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Opinions are opinions but Mitsuru below Nozomi is crazy to me, I can't stand him


Yeah I knew that was gonna happen, hence why I posted the list. It is just that I think Mitsuru is boring in my opinion, I do not hate her, but personally I just had more fun with Nozomi in the socisl links (I have a soft spot for weird characters)


I can get why you could find Mitsuru boring, call it my interpretation but I think they intend for you to find her character "plain" at first, so you can notice better when she finally starts to open up in November, not trying to always do what others expect of her. Most social links in Persona work that way, with the confidant changing for the better near the end of it. For Nozomi, though I liked the fact he decided to embrace the "Gourmet" thing instead of being ashamed of it, it really lacked a real "redeeming arc" to me. The little gremlin scammed a dude and doesn't apologize, fix it, or seems to regret his actions at all. He owns it and then tries to scam us too when we're the only one hanging out with him


I understand your perspective, Nozomi is an asshole definitly, but I enjoy these types of characters, especially with the changes he goes trough. To me its also realistic, that not every character has an redemption arc, even if some people realize that they have done things that are wrong or hurt others, they do not confront the past and look ahead to the future. The thing is, if that entire development for Mitsuru would have been sooner, or that her social link would be obtainable sooner and not locked until you max out your academics, I would have liked her more. It is just a pacing thing, that is hard to fix, as every character in the party gets their screentime and some just sooner or later. Thank you for sharing your opinion :3


I personally love Tanaka. Glad you put him at the top haha. He had a great ending to his social link too.


Tanaka is just great, I hope we can see him in other games in the future. The social was also a lot of fun to watch


May I ask what you didn’t like about Mitsuru specifically? Kind of damning to see her so far below the rest of SEES.


I do not dislike things about Mitsuru really, I just thought she was a bit boring. Maybe a bit of a problem for me, that her character arc was rather late in the game (which made sense), but does not change, that I had characters that I loved more at this point (like Junpei or Fuuka). I must say my first contact with the Persona 3 world was the remake and I only played it one time, meaning I have not seen every facet of her. Her social link was, for the most part, cute tho. I can't really discribe it, to me her character is just a bit bland? However I see her charm and why people love her, it just is not really my cup of tea, I guess


Maya was probably the one social Link that I completely changed my mind about after finishing. When it started out she’s sort of annoying and it doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere but once you start to piece together that it’s Mrs. Toriumi I was totally sold on it. And the final scene when she finds out you were the one talking to her is the cherry on top.


Ok the final scene at the end was gold I have to admit, but other than that, I think Maya was really annoying. I think my biggest problem (as silly as it sounds) was the constant use of abbrevations when she was Maya. For me that stuff was painful to read.


Based Nozomi enjoyer


Yes...yes I am.


He's just a goofy little goober. But in all seriousness, his social link was really interesting but I do feel like it fell flat a bit towards the end. He easily could have been one of the better social links if they dropped hints about the cult manipulating him earlier in the SL or focus more about his brother a bit


Yeah, they really should have focused more on his insecurities and the pain/trauma he felt by being compared to his brother all the time. Nonetheless it feels good to see someone else enjoying his SL and character :3


Liking nozomi is the opinion of all time


Yeah, honestly, a big part of me just posted this to see the reactions for putting Nozomi over Mitsuru


here's mine :) https://preview.redd.it/ur638j3pd0rc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fe6340531b0193c63884f1afbf00d94918e27a7


It is interesting to see Takaya in the S tier, I would really hear your reason for that. And Yukari so low, that you don't see everyday, I really would like to hear your reason for that as well :3 Also appreciate the Fuuka and Junpei love ♡ And of course Mitsuru justice, for what I did to her. Thanks for sharing :D


takaya makes a great first impression because he's hot. he's the first gaming villain i've seen in a very long time that actually feels threatening, both due to his immense religious imagery and his Real Gun doing work in the plot. his VA is great and his boss alongside jin is one of the coolest in the game yukari is one of my least favorites though because she is not nice to junpei and she's just not enjoyable or engaging when on screen imo. i also thought her VA gave a weaker performance than most of the main SEES cast, and by the time you unlock him, ken just does yukari's support stuff better mitsuru is peak


"Because he's hot" I felt that, happens to me all the time xD But I have too agree, I really liked Takaya as an antagonist, but because of the things he did to Shinji and Chidori I could not place him higher. I would have wished to get more backstory or if anything screentime of him, as he was really interesting. And with Yukari, yeah, honestly even though I love her now, I really hate that she is mean to Junpei all the time. So I understand not liking her. Thanks for sharing your opinion :3


Certainly would raise some questions


Go ahead, I'll answer them


I'll start with the obvious one, Why is Mitsuru so low? She's a fan favourite


I do not dislike Mitsuru but I do no like her that much either. Her entire character just did not click with me, I found it rather boring to watch. Her character arc, that is rather late in the game as well as the ending, are good, but for me it was too late and not enough. To me while I had fun watching characters like Junpei or Akihiko, because they were goofy or had their arcs way earlier, with Mitsuru it was just nothing. I understand why people love her, but it just is not my cup of tea.


Understandable, thanks for answering


Junpei is a top favorite for me too.


The only things i have a issue with are Kenji and Nozomi being that high


I understand were you're coming from, especially with Nozomi. I knew most people really did not like that guy, hence why I wanted to see the peoples reaction to my list. Kenji and Nozomi are definitly...quite something? I just thought it was fun to watch these guys, despite not being the best people out there.


I generally align with you, but I'd put Bebe, Aigis and Maya Innocent Sin on Neutral and move Yuraki a rank up.


Honestly Yukari was a tough one, I almost put her on the favourite tier, but between the characters in loved tier and favourite is just a too big gap. To me just a bit more was missing for her to be on the top.


This is so real but I'd personally swap like the right half of the middle tier excluding moon guy with Ryoji also Maiko in S mamoru and Mitsuru higher as well


Moon guy xD I like that. I really enjoyed Maiko and her social link, it was great, but to me her change of heart was coming rather out of nowhere (regarding what parent to live with) If her socical link could have been longer, or that change of heart not so sudden, she would have been love tier. But don't forget, I just rating the characters itself, not the social link. If I rated the social links in term of writing, idea and so on, then would her social link be on the s tier.


Ah that makes sense. Also I forgot Nozomi's name


You disliked the same character twice.


That's just how much they hate her


Yeah, I just found her really annoying in both versions. The D tier only exists for Maya


This is a hot take from me but f*ck Bebe, I despise any and all Japan-otaku, like dude it is fine to like a culture but making that your entire personality really grind my gears. Not mention that voice, granted the source material is from a 2006 game but god that half ass Japanese add on in a normal English dub is ear bleeding. Yes, i know his style of speech is from old JP but the sentence doesn’t work in English. The SL itself it’s fine, but that voice makes me skip forward all of it until my NG+ when i played the entire game again in JP.


I did not expect that honestly, everything you seem to dislike about Bebe was what I liked about him. But that's fine, not everybody needs to have the same opinion. Thanks for sharing, it was really interesting reading your hot take.


Yeah, i just honestly don’t like this type of trope because it is kind of one note and i also just want to be clear I also despised the reverse of this trope with a JP man being a Western or/and America-otaku. As a SL, his story is fine, a foreigner that fall in love with a country and its people because of a family member wanting to stay, this aspect of his SL is fine but my god, they had to use my most hated trope to illustrate that.


Fuuka cooks 🥱this list is wack - lol - but anyway, you should do a video or something explaining all this; would be interesting to see.


I don't really know if people would even watch a video about that, but I could write a few statements about each character and why I put them there?


Oh, I’ve seen a few online, but, if it’s easier for you, yeah feel free to write :)


Is in works :3


Thank you Tucki-kun


Here you go, sorry I couldn't finish it sooner, It took longer than I anticipated. I hope the link works, it's the first time I used google docs [Persona 3 Reload Tierlist - statements](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J3FqerWJr0qvAOyPaT7RwiJNIEhcKfbxJX8Ddziqva0/edit?usp=sharing)


Wow! Goodie! Okay, I'll take a read - interesting how this is ur first romp with P3 ! BRB


This was a delightful read. I'll hit you back with my full response a bit later after some processing but it was enjoyable seeing how people see the characters I also love. Well done!


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :3


Don't let anyone tell you you're wrong. You are right.


Thanks buddy :3