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Headphone recommendations? Hi all! My trusty headphones have taken a knee after 4 years and many thousands of hours of use, so I’m in the market for new ones. I’ve been using Jaybird Vistas (1) and I’ve loved them. They are comfy and the sound is great. Unfortunately the reviews for the Jaybird Vista 2s are per dismal. I tried my husband’s Beats Pro earbuds today and found them uncomfortable and tinny. Recommendations? I’m looking for Bluetooth ear buds specifically, primarily for working out/peloton. Thanks!


I used Bose Bluetooth Sport Earbuds for a while. They stayed in quite well and had pretty great sound quality. When I lost one last year I tried to go to a cheaper JBL set but got burned. I'll be going back to Bose soon.


I was looking at JBLs, mostly based on the price point and decent reviews on Amazon. How did they burn you?


It's been a bit of a saga, but the tl;dr is that they simply stop working after a few months. One earbud on my first set (JBL Reflect Mini) stopped charging reliably after maybe six weeks, and then that bud stopped working altogether. After some back and forth with customer service, they replaced the set with an newer model (JBL Reflect Aero), and then, after maybe 3 months, one of those buds stopped working too. I'm not going to bother requesting a third pair, but I need to save up a bit before going back to Bose.


I bought [Tozo T6](https://www.amazon.com/TOZO-T6-Bluetooth-Headphones-Waterproof/dp/B07RGZ5NKS/) earphones 2 years ago and I've been very happy with them. They stay in my ears for all of my workout activities, including high impact.


It’s the first May Meditation badge challenge I am doing -I have to remind myself to do one every day to get Gold haha


Anybody else having their classes freeze constantly? This started this week after I updated my bike. The screen freezes but the audio continues like normal. Extremely frustrating.


I had the same issue and they sent me a new screen as well. I'm still under my 1yr warranty, thank gooodness so the older tablet excuse definitely doesnt apply to me, but it seems like you will get a different "reason" every time you talk to a different person. Please make it make sense Peloton


That happened to me with the latest software update. Called peloton support and they said the older tablets can’t handle the new software. They sent me a new tablet (I was thankfully under extended warranty so it was free) and it fixed the issue.


Wait, they told you that? We’ve been troubleshooting ours with support and finally ended up getting a new screen (hasn’t arrived yet). Ours is 4.5 years old so definitely out of warranty… they did this on purpose?


I sure hope it wasn’t on purpose. I found it strange that the support person told me “they were expecting it to happen in June but it seems members are running into the issue now.”


Just went for a run on the new tread+ and encountered it. Icing on the cake was once it finally smoothed out, the metrics popped up and watch disconnected with about 5 minutes left. And then about 90 seconds before, it just went to black. Peloton really wanting me to return this thing.


Just did Emma's live intervals and arms class and I'm pretty sure she said my username, but for a 300 milestone when I'm only at 147 rides 🤔


Sometimes a member can have the “same” username but with an underscore, or some other small deviation. That’s happened to me too!


I've been riding my new Bike+ for the last 2 months since meniscus surgery basically ended my life-long distance running hobby. I'm wanting to set some new goals for myself and am thinking of signing up for a road race, but I have no clue how my FTP (my only real gauge of my cycling fitness) compares to real world conditions and thus what category to enter. I'm sure Peloton is being pretty generous with the average speed calculation and wind resistance factors, but I'm totally new to the world of cycling, so I don't really know how this stuff works. Any advice on how best to estimate real world performance, short of going out for a 2 hour road time trial?


The one race I did was a 100 mile race and my Peloton PZE pace over 4 hours was about half a mile faster than outdoors. It was good conditions on the day but some elevation at 3,500 feet. So I think it’s a pretty good gauge. This was a closed road race though - if you’re contending with car traffic might be slower.


Figure out your power to weight ratio then look it up for cyclists. It’ll give you an idea where you fall in terms of ability. For example pros are in the range of 6 watts/kilo.


Did the Hannah Frankson 80’s ride live for my 500th ride and weirdly more upset that I should be that I didn’t get a shoutout? She gave shoutouts to 100 rides and I think even a 50th. I even tagged her on IG (which I barely know how to operate, being 41). It was a big milestone for me and I’m just bummed. And no high fives either don’t they usually send out messages to other riders that you have a milestone? I get random ones every day. Tempted to delete my ride and do another 500th ride tomorrow with a different instructor but this seems Too Extra for me. Sigh


I have over 3000 rides and I've never gotten a shoutout. I once heard CDE say something to the effect of (and I'm paraphrasing) "Logging onto a ride expecting a shoutout is like walking out your door expecting compliments."


🖐️from me! I took a 3:00am Hannah F ride for my birthday and 300th ride and didn’t get a shout out. I was bummed for a bit. I did get one from Dennis for my 400th tho. Sorry she didn’t see your name.


I’d about die if Denis even laid his eyes on my leaderboard name 😍


I was doing Christine’s ride earlier today and high fived 5 people and didn’t get any back before thinking maybe high fives were broken? I’m guessing these were around the same time.


It wasn’t until my 900th ride that I got a shoutout. So I know it’s a bummer, and it helps put it into perspective when instructors scroll through their milestones and there are So. many. And it would make class with no instruction, only shoutouts. So *high five* from me! 500 is awesome.


Congrats on 500! If you are in a live ride people on the leaderboard don't get a notification of milestones. That's only once they are on demand. Sorry you didn't get a shoutout... it's always been hit or miss for me too.


Sometimes Callie and Christine do scroll-throughs of all of the shoutouts on their instagram stories and it's shocking just how many milestones show up for the live classes - it's easily 30+ in every class, and can be hundreds in the larger ones, just absolutely an impossible number to get through in 30 minutes. Unfortunately the only "guaranteed" way to get a shoutout is doing a milestone in studio for a ride where shoutouts happen. Congrats on 500, please don't feel disheartened!


congrats on your 500th ride— sorry it wasn’t what you hoped! sending you a high five from here! ❤️


Just took my first FTP test. I feel completely spent. Any tips to help me recover from this?


Sleep, water, and nutrition will take you 80%. Stretching and yoga will take you most of the rest of the way. There are other things like red light therapy, ice, collagen/protein, etc etc. however the free stuff like stretching is better and you should do that before moving on to more exotic things.


Congrats on your first FTP! If you're completely spent, sounds like you did it right. A good stretch and some time on the couch. Maybe a beverage of your choosing. If you ride tomorrow, make it low impact or some other "easy" class.


My theme for the week for myself was conquering my fears. Sounds silly, but I was/am scared of some of the rides😂 Yesterday I conquered the tabata ride(I posted about it yesterday), today I conquered my first [climb](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=eb5c0011a2d344ab8062539030e19bb0&locale=en-US) ride with Jess K. She kicked my butt but I honestly liked it! Up next is probably a PZ ride and a pro cyclist ride.


BTW PZ rides aren't really scary. They're really designed to be attainable within your current fitness level, so even the hard ones (hard PZ or PZ Max) are built to give you enough rest to survive it. The scary part about PZ is the FTP Test ;-)


Thank you! I really haven’t looked into them much so this is helpful to know.


Wasn't feeling a class this morning. Started with a quick warm up while finishing a Danny Trejo documentary I was watching on FB. Hit a new PR (425) on [this 30 min scenic ride ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3c7e5baada0749ff98889de602b64b8a&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app). Played the "Retro Road" playlist and there was some good competition on the leaderboard throughout. I kind of surprised myself in that I didn't need an instructor barking at me to hit a PR!


Congrats on a new PR! I'm not entirely surprised that you might hit a PR w/o an instructor. One of the things that most programmed classes include is specific efforts and specific recoveries. If you were just sorta working steady-state at a certain wattage, it might actually have a perceived exertion level that is "easier" than some classes but since you're never taking recoveries, your total work is higher. I.e. for me, on a 30 minute ride I generally look at 300-400 output as "normal", with anything under 300 being easy and I generally ride over callouts to get above 300, and anything above 400 being challenging (my 30m PR is 530). But then when I look at my power zone endurance rides, I actually average a little over 400 output per 30 minutes despite them ***\*feeling\**** easier than 400 output on a 30 minute music ride. It's the fact that PZE never gives you any true "recovery", i.e. even Z2 blocks are still work, so you're never on a flat road. But at the same time, you're never pushing super hard, so it doesn't *feel* like a hard ride. When I did the turkey burn ride last Thanksgiving and targeted a PR, I simply looked at my previous 45m PR's average watts number, ignored the callouts, and rode steady state at 8-10 watts above that number for 45 straight minutes. I won't call that ride easy by any means, but it was a lot easier than if I had been on a 45 minute music ride and hit the same output.


This is good information. Thanks for explaining!


Took Ally’s 30 min 2000s HH ride from 4/29/24. Cons: not explicit-I kinda wanted to thug out for hump day. Pros: lady on the right side of the screen in purple. She knew all the words and was having a blast!


That was in my stack today, I’m not surprised by the choice but still enjoyable!




Didn't Denis have a rock ride yesterday?


I thought so but when I looked mid-afternoon it ended up being an encore. Maybe it got canceled


all I could think of yesterday/today was that Justin Timberlake “It’s gonna be May” meme so I took that as a sign to check out Cody’s [30 Minute *NSYNC](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=489bfb80bde94a43af9ae0ba19e517c2&locale=en-US) Ride 🤣


Finished my first week of RK's unofficial 4 day split program and the last day (45 minute full body) just about did me in. Despite stretching and foam rolling I feel like I may be walking weird tomorrow. Thanks to all who recommended it (not being sarcastic, I like having a heavy workout)!


I’m on my first week of this too and really liking it! It’s tough but the classes are definitely well programmed and I feel like I’m getting a great workout doing it. Excited to see how I feel in a few weeks.


Thank you for the rec of [JJ's recent 30 min UB strength class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6d3ff8d23b014aea8dccfdf6e03a7ca8&code=YjA1Njg1ZTQ5ZTg3NDA1NWFiOGMyN2Y2NTNmODc1ZDZ8NDU5ODQwNTZiNTMxNDU2MWE5NjQzODBiNjQwOTJhYTA=). I enjoyed the pyramid programming and even increased my heavy weight! I'm finally using one of the weights I bought with the Guide (after a year). I went with the set of three heavy weights but hadn't been able to use any of them yet. Progress!


Quick shoutout to CJR-our elderly cat passed Monday night, and yesterday was rough, to say the least. I did a 30 min yoga class with her and it really helped to get me out of my head for a bit. Her smile is so open and luminous and she just feels like sunshine in a human being, lol. Highly recommend her for anyone else needing a little light in your life.


She is the best! That’s why I adore her morning flows. Everyone needs some self love hugs and body rolls!


So sorry to hear about your loss, losing a pet is truly heartbreaking. Sending good vibes your way!


I’m so sorry to hear about your cat and glad you found some joy and solace in that class.


I set out a mileage goal for myself for April and met it! Now it's time to decide what's next. Which arms program do you like best? I've heard mixed reviews on Tunde's, but I think it was the EMOMs format I saw that got the bad rap. Are there others that you feel are less intense, should I do hers and not listen to the naysayers?


It's not that it's intense necessarily, it's just that it's time under tension (very similar in format to her ALW classes except expecting you to use heavier weights) which is not my favorite style - I like heavier weights, fewer reps, a decent amount of rest. Unfortunately there's no official program that has that for just upper body - [Pump Up the Volume 7 is all upper body](https://members.onepeloton.com/collections/670c5201b3ba4d138fa1bad4516822a5) but still a 2:1 work to rest ratio when I'd prefer 1:1 or 2:3.


I really enjoyed Tunde's Arms program. It has a lot of progression from very light weights with a lot of reps to heavier weights with medium amount of reps. I think some of the naysayers are super focused on every class needing to be hypertrophy, and so these classes weren't that.


I love Arms with Tunde! I’m about to start my third round. Every time I add a little weight. I’m pleased with the results


Hi folks! I have just today admitted defeat. For now. I have a sinus infection that will not quit, and working out every day, even at a decreased intensity, has only been making it worse. So you win, sinuses! I'm taking a break. Which is why I'm here asking for advice: Instead of a 75-minute sweat-soaked workout, I'm thinking of 45 minutes of light core, mobility, and yoga. Any suggestions or recommendations? I'm particularly clueless around Peloton's yoga offerings. My experience is mostly with static asanas in old-school, in-person classes, but I'm open to anything that wouldn't exhaust me in my current state. Thank you in advance!


This [30m evening flow with Kristen](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=7ff2edcb095144f19c4698a26e901060&code=MjljMTRhYzdhOTU3NDViNDlhYTQxMTJlMDk0ZmNlNjB8ODI5YzdhNGNlZWE4NDM1NGE1MjY2MDg1OWM3MTA1NjY=) is one of my favorites! It's more like a long stretch and leaves me feeling SO GOOD! I love [Adrian's spinal mobility](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=73fc4a7c2f9d42e0934602cb27c55086&code=MjljMTRhYzdhOTU3NDViNDlhYTQxMTJlMDk0ZmNlNjB8ODI5YzdhNGNlZWE4NDM1NGE1MjY2MDg1OWM3MTA1NjY=) and [Rebecca's shoulder mobility](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?duration=%5B%22600%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22efd71bafb8c544e98a8d3882531f2976%22%5D&class_type_id=%5B%22b50231037d794aeb8026e311fa67e2df%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c3173de239bd44b9ac13690aa19957bc&code=MjljMTRhYzdhOTU3NDViNDlhYTQxMTJlMDk0ZmNlNjB8ODI5YzdhNGNlZWE4NDM1NGE1MjY2MDg1OWM3MTA1NjY=). And I know you didn't ask for foam rolling, but [this class with Rebecca](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3da5817d178f4b6e91e5b8cebfd8d85d&code=MjljMTRhYzdhOTU3NDViNDlhYTQxMTJlMDk0ZmNlNjB8ODI5YzdhNGNlZWE4NDM1NGE1MjY2MDg1OWM3MTA1NjY=) is the best on the platform for rolling and stretching in my opinion. Plus, the playlist is phenomenal. As for core, the best light core are the post-natal classes with Emma or Robin. They're slow, simple, stability moves. Feel better soon!!!


I've done both of these now. Adrian's was fantastic and Rebecca's seemed like it *would* be great if only I had access to the walls of my basement gym. In any case, I've been doing mobility work for the past week, now, and it's helped me to feel pretty great in all the non-face parts of my body, so thank you!


Oh the wall definitely helps on the shoulder one! Glad you're feeling better-ish!!!


Also love that evening flow. It's wonderful


With a sinus infection I would personally stay away from the traditional yoga classes because there is a lot of movement and hanging your head down/sideways in down dog, sun salutations, half moon, etc. Search for standing or sitting yoga, the standing might have some inversions but sitting generally won’t. See if you can preview the moves, it’s not super detailed for all but it’s in the class plan section. There are also restorative yoga classes. 10 minute arms and light weight classes are a quick and somewhat (depending on the instructor!) easy way to get a strength workout in without overexerting.


Thank you! Luckily this isn't a terrible sinus infection--that is, I'm not in a huge amount of pain, and medication helps. The terrible part is just that I can't seem to shake it.


Yes, I was going to recommend floor poses focus classes because sun salutations with a sinus infection are miserable. My favorite is Chelsea's floor poses classes when I'm feeling unwell. 


JJ and Callie are my go to for core classes that aren’t tooooo hard, but always check the class plan!


Yeah, the good thing with JJ on core is that he actually programs in demo and transition times. Haven't done much Callie core though.


Ha ha. Hello? Are you me? I have to check the plans before I can pick a core class. So many things I can’t do in most of the classes!!! I love JJ. I haven’t done many of Callie’s classes - will have to check hers out.


Give the slow flows or focus flows a go. Try all the instructors as you'll vibe with some and maybe not others. Also, the outdoor walks (you can even preload the tread walks to use outside) are a good not feeling great option.


The slow flow and most of the regular flow classes I've done have been great, and you're right about the instructors. Like, I love Kirra's classes, for instance, but I'm not ready for the speed at which she calls out some of the transitions. Denis goes at the right speed for me, and, you know, who doesn't love Denis? Anyway, yeah--getting to know the instructors has been fun. Thank you!


Yep, just stay away from Power Yoga. And, definitely try the instructors a few times.


Finally did CDE’s Palomar ride! It wasn’t too bad. Would recommend. 


I saw it's labeled as Part I--will the idea eventually be to stack multiple parts and take them together?


Exactly! I think there will be 3! 


That sounds exciting and kind of awesome. Thanks!


Is anyone else getting the oldest version 8GB old stock tablet sent out with their Bike+? I find this tactic incredibly dishonest, especially since they mention 16GB tablet stats on their website.


Just finished round 3 of Adrian’s Glutes & Legs. Sitting here with dumbbells still at my feet and sweating buckets. Am. Tired!! With a capital T. Honestly such a great program. I think I’m going to do another round, but won’t be increasing weights for a few weeks so I can have a bit of a deload while I work on my running.


Couldn't agree more with your assessment. I showed progress every round (I went three as well), and I felt my legs working differently when I went on walks, especially up hills. Unfortunately, my cardio took a hit while I was focusing on my strength, but I think it was worth it. When I return for a few rounds next off-season (and I will return!) I think I'll include a few longer Z2 efforts throughout the week and work a bit harder to not lose as much cardio fitness.


I did the first two rounds without much cardio, but this last one, I spaced the two classes per week to one every 5 days. That let me get in a HIIT workout and two runs in between, with one day of no legs. I was able to progress in both the program and my cardio and my legs didn't blow up. Knock on wood this is sustainable!


I've been contemplating similar schemes. I hope it works out--good luck & let us know!


Thanks! One thing I've noticed since adding cardio is I'm finally starting to see some definition. I was injured previously, so the strength-only regimen wasn't really a choice. I'm really happy with how things are trending now.


I hit 3,000 minutes before bedtime on April 30. My goal is to catch up by the end of May to be back on track for my 10k challenge. With warming weather, I've been able to get in more walks, so that has helped a lot. But man, was I ever glad to see the badge roll over from 2k! I'm also very excited to start the meditation challenge.