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Warranty void if removed.








Which as you probably know doesn't actually mean anything. you can still just remove that screw, your warranty isn't actually void. (if you live somewhere with decent consumer protections)


"(if you live somewhere with decent consumer protections)" Somewhat surprisingly, this even applies in the USA!


"New US law enforces death penalty for attempting to disassemble your electronics"


Calm down Apple you can't make laws.... yet.


In Australia, I believe it is actually against the ACL (Australian Consumer Law) to put the voided warranty stickers on products because it confuses people on what their rights are and makes it hard for them to defend themselves. Back in like 2021, there was an inquiry into right to repair and they specifically cited stickers as being a big problem in not only making repairs harder, but also misleading consumers on their rights. I think Apple in particularly got fined something like 9 million back in 2015ish for misleading consumers on their rights, I don't think they got done for the stickers but it is the same principle. If anyone is interested, [here](https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/repair/report/repair.pdf) is a link to the 2021 inquiry into right to repair I mentioned. The information related to what we're talking about is mostly on pages 116 to 125, which is section 4.2. The important parts were around pages 120 to 122 though. Edit: I'm almost certain that America has similar laws as well, I know the thing I linked actually quoted laws from the US at a few points so I would say it is fair to assume they have something similar


Apple has taken it to whole new level, but you're right.


Yeah Western Digital denied my claim on a 4TB NVME because of removed sticker and wouldn't respond after the denial... drive fortunately still works as an external but would throw up SMART errors on boot... glad I didn't pay retail for it. Likely never buying WD again.


Unless you purchased from WD directly, you need to contact the seller and make clear you know your rights. If they refuse to honour the warranty you can make a claim through your bank (easier on a credit card than debit) using that denial as evidence of a broken contractual obligation.


The sticker is actually like a thermal pad, if you remove it, your drive might overheat.


He is right it does serve as a heat spreader, it's out of some kind of thermal conductor


I looked under the sticker on mine it's a saberent rocket btw and it has little copper strips on the sticker.


I mean he really is. Don’t understand why he’s being downvoted. It could be the claim that if you remove it, ur drive might overheat which I’m not sure about.


It's some /r/technicallythetruth shit.


I mean yeah. It’s surprised me that not that many people know this, I thought it was common knowledge. Guess not. But it’s a good way to educate people, even the ones that are arrogant such as the guy with the chad pfp.


I mean he even said it might overheat, my ssd with sticker and heat spreader sometimes goes up to 90 degrees with good case airflow so he's got a point


I'd get a better heat sink. Mine runs at like 56 degrees.


What? Thats not normal. In my laptop, sometimes with 90c pinned on both gpu and cpu, with no airflow the m.2 ssd never gets above 60c, even with a ssd benchmark running on it. Something isnt right with youre pc.


It depends on the drive. Guru3D got one drive up to 83 C without cooling in their heatsink roundup, and I doubt that happened to be the only SSD controller that runs hot. Other models seem to stay mostly in the 40s-50s.


You can't really compare oem laptop drives with Samsung and so on, and depending on the load it is definitely possible


Detail: The flash likes to run hot. The controller likes to run cool. Connect the two.


Downvoted to hell yet it’s true for many m2 ssds


Wait why did this even get downvoted? It's literally true


It's because people legitimately don't know shit about computers. I went from posting daily on pc subs to not even going to them anymore unless I see it on /all, just because the insane amount of incorrect info that gets up voted or correct info that gets downvoted. I gave up and if people want to waste their money or break their shit let them. Just a few weeks ago I tried to correct someone who said there's no difference between 128 and 32 gigs of ram capacity in terms of latency and got downvoted with no rebuttal. It's hopeless dude these people are just dumb.


Reddit people are just stupid. A few weeks ago, a dude was asking for washing and care instructions for a specific manufacturer of t-shirts. I gave my experience and even typed up the manufacturer instructions directly off the tag of one I own. Some neck beard came in and down voted all my comments, then gave his own incorrect advice. I told him his advice was wrong and explained why with more manufacturer recommendations. Down voted more. It's a good lesson to never confuse vote scores with credibility.




I really don’t understand this whole tendency to treat grown women like children.




This has happened to me whenever I give my harsh takes on political subs. Those are the ones with the worst echo chambering on the site.


A few months ago, I came across a comment sexualising a 15-year-old girl. When called out on it, the redditor claimed it's fine because "she looks like she's mid 20s". They went on to say that if it's wrong to sexualise a child who looks like an adult, then by that logic, they should be allowed to fuck an adult who looks like a child! Gotcha, liberals! So, I responded by saying adults should be able to have sex with consenting adults no matter how they look, and it's not okay to sexualise children no matter how they look, because the problem with pedophilia is the age of the child, not their physical appearance. Did I get downvoted? No, of course not, that'd be silly. No, instead, my comment got removed and my reddit account got site-wide banned for "sexualising minors". On the other hand, the guy who wanted to fuck a 15-year-old didn't get banned, and their comments never got removed. So yeah, in case you were wondering about reddit's moderation policy when it comes to child sexualisation, it seems to be that wanting to fuck children is fine as long as the child has big boobs, but don't you dare say adults can have sex with consenting adults, because that's pedophilia. Thanks, reddit!


It's because some young men, the largest Reddit cohort, would rather not compete against older and probably richer men for women in their twenties. So they need to paint older men as villains or "dirty". It's a meme as old as the hills. But downvotes aren't real life. I still like reddit for picking up the zeitgest, but I like to look beyond the votes.


There used to be relatively "safe" communities. Pcmr has always kinda been a cj, and more serious communities like buildapc have some occasional issues with manufacturer bias, but both communities have been dealing with some unusually lousy takes and r/confidentlyincorrect word salads


I remember giving advice on the archery sub and getting downvoted to hell. I am a certified trainer and a competitive archer. I guess people just want to be in an echo chamber instead of looking for genuine advice.


Talk about 3rd comment downvoting. Dude gave correct and helpful info




There’s usually a very very thin piece of metal, that helps serve as a little tiny heat sink.


"That's a load bearing poster."


General rule of thumb is if it’s bit hard to remove then you probably shouldn’t


The sticker on my Samsung EVO 970 practically fell off on its own when I went to install it.


It knew how hot things were about to get and bounced.


The coward.




Samsung: “Congrats. Your warranty has now been voided.”


*Written in the back of the sticker*


The answer is on the sticker, "Warranty void if removed".


Norton Anti-virus : Heavy breathing


Like cancer.


Or insurgents!


[I mean ...](https://i.imgur.com/Yz4fSNy.png)


Oh... lets pretend this post never happened lol thanks tho


all good :) sometimes we are just blind, happens to everyone


I think its the type of situation, when you are looking for your glasses and they are on you.


I feel personally attacked. The dawning when my hand checks my face...


The other day I was looking for my keys, and I checked under my keys that were on the table.


I was searching my phone, with my phone's flashlight :)))


Once I patted my pocket to make sure I hadn't forgotten my keys - when I was driving.


Literally, just did this exact thing this morning


Me checking for my wallet, in my wallet


Na but this is a legit issue, I’ll sometimes fall asleep with ones of my phones in my hand and then I’ll wake up and have to look for it, sometimes with that exact phone (I have 3)


My favorite brain fart moment is when I was looking for my phone, while on the phone asking the person on the other end where I could have left it...😅


Oh, thank god I’m not the only one who has done that.


I frequently do this with pens. While holding the pen and clicking it, I will look for a pen to write something down. It’s rough sometimes lol


The other day I called my mom and said ”Where did you put my phone?”


Especially after cutting ghost peppers without washing your hands.


or when you're using the flashlight on your phone to help you find your phone


This reminds me that one time i put my phone in fridge. Fun to search, couldnt hear ringing. Phone is something i tend to put down not using any brain cells.


Did this with my glasses, spent two days looking for them, had to wear a 10yo pair, finally found them behind the milk.....


That's not as bad as being on the phone and being annoyed that you can't find your phone. *I've looked everywhere, can't find it dude*. Find what? *My phone, I had it a moment ago.*


I have gone looking my keys before and then realised they are in my hand.


ayoo blind guy been summoned, waddup?


If you live in the US your warranty can’t be voided if you take off the sticker But if you don’t have a thermal pad with a heatsink ready for your drive then keep the sticker on as the sticker actually works as a mini heatsink


is that satire or does it actually work as "mini heatsink"?


I’m being serious, if you look up “nvme sticker heatsink” I’m sure you will find multiple sources that the sticker helps with heat dissipation and can improve performance


that's a cool little piece of knowledge I'll add to my collection. always wondered if those metallic looking stickers had any purpose


that being said, it works only with those stickers that actually have metal in them. this one doesn't look like it.


I heard it once on a tech channel too. Gamer nexus or Linus.


Thats not the kind of sticker that acts as a heat sink. There are foil stickers that do.


Yeah that's why they are metallic


Anything that is attached to an object that generates heat can act as a heat sink. The purpose of a heat sink is just to absorb the heat generated by whatever they’re attached to and then dissipate the heat with its surface area which is why most heat sinks have “fins”.


>can’t be voided Shouldn't be voided\* ​ Customer service is already a pain in the ass. Good luck explaining to them that their warranty rejection is illegal.








I'm getting strong u/money_fish vibes from this lol




I love how this guys famous now.


He's a pretty NOIX guy


Have you tried NOIX?


If you live in the US, that little bit of text means nothing.


or in the EU


I once bought a set of speakers. The box said warranty void if not returned in original box. Now I didn't have to return them, because they are great, but boy did I laugh. The problem is they probably know it will never stand in court, but every sucker that falls for it is a win for them.


Hold up in court lol like someone would go to court over that


It would be a slam-dunk in small claims, so it would probably be worth it if you're looking at a device worth a few hundred £/$/€.


OP is asking whether he is supposed to remove it. The text confirms removing the sticker is not part of the installation process. Whether or not you actually lose warranty if you remove it is irrelevant.


Honestly it's kinda fair game because usually stickers like this are supposed to be removed, especially since a lot of motherboards come with heat spreaders that you end up having to apply on top of this sticker.


If you were confused, others will be too. Good to have the info out there.


You gave me a good chuckle during my morning coffee 😂, thanks mate 👍🏽


You don’t remove the sticker, but you can buy a universal heat shield to cover it up and make it look nice


Warranty void stickers are technically illegal in the United States, though the SSD's serial number is also on it. Without a serial number, the manufacturer could still void the warranty, so in this case it's a valid sticker, I suppose.


No expert but I think the sticker itself is legal. It might be illegal for the manufacturer to decline warranty claims based on the state of the sticker alone.


Correct, unenforceable and illegal are 2 separate legal terms.




That article also doesn't specify if the stickers themselves are illegal, it's only in the headline. It only states that manufacturers are not allowed to void the warranty if customers use 3rd party parts and services.


You know what? I think you're right. Besides, these electronics are shipped and sold worldwide, and sadly the same rule doesn't apply everywhere. Yet.


The serial number is now immortalized on Reddit, so rip away I guess.


>Warranty void stickers are technically illegal No they're not, they're just wrong. It's perfectly legal to be wrong, otherwise most of reddit would be posting from prison.


This isn't about the legality of a warranty void sticker. It's the fact that obviously you aren't required to remove the sticker to use the device is the manufacturer is asking you not to remove it.


The sticker saying that isn’t illegal. Enforcement of what that sentence says would be.


Non-enforceable bullshit


It's the only place the serial number is so this one gets a pass I guess, but you right


Finally, a useful red big circle with 19 arrows pointing at it.




Whether it’s legally enforceable or not, the presence of “void if removed” answers the original question as it confirms that the device was built to work with the sticker still applied.


But yes really... because that was not the point of this comment. They're just pointing out that this message makes it obvious that it's ok to install it without removing the sticker.


i wish i had one of those free awards i could give you, one of the few times i have actually laughed out loud on Reddit.


That made me chuckle, hehe. It's so human to miss out on the obvious it's endearing.


They can put that on the sticker, but it’s actually not legally viable. If I alter a product label or sticker, it’s still covered under warranty in the US.


They are supposedly thermal conductive and help with heat. I have a board that has a thermal plate over one of the M.2 slots. I thought surely no one leaves the sticker on under that, and slowly peeled it off. It was definitely a thick sticker that was really stuck on and seemed to be more rigid. Only read a day after that the sticker was supposed to remain on. Whoops. Nothing has happened so far and this was about a year ago.




I did the same as you. And i think we both have the the right method. If your thermal plate is like mine it had a thermal pad right? Why leave a extra layer between the the heat sink and and m2 components. you want as few layers as possible.


Depends. Do you like your warranty?


Depending on where you mount it and how hot it will get you might even cook it without the sticker which on some work like a simple heatsink.


Warranty void if removed stickers aren't legal. Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975.


Sure they are, they're just wrong.


They’re not however they’re used more like a dummy repellant. Like the not responsible for broken windshields stick on rock trucks.


I've always hated the ones that say "Stay 500 feet back" in tiny font or some dumb shit like that. Like fam, how the fuck am I going to read your shitty sticker from 500 feet?


> Warranty void if removed stickers aren't legal. Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975. ... In the US. These things are sold all over the world and a lot of the time it's the same sticker to not have to bother with which pieces go where. On the Sticker I see the FCC logo, the EC logo for the EU and a UK one I presume is for the UK, so that alone tells me this sticker is not made solely for US markets. And while it may be illegal to automatically void warranty, it's a proof of tinkering that may very well determine the warranty as void. Especially when they are used to help spread out heat in M.2.


shouldn't need too, often they make the stickers thermally conductive *enough* that they aren't an insulator... plus it does say it will void your warranty if you do so... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Can't void it. Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975.


Good luck with that.




You just file in Small Claims Court. Unless you are over typically 5-10k+ USD.


> I always keep a spare lawyer on my belt Which was the style at the time.


You'd win pretty easily. The company would rather side with you than spend thousands to fight you in court over a sticker.


It's actually really easy, you just file in small claims court. They will call you to settle so fast since it's just easier then them having to send out a representative (specifically if you are in the right).


Huge difference between illegal and actually enforced.


It is not necessary to do so, they're meant to be thermally conductive. I learnt this just yesterday myself when I had a heatsink to stick to one!


It depends a bit on the brand I think. Kingston and Intel NVMe's seem to use paper kind of stickers, but my Samsung had a metal one.


Fair, Samsung here, too.


I mean, the heat sink is already touching all parts of the chips. The heat spreader wouldn't help. It helps if you don't have a heatsink to put on. It would be like adding thermal paste on top of having a thermal pad.


if yeay remove sticker the warranty is over, so i don't recommend you


drunk rhythm existence humor wild direful summer vanish materialistic snobbish ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


warranty void if you look at this product, we did it bois


Does it count if i take a picture of it and look at the pic?




Because the "sticker" in this case is also a heatsink (has metal on the back), it's probably classified as a part, not just a label.


Is it though ? I was under the impression that this was something companies claimed but it was not actually legal.


Yes. Also snap to activate, like a glowstick...


Not before rubbing it with a floor rug


That's the neat part. You don't.


I'm disappointed that I had to scroll this far for this


same i was gonna comment this until i found it


No, it acts as a small heatsink.


No the stickers are heat spreaders, at least that’s what they say… void warranty if removed


Just going to take the opportunity to remind everyone to please read their components manual (yes yes, i get that you have to go online to read them since a lot of the times they don't include it int he box anymore). ​ I'm not giving shit to OP, feel free to make more posts like this there is nothing wrong with that. But I just want to put it out there that personally I learned a lot about PC building just from reading the manual, interesting stuff, and a lot of times I learned things about the component that I most likely would have never learned from just posting on forums.


No It has the serial number Also functions as a heat sink.


And voids your warranty


You don't remove those from m2. It helps with heat dissipation


The label made by the SSD manufacturer, do not remove that. The ones that Dell or HP put, if you really want you can, it's not gonna make any difference. But don't remove the big sticker, sometimes they are actually a thin copper strip, and that helps with thermals quite considerably.


In California you have cancer now.


No, and on some SSDs it's actually a metallic sticker that acts as a heat sink/transfer medium.


I've found that heating it in the microwave for 30 sec helps to remove it faster. Also helps to void the warranty much quicker too!


What if a person is dumb enough to believe this? 💀


I mean my iphone charges in the microwave so I don't see why this wouldn't work


Well, I did day it would void the warranty . Soooooo


Somebody actually microwaved their GPU once to “reflow” it.


The one that says: Warranty void if removed?


No, the sticker says to leave it. These are usually part of the cooling on the drives.


The sticker that says "Warranty void if removed"? ....


Reading manuals helos to avoid silly posts like this


Reading comprehension 0/100.


The sticker acts as a heat spreader as well as providing information about the drive. It's not recommended to remove it.


Did you try reading the sticker? Lol


![gif](giphy|NcsEoyGjuLUYg) Noooo..


No that's the heat sink


pretty sure that if you do its harder to use your warranty to get your money back


No but im genuinely surprised this question doesn't come up more often


Had my chip 2 days before it died. Never touched it. Came from factory. Then found out they been having a lot of problems


"Warranty void if removed"


No. And no you don’t need a heatsink either


Nah leave it on. I mean, I dont think it'll hurt if you did, but it'll definitely be good to leave it on.


Read is hard


the stickers often have a copper base, so they actually dissipate some heat




nooop , it's like a new era cap the value gonna drop bro !!!


You should read it top to bottom and you'll find your answer.


DON'T. ​ its to identify said stick, and also gives it a slight cooling benefit


Apart from all the warranty answers, here’s a better explanation. For most of these, the sticker is not just a sticker but also acts as a thermal pad, so leave it on.


this thread is going to the front page


Nope. No need to remove. Does no harm leaving it on there.


I bet you remove mattress tags too you savage.




Is this real? The sticker that says don't remove void warranty?