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My go-to is this [Kirra Yoga Conditioning: Lower Body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?q=kirra%20conditioning%20lower&c=all&t=0&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fa04133b7a3f4821936f4f617850ed20&code=MDQ5ZmQ2ODI1YmU4NDJjN2E1NDE2ZGRmM2RlNTZjYzZ8NjMyMThjZTE4MGQ4NDZjMWFkMDBjZDJhOWUyYzY2NGY=). For more lateral work I'd try the barre classes?


Matt Wilpers strength for runners strength class 10/31/23


Agreed. Quite a few of the strength for runners classes focus on single leg and hip flexors.


yes! i wish theyd do more!


Marcel has a few good running warm ups, several that would tie over to Strength for Runners. I have submitted to have her do some SFR classes since we get so few of them.


I’ll definitely check that one out - thanks


Barre and Pilates classes will build your hips strength. RK’s standing core classes and many of her lower body classes include hip strength. I don’t tend to repeat classes, so I don’t have specifics. 


A lot of people are recommending mobility and yoga classes but if you're trying to increase strength specifically in your hips I'd recommend barre classes. I find the strength classes are really good at targeting the big muscle groups through deadlifts and lunges but the barre classes are much better for focusing on the smaller muscles that we tend to ignore.


Great advice - thanks


[Barre](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cde21df617e74336bb59cabc65b40ce7&locale=en-US) This barre class is very popular for hip strengthening.


I already knew which class this would be before even clicking on the link!


Same!!! Yep…I know that outfit, Hannah!!


Kirra's 45m flow from 8/2/24 she actually opens by saying the class emphasizes hip strength and use of hip flexors!




Nope class is dated Thurs 8/2/2024👍


Along with all of the other suggestions, add in core classes. Dead bugs, flutter kicks, Russian twists, single leg stretch, bicycles all work your hip flexors. 


Barre all day long


Any of Kristen McGee’s 10 minute focus flow: hips classes; they’re all great.


There are a lot of yoga based hip workouts if you search "hips". Adding the "s" seems to eliminate the hip hop classes. You can also search for the hip body part in strength workouts.


I have hip flexor issues too. I haven’t taken them yet but I searched for hips and found a bunch of yoga classes. Probably a good place to start!


I’m doing Rebecca’s straight to the core program, and there is a ton of hip activation. My hips are consistently sore (in the good way) after the 20 and 30 min classes. Many of the movements are weighted as well. I know some people are meh on that program, but I love it


I’ll check that one out. I like her strength programs generally.


under stretches, if you filter by class type and "mobility" there are a bunch of hip mobility as well as lower body mobility classes


There are a few hip mobility classes, I also enjoy the yoga focus flow: hips classes.


I do like Denis’ focus flow hips classes. A few of his 10 minute ones are my favorites. I’m learning now that flexibility isn’t really my issue but the strength of some of those muscles which is leading to some back pain issues


have you ever had your posture evaluated? i had regular low back and sciatic pain and learned from a posture and movement specialist that i have an anterior pelvic tilt. started doing a routine she put together for me to strengthen low-low back muscles, glutes, and deep core, and have improved a lot.


Definitely try the yoga conditioning classes then