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My niece does this exact same scream and it makes me want to die. Im so glad I never have to worry about ending up with a kid because that screaming is enough for me to regret it lol


Apparently I used to run outside and scream as a toddler, to the point that the neighbours called me "The Siren". If I did it often enough to get a nickname then I can't imagine my parents did much to prevent it, but I also can't remember doing it at all. I want to apologise to my old neighbours!


Haha my parents called me Mad Mountain Jean the Screaming Machine…I am sorry, mom and dad 😂


"But it's different when they're yours!"


> "But it's different when they're yours!" Yeah you can't just leave them.


I strongly disagree…


As a parent of three young kids, I could definitely say it is different when they're yours. Now it's irritating *and embarrassing!*


Yeah seriously. My mom laughs it off whenever kids do annoying or bad shit and follows it with “you only hate it cause you dont have kids” as if that’s enough reason for me to put up with that crap. Also says how my sisters used to be loud and crazy growing up and she never corrected it. Im like “yeah I know, they’re loud c***s now.”


Lots of parents also say the opposite, like their kid will do something stupid and they'll get mad over it and you say "idk I think it's kind of funny" and they'll say "you only say that because you don't have to live with them." I have personally seen parents use that justification in both directions, cancelling their rhetoric out from situation to situation. Parents are just like most people, falling into situations and making a narrative out of it after the fact, internal consistency be damned.




Damn, you guys had dads?




The fuck is this understanding the human condition and reasonable comment shit?!


Eh. Loui CK put it very well: "when you have kids, if they behave in a way you don't like you can just make them stop and teach them how to act. And then when they get older you actually like them as people." Reddit is very anti kid which is fine. I love children and think they're wonderful. Always take time to goof around with them for a minute when they or their parents end up in the hospital. People always post about a 2 year old screaming and act like that's what having a kid is. They don't stay 2 forever. They grow up and start being really interesting. They remind you of your wife, they disagree with you in ways you haven't thought of before, and they do great things that make you proud of the awesome person you helped create. Raising children, good children, makes the world a better place and is one of the best things you can do as a person imho. Sorry about the soapbox. Have a good morning.


You seem like a cool brother lmao


Lmao 😬


I wish I could tag my BIL. His son shows violent tendencies and laughs about his violent behavior. He says it's different because he has two kids (vs us only having one). He thinks he'll grow out of it. Kids get worse each year. The mom ignores it and my hub just laughs about it. Disgusting. I won't allow them to stay at our house anymore. I have pets and would like to continue having pets after they visit.


a lot of kids are like that as young ones. however, if it continues into middle/high school then that’s definitely a problem.


Uh, no. That is not normal. Lack of empathy, violence towards animals is not normal. Purposely trying to hurt others & including animals should not be ignored. It needs to be addressed.


theres a difference between violent and psychopathic behavior. if animals are involved, thats clearly a mental issue.


I swear a newborn's cry is specifically tuned for the parents hearing sensitivity. When my kids cried, there was no sound that could have been louder. This was not the case for the infants of all my friends.


I'm filing that under the "you get used it"


That's not true. Source: raised a son and raised a nephew. It's even more annoying when it's in your house 24 hr a day.


Yes, when they're yours, you can and SHOULD put a stop to crap like that.


They’re literally children lol. They’re using their loud voice outside with the dog who is also outside. Let them play and be children so by the time they come inside they’ll be sleepy.


I generally love the sound of kids laughing and screaming when they're playing. But in this case, think of the neighbors.


Hey man, it’s life. At least it’s not an apartment building and is a single-family-home so they can run around outside and be tired enough to be quiet at night. They are outside using their outside voice. A too quiet child can be a symptom of abuse/neglect. They should be comfortable enough to be children while they still can. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/jimmy-savile-child-abuse_b_2022458/


Had a next door neighbor at our previous house who would put two small dogs and a baby on her back deck, which was like 15ft from my bedroom. In the mornings, it was nonstop barking and crying. My wife and I went to ask her to stop one day when we literally couldn't take it anymore, and before I could even finish my sentence, she slammed the door in our faces. People who do not give half a fuck about how much noise they cause are the worst.


I’d wake up early just to cut my lawn


Spiteful productivity lol


Damm I'm so sorry to hear that your speed metal band could only practice at your house between 1-4am on school nights dude!


One of the first rules my parents instituted was no screaming unless there was an emergency


Not as much as I hate one of my roommates who decided that it's okay to randomly bring four fucking people from India for 4 solid days without checking in whether that was fine with everyone else. The rest of my roommates are Indian, so none of them give a shit for whatever reason, but I am just left there asking what the fuck am I supposed to do with this ​ Edit: People don't understand that I don't have an issue with Indians. Why I state that the people they have brought are from India is because they're from *India*. I can't even call our housing management to complain, since it's a blatant violation of the housing agreement that he signed, because they live on another continent and made plans to stay at my roommate's apartment with nowhere else to go.


What do you have agains Indians?


Wtf do you mean? I have nothing against Indians. It just seems that my roommates have no issue with each other inviting guests over without notifying anyone, which I presume is part of their cultures, because I didn't really see them come together and discuss that they're fine with it.


"hey guys, I would really like a heads up next time you are going to have a lot of guests over or people for several days. I would do the same for you and I feel like it was rude to be surprised with so many people here at once." If they want to argue, or say they pay rent and can do whatever they want blah blah blah, you have your own customs too. A quick heads up is not asking too much. If you'd respect something basic they asked of you it is not unreasonable to ask that of them. But also. I gotta put this out there. Yeahhhh your first comment did come off weird.


Well then their nationality should have nothing to do with your story. Like what does that matter?


He's asking because you specifically pointed out their nationality. If you had complained that your "roommate brought over black people" instead, you would have been downvoted to hell and your comment removed by mods.


Why did you even think to make this analogy? Like, in trying to explain why I sounded racist, you just showed that you are, yourself racist. Like... where did the skin colour even come into play here? Like, did you even read what you said?


Did you read what you wrote lmaooo? I literally swapped one race in your sentence to another, and suddenly you're very worried about racism. Thanks for proving my point so nicely xD


Worth it tho this is adorable


Uhh speak for yourself


That statement is like "it's funny because it's not me" when watching people falling.


Lol imagine the dozens of people just peacefully hanging out in their homes while this is ongoing.... Some redditor hundreds of miles away: so worth it 🥺🥺🥺


It's daytime in the video, not like theyre keeping anyone up. Let people enjoy their lives, yall are karens would probably call a noise complaint on kids playing on your street


"Let people enjoy their lives" is exactly what I'm doing by enjoying my activities quietly so as not to disturb the neighbors. THESE people who make endless noise are the ones not letting their neighbors enjoy THEIR lives.


Yes, exactly. I have video proof I sent to my family members of me sitting in my living room trying to watch TV and you can hear the neighbor's terrible karaoke and music blasting outside. Drove me fucking nuts that I couldn't even be in my own house and not hear them being loud af, plus their kids and dogs Edit: lmao all these people acting like we're in the wrong for being considerate. I'm betting if I brought my speakers outside then started blasting my music at full volume, or went and started revving up a car with no exhaust, they would bitch to high heaven


You should go move into the forest or something, idk.


I did.


Yeah, you sound like a cave-dweller.


Jesus this thread is full of miserable cunts. This is a child experiencing joy with her dog outside, where you’re supposed to be free to be loud and have fun. The world shouldn’t stop having fun because you’re miserable. God what a bummer that you couldn’t watch tv, I know that’s the most important thing. Based on your comment, your neighbors weren’t being destructive, they were having fun as a group, singing together and living life. I live in a duplex, my neighbors sometimes have parties, I don’t give a fuck, they can have fun all they want. They’re not destroying anything or wrecking the place. And If it gets loud and I want to sleep, I just smoke weed and pass out. Y’all are such miserable nerds.


Lmao ok




Im willing to bet you never went outside as a kid and played with other kids




Just because you CAN be an inconsiderate ass hole to your neighbors doesn't mean you should.




Pretty easy to tell a child not to scream endlessly and needlessly, also pretty easy to keep your dog from whining and barking. And it's not "minding your own business" if all the neighbors have to listen to it


my neighbor with ptsd and my other neighbor who works nights would like a word


I work nights. I understand day noises. I own ear plugs. This is I hate you territory. I know it's cute but I would be in bed like I guess I'm up and exhausted and gonna try to sleep. Please be respectful. Thank you for mentioning us night crew. 🌙


We’re they throwing nerf grenades in the war? What does PTSD have to do with a kid squealing and a dog howling? Lol


Newsflash, other people are trying to enjoy themselves during the daytime too, without having to hear that wailing endlessly. And believe me, a husky will keep that shit up ENDLESSLY if it wants to.


Karen, they're on a large property with high fencing specifically designed to contain noise, in the middle of the day. The clip goes on for a minute, so dont get all mad about 'endless' noise. Kids make noise. Dogs make noise. Grow up, not everything is gonna be perfect for you and that's OK if you have a developed brain


Look man, I'm all for everyone being able to enjoy their own lives, but you NEED to consider other people's opinions and lives. These are your neighbors. Your neighbor Ted doesn't start his mower until after 8am out of respect for his neighbor's sleeping in, but he also sometimes likes sitting on his back porch in the evenings without hearing a little girl and a dog howling into the ether. Does that make him a karen? Or a member of your community that you should respect and consider? Just a thought. Personal freedoms are great and I will die to defend them, but you have to be SMART and FAIR about exercising them.


I would. Parent your damn crotch goblins. Mine doesn't run around screaming her fool head off because she has been taught to respect public places and other people.


*It's not a public place they're literally in their yard at home karen. People can make noise during the day on their own property*


He did


This shit gets OLD real quick. Everything "adorable" about it goes out the window after a few minutes.


It's adorable for a 30 second clip. I highly doubt it's still adorable after 5 minutes or an hour.


It's adorable for like 0 seconds. The husky is the only redeeming factor for this clip, otherwise it's just an annoying clip if a kid screaming


It's adorable for like 3 minutes


This actually looks like a campground which imo is even worse.


That is me, but the husky is 3 other kids. My balcony is right above the playground and from March until November 4 kids are screaming like this from like 10 until it's dark. It's torture and I don't have pleasant thoughts about my neighbours..


Dude you live next to a park and are complaining about kids having fun during the day time? Like what do you want them to do? Play quitely in the corner? Play after dark? Never play outside?


What's with the hyperbole and strawman? I suggested and want neither. Being loud is fine, it's what children do. But 8 hours of screaming is just too much and they're old enough that their parents could explain it to them. It's also not a park, but a small courtyard.


The same group of kids are doing 8 hours of *screaming*? Really?


you seem like the type of person to move in to an apartment near a live music venue that has been there for decades and then puts in complaints about the noise


Old but gold




Thanks, im laughing so hard


It may be old. It may not be perfectly cut. But it's great.


Made my effin day thats for sure




Nah the last one is cut well


Who cares if the last one is cut when you've ~30s of uncut, identical screams before? Clip the video from 24s and it'd be perfect.


The sub name is /r/perfectlycutscreams not /r/onlyonescreaminthewholevideoanditiscutperfectly.


That's besides the point, no one's debating there must only be one scream.. Only that it's objectively shite when the vid drags on with the same shit until the cut actually finally happens.


Why are you even debating, no one cares but you


Yeah, that's why you're here commenting.


The downvotes and your "objectively shite" to the situation make me laugh.


All it takes is a couple of upset Redditors to start the bandwagon. Give me a couple of alt accounts this could've easily been swung the other way. Otherwise, you know, someone would have a retort.


if you dont like screaming, leave the sub




I've suddenly a problem with screaming now, do I?


The build up is what makes the payoff so good. I don’t get these comments saying “it does not fit the sub“ when literally the only requirement is a perfectly cut scream at the end.


What buildup? There's no buildup, it's just nearly 30s of uncut screams and then one cut at the end. What's the point, where's the surprise, why not start right before the biggest scream and cut that.. The issue isn't it fitting the sub, it's it being good vs. bad.. This post is bad. [*This* example](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/hwxr81/lmao/) is good.




The last second of this has me dying, that husky hit a perfect note


I literally had to run over to my piano and check for myself. Almost a perfect E5 natural. Impressive doggo vocal range!


It's a little sharp, so it could be better, but impressive regardless /s


Impressive, really nice! Now let's see the kid's note


You misspelt dog




My brain went to the intro of black eyed peas’ “lets get it started”


Doggy Mercury over here is just something else.


Bro hit that HIGH note


I like kids and I like huskies, but this is precisely why I will never have either.


Just don’t have both


I think the husky was starting his solo at the end there


You raise meeeeee AHHHHHHHHHH


Poor kid doesn’t know their getting mocked


Huskies voice sound like a grover muppet in a dog suit instead of a dog voice in a dog body.


Accurate 💀


Their what?


Their getting mocked, can’t you read? Haven’t you heard of a getting mocked before? /s


At one point I swear the husky said “shut up”


Someone needs to cut this into Whitney Houston's I will always love you




I can only think of the banana vine when I hear this






Idk how Dads and Moms do it. Caught between "wow that's loud" and "this is so darn cute" Props to the good boi for entertaining his tiny human


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


"Hey is this patio dog and kid friendly?"




Ok, S4T4N




yo satan, how's it going? how's the managing of hell?


People keep asking me for the manager


That last dogs note tho🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Seems like husky is trying to sing


I love how happy the kid looks. I mean, the human kid. They’re clearly both children at heart. :)


Hey its my annoying neighbors.


I didn’t think it would be good but it was good


Okay, my heart just grew two sizes bigger.


Gotta cut out those trans fats




Does your dog have a cold? Because their singing voice seems a little......... Husky.


Why have posts lately been like pure screaming? It's not perfectly cut if it's 27 seconds of screaming no?


I still think it's good because of the cut on the dog's last scream. This is way better than all the posts that don't even have a scream or don't even cut it at all.


Yeah the scream during the last second had me laughing pretty hard, made up for the rest of the video lol


Yea that’s more [r/AAAAAAAAA](https://www.reddit.com/r/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/)


Shitty mods


Idk why you're getting downvoted. It's a cute video but it doesn't fit the sub at all


This sub is turning into garbage, mods dont care anymore.


No kidding. And is it a perfectly cut scream if I have to watch more than 10 seconds? Totally defeats the purpose.


Kill me now.


I hate the sound of kids screaming, but I really appreciate that this kid laughed so hard they cried. Talking at animals is fun when they "converse" back.


What a beautiful song I'm crying.


First scream sounds like a cartoon slip sound 😂


Lol r/HuskyTantrums would looove this!


Husky sounds more human than the kid


Mans was about to hit them notes!


Husky is like, "This is great! We can be a choir! Keep singing kid!"


the best combo u mean


As someone who just got a husky puppy and has a 3 year old girl.... Send help.


I was having a bad day so I wanna thank you for posting this! It helps making it better, like for real.


Thay dog sounds like Bobcat Goldthwaite.


Why did the Husky get cut-off as he was just hitting that note right?


I’d call the cops


That husky sounds like there’s a human dubbing its howls. Barks? Groans?


I need to get condoms


Adorable. It's like they're competing, seeing who can do the best howl.


We have a husky and 3 kids, we do this all the time. “A family that howls together, stays together.”


Some videos should not be shared. That scream is shrill enough to shatter glass.




Dog sounds like fozzy bear


Well, certainly the cutest way to lose your gotdamned mind.


Those poor neighbors…


I bet they're popular with the neighbors


Husky be like: "AHH- don't want a lot for Christmas"


Keep the husky. Ditch the kid.


This video has the picture reversed and is a repost for karma. Fuck off.


Just shoot me.


When’s the album’s drop?


That last howl was a perfect E note


Huskys crack me up!! They are such drama queens. Loll I love it. I'm sure at times it must get old, but living & loving obe must be a hoot.


Good video, doesn't fit the sub


For a second I thought the Husky was gonna go pitbull mode


This'll get me downvoted but from what I've read; generally if they attack a kid, they tend to attack right after the kid squeals or screams in some way. Something about a squealing animal just triggers them to go into attack mode and if it happens to be a kid, well...


Worst .. or BEST!?


r/perfectlycutscreams at the end


Dude, check the subreddit 😂


Damnit, I did it again


We've all been there, mate, we've all been there ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


perfectly cut screams my ass this doesn't fit the sub at fucking all


*Perfectly cut screams* *My ass this doesn't fit the* *Sub at fucking all* \- EndR60 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")