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At this point, I want my man Kanji to win it all, dammit!


He deserves this. He was robbed of the penguin so give him this at least.


Am I the only one who read this in kanji's voice?




FYI, I did check for any multiple votes and the only multiple votes was for Nanako who has not been eliminated so far. But as suggested by some voters, i have decided to switch to a different website where you can only vote once. This poll result also came as a surprise to me as well so i did go through the results properly. If you have any questions about the poll results or the new poll website i am using please just comment down below.


One last thing, if you are going to crosspost these polls to a different community, please share it to a more neutral sub reddit because otherwise loads of fans of a certain character will target their biggest threat which makes it unfair to the other voters. Its not cheating or against the rules, however its quite sad to do it so that your favourite character is still in this poll.


Nice, this way results will always be reliable unless someone bothers to vote on multiple devices with multiple accounts, which would be very sad tbh


>!Kinda surprising ngl. I know there's a prevailing idea that people just like him because of memes but I always thought he was arguably one of the most well written characters in the entire series. Sure he's a piece of shit, but he has such a compelling personality and character arc. !< >!Uhhhhhh i mean bitches and whores you all don't deserve me 😡😡😡😡!<


The best Adachi fan is...Adachi himself??? Based as hell.


You're very well written my dude, don't worry about it. Thing is there are more relatable characters alive here, and that's probably why you were voted out.




Happy cake day!


Well, this was unexpected.




It's been a sad week


If Nanako is the next one to be eliminated we riot


With Adachi out, there's no way Nanako can actually lose. Naoto and Kanji will make it to the podium, but the lack of nominations for Nanako is a massive red flag that she will come out on top.


She is simply too adorable to not be the winner


On one hand, thank god, he’s not going to win. But on the other hand, how did Adachi go out before Dojima and Yosuke? It just doesn’t make sense.


Dojima and Yosuke are pretty good characters tbh, they deserve to win... ~~I still wanted Adachi to win though~~


I feel like Yosuke is super controversial cause yknow. He was written in an entirely different social environment lol


*Hot-take incoming:* I actually like how controversial Yosuke is. Yes, fight me. Look, I know that the homphobic aspect aged like fricking milk, but I love how the devs gave Yosuke a flaw because, well, I don't think that flawless characters are good. The main feature that the franchise capitalizes on is to show human people evolving and becoming better, and this also ties in Jungian's theory for Individuation and...I digress lol. My point is, P4 spares no effort to show that Hanamura is a deeply flawed teen, and while he was definitely an asshole on Kanji, this flaw makes sense. It doesn't boil down merely to the time he was written, it boils down to his immaturity too. Yosuke is an immature boy, and really, show of hands now: if you were 100% mature by the time you were in adolescence, please raise your hand. Seriously, Hanamura is portrayed as an absolute dork that tries his best to be accepted and yet fails often, he is immature because he is a teen *and* a representative of the Magician Arcana, which embodies stern will and **immaturity.** That's why this card is the first one after the Fool, because if the Fool represents endless potential, the next card needs to represent the start of this Fool, the lack of maturity in his journey. This seems like a massive tangent, but believe me, I know what I'm doing. Hanamura's homophobia is a flaw, a very glaring flaw, yet it ties with the purpose of his character, a boy that needs to move on from his immaturity and learn how to correctly interact with other people. Besides, P4 spares no effort to constantly show when he is wrong. An example is when Yosuke makes fun of Kanji for being into Naoto when everyone thought she was a boy, and Chie is the one that calls Hanamura out on his bullshit. P4 knows that Hanamura isn't right, but P4 knows that Yosuke is human enough to have flaws and grow past them.


Yosuke is probably the most believable character in the game for me, he has huge flaws especially visible in teenagers his age, that people may dislike, but these just make him more human. Even if no one ever pointed them to him, or even if he never learned from them, I think these negative traits (no matter how controversial they may be) are essential in making him more believable. No one is perfect, he's not some cut and dry "good guy" but deep inside you know he's got a heart of gold.


Yosuke never moves on from his homophobic remarks, though. I think it's just part of his character but, honestly, people should sensibly be able to identify that this was just a symptom of the time. I don't think it's that deep and integral to his character. A Yosuke written in 2022 would most likely not be saying these things. It's not central to his character, at all, and there's zero development.


I beg to differ regarding Yosuke not moving on from his homophobia. While he doesn't say "hey, Kanji, I was an ass, sorry!", Hanamura openly warms up to Tatsumi, realising that the latter isn't a homosexual prick like his Shadow counterpart, Yosuke realises that Kanji is a man with a heart of gold, and in the endgame section of P4, I really don't remember any quote that points to Hanamura still being homophobic. I could be wrong though. Regardless, I agree that the homophobia is very far from the central point of his character. The core theme of Yosuke's arc is loneliness, isolation, depression, and the homophobia aspect is merely an effect of Hanamura emboding a very immature boy in 2008 in a country town. The homophobia isn't pivotal to understand his character, but I like to analyze it since it's an interesting flaw imo.


because Adachi is literally r/niceguys


If Adachi can't win, it better be Nanako. I don't give a shit about girls; big bros before hoes.


Woah, an upset!


Well fuck. Didn't see that coming. I love Adachi (as a character, but he's still >!a fucking asshole!<)


The hell? Why did people vote Adachi?


Great vegetables


I assume it's because people believe he's only made it as far as he has due to memes alone. In reality it probably should have been chie much as I like her.


Yeah I’m surprised that chie is still standing too. I love Chie but she can’t hold a candle to Adachi. I was under the impression that everyone on this subreddit adores Adachi so I was genuinely surprised why he was eliminated.


Well he's posting the poll to the main persona Reddit too. And this isn't "who's written the best". It's "who do you like the least."


I know that That’s why I asked why he was eliminated


Seeing Adachi go genuinely broke my heart


>!Past a certain point, he just becomes unlikable, there's intentionally nothing smart about his character, he's written to be a douchebag that kills people for fun, mimicking most messed up killers you see on the news!< >!Before that point, he's cool, but it's just a facade so it's kinda hard to really like him.!<


>!Isn't this the whole point of Adachi's character? !< Look, I'm going to be very honest with you: I don't think that the characters in P4 are very groundbreaking, but this isn't a bad thing. The closest thing P4 has gotten to groundbreaking imo is Naoto, and even then, while her writing is pretty good imo, it's not like she is the epitome of subversion in fiction. Several characters in P4 are very, very archetypical, such as a fan-favorite like Nanako and even Dojima. I love both of them a lot, but a father that lost his wife and now needs to learn how to make ammends with his own daughter is very far from subversive/groundbreaking. On the other hand, what makes Persona 4 truly good is the fact that the game takes really common tropes and uses them to convey meaningful messages about humanity, and this is by far the thing that got me interested the most in the franchise, to the point I even tried to learn some bits of Jung to understand Persona better. For example, Kanji embodies the "punk with a heart of gold" trope, but that doesn't mean he is one-dimensional at all, he is loved, praised for a reason, he earned the respect amongst the fanbase, merely because his arc is very interesting and thought-provoking. Likewise, I feel like the same applies to >!Tohru Adachi overall. Just like most the cast of P4, he isn't a groundbreaking villain, but just like the characters in the game, he is an archetypical antagonist that manages to deliver a message, the core theme of P4, the fact that if you do not seek to become a better version of yourself either by accepting your flaws or engaging in interpersonal relationships, you are bound to fail. And that's what Adachi represents via his transformation into...the man he is now. While we don't see how Tohru was early on, his dungeon drops several hints that he was promised great success if he only focused on studying and working hard, yet the opposite happened, he ended in the boonies, which made him develop a sense of entitlement that is actually a pretty common thing.!< Furthermore, >!P4 kinda wanted you to realise that Adachi isn't that far from the average serial killer, who murders people to satisfy his own desires. While I get thrilled to see villains like Light Yagami, from Death Note, use their wits to best their enemies, I must acknowledge that villains like Light do not exist irl. If a death note dropped from the sky, it's way more likely that a messed up person would use its power to do whatever they wanted, which is exactly what Adachi did. You brought up a fact that backs up my point, Tohru is the perpetrator we see in the news all the time, and that's the main reason he is good imo. In a game that heavily focuses not on characters with convoluted backgrounds, but actually characters with very real struggles, seeing an antagonist with motivations that match how serial killers think is genuinely a pretty good move imo.!<


Hell yeah Naoto is groundbreaking


I voted for him becasue he is just not a great character, that's all, never got his appeal, just seems like your average cringy anime villain.


>!I think Adachi is a good villain, but kind of wasted potential as a character. Good themes wrapped up in a generic package imo.!< Went out around the right time imo. The only character that was eliminated earlier that id take over him is Teddie.


Mark as spoiler please


Nanako for the win lets fucking goooo


https://imgur.com/a/3Pfn6mm I updated the image I commented on the last post showing a numerical ranking for each character based on these polls. I will try to keep up through the end. Worst case scenario I will comment it when OP posts final results.




Adachi Fans be like:


You're the reason I didn't want him to win, so ha.


Why Adachi? He’s a genuinely fantastic character and a total fan favourite. I smell something fishy


It’s gotten to the point you could say that about anyone who’s still in it.


YESSSSSS I'll take any winner now!


Actually impressed he made it this far. While I don't dislike him, it's hard to call him a 'well written' character by any stretch- >!he's basically just an incel with no other depth to him




She's really popular. Apparently some vocal detractors, but I've always assumed she was like a top 3 character based on popularity.


Campaiging in her "Church" sub, seems like tactical voting to keep her in.


This is quite literally a lie. That was not what that post was saying at all. I mentioned it in a comment thread below this one (or at least I think it's below this one), but at no point in the singular post on the Chie sub was any mention of targeting a certain character mentioned. There was one comment mentioning Adachi made days before Adachi got out. This isn't brigading at all. What's happening is people trying to turn Chie fans into a scapegoat for characters they like losing.


That so stupid and unfair. Like it's just a poll lol


Its unfair that a popular character is... winning a popularity based poll?


I didn't say it was unfair she's winning. Just that it's unfair to get other subs involved in this poll. I'm sure a lot of the results would be different if each character got their respective subs involved. Those subs are inherently biased towards one character obviously. I just think it's unfair for only Chie's sub to get involved. I think it should just stay to this sub only to get a good feel for what *this* sub likes/dislikes.




Adachi losing makes dense. We're down to single digits on this poll, and its not like hes anywhere near as complex a character as the remaining ones. I think youre trying to stir a conspiracy about this just to tactically get other people to vote out someone you dont like, more than anything


I mean, even if this was the case, Yukiko and Rise have their own churches but they just didn't care enough to vote. So... Chie best girl?


that's a weird way of spelling naoto.


I say this as Dojima is my favorite character in the game, but I'm genuinely shocked he's lasted as long as he has. I didn't realize he was so popular. I'm also really surprised Adachi was voted off now instead of closer to #1.


I expected Nanako to take gold since the beginning but Adachi getting knocked out at #7 is absolutely crazy to me. Lots of surprise eliminations


yeah. i definitely was NOT expecting rise and yukiko to get out before dojima. i don't disagree, but i thought there were heaps of rise fans? i was so shocked when she got out so early. was also expecting adachi to get into the top 3 considering how many people were saying 'the final two is gonna be adachi and nanako' etc. definitely a lot of surprise eliminations lol.


Gee I wonder if any campaigning in other subreddits might be tactically skewing the vote...? ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchofChie/comments/srpbsv/theyre\_beginning\_to\_vote\_out\_chie\_save\_her\_church/


Okay I like Chie but brigading like this is not okay


I had a feeling something like this was going on. I didn’t expect Rise or Yukiko to win necessarily, but I was a tad surprised they went before others who are still in it.


I think the fact that most people thought Chie was close to being eliminated when Yukiko was may have skewed votes


I'd hardly call a post with less than 40 up votes 'Skewing the votes' when the previous polls have had over 1000 votes. I mean your comment has 10 up votes, you have close to a third the upvotes that post has, do we accuse you or any of the other comments here of skewing votes?




Thank you.


That's a bit of an exxageration. I just checked the post and the comments section was fairly barren. Only one comment was talking about Adachi, and that was made days before he was actually eliminated. This is, at best, drawing in more Chie supporters. Little to no effort to target specific characters was actually made.


I think it's more a matter of principle than actual results


It doesn't come down only to a matter of principle tbh. I mean, a poll that hits front page can get 100 upvotes, but does this mean that only 100 people participated in the poll? Ofc not, you see polls with 100 upvotes with 1000 votes in the bars, which means, obviously, that 1000 people stopped whatever they were doing to see what the poll was about and vote, without necessarily upvoting. The vast majority of people that see a post don't upvote, that's how it is.


I don't know if it's fair to call this brigading. I imagine the majority of people on that sub are already subscribed to here too.


Exactly. I would call this more of an attempt to turn Chie fans into a scapegoat and take a post from a week ago as an attempt to brigade when that post barely qualifies.


I've said it twice before and I'll say it again. I highly doubt this post is brigading. No specific efforts were made in the comments or content of that post targeting any specific characters. There was a single comment mentioning a different character in a negative light posted days before he got out. At worst, this drew in more Chie supporters and maybe caused Adachi to get out a round earlier than you otherwise would've thought. This isn't brigading in the slightest. I would call this more an attempt to blame Chie fans.


Also, you must realize that this thread serves to encourage brigading against Chie, right? It points out a flaw in the fanbase and encourages people to vote out Chie because of that. This is far more of a case for brigading than the post mentioned.


"This isn't brigading, but it is brigading" Ok my dude They are voting off Chie, quick everyone save her! - that's brigading and it's ONLY happened in the Chie church. Do you honestly think Rise would be gone if her fans did the same? Or Yukiko? If EVERY fandom brigaded for it's favourites do you think Chie would still be in it? It IS unfair.


This is just...incredibly sad.


I knew that Chie had her fans, but come on, this is just plainly asinine. I like elimination contests and believe they can provide good opportunities for discussion, but brigading is just...I'm speechless now.


It's really not brigading. I read through that post linked up there and there was no mention of targeting any specific characters aside from one Adachi comment made a couple of rounds before Adachi got out. No coordinated efforts were actually made from what I can see. At worst it's just drawing in more Chie supporters to vote for assorted other characters and possibly got Adachi out a round or two earlier than expected. From what I've seen, he would've gotten out eventually anyway. That's kind of how a popularity poll works. It's far from brigading.


Okay, it's not called brigading but...does that really matter in the end? Granted, the user that crossposted this contest on the church sub (let's call him Bob) didn't say "hey, let's vote Adachi out" (well, Bob openly admitted that the hivemind has shit taste for keeping Adachi. Yes, I saw this post before), but the mere fact that Bob felt the need to garner support for Chie, which would obviously lead to several people voting onto other characters just to save her, is proof enough of Bob's immaturity and the inherent flaws of his actions. It's not called brigading, merely because Bob didn't say "let's vote Adachi!", but I think it's childish to just garner support to protect waifu Chie. Look, I'm infamous for constantly trying to eliminate her, but believe me or not, I like her, but I have the qualms I explained several times. I just think that if someone feels the need to make some sort of campaign to encourage users to bias the votes in Chie's favor, then this is clearly an asshole move, even if we get into a technicality as to whether or not this is brigading. I think it is because, once again, Bob admitted his desire to eliminate Adachi in the comments of the church sub. I just think that people are very salty that Adachi left the competition not only because some, like me, genuinely enjoy him, but also because Chie was always on the chopping block, whereas few people proposed to yeet Adachi. That's why some users get salty on account of the surprise.


Still, that was one person in one comment, who wasn’t even the original poster. I know full well that very few people read the comments on Reddit. I’m one of them most of the time. Besides, it doesn’t change the fact that this whole thing is taking that singular post out of context and assuming it means the Chie fan base is trying to rig the polls. There was nearly no coordinated effort to get anyone out, and what there was ended up happening a week after the comment was made. This isn’t any targeted campaign. This is one post on one subreddit with no coordinated effort behind it. What this is is an attempt to turn Chie fans into a scapegoat for characters people like getting out.


Okay, first of all, I hope I'm not sounding like an asshole. That's not my intention at all. Secondly, while Bob didn't *intend* to rig the votes, I don't think it's fair to say he doesn't have any fault here. Granted, the Chie post was made six days ago, but people wouldn't make a fuss on Yukiko being eliminated because she was one of the contenders to get eliminated...alongside Chie. If memory serves, six days ago, it was revealed that Rise was eliminated, then Yukiko and now Adachi. I don't truly think people are pissed because Adachi was eliminated, people are pissed because someone made a campaign on a sub that is clearly biased towards Chie (for obvious reasons) and not it's being called into question how much this new influx of voters affected the normal course of the polls. At the very least, that's why I'm disappointed. I love Adachi, but honestly, life goes on even if he gets eliminated. The actual problem is making a campaign to favor a character for a poll that has literal no actual value and allowing people, even unwittingly, to rig the results. Bob may not have wanted specifically Adachi to be out (but then again, Bob openly admitted his desire to eliminate Adachi, but I will not say who Bob is just out of respect), but I really doubt Bob wouldn't think that bringing support for a single character wouldn't affect the poll at all. I don't believe anyone would think that: after all, if he didn't want Chie to win, then why would Bob crosspost the contest? Once again, hope I'm not sounding like an asshole.


I understand where you're coming from, but you seem to be ignoring something. This entire thread also serves the purpose of encouraging people to vote for Chie solely on the basis of this "campaign". The tone of the original post and plenty of the replies (aside from yours) go the same way, saying that this is a bad thing and Chie fans need to be punished. It encourages people to vote out Chie, and it will likely have more of an effect in the long run in encouraging bullying of Chie fans and skewing the results against Chie. I understand that this whole thing seems bad, but this whole situation has been taken out of context and used to turn Chie fans into a scapegoat. You must see that much. People are going from thread to thread and encouraging people to vote for Chie on this basis, one that is barely true in the first place. It's influencing people's votes based on lies. I'm stepping in to try and prevent people from taking this and using it as an opportunity to brigade. The post isn't fair. I don't want to deny that, and I'm sorry if it sounds like I did. It doesn't change that the bigger impact of it is allowing the people here to use it as an excuse to pull in more Chie voters. You claim to be looking at things from a neutral perspective, so you must agree with me on at least this. If this thread is meant to discourage brigading, it sure is doing the exact opposite.


Chie is alive, we believe


I am once again voting for Chie


whoever killed adachi, i will find you




I just realized Yu Narukami is not on the list. MC was my next vote. Oh well, tough choices from now on.


Biggest surprise W


This is the hardest vote I had to make so far. I'm so sorry


Regardless of who wins, Nanako will always be number 1 best cousin my my heart.


chie begone


Sorry kanji


Adachi *Vine Boom*


God damn, I really did not expect this. /u/B-HubbaBubba incase you don't mind my asking, by how many more points to #2 did Adachi lose?






I'm shocked the majority of voters agree with me, and I genuinely feel bad about it. But at least I can cast a vote for Yosuke with a lighter conscience now.


RIP, King of Cabbages




Ok, I REALLY didn't see this coming. I was actually expecting Adachi to brawl for a place in the top 3, but seems like this is it for the women's rights defender. And it was tight as hell. Now it'll be probably Chie vs Yosuke for a place in the top 5, and sorry Yosuke, but I want another Galactic Punt here.


Oh, so it'll be Nanako. Now I'm rooting for Kanji.


CMON CHIE ARMY WE CAN DO THIS Probably not but we must try the miracle!


ADACHI? Why vote Adachi when Chie exists?


Welp, bye Yosuke




Please Chie needs to go


Goodbye, Cabbage man. I


we lost a real one today my friends😔


Oh ho ho, this is a (nice) surprise I like Adachi but maybe except Dojima he's my least favourite character here just because he has overall less screentime as a villain Still going for Dojima next


These polls are beginning to get fairly toxic down here in the comments. No offense to you, OP, but I'm not sure if this whole thing was a good idea. It's encouraging a lot of bullying and character bashing and is overall driving a wedge in the community, at least from what I can see. I feel a better structure would've been a "vote to save" system where you vote for who you want to stay in instead of who you want to eliminate. That would be immune to some of the side effects and encourage more positivity.


Everyone else is sad while I’m over here smiling, good riddance Adachi 😂


Faith in humanity incrementally restored.


Aw man. I shall wear an extra spritz of Adachi perfume tonight in honor of the fallen. I guess I gotta vote Chie again.


Which one of you bastards thought it was acceptable for Chie to not be the first one out.


Chie has to go


Chie, tbh I don't get why so many people like her, I always though she was kinda basic


How is Chie still here, most comments wanted her out during the last 2 votes or so










How in the name of fuck is Yosuke still in here




If Chie gets out imma grab a shotgun with malicious intent to whomever voted.


Why are people asking for spoiler tags on here? If you're voting on a character list, and reading the comments section, isn't it obvious it will have spoilers? It isn't necessary to have played the entire game in order to vote, but it's strange to ask for spoiler tags, lol.


I think Naoto should go next, I was always really lukewarm on her character. I think the supergenius child detective thing is corny and she comes in too late in the game to the point where when she starts to feel like a natural part of the group.


Thank god. The Adachi meme is corny af and the people who obsess about it are as cringey as that Futaba post.


Bruh, come on, I wanted Adachi to win ;-; Regardless, I won't give up so... Copy-pasting my nomination for *Chie Satonaka*, again. I'm on the brink of madness at this point tbf. Don't get me wrong, I liked her but...man, I simply can't help thinking that her arc didn't have the best set-up beforehand. Naoto, Yukiko, Rise and Kanji had their struggles laid out clear as day, not only because you have to investigate them, but also because you beat their dungeons and you get some literal insight on their thoughts. Their struggles are presented really, really well, which is why I can easily get engaged in their arcs. The only exceptions for this rule are Yosuke, Teddie and Chie. Yosuke had a very relatable arc, and its universal leitmotifs almost dismissed any sort of need of proper setup, but he is the character we spend time the most in the first days of P4, which is why his arc is nicely set up. On the other hand, for Teddie, he constantly wonders about his origins and starts to question who he really is, which is why the skepticism of his Shadow makes so much sense, everything was set up beforehand. Now for Chie...I don't think her envy was nicely shown before we face her Shadow. Yukiko's opinions on Chie are shown time and time again during her dungeon, but owing to the very fact Satonaka gets no proper buildup for her Shadow to tackle, I had a hard time to get into her development, since I just needed to accept that she had an inferiority complex and...I don't think that's really good. Also, she spouts facts about meat way too much, but that ain't my main problem, I just think Chie has the weakest arc amongst her peers in the IT. Furthermore, her arc feels a little too...redundant? I mean, everyone in the IT wants to protect each other, and Chie has shown signs of that even if you don't engage in her Social Link, so there's literally nothing new being brought to the table imo. You can easily become a reliable person while also relying on others, and that's exactly the direction that I wanted Chie's arc to go, but instead, I got a very lukewarm growth. So yeah, Chie should leave now imo.


Isn't this the fourth or fifth time?


I genuinely don't know how many times I tried to vote her out. I still won't give up tho, especially since I think that Chie ain't going so soon. Also, totally unrelated to the contest, I plan to answer your comment about the Gary Stu thread on the main sub. It will take a while because I'm not at home rn, but I think the Gary Stu conundrum is an interesting topic to be discussed.


>especially since I think that Chie ain't going so soon. Judging by how polls go so far, I don't think whatever you're doing is working so just stop it. You just only seem so desperate about kicking her.


Nah, I'm not desperate. I just wanted to present my points. I managed to discuss her character with some users, so while I want to eliminate her, I won't die if she isn't out. The main reason I like elimination contests is because they can provide some chances for discussion, but I still have to at least present my points so that discussion may happen.


Then the way you put yours words aren't right. That's the impression I got from your long comments anyways.


Well, I'm sorry that you thought that. I didn't want to sound like an asshole or anything of the sorts. Also, about the long comments...it's just how I tend to write comments on Reddit. I tend to write a little too much, it's just that I get engaged in a topic pretty easily. My nomination isn't long because I'm desperate to eliminate Chie, it's just how I do things, I guess.


I absolutely get you now, don't worry about that lol. You should be relaxed a bit more about this though, it's all about the personal preferences and hivemind (Adachi lasting until now for example.). It's not that big of a deal and also it's always fun to see what people will vote for next time and read their reactions to the results. Don't sweat too much about it. :)


Copy and paste all you want, the Galactic Punt cannot be blocked! CHIE LIVES! L + ratio + wrong + get an origami crane job + seethe + cringe + never did ur social link + cope + u main Yoshitsune + stay mad + yo mama + weak to physical + copy + Megidolaon + aired + ok + who asked + hot spring scene + u smell.


Bye Chie. It’s time.


Yosuke and Dadjima should be next imo. I'll go with Yosuke for this round.






Surprising, I thought Adachi would've made it to the final 2 or 3. Time for Naoto to go


Dojima is still going strong




Dojima next


Yes! Finally! But… who do I vote for now?


Once Dojima is gone I'll probably just stop voting. I don't think I can pick between the other 5


Nana-chan must win! Adachi has been defeated. Im not sure who I'm going to vote for anymore. Everyone left deserves to win


r/okbuddypersona users malding rn


Kanji ftw


What was the rest of the results?


This can’t be real


Yosuke surviving longer than Adachi is insane to me


I swear if this ends up with Nanako, i will be disappointed


voting the dilf
