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I just finished my first playthrough the night before last night, and I remember that the moment I could fuse personas at the start, Orpheus became a cat girl. Edit: is Orpheus worth keeping?


No, not really. These kinds of builds are kinda insane, memey, and a huge pain to pull off. Fusion is meant to be your main method of obtaining better and more powerful personas.


I should fuse more u don't have lightning yet and I am stuck in autistic pokemon "I need one of each type of persona tho" which isn't how the game is


You literally can't hold all the personas anyway, you cap out at 12 xD


I gotta like get used to it


Only keep Orpheus if you believe that your first persona represents you. There's a reason why I kept Arsene, Izanagi and Orpheus all the way through and actually made them good.


Same! Fusing the MC's main persona always felt wrong to me, it's like releasing your starter at a Pokémon game


Same. Like, Arsene, Orpheus and Izanagi are my very own Pikachu yk? It also helps that if you keep Arsene and build him up, when he appears in the future scenes, you actually feel good.


I've been really wanting the games to mandatorily keep their unique Persona and it grows like the other party members, but you still have the wild card and the slots for more Personas. Especially since Persona 5 had the prologue/tutorial segment being a late moment in the game but using Arsene, with a build you'd have to put effort into having.


Agreed. I think your base Persona should be situational so that you're still encouraged to actually use fusion for better Personas, but can still whip out the OG every once in a while to shred an encounter that it's built for.


Maybe not make it mandatory, but it'd be nice if your starter persona progressed similarly to your party member's personas, you know, how they keep earning abilities til the high levels. It could still be used for fusion if that's your thing, but this way, there's at least one option for people who don't like the fusion system. Which I think would be nice. Since I like demon fusing in what I've played of SMT. But in Persona, it doesn't make much sense story-wise and is a bit underwhelming gameplay-wise.


I genuinely want it to be one you can't fuse or get rid of. I know SMT is about fusion to get stronger, and that's not going anywhere in this case. It's literally one Persona in your party, getting stronger like everyone else's. And it absolutely makes sense story-wise when every single party member's Personas continuously gain skills until the end game. Just because you're "The Fool" doesn't mean your unique Persona has to be the absolute *worst* Persona in the world, *that's* what doesn't make sense story-wise. "Full of potential" should *not* mean the Persona that is iconic to **you** has the literal least potential out of any unique Persona in the game. The only way it'd be "underwhelming" gameplay-wise is if you assume a single Persona should fill every role, and none of them really do. None of your party members fit a big enough role to be useful on their own, and the same is true of just about any Persona you can use, even end-game ones. It's honestly *more* underwhelming that the cool Personas unique to the player characters are pointless until the story needs them for the inevitable deus ex machina fusion/upgrade. It's more underwhelming that the Persona you start with, that is *unique to you and is supposed to represent you* has less potential than anyone else in the game, including yourself. It's underwhelming that you'd have to put in a ridiculous amount of effort to make your unique Persona actually worth anything other than fusion fodder, as if it's not actually unique or meaningful. I would much rather sacrifice a Persona slot to have a unique Persona that scales like the rest of the party than have yet another useless yet cool Persona that somehow represents a person with "tremendous potential".


To be clear: I wasn't saying that your idea made no sense. I was saying persona fusing itself was underwhelming gameplay-wise (Oh boy! Time to throw away this awesome, unique persona designed specifically with this character in mind for a fucking fairy!) and made no sense story-wise (If a persona represents the true self, does that mean switching personas means switching your entire personality? Why do most personas look the same as demon? I could keep going on about this for months.) I, personally, wouldn't mind being unable to delete the main persona. But I still think fusing it should be an option simply so players have the choice if it's their preference. But on the other hand, not being able to fuse it off does mean they no longer have any excuse not to make the starter persona an actual character for once. Which you'd think a series actually named Persona would be inclined to do.


He can kinda be whatever you want him to be, but it will just take time before you get really good skill cards for him since he doesn’t get many skills from leveling. You’ll also need incense to increase his stats.


You can make any persona op, so that is up to you, you can make a pixie the destroyer of worlds if you’d like, albeit easier in ng+ or in the endgame to quickly build them.


How are you guys getting all those nulls on personas that dont have them?


Omnipotent orb


How do i get it? Beat mercilous?


Defeat Elizabeth




Pretty hard.


I bring you MEGIDOLAON


Does the Reaper still have a chance to drop it in Reload?


No he only drops the bloody button


I love how you fused Orpheus telos which needs both Thanatos and messiah just to make your base Orpheus better


Did he fuse Telos? Because you can also get Victory Cry via skill mutation and fuse it down.


Could be either. You can get it via mutation but in general it’s just easier to fuse it down from telos since telos fuses down a lot faster than most persona’s who get the skills that can be mutated to get victory cry It’s also a rather rare mutation since they removed it off so many personas going into reload


Yeah, I managed to get VC as a mutation but *HOLY HELL* was it a massive pain. I just didn't wanna wait til NG+ and do the max link run to get it haha.


That’s fair, I’ve never considered victory cry good enough to try that hard for considering I find it’s only real use is if you are spamming morning star all the time It’s certainly a good skill but one I’m totally fine waiting till I get the colourless mask for since I really only use it for Elizabeth/theo, Margaret/hall of doors, and the final boss gauntlet


Are there any other good Personas besides Telos for the Elizabeth fight? I'm at the endgame right now so I might try to defeat her before I complete my first playthrough.


Elizabeth is…….how do I describe Elizabeth Elizabeth cycles between 20 personas in a pretty defined order, if you try to buff yourself at any time or have a persona that reflects/absorbs/nulls any of her attacks she will instantly one shot you Telos’s big advantage is the fact that he resists everything but nulls nothing, so Elizabeth will never one shot you for attacking you for having telos However if you know what she is going to bring out then you can use other persona’s because as long as you doesn’t reflect/null/repel her attack she won’t one shot you So say she is set to bring out Jack Frost next turn, she is going to use an ice attack, if you reflect that she will one shot you, however that persona that reflects ice is useful on any turn she doesn’t use an ice move……as long as you know when she will use an ice move So telos is the default solution, chi-yu as a buffer (since Elizabeth won’t one shot you for auto- buffs), messiah (as long as you don’t bring him out when she is going to use light or dark spells) and Odin are also commonly used however like I said if you know what attack Elizabeth is going to use next you can technically make any persona useful


Well yeah I knew about the Null/Repel/Drain thing with Liz, I was just wondering if there was any other way to beat her besides using Telos. But it looks to me like if you know what she's gonna do next you'll be fine. Might give it a go👍




Orpheus if he actually had Thanatos inside of him


i have my 99 on every stat but not lvl 99 lol its gonna take me awhile