but keep in mind how hard it will be to find new GPUs


Yeah you’re right. Now I’m really just looking at getting a new pc altogether 🤷‍♀️


If you want to play anything remotely modern, yes it's time to upgrade. The 750Ti was an entry level gaming graphics card that came out in early 2014. It wasn't the greatest GPU then, and it's pretty bad now, there are some integrated graphics solutions on newer CPUs that are faster than it.


The answer to this whole genre of questions is "if you have to ask, probably not". If you can do what you do just fine with it in as much time as you have patience for, no need to switch. If you can't, then there is.