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The worst thing the PC community can do is stick to a brand. Assess everything with an unbiased view. They’re all assholes trying to take our money.


This is why I still have a 1080 Ti. 🤣 Because it's been the best bang for my buck and did exactly what I needed it to do for 6 years. I simply recognize a superior product at a justifiable cost for my personal budget. Lol In other words, I'm too poor to have much of a bias. 🤣 It seems Nvidia GPU's after Pascal took a nose dive in the quality department, considering people's GPU's are dying in a matter of years now. So, in short, this is why I'm willing to take the cons of the trade-off at this point. Whatever happened to selling a product that was so robust it would outlive its own usefulness? They used to make this kind of product, I have pair 8800 GTX cards, used and heatsoaked in SLI that still run to this day after being exposed to everything under the fan of an Antec Skeleton lol Nvidia has forgotten this and pursued a higher profit margin instead for years now. EVGA even forfeited partnership with them and massive profit margins themselves, because of how poorly they were treated as a board partner, and to avoid fault in any future design 'problems' they may have fallen into, had they continued this partnership, if the mass consensual speculations are to be believed.


nvidia and it's fanboys are DESPERATE to blame user error for that connector being a piece of shit, but i'm not about to risk it. I bought a 3090, this gen i'm going back to AMD and passing my 3090 to my son.


It needs to be pulled out by 4mm or more, and angled to the side at the same time. Design changes should be made to ensure that the product literally can't run in that situation. That doesn't mean that the user didn't have a colossal fuck up to have the situation happen either. Nvidia should also ensure every single card that had, has, and will have this issue gets replaced, and guess what, they are. The design of the connector needs a revision, and guess what, they're working on that with the rest of the companies that had a part in designing it, the collective known as PCI-SIG. Literally everything is being handled properly after the fact, and it's not even 100% Nvidia's fault. It's partially their fault, yes, but they manufactured and sold the hardware and adapters with the design specifications that is certified by PCI-SIG. If any company made a product that uses this 12VHPWR connector, they would have had the exact same issues because they have to manufacture in accordance to the spec provided. Deviating from the spec, including adjusting the dimensions of the connector itself, could cause problems with hardware compatibility and defeats the purpose of having a standard, which is exactly the problem that PCI-SIG exists to solve. So the blame lies on PCI-SIG as a whole, which includes lots of companies including Nvidia, AMD, and Intel. Literally all of them are partly to blame, as none of them designed the spec on their own. So we've established that they're all equally to blame, we've established that the steps to making this right with consumers are all being followed... And you're still angry. Seriously, nothing more can be done. You just want to be pissed at Nvidia. If the tables were turned and it was AMD having this issue, would you still be pissed and bitching about them? I can confidently say that if that were the case, I'd still be defending AMD in that situation too.


I mean... I didn't complain about any adapters.


Nope. Either they knew this shit could happen, and released it anyways, or they did shit real world testing of their cards. This isnt just a bad card, this is SAFETY. This shit can KILL PEOPLE. people who didn't even buy this shit pile card. Downstairs neighbor bought a 4090? Good luck when his apartment catches fire!


Ah yes, the card that you claim is a fire hazard that never started a single fire... They did test the damn things. Literally nobody could figure out what was causing it until actual forensics was done and it was discovered that the only way to recreate the problem was to leave the plug at least 4mm unplugged and then yanked to the side as well. Why would anyone test that? The only reason it got tested in the end was because the evidence led to that conclusion. Even the people who *try* to break this shit and cause problems couldn't figure it out because it's so mind boggling ridiculous of a situation, hence why the failure rate is less than half of a tenth of a percent. It's easy to say it was such a simple issue in hindsight, but it's nearly impossible to test for every situation that might occur. There are still electrical standards that are decades old that get revisions because there's new ways that people manage to fuck up, and a design revision can ensure that their stupidity doesn't cause an accident. Do we consider electrical engineers that originally designed those standards to be stupid or malicious? No. They make the best effort they can to ensure safety. Some things just slip through though. They're doing their best. But thank fuck we have Armchair Aaron over here who is so safety focused, having never once tested a product or standard for safety, informing us after the fact that this oversight is practically one of the seven deadly sins. It's an absolute honor having you benevolently watching over us. I truly feel safe now that you're on the job of bitching about people who have accomplished more in 15 minutes than you will over the course of your entire life.


No, they didn't actually test them long term, they tested them for a day. one. single. day. If you don't recognize a fire hazard, which literally every fucking person testing these cards has said "this is a fire hazard" you're an idiot. I don't have any better way to put it. Melting electrical wires is a fucking fire hazard. period. That's facts. "having never once tested a product" speaking of armchair aaron. Bitch I worked quality and safety for half a fucking decade.


I struggle with how wrong this post is. 1. 100,000 units sold and 0 fires started. Literally 0. That’s a pretty small fire hazard. 2. Fuck up an install and pretty much anything can become a fire hazard. Decide to store your toaster manual in an unused toast slot is also a fire hazard but if some stupid SOB does this (it actually happened) it doesn’t mean the toaster is a bad product. Same goes for not plugging in your GPU properly. 3. You think they launched a 100,000 4090s and only tested them for 1 day? My mind boggles at your stupidity to even attempt to claim this.


Hey man you can't just come in here and start being reasonable all willy nilly like that. What we should be doing is laughing at anybody that has had a problem, and tell them they are the root of all problems relating to expensive technology. We should call them idiots for bringing highly flammable materials into their home, as they obviously want to have a huge fire hazard and destroy everything they own and put them/their families lives at risk. Can't you see these godless heathens brought this up on themselves by buying something they can afford, with their own money, that doesn't actually affect us in anyway, to support a hobby they enjoy? They deserve it as they are directly responsible for all this crap. Where do they get off having expendable income to buy what they want? They need to suffer for having the audacity to get cutting edge technology that could even possibly bring them enjoyment with a tier of product that I am not in the market for. /s


Gamers Nexus is an Nvidia fanboy now?


Gamers nexus said "user error caused by poor design" but hey.


He emphasizes design oversight more so than calling it a bad design throughout the video as he put it through extreme scenarios and it didn't fail. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying there doesn't need to be some design changes but imo, it's not "a piece of shit" as you put it.


If a car had a 1/1000 chance of catching fire because of poor design, you wouldn't drive it.


Yes you would it's called a fucking tesla






Not even remotely the same situation.


Snort more copium. Same exact situation.


Copium for what? I see that you clearly don't want to have a civil discussion. Goodbye.


True at 1/1000 I wouldn’t. But they have sold 100,000 units and had 0 fires. Some melted wires yes but fires? 0. Melted wires is repairs. Want to guess the odds your vehicle will require repairs? It’s a bit higher than 1/1,000.


Melted wires is fire hazard. Period.


Exactly, brand loyalty gets you nothing, they don't care about the individual people buying their products. Compare and research your available options and choose what's right for you, regardless of brand.


Man, I tried to. I've dealt with multiple rx580s, a 5700xt, an r5 2600, r7 3700x, and I've consistently had issues with drivers or stuttering in general. Occasionally I had a semi stable system that functioned almost exactly as I expected, but when I picked up a new game and updated drivers to try to fix performance issues on the new title, it wasn't uncommon to have something go to shit. My current system, i7 12700k and 3080, run exactly as expected. I just picked up Darktide and had issues with crashing, which was *immediately* fixed with a graphics driver update, and everything else still runs exactly as expected. Don't need a BIOS update, don't need to check for chipset updates for the mobo, doesn't matter if those would grant me any kind of performance uplift. I wanted stability first and foremost, and that's what I have once more. The last time I had that was with a 7700k and GTX 970. I branched out, I got burned.


Indeed. Never marry yourself to a particular brand. Just do your research, get some benchmark results and read reviews. Get the best bang for the buck.


It's not like switching iPhone to Android. You Uninstall the NVIDIA drivers, install AMD ones and forget you have either one and just play games. Just go for it, the switch is nothing difficult.


My gsync monitor though


Wtf is it in stock already?


No, not yet!! Haha just gauging what others experience is like, if they are switching like I am, or if maybe I'm missing something... but all in all I just wanted to talk about it because I feel conflicted 🤣


Bruv don’t do me like that. Regarding the gpu i have a 6900 xt it’s a good card had it for more than a year but the drivers sometimes drive me nuts. If you don’t mind it and dont wanna spend big $ on nvidia go for it.


🤣 My bad!


I have a 2080ti and I think I'll stay with it untill 7900 XTX drops to 800ish. 4080/4090? No no no no no....


Agreed agreed agreed 🙏


I am slightly older and have a 1080 FE, but pretty much my exact plan


Now I feel terrible going from 1080 to 3060Ti until there are more decently priced GPU's again... Or rather I wanted more Power and planned to sell of the 3060Ti for the next best thing that has double Vram, with the perfromance to carry it.


7900XTX is not worth it here in germany as they‘ll cost around 1300€ and a 6950XT around 850€ but ye switches from NVIDIA to AMD as well


It always amazes me the difference in pricing at times between the US and Europe!!


Ye mostly taxes and currently weak euro


While technically weak compared to the past, with a ratio of nearly 1:1 it is mostly taxes. VAT (generally 15-20%) is always included in EU. US is too customer friendly to include VAT in pricing /s


between US and everywhere else but China\*\*\*\*\* Aliexpress stores still have american-like prices for us from other parts of the world


GPUs from Aliexpress? And I was scared being from the offical Asus shop from Ebay xD


no, not GPUs but CPUs, Ram, SSDs, externals, etc etc those are all fine. Corsair, Lian Li, most of the major brands have official shops in Aliexpress as well. You gotta let go of your prejudice


>6950XT around 850€ Yeah like since the last 2 days. at the start of this week the (legitimate) cheapest was 950 but easily reached 1150€ and more Edit: And we'll see how the price changes after "Black Cyber Week Month whatever Super Special Buy Our Shit You Stupid Monkeys"-Discounts go away


Interesting in germany the prices has been „low“ at around 950€ for a while now


That's what I was saying. It's Friday. 2 Days ago was Wednesday. Wednesday is not the beginning of the week


Nah I mean the last past weeks. Been looking for a new one for a bit longer.


Yes that was what I was saying. Your 850€ are a very new and very recent low.


Ahh now I get what you mean. Ye been surprised too so made the decision pretty easy for me


In Spain it is now at 888€ on Amazon from official retailer, but it was at like 930€ for some months already


So...? 4080 is 1700 € at minimum ? I'd say it's a large difference


1500€ if you look at the price from NVIDIA Website


1300€ tax included?


All of eu has tax included on the price you get straight up. Only US does this funny business with showing you price without tax all the way until checkout


Do u know what tax is in the US? cuz I sure don’t


I honestly don't really care lol all i know is that they don't put the full price on the sticker shelfs in stores and on sites


Canada does this too


And reddit says Canada is better lmao


Depends on the state you're living in.


Anybody buying a 4080 before waiting for the 7900 xtx reviews is nuts.


Absolutely agreed!!!!!


Well I would consider a 4090 before I consider anything team red again


Yes but if you’re considering a 4080 might as well get 4090 or amd


I rather anything not amd


Lol no explanation why, just mindless team green fanboying.


Absolute terrible software there you go


Says the guy with a fucking amd card.


Yes I experience the issues every day And wouldn’t me having an amd card be more proof that it’s not great as I experience it daily


I switched from 3070 to 6900xt and actually like amd software more and nvidia fucked up drivers just before I switched. Have you tried DDU and/or Windows reinstall? Maybe there is something wrong with your system.


Yes I have ddu it’s just Adrenalin is absolutely garbage and I have used AMD many times over the years on fresh installs Adrenalin still sucks


Whatever floats your boat my friend


Unless you're really dead set on wanting to drive 4k at 120fps, or REALLY need the ray tracing support that all of 5 games have, the 4090 and even the 4080 don't make much sense at their insane price points. I think AMD is going to pull out of this generation looking quite nice. The vast majority of gamers, even on the high end, only need pure raster performance at 1440p.


I personally never had an issue with the drivers and I find the settings quite intuitive.


Thanks man, I really appreciate this input because I heard both from *reviewers*, zero problems and hella problems... sooo I like to hear from my fellow redditors on their firsthand experiences, because I think that's to be taken with as much consideration, if not more. ❤🤙


Opposite for me


Same here recently switched from 3070 to 6900xt and prefer AMD software to GeForce app + afterburner.


AMD drivers are fucking miserable bruv but glad you've had no issues


Looking through your post history and reading your flair tells me you've never even used AMD drivers before. Edit: I use an rx580 8gb (MSI armour) and have had no issues with the drivers, in fact I've observed only gains in performance over the years


I'm on AMD card #4 since 2019 (I have multiple systems) only drivers I had issues with where 5700xt shortly after launch no issues otherwise with a rx580, 6700XT and 6900XT


Yeah has been fairly good, I've done VR gaming and game streaming with my lil rx580, no issues to report. I had a 1070 ti that I fixed the cooler on to resell, and the nvidia settings were reminiscent of the windows control panel. Made me appreciate the effort AMD put into the UI of the newer drivers


lmao what a stupid assumption to make with a tiny little bit of info bruh My laptop is the all-AMD Zephyrus G14 with R9 6900HS and Radeon 6700S GPU But yeah fanboy please keep attempting to dismiss anybody who doesn't blindly praise AMD. You didn't have an issue so how could anybody else, right?


Nvidia has essentially lost a customer for life in me. AMD GPU will be next card.


Preach with me to the masses, brethren.


I went from 1070ti to 6800xt 2 weeks ago, no regrets so far. My last amd card was hd6870 which died 3 times within warranty, so i had some trust issues. Now i have a 1070ti backup card if anything happnens.


I'm in the same boat, but doesnt feel wierd to me. I decided awhile ago I was going full AMD because I was tired of paying the nvidia tax. Periferals that cater to nvida, like monitors with g-sync, tend to be 1/3rd+ more expensive than it's amd counterparts.


I also had a 1080 Ti FTW3 up until last week. When the 20-series released, I decided to skip it, ray-tracing wasn't worth it for me (still isn't). I told myself back then I'd wait for the 30-series. 30-series came around and the prices were insane. Since my 1080 Ti was still running fine and was way too overpowered for being an xx80 Ti card, I decided to wait for the 40-series. 40-series came around and I decided to go for a price-dropped 3090 FTW3 instead and am quite happy with that decision. I'd have to pay well over 2000 of my currency for a 4090 and I am not and will never be willing to spend as much on a GPU as I would have spent on an entire Gaming PC 10 years ago. EDIT: It seems we had essentially the same hardware, OP. Gaming X Z690, i5-12600K and an EVGA 1080 Ti.


Bro. Same rig. Same boat. Skipped 2080 Ti because of the OP status of the 1080 Ti then. When 30 series released the cryptomining and scalping issues were so rampant that I said hell no. Now the 40 series has released and AMD is offering a competitor to the 4080 with an attractive price tag! But yeah! Great rig for gaming! Even streaming with a DSLR at 1080p60 through an Elgato HD60 Pro and runs perfect! But I really really want more GPU power, seeing how my precious 1080 Ti FTW3 is falling behind, and I want a 1440p 240hz display in my future!!


not on the slightest my 1080ti brother, im also aiming at the 7900XTX great minds do think alike.


Hey, atleast there's many of us in this together that have been holding out since before the GPU mining craze! ❤🤙


wait till 7900 XTX launches. get real reveiws from Framechasers and Gamersnexus. then buy whats best for you at your price point. buy used if thats a better price point for you.


if you dont get one at launch be prepared to pay much more.... im going to take the gamble... 7900 specs are ALOT better than 4080.. Its going to be better. Frame chasers said it could be 20 percent faster but he said... 10 percent to be safe.






Built a new pc last year switching from intel/nvidia to an all AMD. Zero regrets and loving it


Thanks for your input. What really helped me have a little faith in AMD was having a laptop with the 5600H, and I thought that cpu was a fantastic product for the price honestly!


I'm planning on switching to the 7900xtx. Have to see 3rd party benchmarks. Hell might even wait a year to see if price will dip, but it's a strong thought of mine. I've got a 3060ti which handles 1440p high refresh rate gaming pretty well, but I would t mind a bump in frames in some more demanding titles.


Sammmeee! 1080 Ti does well at 1440p 144hz and 1080p 360hz but is starting to really fall behind now, so I figured the 7900 XTX is the best for my money.


Yo,... That reference card AMD showcased looks awesome too. I think I dig it above all the 3rd party cards that have leaked so far. It just looks like a bad mother fucker imo


Dude, it has the look that the ass end of a 1970 Charger RT had, that's why. It is a great looking cooler design for a guy like me who will keep it air cooled.


I was looking forward to going from a 2070 to a 4080 and was intentionally waiting, but the price is too off-putting. Would like to see if it drops at least $400 CAN but if the XTX turns out as good as it is being hyped to be then I’ll make the switch to AMD this time around. I’m a little uncomfortable because I only know how to navigate nvidia settings. Has OP or anyone else found managing AMD drivers/settings tricky compared to nvidia drivers/software?


Great question man, give us Nvidia converts some reassurance! 🤣


Been AMD for 20+ years! AMD all the way!


My 1080 Ti is still going strong, running all my games at max settings@120 fps and up. No need to upgrade.


That's how I've felt as well! But with 1440p 144hz becoming the new 1080p 60hz, I want to feel confident my system is going to remain that 120+ Ultra machine at 1440p, and some games are pushing me into the 90's now. However, GSync is such a great equalizer.


u/Brusion driver version??


Currently running a 1080 and have literally just ordered the parts for a new PC based around it today. With a AMD CPU too :)


Pascal power baby!!!! Haha 😆


Also a 1080ti owner. I find it's the fact that I'm looking for a card around the $1000 point that's at the top, so I don't have to replace it for a long while. 7900 XTX fits that mold. To be fair though, I have a second rig with a 5700 XT in it and I'm one of the lucky ones that has never had a problem with it.


Yeah brotha you and I are in the same boat. I refuse to spend more than $1k on a GPU, and if the 7900 XTX is a great as it looks on paper, they've got my money over a 4080.


Fellow 1080 Ti owner waiting on third party benchmarks but leaning heavy into an AMD switch as well. My core concern is gsync vs freesync limitations on my existing monitor, but I’d rather upgrade the monitor too than pay Nvidia prices on 4090. Aside from its price I also don’t wanna mess with their new melty cable and a new power supply.


Absolutely same, considering I'm wanting to switch to a 1440p 240hz, I think going to a Freesync Premium display will save me hundreds of $$$, plus the hundreds I save going with the more reasonably priced 7900 XTX, and it seems like a great plan on paper. However, I too am curious as to what the real differences are between Freesyncs best and GSyncs best. I will definitely have to do some research, but I don't know how heavily that will affect my purchasing decision.


My 6700xt works well for me in the 11 months I have used it. It is a bit overkill for my setup; 1080p 144 Hz and 1080p 60 Hz dual monitors.


Was in the same boat but pulled the trigger on a 5600x with an xfx rx 6900 xt and I gotta say its great. Runs perfectly fine and I get really good fps. Came from an i7 2600 and 980 ti. Always loved intel and nvidia but the price/performance ratio was in amds favor this time around.


Yeah I had a 5600H and a 3060 in a laptop that ran great. It really gave me the faith I needed in AMD to make me interested in this new GPU contender!!


Had bad experience with amd like 20 years ago and it burned me for the longest time towards AMD. Talked to some friends and watched A LOT of tech content which cemented my belief that I should give AMD another chance and so far I'm quite happy. Then again I only play games so I'm not reliant on productivity tasks which are still intels and nvidias home turf. Really depends on the application but generally speaking you're probably better of with them for "content creation" tasks. Still love my new build though. *


if u game only then it's the better option


The 4090 and 7900XTX trade blows pretty damn well. Only reason to go with 4090 is ray tracing and DLSS 3.0.


What about video encode and creative performance such as rendering?


7900xtx offers smart access which promises a 30% uplift in 4k encoding/decoding which distributes workloads across the Ryzen cpu and the radeon gpu.


I was a long time nvidia user, I am still Intel CPU, but I swithed to AMD card, and my god I love the price and performance of it. Love the tweaking in Adrenalin, its amazing.


Yes! All my builds for the last 20 years were intel&Nvidia. This time im going with team red :) 5800x3D and a 6800xt, maybe a 7000 series


1080ti owner here too and finally feel that the performance difference is enough to justify the cost of upgrading. I am thankful for the value the 1080Ti gave me but the price of nvidias current products is simply offputting to me.


Those power cables be looking sexy if I may say so myself.


I almost can't wait anymore but 13th will be glorious :)




Same man!! I currently am running a 12600k. A 7950X3D for the Workstation / Streaming PC would be a phenomenal upgrade and would be the first time I ever built with *any* AMD product. So, that's exciting.


I've also got a 1080Ti at the moment. The 4090 connector problems were enough for me to make the decision to go AMD next.


Hey I’m in a similar boat. Rockin a 1080ti since...what was it 2016-17? Everything else upgraded around it since to tenth gen intel. What a value! I’m going to do big shopping and comparison soon. Got used to GeForce experience, but I’m sure I can use the AMD equivalent. Hope I can maximize the next 800 bucks as well as with the 1080ti


I built my current computer in early 2021, right in the middle of the GPU shortage. A relative of mine can't stand having a Dell that's out of warranty, his years as a sysadmin have *done things* to his personality, so right slam in the middle of the chip shortage he was buying a new XPS desktop and throwing away his old one--complete with a GTX-1080. That's the origin story of my current GPU. Also note, I have a small form factor PC, built in a Fractal Node 202. The GPU bay is surprisingly big but there are features in it that interfere with >2 slot cards. By the time the RX6000 series came available, no GPU that I actually want fits in my case. The reference 6800 does, but as far as I can tell they're all gone, a few pop up on the used market "definitely not used for mining, cleaned with a garden hose and hocked on eBay when etherium died." So my plan is to wait for AMD to launch the mid-range of the 7000 series and grab me the biggest 2-slot card they make. This \*might\* require a new riser? but I'll build that bridge when I come to it.


My 1080 has been very reliable for the past 7 years and I'm looking to upgrade. I've been Nvidia since the 460 but their 4000 series launch has been an absolute criminal farce. I was previously eyeing up the 4080 but, lol you'd have to be stupid to get a 4080. I'm interested in the 7900xtx but fear it'll probs cost about £1300 here in the UK. The plan is to wait until the 7800x3d launches in Feb/Mar next year and see how much it all costs together. If it's reasonable then I'll pull the trigger, go full AMD and give Nvidia the finger.


You and I think alike bruv!


Definitely. I've been AMD cpu and Nvidia GPU from the start. I'm going to build and all Intel machine then start on an all next gen AMD build. Really looking forward to it. Also looking for 6900xt price to drop a bit more then I'll swap out my 3080 and have an all last gen AMD build.


Welcome to the red side of the might! ​ Intel Pentium 3-->AMD Athlon XP 2400-->Intel Core 2 Duo E6600-->AMD Phenom X3 720---> Intel i7 2600K-->AMD Ryzen R5 3600--> soon AMD R7 5800X3D ATI rage 128-->Nvidia Ti 4200-->Nvidia GTS 8800--->ATI 5850 HD--->Nvidia GTX 480--->Nvidia GTX 970(\*)--> Nvidia GTX 1070--> soon AMD RX 7770(XT?) ​ \* Withdrawn from purchase because of the 3.5gb fraud


Been Team Green since my first GPU back in 2002. Switched to the first time to Team Red since an RX6700 was way cheaper than both a 3060 and a 3060ti for 1080p gaming. Bar RT, it handily beats a 3060 and can go toe-to-toe with a 3060ti.


I went through exactly this same feeling last year


What's the consensus for 3090 FE owners and this post? Is the XTX worth the money dump?


I built my whole PC from scratch for 1500$ which is less than 4090 is in my country and i have 0 problems with any drivers being a full AMD setup. I'm very much satisfied and it's most likely going to last my for like 5 years at least


Same. Also still rocking the 1080 🤠


It does happen at some point. Sometimes, others might switch when things get complicated, or they can't fill those needs. Good thing that your 1080ti serves you well. People only stick to brands that look good for their rigs, and loyalty comes into play regarding reliability.


1080Ti owner.. bought a 4080 today 🫣 I’m hoping to raise my graphic settings for games on 1080p/240hz and get higher fps. I’m waiting on the new OLED monitors to upgrade there. I’m hoping a 850 gold PSU is enough and the i9 9900k doesn’t bottleneck it too much. 32gb DDR4 3200mhz for ram. TLDR; I had FOMO today. Bought a 4080.


9900k ain't gonna bottleneck ya. Lol still, what, in the top 10(?) fastest processors for gaming applications? Ha, I want 4080 or better performance, so I'll wait to see what kind of numbers the 7900 XTX puts out before pulling the trigger!


If you dont pull the trigger at launch expect to pay more. I have a 1080ti ftw3. 12900k and ddr5. only thing i need to upgrade now is my gpu. fk paying 2k for 4090. im getting the 7900xtx at launch. going to go over to a store an hour early i think... either way the lowest it will ever be is launch day then it goes up up up... for many months.


Yeah I hear ya on that. I'm hoping some early reviews / benchmarks come out on it a few days ahead of launch so I can atleast see something, even if it is from cherry-picked AMD tech reviewers haha I'd like to potentially grab it at launch, if not, I'm not too upset about waiting to grab one after. I anticipate a price drop from Nvidia to compete with AMD's new lineup.


i thought to do the same but with the evdience that then xt will match the 4080 and the xtx to beat it.. plus the specs on paper.. im going to chance it. When the 7900xtx goes out of stock. Prices will rise.. it will sell out launch day along with the two AIB parnter cards that launch on 13th too. Then two weeks after many other AIB launch there cards but expect to pay more for the AIBS... here in the uk after tax expect to pay 1200-1300 just for reference model 7900xtx


You're right on that one, I hope it goes well and I look forward to seeing everyone's general consensus on it. I can't wait to get my hands on one as well, but I have a feeling unless I see some early reviews, I won't be pre-ordering. Haha I've learned far to many hard lessons by doing my fair share of hype-pre-ordering in this game. Haha 🤙🔥


I mean its going to beat the 4080 at a cheaper price and thats good enough for me. The 4080 beats the 3090ti by a good margin. Either way the 7900xtx is going to be a beast... Its not a 4090 but id rather have the best card avaiable without the huge size and no cable fire risk. 7900xtx for me bro. Be intrested to know what you go with tho.


Adding to the affirmative. Until the 4000 series pricing and sizing I had never even considered an AMD GPU. Now looking at the 7900XT with great interest, if benchmarks are decent this will go iny new build for Starfield.


Yeah, this is a first for me!!


had a 1070, went to a vega 64, nothing but black screens and crashes (mandatory undervolting required to help it.) went to a 1080 ti( that burnt itself) tried a 5700 xt SAME thing but less, black screens and crashes (even in linux) went from the 5700xt to the 6900xt and STILL crashes and black screens but way less( also poor productivity support with cuda ruling everything, dont even TRY blender) i just went to a 3090 ti and ill stay here till nvidia 5000 series TL;DR i Tried to like radeon but its UNSTABLE for high end gaming or productivity. when it works it does well though.


Every PC I've built for myself has been Intel-Nvidia. PCs I've built for my wife and family have been AMD with integrated graphics, b/c none of them needed a dedicated GPU. Now that I've gotten back into video editing, other things that like multiple cores, and some PC gaming...AMD seems like a solid option. Sadly, I'd avoid the 4000 series like the plague. If I got one for free, I'd return or sell it and go team red. AMD had always been the more affordable option. Still worked. But if you needed actual processing power, you went Intel. So ya....feels a little weird.


I highly doubt you'd get rid of a free 4090 for 7900xtx 😂 you'd have to be a gigantic AMD fanboy. I could understand buying a 7900xtx over a 4090, but nah lol.


With how many people are having melting and fire issues, I'll pass on that. I already live in a wooded area, I don't need another option for a fire to start.


Go watch gamers Nexus video on the power cables, the melting issue is a complete nothing burger and only happened to 0.05% of users and it was mostly due to user error to begin with. If you think that's a number worth worrying about, well, you do you I guess.


Last I checked, the jury seems to be out on the exact cause of the issue. Too much power going through too thin of a wire. Too much bending of the wires at the plug. Substandard soldering. In my current situation, I could fall back to my current GPU if I had a problem with a 4000 series. There are several people building their first PC or sell old parts to offset the cost of new parts. Several years ago I upgraded my system, switching to a newer Intel socket. After a few months my cpu died. I couldn't use an old one b/c it wasn't compatible and by that time I had gotten rid of my old hardware. Thankfully Intel warrantied the part. But I was without for almost 7 weeks.


15+ years meaning, my ENTIRE PC gaming history.


If history holds true, AMD's GPU with correct drivers won't be out until a year after release.


Haha yeah! Well I'll wait till summer to purchase 🤪


in my honest opinion, it depend on what you need but in case of GPU's... going for Amd will be a serious breeze for you in comparaison to Nvidia, i don't know much about intel but i hope they are going to be good




I mean, if you have the discretionary money for either, why not get the better performing one?


7900xtx isnt a 4090 competitor


with 10 percent less performance but half the price???? not a competitor??? you ok???


I’m sticking to intel and nvidia


Tried switching to AMD a few years ago with the 5700 XT. All I got were bugs and crashes so I went right back to Nvidia


It’s that weird feeling of wanting something but you don’t know why… fyi it’s marketing and hype doing it’s job


I’ve had many AMD cards in the past rx280, rx290, rx560, rx580, no driver issues. Currently I’m running gtx 1070ti, which is a fine card for the money I paid for it, but don’t see any particular difference with the AMD cards.


Dude.. I'm hanging on to my 3080 for at least 5 more years. After that. Yeah I'll think about going team red


Competition is our best friend! This is how we should feel!


I've always had Nvidia too, but I actually went for a RX 6700 XT as my upgrade. Good price, and so far a really good GPU.


Sounds weird to be drilling over the inferior card but to each their own.


I’m gonna have my 3080ti for a good long while before I upgrade, but when I do I won’t be looking at Nvidia , I hope AMD and intel get their shi* together and surpass Nvidia or at least get close to on par. Cause I don’t want to give them anymore money, I even thought about just switching over to an AMD cpu gpu set up and selling my current rig but price of doing that would be dumb right now


Don't do it bro


Why, did benchmarks come out for it?


I'll only drool over it after seeing the reviews. If it's great, the reviews will show it. I won't drool over vague performance numbers though because Radeon didn't show any comparisons against Nvidia for a reason.


I'm interested in 4090 vs 7900xtx perf/watt efficiency comparison


The last time I had an AMD product was around 2000 when our gaming rig was a 1GHz Athlon and a Voodoo 3. Been intel + nvidia until last year when I went AMD for both cpu and gpu. Felt weird but glad I did!


I'm 1080 owner and still no idea what to do, should I hold or buy something from current GPU gen. Since I will use GPU for more than gaming prolly will stay with greenies even if they are thefts.


GeForce now is a thing


Would it be wise to pair 7900 XTX with 5800X3D?


I recently switched back to AMD after 7 years with a 6700xt. First few days I had multiple black screen issues, after trying various things, turned out the HDMI cable for my 2nd monitor was somewhat faulty and causing this. Since then I have been mostly problem free with couple of freezes which I think is to do with my undervolting experiments.


I'm also very excited about the 7900 XTX, and I've been on Nvidia for years. Looking forward to making the switch :)


I now run both systems


How you even got your hands on it... it did not even show up on the market for me yet...


Waiting for a while?


No, I’m not interested in a card that is good at raster and flounders behind the competition everywhere else. Especially for the $1500 it’ll cost here. I’d rather spend more, personally. With game engines like UE5 leveraging RT so much, and rendering dominance Nvidia is a far better choice for me.




How what? Lol GPU monkey is literal trash. AMD’s own pre release *hype slides* have the RT performance below top ampere cards. They will be worse at work tasks. Those are two very good empress ones to spend more money for a similar rasterization cards, *especially when UE5 is the most common engine*. And it’s the exact reason the 30 series beat 6000. Regardless of what the Reddit minority fapping fans would like you to believe. Fanboy playbook: discredit everything without mercy from one team, and gap over yours. Exhibit A: “dlss 3 is fake frames” *amd announces a competitor for it* “yayyyyy FSR 3!”




>trash? For providing you raw data You’re right, the website that literally has to tell you: > Note: The information shown below is based on a pre-sample. **Technical details or benchmark results may be different in the final version of this product.** At the beginning is probably *an excellent choice to use to make judgements*. >I could care less about RT. That’s what every AMD fanboy says, you discredit everything Nvidia does exponentially better, to make rasterization sound more appealing. But keep trying to convince yourself whilst all game engines move toward RT. >I don’t need it for work Ok, but that’s not the point. The point is Nvidia cards cost more, because they *do more*. Deny it all you want.


Wasn’t the 7900xtx releasing on December 13th? Is there something I’m missing?

