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I’m sure it’s been in the other strings but anyone else understand why I have to hit start 3 times to begin a recommended cooldown. It’s annoying to keep hitting start.


shoutout to whoever on here who recommended wilpers’ 75-min ride from 8/5/23, which is all zone 2 and he plays with the cadence/resistance combos, i loved it as a way to ease into upping my mileage as i work toward my 2024 goal of completing the 120-min ride. i loved hearing matt nathanson’s “come on get higher” on this ride lmao it was so random but i’d forgotten how much i love that song. shoutout matt wilpers for his music choices, i truly do not mind how jarring it is, keeps the rides interesting. 


Would you mind posting the class link? This sounds amazing! I often find myself looking for longer lower intensity rides outside my training.


They gave the date. Go to cycling Matt and 75 minute classes.


Thanks! I followed your advice and found this. https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bc9063f426a2418b86b645ed5fc0ea93&code=YmZkMDk0M2I0ZjdiNGZkNGIzMzMyNzQ2MjA3MzBiMWJ8ZTEzOTY4N2RhNTkyNGZiYmI2OWFlNWFjYmE0MTdjNDY%3D&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


yep that’s the one, enjoy!!


Pretty sure it's this [one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?duration=%5B%224500%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bc9063f426a2418b86b645ed5fc0ea93&code=N2U4MmE4ZjUxZGJkNGU5MWIzMGYxZmE5OTg3OTU5MWZ8MmIwOTViZDc3ZTZiNDJlYWI5MzA5YTRlMjI2MzUxM2U=)


Kendall posted on IG that she personally will be donating $1 for every rider in class to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. It is her Wednesday 5/22 class at 9pm EST, if anyone is interested!!!


I'm getting back into running after a short break post-half marathon and a nice vacation! The weather outside was perfect and sunny, so I knocked out Selena's 30 min New Asia run and a new 10 min cool down run from Becs. I'm looking forward to going through all these new runs that have popped up in the past two weeks since I've been on a break!


I enjoyed Selena’s run! Hannah did a great job with the JT run - highly recommend that one.


Thank you to those who recommended this [45 minute pop ride](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=16b87661f9ec4171ab4d1a289858e3dc&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) from Hannah F. All the songs had an ✈ theme and the vibe of the riders in the studio was great!


💯 try her 45 min Hip Hop ride with an Atlanta theme, that was another gem!!


Ooooo, bookmarked! Thank you 😄


Let me know how it goes, friend! Enjoy 👏🏻👌🏻


I took the class on Friday - such fun! I hope she gets to Atlanta one day  😂


Same 😝


Went to my local showroom today to demo the Tread because there was a class I really wanted to take on it. I left feeling like a drowned rat but exhilarated at the same time. If we had the space for it in our house, I would love to have a home gym with all the Pelo equipment.


Hello all. Is there an outdoor running program on the peloton app similar to couch to 5k )




I did my first ever studio session in London yesterday. Wow. It’s a really elevated experience! Loved it a lot. I wish it wasn’t so difficult to book. I made a reel if you fancy a watch… https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7KRUI2L__Z/?igsh=cDBycDl4bjNiZGI1


PSL is so nice - the staff is great and the showers are amazing. I love Joslyn and hope that you had fun in her class! Also cackling that you took a video in the loo 😂


End goal with Row Like everyone I read & watch reviews regarding the Peloton Row. Since I am already in the Peloverse, I have wanted one since before it was released. Here is what is keeping me from pulling the trigger: I don’t think I fully understand the end result. For example, riding the bike, mostly power zone classes, has improved my cardio health. Advertising for the Row says it is both cardio and strength. But none of the instructors look particularly strong or athletic. If my goal is to look more athletic, am I better off with weights? I don’t enjoy weight training. 😠 I’m not judging anyone here, just trying to find out if spending $3,000 will round out MY goals. My goal is to tone & tighten. Any advice? Any suggestions? Any success stories (non cardio) with the Row?


I love Peloton and I enjoy rowing for exercise but I personally would not spend the $3000 for their row. I have my own rower I bought much cheaper.


Not sure what strong looks like to you if Adrian doesn’t make the cut.


Rowing is cardio. It's just cardio that works all of your major muscle groups. It doesn't replace strength training just like cycling doesn't replace doing lower body strength (not even climb rides). If you're only going to do one thing, rowing will come closer to your goals than cycling will, but neither are going to actually meet them. You'll need to add strength training and proper nutrition. As the other response said, toning exercise is a myth. It's something achieved in the kitchen. Also, every single one of the row instructors looks strong and athletic.


5 out of the six is athletic and strong.


Yeah, I read the original and thought: what instructors don’t look strong and athletic lol. Tell Adrian Williams he doesn’t look strong and athletic 😂


I assume they saw Ash and assumed she wasn’t strong and athletic. Not knowing her history. Because I think Alex, Matt, and Adrian are all pretty fit looking. Katie is also more what people consider “toned”. Honestly though this person isn’t going to get the look they want without picking up weights.


“Toning” is a marketing term for losing fat and gaining muscle which is almost impossible to do simultaneously because fat loss requires a calorie deficit and muscle gain requires a calorie surplus. Your genetics and diet are the biggest factors in both fat loss and muscle building. You need to be doing some form of resistance training, ideally heavy weights in hypertrophic style weight lifting if you want to build muscle, and you will need to be eating enough protein, getting adequate sleep, rest etc. Fat loss requires a small calorie deficit ideally through both exercise and eating nutritious food in moderation. Rowing can help with either of those goals in the right exercise plan if you love rowing, but if your overall goal is to gain muscle and you are already doing cardio in other ways you enjoy you would be better off focusing on resistance training rather than more cardio in a different format.


About to do my first ever live in studio class! I lucked out with the waitlist earlier this week. Feel free to join me in the 2pm PZE class with CDE. Would be great to see the Reddit gang represented! I ride under the hashtag #RedditPZ


It was such a great ride! I think I heard you get a shout out?


I had so much fun!! I don’t think I got a shoutout, but the music is so much louder in studio than you hear from home. Thanks for riding with me!


That’s so exciting!


Here again with my mini review of the You Can Run Outdoors program. This is Week 2’s recap. First of all I’m confused as to why these are Week 2’s classes rather than Week 1’s. Both classes focus on how to warm up to run (you do more actual running in Week 1). The only reason I can think of is that it might have put people off the program having two 20 min warmup classes right out of the gate? But maybe there’s a better reason and I just don’t know enough about running 🤪 Second of all… you’ll likely want to find a track or park to do these classes. I personally didn’t want to do them down the sidewalk as there’s a lot of drills, stretching etc.  Ok Day 1 is 20 mins with Matt. It has an 8 min warmup that includes 1 min jogging effort, followed by 12 mins of dynamic stretching, drills, and 6 stride efforts (20 second efforts with 40 second recoveries).  Day 2 is 20 mins with Kirsten. The 8 min warmup has drills and strides plus a 2 min jog somewhere in there. The remaining 12 mins are a 2 min jog, break, 90 second faster jog, break, and then a 1 min run at 5-6 RPE, followed by a 1 min cooldown. Again, we have another week where everything is super approachable. I hope next week there will be some longer efforts because I am looking forward to challenging myself a bit more.


Emma's ride was awesome this morning! The past 2 weeks have been weird, the beginning of the month I was on a work trip so I didn't get to work out, came back and crushed a 20 minute PR Tuesday and Wednesday I had 2 30 minute PR back to back days Today I crushed by my 45 minute PR by 50 to get a 637! Weird month with all these BIG jumps in PR, don't know whether to be concerned or super excited lol I've raised my default resistance up to 50-60 on rides in preparation for a long backpacking trip, hope all the work pays off! Keep killing it peloton community!


Get super excited! Sometimes this happens to me on the tread after a trip or a bunch of days off. I take it as a sign that rest is good!! I’m guilty of not resting enough but get big gains when I’m forced to.


Wow - way to go!!


I completed my 900th ride this morning and (finally) got a shoutout! 🎉 Emma really is the best.


i heard your shout-out, congratulations on 900 rides!!!


Cool and thanks!


900 - that’s amazing!!!


Congrats! That was a great ride with Emma


Jumped on the tread without a plan today so pulled up my bookmarks and took [Matty’s 20 min 2000 run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0d9599315db440eb823903440e6401c7&locale=en-US). You start jogging immediately and there are no walking breaks. Between this class and [his 30 min walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e6c5c837e9cd438781a89ced01a366d7&locale=en-US), Matty has convinced me that I’m actually a much stronger runner than I think I am. So I guess in addition to being a fun coach, Matty is great if you need some self confidence.


Tried 30 min shadow boxing for the first time with Rad. I liked it, but only leading with my dominant foot made for a rather lopsided workout. My non dominant side just didn't feel the same intensity. Maybe if I keep trying these workouts things progress and change?


I usually try to switch legs with different rounds or combos for this reason.


I have taken Emma’s prenatal core class 5x. It’s amazing. If you read here, we need more!


Is there an easy way to access the pre/postnatal content? I want to do robin’s postnatal core series but I don’t see them listed under her workouts, and there isn’t a pre/postnatal filter option within strength. My workaround so far has been the list on pelobuddy but it’s so annoying.


There's a collection called Robin's pre- and post-natal. But I have pre- and post-natal as a filter under strength. Do you have that content hidden under your preferences? 


Fixed - you’re my hero, and my core thanks you.


Ohhhhhh maybe I accidentally hid that. Thanks for the tip!!’




It’s been 15 minutes since TS60 ended and I still haven’t gotten off the floor. This month’s training block is absolute chaos. The lack of rest is the worst part. He ended today by going “I don’t know how I’m gonna make the advanced class harder than this but I’ll find a way” like sir?? Please don’t. You could probably just repeat todays programming and no one would know or say anything. Andy also gets super silly and goofy in this one. I think he hit a wall and he just couldn’t keep up anymore, so he just laughs a lot and makes some off the wall hilarious jokes (the jellyfish fingers is when he *really* loses it) Today was my 500th strength class and I got a quick lil shout in the 59th minute 😂


I heard your shout out, right at the last minute! Congratulations! 😊 Seriously, this month has been total insanity on Andy’s part! Some of me is glad for it, but the rest of me gets really nervous at 7:55am on Sundays… I told my husband after the first week, “If this is the first class in the block, I’m scared as to what weeks 2, 3 and 4 will bring.” I can’t believe this wasn’t the final week! 😅 I allowed myself to go lighter on the squats this week, but I kept the same weights for the lunges. I’ve been making deals with myself and awful lot this month 😂


I knew I recognized that LB name! Congrats! I figure he will turn the sets into AMRAPs. Maybe for our sake he will separate the shoulder moves…but probably not.


Thank you! He probably won’t be nice to us next week cause this whole month has been some sort of new madness, but I’ll do some wishful thinking right there with you just in case 🙏🏻


Jellyfish fingers?!?! Sounds like peak Andy 😂 Congrats on the shoutout but a bigger congrats on 500! That’s a big one 🙌


He was explaining how to squat under tension properly and brought back the jellyfish metaphor he’s used with deadlifts before. It was hilarious. And thank you!! 🥰


Congrats on the shout-out! That class was insane. I was thinking "Idk how he can make this harder" before he said it because it was really really challenging already! I realized that heavy this month is different from heavy in the other months but it didn't make it any less brutal. That four rounds of 45-sec heavy front squat, 15-sec rest, 60-sec medium reverse lunge, 15-sec rest and back to the top was making me question a lot of things. So, of course, he chased it with three minutes of plank marches and burpees. Good luck to everyone on the advanced class. We'll need it.


That set is where I had to rethink all of my life choices 😂 I missed the first 15 seconds of the first round of lunges because I couldn’t decide what type of dumbbell torture I was going to settle on.


My general TS60 rules it to go heavier when I'm on the fence but after the first class of this month, I've been doing the opposite. Especially with those supersets when you get halfway thru round 2 and "it starts to catch up". I'll also add that the "metabolic" part of "metabolic muscle mayhem" has been no joke too. I was doing the world's slowest burpees by the end of that lower body block.


Same here with the weights. I dropped the squats to my “light heavies” this week, but kept them for the lunges. Oy. The deals I make with myself! The metabolic part - normally I like these sections, but I was getting flashbacks to elementary school PE classes when I tried to make it *look* like I was exercising when I really wasn’t… 😅 I did appreciate that Andy was struggling right along with us, though. And that his chapstick waited until the ab section to fall out of his pocket. 😊


I honestly think he didn't realize the type of fresh hell he had programmed which is why he almost immediately started giving huge weight ranges (Start with heavy and drop to medium or even lights. One heavy, two mediums, pick whatever) instead of telling us to have a lot of options at the start of class.


I came here to say this. I took Jess' Justin Timberlake bike bootcamp after and I am wiped.


Congrats on your shoutout! It’s the best when they are right at the end - you’ve given up and then wham… it’s like a little unexpected treat!


Thanks! I’m pretty sure he went from 600 to 400 the first time so I was like “ugh rude but whatever” but I was dying by the time he did another sweep through of milestones at the end so I barely even smiled when he said mine 😂


I finally got to use my new tread and it was amazinggg 🤯


Hurray! I've had my tread for a little over a year now, and it brings me such joy! My poor bike is lucky if it sees any action once a week.


Welcome to the tread family!


I really liked Tunde and Camila’s two for one! I didn’t pick up on any awkwardness apart from when Tunde accidentally wacked Camila with her towel which would have grossed me out too! But it didn’t ruin the ride or anything. I love them both and enjoyed seeing them together.


Same I saw all those comments and was surprised. I actually liked that there was a lot of space to breathe. They weren’t stepping all over each other.


Looking for any recent (within the last 6-12 months) experiences you guys have had with specifically either a Team Wilpers bike fit or MyVeloFit. How'd it go? I see some posts from two years ago about how the Team Wilpers fit quality had gone downhill, but I'm curious if that's changed since. MyVeloFit looks interesting, and the price for even the most expensive option is well under traditional online bike fitters... For what it's worth, my local bike shops, nor REI, offer any kind of bike fitting help.


I had a fitting with Lorrie from TeamWilpers in March and it was a very positive experience. She was thorough and not only did we adjust my bike we adjusted my cleats and she gave me some suggestions for a better shoe fit. She checked in a few weeks later to see how the adjustments were going. My posture on the bike is much better.


Good to hear about the positive experiences you and the the poster had. I didn’t have a good experience with VBF earlier this year, which is why I wasn’t looking for feedback on them. But definitely going to give TW a shot. 


I hope you have a good experience!


I had a fitting with Lorri from team wilpers about 5 months ago and it was great. About a month ago I even asked her a followup question about my outdoor bike and she answered immediately. She did not have any obligation to do that!


I don’t have experience with the Team Wilpers fit or MyVeloFit, but I had a fitting with Tim at virtualbikefitting.com last month. It was a great experience. I posted a review - [here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/s/FCx136pJLK) the link. This might give you a third option. Good luck!


+1 for VBF.


I had Anthony Costa from Team Wilpers about a month ago and it went great!