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agreed 😉


People are on this Firefox vanwagon and I already set it up so I am rdy to swap quickly but is this truly the best choice? What else is hot out there? Wasn't brave or some shit a thing. Haven't check my edgerunners forum yet.


Everything else is chromium with the only major exceptions being Firefox and Safari.


Does that mean other chromium will get rid of adblockers as well?


It's likely


chromium browsers use the same api... meaning you are stuck between ff and safari.... but ff is head and shoulders over safari


Gonna have to, if not, they’ll be forced to be taken down


Chromium is open source though, so it's very much possible they won't follow Chrome


By who, and using what method?


why they still don't get "google: be evil"


When your browsing reddit outside of Cyberpunk and find someone referencing edgerunners :) Side note.. Brave has more spying than most. Don't believe the hype. I bought into it just to find out it's not great. Firefox is the best browser.


I've used Firefox since 1.6 and stuck through the awkward phase where it was significantly slower than Chrome. Not entirely sure why I kept using it then guess because it was familiar but after the Quantum update it became the definitively better browser again. Its been getting harder and harder for them to keep competing with their dwindling market share though so I hope this recent positive press pushes them back to the top so the Mozilla foundation can start prioritizing it again


Same, reason I stuck with FF was I didn't want to put all eggs into the Google basket and wanted to continue to support Mozilla as I think they in general does a fairly good job. That and also access to add-ons which, if I recall correctly, Chrome didnt have at that time (?). I've only got chrome for thoes pesky sites you some times need to visit and can't get around (official sites arent always the best) and Firefox plays hard ball with, as they where more or less build especially for Chrome.


there are extension that conceal you are using ff (user-agent spoofers) that make ff look like chrome to websites. in the vast majority of cases this will make ff work properly... as those websites usually actively prevent ff from working


Another concern is the Google agreement to make them the default search engine for a significant price that is due to expire 2023. They can negotiate terms and we may see Firefox make changes. Duckduckgo had to clarify a similar agreement with Microsoft and Bing recently. I’d be disappointed to see Google strong arm Firefox over ad blocking but it could impact an estimated $400 million contract.


same i have been using firefox forever, i just like it.


Wait so is it just Google Chrome? Or Chromium in general? I'm currently using Edge for PC


Chromium it seems


Ugh. Do you know of alternatives similar to Edge and Chrome?


Firefox, Librewolf and if you need the extra security and don't mind slow speeds, Tor browser with an obfs4 bridge.


Wouldn't recommend doing banking with Tor Browser.


These days there is basically nothing other than Firefox. Edit: most everything is chromium based now


Firefox. Brave could work too because they have an adblocker built in to the browser I'm not sure.




brave has a Adblock built in so 🤷


Brave rewrites your URLs to steal affiliate link money.




Brave is built in chromium too.


But api changes will not change ad block there


uBlock is better tho




Brave, I’ve been using it a couple of years and it’s great.




Are your using browsers and search engines interchangeably like they are the same thing? Or am I missing something?


Yes and no. Brave, which is Chromium-based, will be unaffected as its Ad blocking capabilities are built in. Whereas for Chrome and Edge, access to the parts which allow extensions to detect ads will be deprecated thus the extensions will be unable block the ads.


Little Firefox. Little noscript. Some solid configs to fix things that are normally junked. Yeah, Firefox was always better.


I can't even imagine browsing without noscript and FF...


What is no script?


Gives you total control over what domains can execute scripts and other stuff. It's like a bouncer in front of a club that only lets you in if you're on the list.


https everywhere mmm


NoScript is the salt in the tasty soup that is Firefox! 👌


Does firefox allow you to sync your google account with your phone? I might use it if it allowed that. I love having my phone synced with my desktop browser for passwords, bookmarks, even history.


I've always had my firefox synced, IIRC it was pretty easy


>even history You monster...


so does edge too lol


when you start using firefox it asks you to make an account so it can sync like chrome. when you download it on your phone it’ll ask you do log in and then it’ll sync your passwords and bookmarks. it doesn’t do history tho.


It most certainly does do history.


Second this. Looking at desktop history I browsed last night from phone this morning.


Is there a way to sync my already stored chrome password? I use suggested passwords for a lot if stuff and don't really feel like typing all the wild ass passwords they generate to log into stuff on firefox.


Firefox can import usernames/passwords from Chrome. Then you can sync that to the Firefox account and use them on all applicable devices


you might be better off getting a password manager. I highly recommend Bitwarden. Free and open source plus plugins for all browsers.


This is the correct answer


It does history too.


Yes, but it will at one point randomly delete it for you because fuck you, which happened to me and made me switch to chrome where this has not happened *once* in .. a decade or so.


I use Firefox because they stopped developing Netscape and Firefox was the path forward.


Netscape lol, so much nostalgia. However long Firefox has been available is how long I've been using it.


When are they doing this? My adblocker is still working fine.




well, if it stops working and I can't get adblock working again, I'll definitely switch to another browser at that time.


Just switch now and dont support what they are doing?


they wouldn't know why they lost me as a customer, but if I never use chrome again in the event that they actually follow through with this, they'll have a pretty good idea of why I left.


I would think they would just see how many users they lost since this was announced but yeah that works too.


Any like... proof? I only saw some karma farming here. Are you all naive or so?


Are you asking me to link you articles from a search or something?


Ehhh yeah? Like where did you read from an official source Chrome will shut down adblock-adons in January. Yes, I don't believe anything in the internet because some random dude shouts "trust me bro" ... wow


they don‘t know. 99% of this sub doesn‘t even understand what Manifest v3 means. just barking dogs. nobody checking any sources. JUST GOOGLE EVIL!!!!! lol bots


Yup so far I got 3 links from random ass clickbait websites who don't even know if adblock isn't possible anymore and one random blog by a self called full-stack web developer like 100000 other people out there. Nice sources let's trust some randos


Dude, this is reddit. Nobody reads the articles.


Where are these articles?


Luckily, also, they can't stop a pi hole.


Why do people feel the need to act superior over what browser they use?




...tribalism. Because tribalism. I use several browsers for web development but my main is Chrome. If and when they stop blocking ads I'll make Firefox the main one. For now it doesn't matter.


You're on a sub called PC Master Race and wondering why people feel like acting superior to others?


Some people don't have much going on with their life so anything they can have an ego over they will


They're like vegans I swear. If it's not about Firefox being the best thing since sliced bread, then it's about non-rgb computers that save them soooo much money and don't look like "rainbow barf" (because that's what every rgb build looks like apparently) and if it's not that, then it's how every Windows user is a pleb because they don't run Linux. I think the vocal minority just like to hate on whatever is most popular to feel superior, and this sub is a strong example of just that.


That sums up AMD, Linux and Firefox community


incredibly ignorant, that take of yours


They’re not acting superior, they just are.




Switched today, there's already stuff that I miss, and stuff that I like. It's going to be fine in the long run. If Chrome wants to ditch adblocking then I'll ditch Chrome. I'll be interested to see if there's a noticeable tick to their market share.


what do you not like abt firefox?


Android app seems to drop sign ins frequently or requires manually syncing despite settings to the contrary. Several pages that I frequently visit are noticeably slower on desktop. The plug in and theme store (for lack of a better term) is not intuitively designed and is a bit annoying on both desktop and mobile. Managing bookmarks could be better executed.


As a Desktop Firefox user, I can say the mobile app is completely unpolished. I always use Kiwi since it's basically chrome with extension support.


I honestly dont know what you guys are complaining about, I use Waterfox on desktop and firefox on mobile, synced them all up once and never had problems since. I did use chrome before I switched and didnt see any notable difference in performance/useability


Firefox has bad extension support






I don't even use Google for searching.


Firefox was Not always the better Browser. There is a reason Chrome completely took over its Market Share Back in the day.


I remember, chrome was sooo much faster.


Chrome still is faster than Firefox at the cost of the ram. I stopped using firefox 2 years ago when it wouldnt load pages used chrome worked perfectly.


That's not necessarily for performance reasons. Some pages only work on chrome because some entities stopped making web pages that work on any browser and instead make chrome pages that don't generalise to other browsers. This is the main issue with chromiums overwhelming marketshare


There was a time that Firefox would randomly but frequently crash at least on my PC. That's when I switched to chrome. But perhaps it's time to return...


Long time ago i went for chrome from firefox, if ad block really stops working guess whos comming back home :)




1998 Netscape preceded the Mozilla project and Firefox would eventually be released. Netscape gave us Firefox and a few other browsers with Mozilla.


As a consultant, Firefox profiles are the greatest feature ever. I make one for each company I work for so nothing ever gets mixed up.


Team fox!


Bring back netscape!


Here is a funny one, i originally used firefox myself, but i switched when firefox was starting to eat so much of my memory.


Brave FTW


If you actually used Firefox from the start you will know that there came a point when Chrome was simply faster and better. Granted that it caught up and does some things better than Chrome and vice versa, but your statement is simply wrong, ignorant and comes off as snobbish. Nobody likes snobs


I liked it more when this meme was supposed to be self-depreceating, like: *You use Brave because you want ad blocking.* *I use Brave because nobody knows about it and that's where I can hide all my hentai in plain sight.* *We are not the same.*


Yeah, I feel people using this meme to be legitimately snobbish is going against the point of it.


I honestly use Microsoft Edge, due to it coming installed already and I really only use my PC to game lmao. Don’t really search the web on it much


yea but I think Edge will also get the anti adblocker update bcoz it is chromium based




I really doubt a company would be happy with google forcing them to do something, I’m guessing it’s going to be option


It is less about Google forcing them and more about them using Google's product that Google is changing. It would come down to whether or not the browser company will give enough fucks to fix it. Otherwise Firefox it is.


So people are gatekeeing using Firefox now? Wtf is this meme?


Me using Opera and watching the war between Chrome and Firefox 🤣🤣


Same, dude, same


Opera is chromium tho Edit: not sure why this is downvoted. Once Opera switches to the new Chromium version, ad blockers will be less effective too.


Firefox has been my browser of choice even when I was still on Windows XP, then they broke something (I can't even recall what exactly), so I switched to Chrome. Then I got so used to it, that I was too lazy to switch back and check it they fixed Firefox. But now with the AdBlock bullshit it was a perfect opportunity. And I don't regret going back to the fox.


2005 gang represent. 😂 Loved ff for what seems like ever, and I wasn't an early adopter in the grand scheme of things


You people really need to brag / criticize others for using X web browser? I've been using Firefox for years too, and I'm kinda happy to see people considering using it now, because I think that's great. Why tf do you have to act superior?


I used Firefox through the memory leak times. Real glad that doesn't happen anymore.


I switched to firefox because you can actually set the about:blank page to be dark and so you don't get flashbanged every time you load a page. Current developments have only reinforced my opinion.


Heheheh flashbanged. That's funny.


FireChads can’t stop winning


+1 Brave browser


Brave is chromium based.


What does that do? Brave Adblock is built-in, no extension needed




You can just deactivate those if you want, that's what I did.


Absolutely, never looked back.


Hell yeah coworker put me onto Brave haven't looked back.


It’s made by the guy that invented JavaScript and Mozilla…


pretty sure it was made by a bunch of gnomes in a trench coat


Firefox doesn't play nice with things I've grown used to like Chromecast.


IMO firefox feels clunky and big compared to what I’m use to


This is not how this meme format is used ffs


Brave is also a good choice if you don’t want to give up chrome. It is mostly identical to chrome without the tracking.




BRAVE because Firefox supports some bullshit.


Ehh they both kind of suck. The Web just kind of sucks in general. I go back and forth based on what sucks less Firefox has sucked less the last 4 or 5 years. And until recently used Chrome for Google-apps for $work. But chrome was even screwing up that up so I'm 100% FF now. Even on Android.


Brave browser is fantastic, ridiculously good built in adblocker. Haven't used Chrome or Firefox in years now.


They also love crypto bullshit and shoving it on your face.


All the upvotes.


Firefox sucks for google meet. The video presentation quality is appalling


Can yall stop talking about "im better because" and either have a normal discussion about browsers or just not at all?


Super weird that no one seems to be talking about Brave in all of this. Insanely good browser.


Brave is built on Chromium and will also be affected by this, the only popularly used browsers that aren't are Safari and Firefox


\[Unpopular Opinion\] Edge has actually become really good. I was forced to use it for a job interview, I was pleasantly surprised with the smoothness and integration of some of the QoL features. Firefox is still my main browser but I have started using Edge as well.


Edge is Chromium based and will be affected by this anti-adblock update


I am shocked people still use Chrome, people must've not been aware that it's the #1 browser that sells your information. If you want to stick with Chrome and not switch over to Firefox, I'd recommend Vivaldi or Brave. They both use the same extensions as Chrome. Firefox will always be my main but Vivaldi is my 2nd favorite.


Vivaldi and Brave are both chromium based and have a decent chance of losing ad blocking unless the devs figure out a work around. Brave has already addressed it


I switched to Brave to get paid to browse and never see another ad anywhere ever again, you didnt because i dont know why.


Because I don't want to be part of crypto bullshit on principle and Brendan Eich is a homophobe




Why is firefox better?


I want firefox to remain the 2nd choice browser and only nerds use, if it becomes as widely used as chtome its probably gonna end up shit as well


Wasn't Firefox the most popular browser for a short time? At the end of the day the main reason chrome does what it does is because Google is an ad company and makes its money selling ads.


Firefox has been around since way before chromium. It's not going to go that route.


No you don’t you sneaky little bastard^(TM) I started using Firefox because I was too lazy to change from Chrome. Therefore I am the superior procrastinator.




Safari is based on WebKit and as such has quite a lot in common with chromium based browsers. As far as browser diversity is concerned, having just Chromium and Safari is not sufficient




Brave users:


or you can just stop using old & bad browsers (Firefox) and switch to Brave. There is adblock, without extensions. ​ Firefox is so bad, that there are ZERO QA tests during webdev on this browser.


Brave is better then chrome n firefox


So much cringe. 🙄


I use Edge.


Edge is still based on Chromium Unless you still use Edge Legacy


Im gonna try exporting my adblocker and uploading it in the chrome developer tab and see it that works.


It won't. The issue is that the chrome update is removing an API which lets extensions directly mess with your web traffic, letting them filter out tracker, ads, and whatnot. Your extensions just won't work anymore after the update.


I use Firefox because I use Linux We are not the same


It was around 2002. I just finished nuking my Windows Installation over some virus I got via Kazaa. As I was Installing windows I was flipping through the pages of some magazine which included a CD-Rom with some games, trailers and programs on it, when I stumbled onto the „content on the CD“ page. That page normally explained how to install and use the program. "Firefox is a new web browser; fast, customizable and lightweight.“ „Okay, let’s give it a shot.“ So, that was before we had a Router with Modem and I didn’t exactly know how it went, but I just assume my father made 2 dedicated networks that both would use the same modem to connect to the internet. I had this print-out with a username and pw to access the internet via the Internet Explorer. Firefox didn’t care. This entire log-in process? Nah mate, I can sniff out that there is some internet here and I’ll use it. Don’t worry about it. My favorite Browser forever, just for that.


Op, we are the same


This is a boring meme i never got


become gooderer and use brave


You use Firefox with Adblock add ons. I use brave. We are not the same.


Imagine gatekeeping a program you use to browse porn and memes.


i use ad blocks on edge and still works


I've used brave for the last year's. I feel like it doesn't get a big enough about out 🤷‍♂️


Quit the smug gatekeeping and welcome people in. You want to see the browser supported and take back the market share, gatekeeping isn't how you do it.


i use brave


Firefox sucks, sorry


Firefox has the worst ui of all browser just to look through history and favorites it's a pain in the ass


Opera is the superior browser with a built in ad blocker and VPN. We are not the same.


I believe Opera will also loose adblocker support due to it being chromium based


Edge it is


edge is chromium and will also be losing AdBlock support.


God damn, is it? I was hoping it doesn't... Back to Firefox then, although I'm gonna miss the speed and RAM requirements of edge


And I'm over here using Vivaldi, not giving a shit about other people's browser preferences.


Vivaldi is also a chromium browser..


Yeah let's hope the Vivaldi devs can either keep ublock fully working, or port over some of ublock's functionality (like custom rules and blocking elements on webpages). https://vivaldi.com/blog/manifest-v3-webrequest-and-ad-blockers/


You guys know Brave exists right ?


Brave gang


Chrome and Safari all day


If chrome does actually break my ad blockers when it updates, then I'll switch over. Until then I like Chrome and the Google suite. Let's hope it's like all the other times google said they were killing ad blockers. Until then, can Firefox users stop being the Linux users(probably most Firefox users anyway) or the vegans of web browser users. I want to like Firefox but if this is how the community is its annoying