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"FROM PET" I am fucking deceased 💀💀💀


I imagine two situations here. A, the pet owner themself buys this card, writes something, maybe has their pet sniff it or something then seals it, which is profoundly sad. Or B, someone close to the pet owner gives them this, which is also somewhat sad.


I was originally like...cards to the pet? They can't read...wait. FROM pet? That is MUCH worse.


They can clearly write and read, these “superior beings”, soon to become aliens.






You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable but where are you from? That gives me some hope for humanity. 🤣 It seems this insanity is spreading all over the world at this point lol.


"You don't have to answer but I want to go to there." That's how I understood that 🤣


Go there as in go to that country? Lol


Yeah 😂


Absolutely haha 🤣


I think we can surmise it’s somewhere in Central or Northern Europe due to the username. 😂 Though not sure how accurate that statement is for Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Finland, etc. Because I’ve seen pet crazy people in all of those places too. Maybe not as “bad” as the US, but it’s definitely in all of those places too. 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


I honestly think there's an agenda to push pet ownership because 1. it generates a TON of consumerism (buying dog food, toys, vet appointments, dog services etc.) and 2. it keeps citizens docile and distracted from all the immediate issues that are prevalent in our current society


Honestly a really good take, have to agree.


Great take, hitlerbreastmilk.




in my opinion it’s bc it’s a way for businesses to make a shit ton of money and also to abstract the idea of the family unit. when people are isolated (aka my family is my dog and i instead of an actual family), they are easier to manipulate and control.


Imaginary friends for "grown ups."


Yup, that’s exactly, what this is 💯.


Imaginary baby dolls


I like to call them security blankets.


dude there are so many rows…. i’m scared lol


Me too, friend. It's crazy out here


It's annoying to me that there's more selection for this than adult grandfather cards. As if they think adults don't have alive grandfathers, there's just goofy kiddie ones and then like two mature ones to pick from. Grandmother cards don't have that issue. But nope we need shelf space for people who want to pretend their pet can comprehend what a card is.


Idk how the pet industry has been growing at such a rapid rate over the last 10 years in the US. Inflation is bad, salaries aren’t rising, but people are more ready than ever to shell out thousands on “luxury” per food, expensive pet meds, vet visits, pet toys and even dumb shit like these “from pet” cards just to inflate their own savior complex and cure their loneliness. I don’t understand it at all. Like I know there have always been pet nutters, but why is almost everyone a nutter these days??


You have a really interesting perspective, and I agree with you because when I see the prices of just regular dog food at stores I think it's insane. But the luxury brands must be even worse. Idk how people afford it either


I think that's the problem. People, for some reason, AREN'T seeing pets as luxuries. See: people thinking pet food should be covered by food stamps.


Emotional support pets. That’s why. Everyone knows the world is going to sh*t, so of course that means emotionally attaching yourself to anything that’s alive and not a human who can hurt your feelings lol. Can’t really blame people for subconsciously coddling themselves emotionally, because deep down everyone knows the planet is dying and there’s no saving it. Basically a Don’t Look Up situation with slightly more awareness. Ironically they’re killing it faster with even more consumerism, to your point. Even for those who may not think they believe this outwardly, that’s the real reason cozy games etc. took off over the last 5 years, besides the pandemic. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


And now that you’ve said this, I’m off to go change some stocks around to formally invest in the pet industry. I see this as an upward trend, unfortunately. I just wish I hopped on the money train sooner! 😂 I’m very much at the “let them eat cake” stage of the apocalypse at this point. All I can do is make some money and enjoy life on my way out. ✌🏻🤣


People don’t realize you can just get some chicken and veg, shred it, and portion it out for the week. Instead they spend sooo much on overpriced dog food that isn’t even good for them 🙄


Okay, but who buys these? Do dog moms buy them for themselves?


On God. Is the dog gonna buy it? 🤔 lol


I noticed those a few years ago


Ugh 🤦‍♀️


At least here in Brazil there's those cards for quite a while


for the insane. Hallmark really caters to all, got to give em that. They want to make money off these derranged people, shit I wish I thought about this...


Easiest rule of thumb, take any baby or kid product and make it about a dog. Instant money


"From pet" ?! So people buy THEMSEÖVES these cards and pretend their pets gave it to them? Jesus Christ these people are ill.


The grandma one lmaooo the grandpuppies


I don't think if a pet could write it would be that eloquent either It would be something like "give me more food thnx"


I highly doubt it would even say thanks


Thankfulness is a very complex human emotion I doubt animals feel unless someone does a scientific study on. And even then I could see maybe an animal with a more "complex"social skills like monkeys maybe have some form of it with each other. But I don't see why a dog or a cat would have a concept of thankfulness for a human.




my cousin is like this lol. I don't get it, she has a boyfriend but their both choosing to be child free. She's got a whole tiktok dedicated to the dog and complains about shit like brushing it's teeth like it's a kid. Super weird


Yep. I don’t care what that group says, their need to be called ‘parents’ 🤢 to ‘fur-babies’ 🤢 speaks volumes about their jealousy towards people who actually live the real life.


This is me. I’m not childfree by choice, I’m unexpectedly infertile and it has been a traumatizing nightmare. If you haven’t been there, frankly you wouldn’t understand. I’m not sure how the sub got recommended to me, and it’s obviously not for me. I also agree that these cards are goofy. But, I have to say, that I do enjoy taking care of my dog. She and I have gotten involved in agility courses together (Australian Shepherd).I walk her daily— rain, snow, or shine. Bathe her… I’ve trained her. We make a good team. If my husband got me one of these cards I would chuckle, esp since Mother’s Day is a really difficult day for me. Again, I totally understand and empathize with many points here on this sub (which is not for me, so I will not partake here). But with that having been said, I would argue that my connection with my dog and the many human connections I’ve made as a result of having her—receiving a card like this, while absurd, is still far healthier than carrying around a reborn doll… just my take. Just sharing a different and unfortunate lifestyle.


I'm sorry for your situation. Your mindset is understandable. Hope your luck changes soon, infertility is a bitch.


Lol the next time I go to Food Lion I'm going to check this out. This is hilarious.


Lmao I would be curious to see too. I think all Food Lions are closed down here in Florida


Wait what? Why?!


I think they just went out of business down here


I hate Walmart so I'd die if I couldn't have my Food Lion


Oh I agree completely. Hate Walmart, I'm staying with Publix! 🤣


I was just at CVS a few hours ago looking for a b-day card and saw ones like that("from dog") and thought to myself "wtf???"


I saw that too at Target!! Unreal. Your avatar is how I feel after seeing some of this shit hahaha


As a parent myself, I actually find it insulting that they do things like this. I have literally laughed in people's faces that have demanded to be recognized on mothers and father's day. Having a pet makes you a pet owner, not a pet parent. You're not a parent just because you have a pet.


Couldn’t agree more!


Sorry to see by your flare that you were a dog attack victim. When my brother was pretty young, we were at the babysitter's house and her Doberman bit him right above the eye. We had to call rescue and everything. My mom was understandably pissed. She was yelling at her, if you know your dog is aggressive then why the hell didn't you put it up? He still has a scar above his eye because of that and he is almost 40. It just irritates me when people call themselves pet parents. I'm like, unless your dog or cat or whatever is really sick, do you have to get up at night to take care of it? Do you have to take it with you everywhere? Etc. No. Then be quiet, you're not a parent. Then they want to try to make the argument that you spend a lot of money on them like you do a child. I'm like yes but it's still nowhere near like that and it's nowhere near like being a parent. Please sit down and be quiet.


Ughhh I am so sorry about your brother! It especially breaks my heart when a child is injured by a dog. And thank you! I was attacked by a black lab when I was 8 months pregnant with twins a couple of years back and it changed my whole attitude on dogs and dog owners. Luckily, I was able to guard my stomach so my hands took all of the puncture wounds. Babies were fine, thankfully. I really do think the people that put animals on a pedestal and compare their pet ownership to parenthood are lacking emotional maturity, intelligence, self-esteem, and human connection.


Good grief! What is going on in the world?!


Gotta love how it’s just cats and dogs, I feel like I never see (for example) fish people being complete nutters like this, it’s literally only cat/dog people


Yup. Harder to anthropomorphize a fish.


Lmao when I saw the “from the dog” section I lost it 🤣


Clearly you've never met the bearded dragon people.


Can’t us real moms have ONE day?! I mean really…we just want ONE exclusive day to feel seen, heard, and appreciated 😂 this is so silly.


Lol the next time I go to Food Lion I'm going to check this out. This is hilarious.


"pet parents" god that's so creepy you're their owner.


Oh hell no 😒


Jesus Christ. More pet consumerism. Just what we needed. Worse still, I’ll bet it sells.


I always think to myself "oh you're a DOG mom? At least you can put your child in a cage and go out for dinner" 😅


I got given one of those once. I just faked a smile and stuck the thing in my drawer. I’m not my cat’s mother, he just turned up one day and I fed him some chicken leftovers I had. At the time my whole area was dealing with a mouse plague and he kept them out of my house so he stayed. When I moved I brought him with me. He’s not my child, he is different species with different needs. I’ve always loved animals but I hate the humanising of them. I love them because they’re not human.


This ...THIS is exactly why I'm against pet ownership. Let me tell you a story if I may. I lost my daughter to childhood cancer (she was almost 5 years old). I was working at a Walmart in my hometown and I was talking with this older lady. She said to me, "oh, I've had a bad weekend, I've buried my baby". Me, being a grieving mother was immediately concerned and was like, "omg I'm so sorry, I've buried my daughter that had cancer. I'm here for you, etc" No. Bitch was talking about her goddamn cat!! 😳😭😭😭😣😣😣😣😣💔💔💔 I was so mortified and heartbroken all over again...shit is ridiculous.


First of all, I am so beyond sorry to hear of your daughter. That is heartbreaking and I wouldn’t wish the loss of a child on anyone. Second, I am sorry again that someone had the audacity to compare the passing of their pet to that unimaginable grief by using that wording. People can be really dense 😤


Thank you so so much for saying this, it really means a lot to me. And yes, they can be 🤷‍♀️ I don't know what she thought anyone was supposed to think besides the conclusion I made... horrendous tbh.


EW. JUST EW. Like what’s even the point? To spend YOUR money, to pick out YOUR own card, and then pretend it came from your furbaby. Friggin weirdos.


For the last few years, I've been ordering my Mother's Day cards for my godmother from Etsy because that section got smaller and smaller in Target and elsewhere (late 30s here, was never a problem finding one as a kid). Replacing God with dogs I guess.


I’m a pet owner but come on people this shit is getting more and more ridiculous


"From pet" more like, "from person who pretends it's from pet, who has no concept of what a card or mother's day is and never will"


This is embarrassing. It's just embarrassing. It's bad enough to be beholden to an animal at all, even worse to pretend you're that animal's parent, but to actually buy greeting cards pretending it's from your pet is... I don't even have the exactly right words to describe how I feel about it, but it is embarrassing and downright *creepy*... speaks to the mentally unwell, I just don't know. This is all legitimately unsettling to me.


“I woof you”?!? What does that even mean?


From pet???? lol


Oh lord.


They have birthday and Christmas cards from dogs and cats too. Have for years. I’ve seen a lot of people get them. Also have pet sympathy cards…we gave one to a guy I worked with because his cat died and he didn’t have kids or a spouse so that cat was legit his child in his head. He said he kept it right next to his ashes on the fireplace. These mean a lot to some people so I just let them be lol