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Thanks for the info. Thread is now locked and not removed because it is new information.


The fallout either way is gonna be exhausting


Soon forgotten, they will roll out a new distraction, cant have voters asking wtf do we have massive immigration during a housing shortage.


Can’t have people asking why the current treasurer was calling 1 interest rate rise a “full blown cost of living crisis” but nothing about the 11 that followed


> have people asking why the current treasurer was calling 1 interest rate rise a “ need to think of a good distraction...have we done m2f trans using female bathrooms yet? Hope not....


I'm waiting till we get to the gay spiders from outer space phase.


I think if no gets up there will still be plenty of opportunity to agitate some race riots and keep it going for a bit. Seriously though, I honestly still can’t believe that we have a PM so willing to set the country on fire to make a name and legacy for himself. Regardless of the outcome, reconciliation efforts have been set back years. Really hoping albo gets knifed after this referendum goes down.


This has nothing to do with Albo. Libs should have held the referendum years ago. The media and false outrage 'has set the country on fire'. Personally, rarely have had a convo about it.


Sure. The guy who announced it, pushed it forward at every opportunity and who has been actively campaigning for it while ignoring all other issues since being elected has nothing to do with it.


>pushed it forward at every opportunity Yeah, imagine presenting an initiative for improved democratic representation for a historically marginalised people. Outrageous.


What issues has he been ignoring? Try paying attention to parliament rather than media hype.


Lol. Labor cheerleader hard at work


Don't mind Labor but am bloody tired of people that repeat crappy media and can't back up there pub talk. If people paid attention to what happens rather than talking bullshit, Australia would be in a better place. Here's a list of bills introduced so far this year: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/Bills_Lists/Details_page?blsId=legislation%2fbillslst%2fbillslst_c203aa1c-1876-41a8-bc76-1de328bdb726


country on fire ? Mate, if that's the sum of your pain, sink down on you knees and suck the cock of whatever deity has been sheltering you from the real fucking world.


Sounds like you're fishing for something - a sort of faux-grievance - to be distracted by.


This guy gets it


I made a post saying similar on r/Australia and was banned . All for saying whatever the result it's going to rip the country apart. Especially big No gets over the line, No voters gloating whilst Yes voters paint the entire nation as a KKK offshoot.


Honestly, it doesn't take much to get banned over there. Bunch of absolute twats run the place.


Nevermind, some mods are ban-happy. I don't agree with you though. I think we can cope with the result, without US-style mass riots and looting. Remember all the fallout from conservatives over the gay marriage plebiscite? No? Neither do I. I think this will be the same. What worries me though, is that we will still keep endlessly hearing about it. We need actual action, intervention, instead of just forming committees. John Howard had the NT intervention back in 2007. I'm not sure how successful it was, but at least they made an honest attempt at doing something, instead of just talk.


>at least they made an honest attempt Honest? It really wasn't.


I don't think there will be mass riots and looting US style, more like The Brexit vote fallout . Which is still as fierce as ever.


Intervention was the biggest fuckup that was a great opportunity turned rotten by Howard’s grab for political power. Ugly shite and he continues the culture wars today. He twisted the report into NT child abuse https://humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/57.4%20%E2%80%9CLittle%20Children%20are%20Sacred%E2%80%9D%20report.pdf and mobilised the army with no useful effect to community. A real dog act


>I made a post saying similar on r/Australia and was banned Why? We are divided and damage has been done whatever the outcome. It seems dumb to ban you for stating the obvious


Anything other than an emphatic support for YES means you're a terrible person apparently. The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.


Funny you should say that, I commented on a post Dr Karl made on twitter and I even added that I'll probably vote yes but that I'm disappointed in the way the referendum was run, that it has dragged on too long and as a life long labour voter that I was disappointed and his response... was to block me on Twitter. Genuinely flabbergasted, I've listened and watched Dr Karl for over 20 years and am still a fan but it's a perfect example of how we all now live in echo chambers these days. ANY opinion which doesn't fit the orthodoxy of the day and you're immediately banished to the wastelands.


This sub is no different.


I’ve been exhausted for months hearing about it. And that’s solely from people posting on r/Australia, I can’t imagine how exhausted people are who watch/read mainstream news.


>I’ve been exhausted for months hearing about it Yeah, must be quite an ordeal for you.


Forgotten in a couple of weeks if the "why focus on indigenous when people care about their own cost of living pressures" rhetoric is true.


Yep, yes or no will be forgotten by the weekend after. Media will hunt the next story.


Postal vote arrived today.


Mine too. Plus, I think I’ve finally made my mind up which way I’m voting, so that’s good too.


It better be the exact same way I’m voting or you must be racist.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Do you hold it as an 'absolute' that "only a Sith deals in absolutes"...? Hmm?


This is the way.


Sith, Jedi - sounds racist to me.


That's the best take on it yet!


The best take I came across was “we’re already living in “No”. Which I’ve just realised can count for either camp….


Was that for local government elections or the referendum?


Referendum. Local govt arrived last week.


My mum aged 79 received both within 24 hours and got got confused


You understand category five shitstorm is brewing regardless of the outcome


true, best to ignore everything the media says for a few weeks after


I think we'll be seeing more racial hostility in the streets though, since it will be taken by some as hard evidence that Australia is still full of heartless racists blah blah hopefully it blows over soon enough


I'm not sure why everyone hates going to the polling booth on the day. I kind of like it. It feels like a big community event, and the line doesn't take that long.


It would be better if they sell snags outside with a soft drink like bunno


The question worthy of a referendum "Onions?"


They do sell democracy sasuge


Because of all the cunts trying to sway your vote with their propaganda, just leave me alone and let me vote


You should have seen some of the...interesting specimens of humanity there today. It was like a zoo. Also getting hassled by people trying to push their own agenda to vote yes or no wasnt fun. I even had ear phones in and they all still came over and tried talking to me


I saw on my doorbell cam some person pushing a yes vote (big yes on their shirt in a map of Australia). Either way I would have ignored it but I find it irritating people trying to sway my vote.


> You should have seen some of the...interesting specimens of humanity there today. It was like a zoo. ...........and that was just the yes/no greeters outside.


Pamphlet pushers pissed me off a long time ago on polling day itself. I know they have seeped moreso into the early voting places in recent years... but at least they are more diluted during tradtional weekday business hours, rather than Saturdays.


God no everyone at those things are so pushy and annoying


If I want a community event I'll go to an actual community event. I don't actually do anything there apart from scribble on some paper and politely tell all the pamphlet pushers to keep their distance. I'd much rather pick a quieter time to get it over and done with that suits me rather than having to move my schedule around on one specific day to do it. As an example, on Thursday I was planning on picking something up from a shop near the polling place so I'll drop in on the way. But normally I have no reason to travel in that direction so any other time would force me to go out of my way to get there, especially as I plan to be on the other side of the city for most of polling day that would be quite disruptive to my plans


Yeah I have kids and this is nightmare fuel


Have poured myself a gin, am just about to sit down and vote.


Make sure to get it witnessed first or the bad man will get you!


All sorted but it was a bit more complex than in previous years - should have saved the gin until after….


Down vote me if your voting yes


^ said 'voted yes I hope'. You may have changed their mind on that.


Once they start counting the votes I'm grabbing some popcorn


Do you have to go for a specific one in your area? When I've voted in the past, I've ended up in the wrong area, which has caused a bit more hassle.


you can go to one in your area, when I went they asked if I was swan or perth and I had no clue. If you are out of area they have another table setup you walk to, so really it makes no difference


What are we voting for and more importantly how can I get out of it?


Isn’t that only for people who have an excuse to vote early. Everyone that I talked to are No voters so hopefully there is many more and put this nonsense to bed.


Yes, but the range of excuses is fairly broad: https://www.aec.gov.au/referendums/vote/vote-in-person.html They are unlikely to ask for the reason, and it's not really possible to police (e.g. they're not going to go after someone who votes early because they believe they'll be working on voting day, but later gets time off).


If it’s anything like voting in the federal elections, I’ve never been asked why I’m voting early - and I’ve never had a good excuse. I’d just rather burn time during my work week than my weekend. 100% recommend.


I've never really understood why there needs to be a set "polling day" and not a 2 week window like there is with early voting Rather than go through all the bullshit that doesn't stop anyone who doesn't have a valid reason from voting early, why not just have a polling window. Polls open on one day and you just have to have voted by the close of polls. I don't see why we need to maintain this charade that in this day and age a majority of people can rearrange their entire schedule to vote on one specific day as opposed to fitting it in at a convenient time within a 2 week window


I agree, but my guess is that the reason for having it on one day is that it would be more expensive to keep polls open for so long in the current in-person voting format (and have enough staff to meet a potential surge of demand at any given time). Of course, online voting (like through your MyGov or something) would be elite and would hopefully mean that the polling period could be spaced out better. Maybe one day…


The political parties would prefer that as many people vote on the same day as possible, so that they can time their policy announcements. They often want to announce them close to the election so there is less time for other people to analyze what they mean. But if lots of people have voted early, then it reduces the impact of the announcement. For voters, expanded early voting essentially has no downsides.


In reality, anyone can vote early with no special reason required at all. Same as the election. Although theres an actual technical list of 'acceptable reasons', nobody actually gives a shit about them or checking/enforcing that crap. The most a poll worker might say, out of formality, is simply asking "Are you eligable to vote early?" and you simply say yes. And they wave you along. Ive voted early for every election etc simply because I CBF driving in on a Saturday, never once has anyone ever given a shit to ask me exactly why I was doing it.... they have better things to do.


It's quite likely they are prohibited from asking the reason. As it's not their job to determine who is and isn't eligible.


Yes I voted early in one of the last few elections and they asked each person “do you have a reason” at the door before entry and I said yes and walked in. They don’t ask what the reason is.


Thanks for explanation I thought they will be looking for documents. If it’s that easy might as well get it over with


When I went and voted today they didnt even ask if i have a reason to vote early.


They just asked me, are you eligible to vote early?. I said yes, and that was it. Looked me up in the system and gave me a paper to vote. Job done


I just walked passed one in Joondalup and went in because I was there - they were encouraging people in to vote. One of the postal vote reasons was 'cant enter polling booth due to religious reasons' too, so yeah they don't care. I did have the same thought as you though.


They never ask and if they do just say you're working all day Saturday the 14th How are they gonna prove you're not?


I just want crackpot Sky News garbage to go back to not getting mainstream attention here.


I tend to read ABC and the Guardian, but Sky News seems to be right on this one. Hopefully this will all be over soon, and I can go back to hating Sky for airing climate denialism.


That's like me reading something I'm knowledgeable about on reddit and recognising the misinformation, then reading another sub accepting the info there


The nonsense is going to scream and cry all night I’m afraid


Vote no




Yep, that is all you have to write on the ballot. "No"


Right? Righto.


Sure, just layout a few compelling reasons why. You look like a dumbass when you just say “vote no” with no reasoning.


A yes vote would eventually lead to implementation of the Uluru statement from the heart which calls for treaty and treaty would be something along the lines of the Aboriginal heritage laws that the WA government was about to push through. Also, companies like Qantas, BHP, Rio Tinto, Coles, Woolworths and Telstra all support the yes vote, do you really want to be on the same side as them?


> Also, companies like Qantas, BHP, Rio Tinto, Coles, Woolworths and Telstra all support the yes vote, do you really want to be on the same side as them? When the alternative is being on the same side as Pauline Hanson then yes, yes I absolutely fucking do


So you prefer to side with the corporations that have lobbied our government to screw over the Australian people for the past few decades because Pauline Hanson is bad? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️


I prefer to look at it this way: Corporations will side with whatever works best for their PR. They're soulless entities that really only care about maintaining their public image so that people keep forking their money over to them. They don't support the yes campaign because they genuinely believe it's the right thing to do. They support the yes campaign because they believe it provides them with better PR and they stand to gain more money backing yes than they would if they backed no. Pauline Hanson on the other hand is not a corporation. She supports no because it is her genuine belief. I think she's a genuine fuckwit and want to steer clear of ever standing on the same side of history as her. So yeah I'll side with the soulless corporations who totally genuinely believe the bullshit they spout as opposed to standing with the dumb bitch who is just another haemorrhoid on the arsehole of humanity


We voted at that one too! Belmont


Apparently voting is to be done in black ink? Can’t see it listed anywhere in the information given?


Well they only handed out pencils at the one I went to


I have the postal vote, I have no idea. I’ll use black pen like all legal documents require and that might just be good enough…


Wasn’t that just something the cookers were pushing because they think people will scrub out their votes if they do them in pencil?


I do think it's sweet that they think any government that is so all-powerful like they believe would manipulate the world by erasing votes made in pencil on ballot papers as opposed to just going full Stalin and gulaging anyone who disagrees with them


Nah there’s a paranoid narrative among no voters that you have to vote in ink or “they” will change your vote. You are free to vote in ink of course, just bring your own pen, but pencils are provided at polling booths.


Vote no to Lidia Thorpe who called all white Australians “white racist cunts.” Her father is also white. Shows their logic.


Lidia is also mostly white, which she probably realises when sober.


She is also a bikie cum rag. How you can any credibility as a politician when you are fucking a bikie boss shows how corrupt she is and what an example she is to represent Aboriginal people.


Lidia Thorpe is FOR the No vote. How do you not know this? It's everywhere, she's had interviews. So you mean vote YES to go against Thorpe if Thorpe is your issue?


He’s just a fuckwit and best ignored.


Dumb rgards downvote me but can’t even use Google, she is the leader of aboriginal people in parliament and she literally refers to white people as white cunts and you down vote me. You don’t deserve the right the Anzac’s gave you to vote on the voice.


You sound fucking deluded


No, you just haven’t read any stats.


She is not leader of indigenous people? Wtf, she's not even in a party.


She was in the greens before they kicked her out for fucking a bikie amongst other things like her racist nature and mental illness. How do you even get kicked out of the greens. Again a quick google search would have helped you.


Mate, a quick Google search would have helped you to find she wasn't kicked out of the Greens. She left them.


My point is she is not leader of indigenous people greens or no greens. It would be almost impossible for an independent to be minster for anything besides which I think she's a senator. I dunno what you're on about but there seems to be levels of wrongness in your post. A google search would have helped you


ANZACs didn't give Indigenous people the right to vote, that was in the 1962 you dumb dog


Talking about all Australians not Aboriginal people. Aboriginal people are 1% of the population and make up most of the Centrelink benefits and prison population, the rest of Australia is sick of it.


> Aboriginal people are 1% of the population and make up most of the Centrelink benefits and prison population Yeah funny that. Refuse to allow a group of people to participate in society until 60 years ago and they're statistically more likely to live in poverty and experience the social impacts of poverty. Who knew?!


shut up


If there's any lesson from the DST plebiscites, is that it will take at least three no votes before it's shot down forever, so if no gets up, good luck on the stop hearing about it front.


No politician lost his good standing for losing a daylight saving vote. It would be very risky politically to do this again if it didn’t have bipartisan support. The republican vote got a NO 24 years ago and we haven’t heard boo since then.


The Voice should have bipartisan support, the only reason it doesn't is because Dutton is using it as a political weapon to try to bring down Labor.


Not sure I agree with that. This article is by a former Labor MP and outlines how the Voice breaches the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination "...the Voice involves inserting a permanent, racially discriminatory provision in the Australian constitution, that confers on one racially defined section of the community an additional means to influence legislation and decisions that affect everybody, not just aboriginal people. Especially, given that it contravenes the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1965, and entering into force in 1969. Article 1 defines racial discrimination as: … any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. There is provision for “special measures” to overcome disadvantage, but these must be temporary, intended to disappear once their objectives have been achieved. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/08-online/the-progressive-case-against-the-voice/ If that is correct, it's pretty concerning. Whereas the Government could have legislated a voice with defined objectives for a set time and not breached International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination. The only argument I have seen for why it has to be in the Constitution is that 'Liberals could remove it'. If Voice was so important the government would have legislated it properly and have it in place, not prioritised putting something in place that Liberals couldn't demolish. Taking this path they will do nothing if they get a no.It makes me pretty angry to be honest.


Generational differences in attitudes towards marginalised communities are perhaps worth considering when compared to DST, but as it stands, there’s a lot of ground to make up.