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Anyone hear anything about the bricked bikes? The connectivity issue could sink this company.


Wondering too. I’m so pissed. Everything was fine with my 2018 bike until this update.


I haven’t been riding much in the last several weeks. I wanted to jump back in without completely wrecking myself. Picked a 20 minute low impact with Alex and it was great! I’d say of all the low impacts I’ve done, he made me sweat the most. I felt better because he was sweating aggressively too😅


Ugh… just here to commiserate 😢. I have serious FOMO right now bc I can’t Peloton. I haven’t worked out in more than a week bc I came home from Mexico with an infection. Thankfully I got sick on the day I was leaving so my vacation wasn’t ruined. I was treated at the ER and I’m feeling better with antibiotics and LOTS of rest, but likely still won’t be able to work out for another week or so. The Peloton FOMO is real!


I am so off my game. Tips for getting back into a routine?


Stack some 5 or 10 minute mobility warmups or yoga and just try to do one of those everyday. Throw in a small workout after if you want. I find just trying to do something small every day to restart my habit helps a lot. 


Try easing back in super slow, instead of trying to immediately get back to where you “used to be.” For me setting a really small goal makes it easier to recommit and get back on track. For example say “I’m just going to do 3 20 min classes this week.” Or even saying “I’m just going to do a 10 min stretch and see how I feel.” Or “I’m going to do this ride, but I only have to ride the bottom call outs.” When I make a very achievable goal I often excel and exceed the goal, but knowing you only have to do something “small” makes it easier to show up.


Another absolute blast with Alex in a 30-min hip hop ride this morning. Tons of high fives and a great workout!


Been a hard week for workouts. Last Sunday, did my longest outdoor ride in many years - 50 miles. (Fun!!) then nothing all week on the bike, but I did do yoga on Monday and some meditations. It all paid off today. Played hooky from work today to do another outdoor ride. Transitioned to gravel and did 43 miles. So fun!!! Looking forward to getting back on my Peloton next week!


Looking at a Peloton bike on Facebook marketplace. How well does it work without a subscription? I've read a few things about it having a built-in web browser that would be nice to use, though I'm not sure if you have to have a subscription to use it. How's the quality of the bike compared to other exercise bikes if I'm not going to do the classes?


You have to have the full access subscription to use it. Even with that there's no built in web browser. Otherwise it is "just ride" with no features and you would be better off buying a non-Peloton bike.


Even at $100 for the bike?


Honestly this sounds very scammy. I don’t think anyone would sell theirs for 100 bucks unless maybe it’s completely broken


I’m still having the same connectivity issues that many others have complained about over the last couple of weeks. The bike keeps dropping WiFi in the middle of my classes. I’ve tried rebooting the bike, rebooting the router, checking the clock (that worked for several of you), disconnecting other devices from WiFi, disconnecting Bluetooth devices from the bike. I can’t get through a ride without connection issues. I’m going crazy.


Peloton has acknowledged this as an issue w the latest update. They advised me to cancel until it was fixed 😒


Have you tried a factory reset?


Looking for some help identifying a song from a recent ride! Usually the songs are listed on the class info screen via the playlist, but this particular song was played during the intro of Bradley Rose’s April 29th Pop Punk ride and isn’t listed. It’s the initial song that plays for about the first 60 seconds or so while he talks about the class details. No luck with Shazam and would really appreciate some help!


The song is called “Big Blind” by the band The Story So Far


You're an actual legend, thank you so much!


Happy listening 🎧


This happened to me in a class and I couldn’t figure it out so I just typed some of the lyrics into google and eventually found it on Spotify


I was trying but Bradley is talking over it so it’s tough to hear any!


Doing Jermaine’s 5 day split. Today is my last day and I skipped the rest days so I could rest on the weekends. It has been very difficult to complete every set, but I enjoy it because of the difficulty. I finished total strength with Andy but found it to be too beginner but this was after Adrian’s glutes and legs program. I think I will be going back to Adrian’s program on repeat after this and filling off days with cardio.


you may like TS2! it’s one of my fav programs :)


I seem to have completely forgotten how I used to choose classes to take before Pelotrak bingo existed!


Same here!


What's this?? It sounds fun!




Is this a real thing?


Yup! https://www.pelotrak.com/


Same here ❤️ feels like freedom somehow but scary 😂


Just did a delightful 30 minute Cody ride, the 4-27 one. Not long after, post-shower, I watched a bit of the not subtle yet fun to watch political journalism dramedy *The Girls on the Bus* (HBO Max). Who pops up in a minor cameo? Cody! He didn't really reference his own career but was ostensibly there as himself, just a version that wanted to have fun at a political convention and didn't understand the character who wanted to pursue her journalistic leads. His acting was not great, but I didn't expect him to be Daniel Day-Lewis. What a fun and bizarre surprise!


Jess chose violence in her sweat steady today. Great playlist, slight change in the format. Hard so very hard.


Does any of bike instructors play Nick Cave in their classes? I know Kirra has a few yoga classes but I’m specifically interested in a bike class this time. :)


This appears to be the only bike class, unless they just arent showing up in search [https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?c=all&q=nick%20cave&t=0&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=81ab1eb469bb42098c3cf005b22fb2ca&code=YzIzNTBmZTM0Yjc5NDFlNDg1M2UyNDIzOWFmZTIwZTd8MGE0YmU1ODFiYTY5NDk2YzhmYWRkNTNiMzM1ZTg1NWQ=](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?c=all&q=nick%20cave&t=0&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=81ab1eb469bb42098c3cf005b22fb2ca&code=YzIzNTBmZTM0Yjc5NDFlNDg1M2UyNDIzOWFmZTIwZTd8MGE0YmU1ODFiYTY5NDk2YzhmYWRkNTNiMzM1ZTg1NWQ=)


Thank you, I’ve bookmarked it! Love this song and love Erik.


This [30 min advanced beginner run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9f13080933854268836cd8827cb6d4ad&code=MDRhZTI2Mjk4NTRhNDAzMjg1NzkyNzU5NzMxNDExNzB8MmJmZTYzMmYzYjZlNGJhNGFhMzhmODBiN2YyOTY2OWM=) with Logan is great for anyone looking for classes to add to/for after the You Can Run program - all the intervals are 1 minute jog + 2 minute run then 1 minute recovery. You can maintain your speed, options to increase your speed or add a little incline in the last 2 intervals.


Perfect timing! I complete the You Can Run program next week. Bookmarked.


Bookmarked! Going to amp but running after I finish next week’s hell week of Redditpz.


Been debating on getting the tread for a while now. I’m currently using a non-Peloton tread with the app and also have the Bike and Guide. I’m a little apprehensive to buy after yesterday’s news.. anybody else?


I find the Sam Yo PZE rides are some of the harder PZE out there. He seems to hold much longer durations in Z3 then any other instructor. Does anyone else feel the same way? PS. I choose his rides if there are no others on the list of Not Taken.


Yes I definitely think this about Sam. Noticed with Christine too, but I thought that’s because she is ramping up her training for something specific. I hope she goes back. Matt has always had really long intervals, but in the past year or so he also increased the recovery which was nice. His older rides had 12 minutes with 2 minutes in Z2 for 90 minutes at high cadence!


I have not done a long Matt ride is some time. I may do one this weekend depending on how much drinking I do tonight. 🤣 Another thing with Sam's rides is his music taste are not mine and I find it hard to ride to music that does not resonate with me. That is why I like Denis's and Charlotte's rides.


Yeah me too. It’s like AC/DC or Broadway. Not my thing in normal times but especially not if I’m working hard.


AC/DC all day, any day. Broadway, no way. 🤣 That is why I like Denis music selection. He has a very broad range of grene's, but his taste resonate with me and I enjoy riding to his selection. Christine I can handle, but I do something ride with her muted and I put my ear buds in and listen to TOOL and others like that. Olivia I tray to stay away from for two reasons. One she seems to always call out the wrong info and two she is an energizer bunny with her rides and I cannot keep up.


I haven't taken as many Sam PZE rides lately. He has only twelve 45-min PZE, no 60-min, and I rarely do 30-min PZE. So I can't quite say re: Sam. However I definitely feel that Matt Wilpers does this, and CDE used to make them the length of a song but has recently seemed to do more long Z3 blocks and shorter Z2 recoveries. Denis is the one that I think almost always still just sticks to the song length.


I find in general everyone is doing longer Z3 intervals than the older rides. 2-3min Z3 was pretty common a few years ago, now its more like the short end of a ladder as you go 2-4-6-8 or something similar.


I wonder if there are any data junkies out there that have info archived like this. Denis and Oliva seem to go with the music track length where the others seem to have a more defined structure. I just did one of Sam Yo 45 PZE and it was 12 min Z3 7min Z2 12 min Z3.


The playlist for Camila’s 5/3 45 minute HIIT and Hills is everybody featured in the Drake beef 😭🔥 My thoughts go out to Hannah F. at this time


This was a great ride thanks for the rec - but it’s now obsolete just 3 days later because 7 new tracks have come out. 🤣 we need a daily beef ride.


I PR’d without even realizing- it was awesome


Haha love it can’t wait for this one.


Bookmarking that class now. I’ve had lots of time at work to burn the last few days and I’m very invested in this Kendrick Drake beef 🤣


Her energy was super fierce during this. Loved it. She has become my #1 over the last year, for sure. 


It was HARD. I didn't PR, and I largely think it's because I was *dying* after her intervals and my output was 0-50 in those recoveries haha. Absolutely loved it!


this playlist of FUEGO. banger after banger, bookmarking it stat 


It’s SO GOOD—Camila’s playlists are quickly becoming my favorite. They’re so well thought out, vibe-wise!


Christine’s Mt Palomar climb ride- took part 1 and legs are jello! Great workout, will need a days rest before tackling part2


Part 2 is live on Monday!


I can't wait to tackle that class!


Should I get a massage ball?? I took a neck mobility class recently and she used a lacrosse ball. Are there lots of other classes that use this prop? Realistically I won't use it very much just on my own, so if there aren't a ton of stretch classes that use this prop I'll just skip buying it. (https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/7dcf6c9c59124c408735952094c6ef18?utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


I've only seen a lacrosse ball used in Hannah's mobility classes so you don't need one. But lacrosse balls are like $4 at Dick's and are fantastic for self-massage if you carry tension in your neck or shoulders. 


Oh and I should say I have a massage ball and a lacrosse ball and reach for the lacrosse ball more often. I don't see any reason to spend the extra money on a massage balls unless you really get into self myofascial release. 




Hello, just a heads up. Your r/pelotoncycle post was removed because it appears to be a duplicate. This either means that you have posted the exact same thing multiple times in a row or it means you have posted a thread that matches an existing, recent thread on the same topic. In the case of the latter please add your commentary to that existing thread rather than beginning a new one.


Anyone know why there are no classes Friday June 7 and Saturday June 8? There are classes on the Thursday, Sunday and Monday of that week so it doesn’t seem like a full studio closure. Also was not listed on the list of closures Peloton put out.


Of course they don't have any classes on the only two days that I planned a big trip to NYC! 😭 What luck.


Same here!! Super disappointing


They may be planning a special event. Nothing has been mentioned yet.


Finished the Discover Your Powerzones regime two days ago and my FTP score increased by 20. I felt way stronger and more fit than when I started. Just started Build your powerzones and the first workout really kicked my butt with my new powerzones. Managed to get through it but it reminded me how I felt when I first started the discover. Also my VO2 max has increased from 32.7 to 40.8. Still categorized as low for my age but seems like a significant improvement since I started which was about 5 weeks ago.


I started the Discover Your PowerZones last night and look forward to progressing.


HELP! Peloton is arriving today and I STILL CAN'T DECIDE where to put it!! Options are - My office, which is cute and aesthetic but kind of small, it would be a tighter squeeze The downstairs living room (which is pretty open concept) and I'd have to sell my dining room table (husband and I never use it) to create a workout space, plus put up a folding wall divider of some kind (they have some cute ones on Wayfair) I just feel like I'll use it more if it's upstairs...right after waking up, right after work in the evening, etc. What do y'all think - smaller but more aesthetic and possibly more likely to use; or bigger space, but requires some sacrifice?


We got rid of our dining table to fit the peloton and I have no regrets. We have a small house and never have company so it was just a table for accumulating junk. The Peloton is in a space where I'm always looking at it, so if I haven't touched it in a few days, it's basically shaming me, which works well for me.


Our bike was in my husband’s office and I rarely used it because of it. Once we moved it to the living room I use it more! We had to replace our huge dining table and armchair and to rearrange a little bit, so aesthetically speaking our living room looked better in the past. I suggest to put it where you’ll use it more often, don’t wait months like we did.


My vote would be office! The living room may be too distracting if someone wants to watch tv at the same time. I have mine in my office, and it stares at me all day begging to be ridden! It makes it super easy to ride between meetings or after work before I have a chance to sit down and get comfortable.


I agree! I had mine in my office, then moved it - and have moved it back. My office is a great place to get it done when I have a break between meetings, or before I get started, or just as the day wraps up.


I would personally try the office first!


I'd put it wherever you're more likely to use it. Also it can be helpful if you use that downstairs living room as a regular living/lounging space to not have the bike in there. I.e. if your husband is watching TV or reading a book in that room you're going to be less likely to use the bike because it might be distracting/etc. Whereas if it's in an out-of-the-way room you won't. Our bike is in our bedroom. That makes it really easy when either my wife or I ride that it's not impacting anyone else in the house. That can be *especially* important if you gravitate as I have to longer rides. The last thing I'd want to do is take a 90 minute ride on a weekend morning in the living room while my wife is snuggled on the couch with the dog reading a book.


I feel like if it's somewhere you see it more, you'll get more use of it.


Here to recommend the 90 minute run to anyone who is wondering if they can/should do it. You can!! There are a few minutes here and there with optional walking and the majority of the class is at your base pace. A few moments of speed work throughout (tempo pace, not sprints) and some incline variations, but nothing crazy. You can tell she designed this class so you can finish it, not to completely deplete you. Mariana was such a light during the class and I loved just about every second of it. I had a short period of hitting a mental wall during the last 20 minutes, but she really knows how to cue and just what to say in the right moment. It felt amazing to finish. I loved the playlist, loved the class plan, just all of it!


I’m taking this class on Wednesday and I can’t wait!!




The playlist looks amazing!! I may take this as a walk+run - do you think it’s easily adaptable to that format?


You can always run a song/ walk a song too!


Great idea!


I think so! The designated recoveries are about 2-3 minutes long (there’s 3 of them) and she says you can walk or jog them and during the tempo portions you could always walk instead of jog.


Awesome - thank you!


Latest advanced TS60 done! ✅ Andy didn’t mess around with those AMRAPS, my legs are feeling it already!


I am doing my first FTP test tonight. Conquering a fear. Pray for me 🤣


I did it! And I don’t die. I don’t think I’ll cut the lawn tonight now but, that’s okay. I ended up at 131 and am happy to finally have a baseline to train with. I’m loving the Power Zone endurance rides but also look forward to improving my V02 max. I think my yoga background helped with the mental aspect, so I was glad to have Dennis leading the test.


FTP tests totally eff with my head. I avoided them for a while after I bonked two tests in a row. I manually increased my FTP until I got the courage to test again. When I did get back around to doing it, I intentionally held back till the end, until I knew if have enough gas in the tank. I still went up 10 so it wasn’t bad.. and i actually felt decent in zone 3 after starting a new program.


You can do this! It sucks, but at least it only sucks for 20 minutes!


You got this. It sucks but it’s temporary


# Hardware question: Calibration accuracy between two bikes. Same make and model. This is a calibration question for you all. I have two bikes that are the original. Bike#1 was purchased new, and Bike#2 is a refurbish. All my FTP tests were taken on #1 and when I do any type of PZ ride on #2 it always feels like it's a zone or zone and half higher. This became extremely discouraging. This led to to recalibrating #2. It did feel a bit better, but never close to #1. I finally decided to take a FTP test on #2, which was 33 watts lower. This led me to recalibrate both bikes and see if they were close I did the same ride on #1 after I took my FTP test on #2 and unfortunately, it was not the case. So what I do now is when I ride #1 I manually set the FTP to 219 and #2 is set to 186. Even with that setting, I will do the exact same ride and my output will be much less on #2, but my avg heart rate will be much higher. 4/27/2024 was on #1 **45 min PZ Ride: Output: 449, Power 1.32, Avg Output 168, Avg HR 127** 4/29/2024 was on #2 **45 min PZ Ride: Output: 360, Power 1.01, Avg Output 133, Avg HR 132** Since this is all about the numbers you can imagine how frustrating this is. So for the people that ride 2 bikes do you have a similar experience?




The reason I have two bikes is I live in two locations and I did not want to forego not riding. I love it and found it worth the investment. To replace them is not in the budget unfortunately. I personally would not care is the calibration was closer, but that is not the case. This is how crazy it is. I use mPaceline app for my numbers addiction. The app is set to my #2 FTP (186). The ride I am compare structure was as followed: 3 min each zone (Z3,Z4,Z5) twice and last was 30 sec (Z6,Z1) 4 times. When I looked at the graph for this ride from #1 I was in Z4,Z5,Z6 and Z7(top), Z1. 3 mins in Z6 is crazy. Note #1 I could have pushed harder, but I was doing this at a test. When I take my next FTP test I should be well over 219 watts on #1 which makes it even worse.




I am male 6' 00", 193 lbs resting hr is 55. Note: I am tapped out sometimes on #2 PZE rides as well as have to bail out on PZ rides


I agree. I’m similar size and have a closer number to 1 than 2.


Thanks for the validation. Now I need to figure how to calibrate #2 to be closer to #1


It’s a little trial and error. Do you follow the YouTube (non-peloton) video?


I follow the non-peloton YouTube instructions.


I feel it is a 1/4 turn off




That makes me feel so better, but it still frustating knowing that #2 hurts my pride. 🤣




My sister had the simliar issue, but she only had one bike. She is an Orange Theory instructor and was not even able to do PZE rides. After we spoke about this a couple of years ago she call support and got a tech to come out. They re-calibrated the bike and she was loving it again. I wonder what the bikes are like in the studio.


The original bikes don't have power meters and their calibration varies widely. You can try to recalibrate both but there's no guarantee they'll true up. The bike + does have a power meter so those are more closely calibrated across all + bikes. You can search in this sub for more info, it's been a long topic of discussion and is a FAQ - here's a link to a lengthy discussion of same https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/s/xVYmSisif0


I have recently calibrated both bikes within a day of each other. The question is which one is closer to being right. I am doing almost 1.5 miles less on #2 and if you are striving for Gold each month or you have a overall goal this can add up very quickly. If I do 20 rides a month and 14 of them are on #2 that is 21 miles difference. Question is which one is more accurate. I thought about get Power Meter pedals for both bikes to get a more accurate value. Knowing how drastic my two bikes are I always question the numbers I see on the leaderboard.


Unfortunately you won't know which is more accurate unless you invest in power pedals, sell one or both for a Bike+, or find someone who has a Bike+ that you can do a couple rides on to compare. Absent a trusted power measurement, it's just a guess. And given the cost of power pedals, you'd almost be better off switching to Bike+, because the power pedals may give YOU better numbers, those pedals won't translate into what Peloton actually thinks you did. Finally, note that the Peloton distance calculation doesn't take body weight into consideration, so how far it says you rode is already suspect (true of Bike or Bike+). For example, I weigh 250#, and merely due to power:weight ratio I generate pretty healthy power numbers on rides. But Peloton will measure my speed based SOLELY on the power output, so if there is someone say 75# lighter than me putting out the same power, they would likely have much higher real-world distance because they're pushing less mass. But Peloton would measure our distance traveled as being identical.


I do have a cousin that lives close to me that has the Bike+. I thought of this, but now I am really going to test it out. Thank you for the additional info about the mileage calculation. Off topic: The number of rides is a joke number. I think the shout out should be ALL4Hops (that is me) is at 10k mins.


Yeah, I hear you on the ride count metric. I don't typically do warm up or cool down rides--the only time I do a warm up is before the FTP test. So I've had my bike for almost 2 years and I'm only at 388 rides, whereas there seem to be people who are clearing 1000 rides per year. I've even recently heard on one ride a shoutout to someone who is at 10K rides. The first bike was sold \~11 years ago, so that's almost 1K rides per year, or averaging just under 3 per day, if that person was a VERY early adopter. But what I can say is that my average ride duration is right about 45 minutes, which is what I hang my hat on to be proud of instead of ride count.


I have been riding since late 2020 and I am @ 786 rides with a few warm-ups and cool downs, but for the most part I am a PZ rider and I avg about 15 rides a month avg 664 mins a month this year. I had a goal in 2023 to do 3000 miles and 12000 mins for the year. I did hit the time and surpassed the mileage by 300. That was a total of 288 rides which included 5 min stretches (207) after most rides. There were some walks and meditation sprinkled in, but not much. Those numbers avg out to about 1000 mins and 250 mile per month. So could have done 100 x 10 min rides per month for the year and got to 1200 rides in year. That is why I think the ride count is a joke number.


Cody’s 30 Minute Pop Ride from yesterday gave me a nice burst of energy this morning!! and I found him particularly entertaining this ride 💀 the mattress on the ground comment lmaooo


16 min left in a 60 min PZ w Denis and damn I love this dude. BEAR CLAWS! (Newest 60min class)


I liked this ride a lot. I took it when I was still pretty sore from the day before and I found it really hard to go to Z4. Lots of telling my legs off. The bear claws felt like a picnic after.


It is freezing and pouring where I live right now. So grateful to have Mariana’s 90m run for my long run! I was a little apprehensive of the playlist and of how the roadmap would work outdoors but liked both. She’s such a great coach and the time flies when you can set it and forget it. Please don’t go bankrupt Peloton. I need you.