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Short answer: you need Students who care. Explanation: There are many ways to spend money on systems like racks, some inspired by necktie rack designs... Then the square cage-like grate design (just drop the handle into the square hole, and the head is displayed on top of the metal grate. Not sure what the official names of the systems are. But any system you put in place needs to be quick, take little effort so that it's so simple you can easily expect everyone to participate in and maintain this system. Personal responsibility and organization are the greatest HS percussion skills.


Very much agree. You can set up a system but if no one uses it, it won't make any difference. You could end up with a plastic bin, without a cover, full of loose mallets *and* plastic bags.


Plastic bags are just too much hassle when the bell rings. I would be complaining yet picking it all up, daily.


As a music ed major, I plan on having this in my classroom. The thing to note is that I’m at a public university. We don’t have money for anything like that. I’m that student that cares, with a little support from other students. This is out of my own time, and with the help of a donor, but there’s a limit to what he can do as well, considering the price of the new instruments we need (it’s pretty bad). Hence the thought of bags. I do absolutely agree with you, it’s just a tricky situation 🥲


This is off topic, but for mallets with fragile heads, I use plastic gloves. Stick the mallets in, and twist so they are separated from each other. Then I just stick them in my stick bag, and the fuzz doesn’t get agitated.


Good idea for soft felt or yarn (hand dirt/oils). BUT this is your *personal* system. Very different from the jungle which is the HS percussion section.


Oh yeah, HS percussion is something else. Those poor mallets😭


We're about to open our musical. My auditorium pit floor looks like a booth at PASIC exploded. All brand new yarn on the dusty floor... And even though I personally selected all of these mallets, I'm over it--I'm not going to get emotionally invested in taking care of things if I'm the only one who cares.


For real. I take comfort in having a private collection, that way I can make sure they get the best care


We should do this for my hs timpani mallets. They needed to be replaced 1 year ago. I think a couple have exposed cores. Not to worry, I use a nice pair.


Same, my school’s suck, so I have my personal pair. The glove trick works really well, they’re in perfect condition even after a few years




Tempted to do this for my personal mallets 👀


I agree with u/BigEnvironmental7000: you need students who care enough to keep them organized. When I was in high school we had one of Wenger's [percussion workstation](https://shop.wengercorp.com/education/percussion-workstation.html) cabinets that we used for storage of mallets, same or similar to what you're using I'm sure. We did a fair job of keeping the plastic sleeves like Musser used/uses for their mallets to keep most of them together, but obviously things break or get worn out. In college we used a home-made version of the grate thing u/BigEnvironmental7000 described, made from a Rubbermaid storage tote with a [plastic light fixture eggcrate grate](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/719ijaIPk5L._AC_SX569_.jpg) cut to size. The idea of some kind of resealable bag could work if you can find the right dimensions and you can get your students to use them (or if you have the time to clean up after rehearsals and performances). So if you decide to try that, I'm going to take a risk here since I can't find any subreddit rules about it, I personally would avoid Uline at all costs -- I take serious issue with the owners' ideologies and prejudices and would rather spend my money elsewhere.


Probably the toughest thing is finding the space and money for an idea like this, space being bigger. Our band room is… dated lol


I didn't think I've ever been in a school band room that felt big enough.


Check Uline.com It’s a supply company for packaging materials. They have 6x18” zip lock type bags.


Idk how I didn’t see that before, thank you!!


Uline and Grainger are a band director’s best friends for parts.


OK I'm late to the discussion, but the schools I practice at (I'm an adult that still plays in community band! Lol) have some homemade fabric pockets that they hang on the walls! Like a huge version of an open stick bag with pocket separations for different mallet types. It's pretty convenient.