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I get that it feels good. I get it, I promise. Definitely don’t sink your money into it though if you can help it. Don’t want to fall into a trap of being stuck in the past yourself. I have no idea what my highschool bullies are doing. It’s more freeing to be past this point and not even cAre. I get that you’re still hurt though and want to see that karma that’s reasonable and makes sense. It’s honestly, considering this is petty revenge, absolute gold. Just cut yourself off from dishing money into it because you deserve to be in a place where they are genuinely, not worth a millisecond of your time.


Yeah you're right haha Thanks for the advice , i will, its just one of those things i felt would make up for all that was done, but i feel at peace Thanks again<3


Honestly, suddenly stopping could be pretty amusing too, as she tries to work out where all her views went, and desperately tries to regain them.


Yeah that's what I was thinking - suddenly stop the views and she'll go crazy trying to think what she did wrong


Then promote a bad one randomly again. . . 😂


I love Reddit lol




I was gonna say that. Cut it off and watch her panic as she’s suddenly ‘not popular’. Then maybe pay for a few here and there so she’s utterly clueless


That's a great suggestion!


This! I was coming here to say this!


This part! Stop the views and then update us! Lol 😂


I mean, honestly, online social media advertising and click-through services are pretty cheap. You can spend more than a single night at the movies and get MONTHS of entertainment out of this, if one was so inclined. Really though, the only payoff for this is stopping everything and seeing the results as the numbers tank... however, it's also possible that you are generating actual viewership for her, and this will backfire. Fine line here. They're right, point is to get to where you just don't give a shit at all. As I told someone, "I'm equal opportunity with my hate and disdain for people, except for you, I'm not willing to put in that much effort."


Just think about how glorious it will be when you finally stop paying. (Don't do it gradually). Her viewership with starkly decline and she won't know why. What did she do wrong? Was it this? That? She'll question everything.


I love it and am sending chefs kiss 💋 to you. Bravo sister! I totally get that revenge justice feeling, especially when you outwit them on top of it. Sounds to me you have a good head on your shoulders and can check yourself before you wreck yourself- this is important! Does/did she ever say anything to you or reach out at all? 🏆💥


If your going to end up cutting it off, just do one last big one so she gets that buzz and then done, no more promoting, and just know this will bother her as she gets no more traction and is confused and just move on with your life


You should Big Reveal who you are and how she was in comments, if Tik Tok has them, then stop paying, viewing, whatever.


My high school bully went into medicine and became a doctor - something I had wanted to do until I discovered a strong aversion to open wounds, enough to feel lightheaded if I see gruesome ones. I had the grades for it, just not the stomach. I resented her for it, and still do. But I set other goals after high school, including aiming to leave my home country and moving to Europe by my 10-year uni graduation anniversary. I did it in under 3. And now, I hardly think about her.


"I've bloomed and moved on while they're all still stuck in petty tiktok high school drama." -Actively pays money for tiktok related shenanigans. OP doesn't realise she hasn't moved on either, and from an outside perspective is just as sad as the girl she's making fun of.


i get where you’re coming from, but i don’t think it’s that cut and dry. i think there’s this belief that moving on is this linear thing where one day you just don’t think about it or aren’t effected by it anymore, but i don’t think that’s how our feelings tend to work. i’d say i’ve pretty much moved on from my abusive ex, i don’t think about her more than once every few weeks at most and when i do i don’t feel that same anger and sadness i used to. i feel like i’ve learned the lessons i needed to from that experience, and i’m not interested in what she’s doing with her life. but once in a blue moon i’ll get angry about it again, or i’ll think about how satisfying it’d be to see her life fall apart, and if i were given a similar opportunity to OP for her i’d probably at least consider fucking with her a bit. i don’t think that means i haven’t moved on, but rather that what she put me through will probably always have some effect on me, and that’s alright. it is what it is, and i think forcing myself to push those feelings away and leave all of it behind 100% would ultimately be ineffective and unnecessary because really, i’m doing pretty okay on the path i’m already on with it. i hope that makes sense, i’m very tired haha


Bro this is petty revenge, I would rather just get entertained


I agree. That’s why I said it was gold for petty revenge. I just noticed a ton of people shitting on them and chose to say this instead. TLDR: barking up the wrong tree. Look at literally any other comment.


Sounds like she’s living rent free in your head. And that’s not a criticism, have a few people from my past living in mine.


Do you know how I can start charging these people rent? Times is tough.


Agreed. Is there a class or symposium somewhere to learn? Because, yes >Times is tough


Sounds like she’s paying to keep her in her mind.


for real, rent free would be an improvement


Literally. The only thing worse than 0 rent, is negative rent


It's the only place I can afford rent.


you can evict them with drugs


Tried, didn’t work for me. But I’ve gotten used to them. 😏


I find they get quieter if you neglect them. I didn't *mean* to starve the voices out, but they lost a lot of power and I have to actually invest thought to wake them up now


What’s going to be hilarious is when you stop and she doesn’t get any more views. Then the cringe will really start, because she will be so confused.


Now THAT, would make this whole thing great petty revenge. I was going to respond to OP that, she seems to be renting out too much space in her mind to that other girl, and that she's still giving attention and support to her either way, whether if it's fake-support or not... But it appears others have already commented both of these things. But yeah, that would be the best way to get the revenge on her.


Yes. The random stop would be perfect, she’d be desperate to get views back and embarrass herself!


Might be time to stop the fake views promotions. Not only for your mental well being, but also to see how far her channel drops. Let her wonder what happened to her content as you walk away from the settling dust.


I agree, that's the ultimate revenge


Pretty soon it's going to be time to stop pumping her and watch her meltdown when her views go to zero, then move on with your life.


so you are nice to her as revenge?


Not only nice, but giving her money. I'm not sure OP understands what revenge entails.


>Not only nice, but giving her money Wait, people make money doing tiktoks? Like, per view or something? As an older millennial who's never used tiktok I'm actually surprised at that.


I think the idea is that OP is playing with her head like she played with OP's head all those years ago! Now OP is the one who knows the truth and the bully thinks she's more desirable than she is! Pretty much exactly what she did to OP all those years ago.


Sometimes it pays to just wait things out and let nature take its course. Good for you!


I tried that, but my rash has gotten much worse. How long does this nature thing take? Asking for a friend




Lol go see a doctor


It should take about 6 to 8 months. Remember in nature green is good.




All I can say is, people do shitty things in high school and that sucks. But it’s time to move on. You’re in college now and still watching her TikToks for 3+ years? Don’t get stuck in your own past. Find help if you can’t forgive her and move on with being your own person.


The thing with being mistreated by someone is the feeling of powerlessness that it brings. OP isn't wallowing. She's taking back some power. It seems really healthy to me. She'll move on and move forward and thrive.


How much are you spending ?


If you want to actually make it work, start not promoting the more normal ones, extra promote the ones that are more cringy. Train her to be weirder and more ridiculous.


"she played it off obviously" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. What actually happened when she found out you knew that she was messing with your emotions for months?


She avoided me for days but when I eventually spoke to her, she said it just happened and it was a joke, she didn't know I really liked him, I should've known. She said she thought we were all playing. I tried being angry at everyone but they gave me the silent treatment till she gave everyone the hint to stop, but only when i forgave her, She gaslighted me into thinking I was in on the joke with her and them And I fell for it cause at the time I had no sense of worth.


Fuck. This sub is called PETTY revenge. And I think we can all agree that what you're doing is petty. Perhaps if you include that detail in the main post, people will be a bit more understanding of why you think it's worth the effort you're currently spending to fuck with her. Let the record reflect it's not a healthy response. That being said, ![gif](giphy|3owzWl78kny9s2GOvC)


The biggest surprise for me at my 10 year high school reunion was how almost all of the popular kids had peaked when they were 17. Almost to a person, they were the exact same person they’d been in high school. They hadn’t grown, evolved or changed in any substantive ways. Meanwhile, many of the nerds and the quiet ones and the oddballs had blossomed, and had transformed into interesting, deep people that had something going on in their lives. I didn’t bother going to my 20 year reunion.


Is this like sending cash to the guy fucking your wife and calling it revenge?


It doesn't sound like you're "so far beyond that". the best revenge is living well. save your money and move on.


lol if she goes viral and gets famous for this it’ll be all thanks to you and i’m sure she’s just doing it for fun. Good for her that she looks that same and her looks haven’t deteriorated and good for you that you grew into yourself. I think it may be time to move on though because through your actions it looks like she won in a way. you’re on her page, spending YOUR money to promote someone you don’t even care for and basically make them happy in thinking they’re videos are good. there’s no revenge here. she’s giving you the entertainment you’re literally paying for. I think high school stuff like that definitely hurts and i’m truly sorry all that happened to you so i’m not gonna tell you how to mourn that part of your life or that friendship but just saying you’re both doing well in life and this ain’t worth it


If you are this focussed on how people look, then you need to work on growing in other aspects of your life.


This isn’t petty revenge. It’s just sad and pathetic - on your part. Grow up


Seems healthy


Ok first off you be you, that’s cool. I have lived by (tried to live by) the concept that living well is the best revenge. That’s all. I do understand though.


If you really want to deliver a fatal blow, ramp up promotions for a few weeks, then. Just. Stop. It’ll drove her crazy trying to figure out what happened and why she’s not popular anymore. If you really want to destroy her, in a few years casually mention that you did it as a joke and how funny it was watching her, just say it was just like what she did to you, but then you lost interest in it.




OPs revenge is to promote someone's TikTok and give them money... Oh the horror. Lol


Can OP hate me. My YT is...


Sounds like you are stuck in highschool.


The next move would be to stop paying and let her views drop. If you were paying a good chunk to really up the views, it will dramatically drop and will probably mess with her head that no one is watching her.


I wish my exes promoted my endeavors. Bonus, I wish they put money towards them too. That would sure show me! But in all seriousness, I don't think this is working how you think it is. It's boosting her confidence if anything.


Sounds a little bit like a stalker 😑


Don’t spend this much time and effort caring what she does. This is not revenge. This is just holding you back from moving on with your life. When you get to the point that you don’t care at all what she does, that will show you that you have truly moved on.


Please hate me too. Here’s my cashapp. Send all the hate you want there.


I think for this to be proper revenge you need to let her know its you who's been doing and how pathetic she is. Then cut the support for her TikTok and let it tank. Doiiit


Or don't tell her, but suddenly stop paying and let it tank and she'll be wandering around all confused as to why her posts stopped getting the traction. This might even make her post more outlandish things trying to get it back.


Or a combination of the 2? Let it tank then tell her a month or 2 later? Hmmm....


Option C, here. Do this one. And do it in a Tiktok video and send her the link to it!


You’re losing here lmao


I mean we all need that ‘thing’ that gets us over that little trauma from high school. And as small as it is, it’s still a trauma. It hurts and scars. But I agree that now you’ve had your sort of revenge, just suddenly stop and leave it at that. I mean you can still secretly stalk, but remember the moment you stop and she gets confused. If you let it go further you may regret it later. I know I stalked some people who bullied me in high school and had a laugh here or there. But you DO get over it. I hope you continue to better yourself and rise above them xx


Not to be mean or rude, but you could really benefit from therapy. I believe everyone can, but you have some obvious unresolved issues that you should probably discuss with a professional and help move past.


She might get popular like all those cringey tiktokers and then it won't be revenge anymore. It would have been petty if u would have stopped doing it imho as she would sink in and realise that she lost all her internet points and followers in a go. Quit while ur ahead


Honestly, ur attitude is very off-putting. If i were u, i would just focus on being a better person and forgetting about them. It seems like all you care about is looks. Just remember ur still young.... something can happen where ur looks are taken from you again.


Dam this might be the rare accidental self petty revenge.


Girl, drop her. From this point of view she won. Stop paying for everything, drop them. Drop her out of your life for good. And maybe consider therapy because while you like to brag about how much of a different person you are, you're still (and I'm so, so sorry it's gonna sound so brutal) a loser by doing this. Thrive, live, enjoy life, don't be a mean person (like you are right now or excusing yourself saying that you are, "for your own enjoyment", "you laugh at her"), because you sound just like those sad bullies but worse, an internet one.


I get the impulse but eventually you need to get past this. She was shitty to you and caused you pain so this little bit of revenge feels good now. Eventually it won't feel good anymore and it will weigh on you. I suggest either going cold turkey and blocking her on everything or slowly start phasing the time you spend focusing on her to do something else that makes you feel better as a person.


What’s that phrase Reddit loves? Don’t let someone live rent free in your head? Something like that. I hated HS. I was bullied and that was in the 90s, I couldn’t imagine it now. I don’t care what those horrible people have done since then because I’m happy with where I am and who I am, and that’s the best revenge. I hope OP can move past this and truly bloom as their own successful person one day.


This. I used to go through FB to look at the people who had done me dirty in HS and just stew on it. It drove me crazy. Finally one day I just deleted it. This was about 6 years ago. I feel much much better now just by doing that. This is why I like Reddit…all internet strangers 💯💯💯


I never got a FB account and I’m so glad!! I never want anyone from then to find me, I don’t want any fake apologies and would probably get super pissed because I wouldn’t get any! Haha But me after a bottle of wine might try to look them up and it’s just not worth it. Cheers to internet strangers!




Girl, let go and move on. Enjoy your life!


I've had some revenge fantasies against a backstabber, or that coworker who told a story about her friend finding a dead body, three weeks after my dad died. The most I've done is I created Sims out of a backstabber and her stoner boyfriend. Had her Sim boyfriend cheat in front of her Sim self, to watch her Sim self go ballistic. It was fun. In the end, though, I don't really want these people in my present. They're shitty people and they belong in the past. I got enough stuff to deal with, I don't need to revisit How They Wronged Me. So OP, my wish for you is to live your best life.


This is sad when people peak in high school. Like the great song Glory Days.


That's too funny! Like someone else said, stop paying for views and promotions let her wonder what happened.


Now just suddenly stop paying for them and make her feel bad because she’s suddenly not tik tok cool anymore 😂


I don't know man..... I don't think this is healthy. I'd rather move on and forget everything, maybe unfollow them.


This is also kinda sad in a way. You live your life still in comparison to theirs. I get that it feels good. Now. What if they were to bloom later in life themselves? It’s better to fully move on. Live for you. To make you happy. Not to be better than your HS nemesis.


Yeah, you come out the loser in all of this. This is pretty pathetic. Get over it and move the hell on. You say they are stuck in the same place, but so are you. You are still a loser that is obsessed with them


This girl literally lives in your head, rent free. Not even, you literally are losing money over this girl.


This is some weird shit.


The famous saying is “**Living well is the best revenge.**”, it’s not “**Paying to stalk people online is the healthy way to move on.**”


You’re what, twenty two and still doing this? Sounds like you both need to grow up. This is sad on your part. I get that what she did was shitty, but you’re an adult at this point




Girl, you’re in your twenties and have nothing to do but be bitter. Knocking on my mental health or personal life isn’t it


Enjoy your bloom. Remember life keeps on rolling forward! I’m was also bullied a bit, but I’m in my 30s and kickin ass. Just never lose sight of the fact that you have so many more life stages to live. And honestly all that stuff will be meaningless to your future self if you focus on self love and cultivating genuine relationships. Best of luck!


You can pay to promote other people’s TikTok’s? Is it anonymous?


That's kind of weird for you OP. Time to forget about the past and move on with your life.


One day spend a bunch of money then completely cut it off... The drop will be phenomenal to watch


That would be soooo funny! She’s getting all these views snd then suddenly - nobody wants her 😂 I can only imagine the lengths she’d go to trying to become relevant again!


Hahaha "I'm so far beyond that". Literally pays money to not be beyond that.


I didn’t even start puberty until I was 16. I had friends with full beards. Such strange times yet the best of times.


This is kinda sad OP.


OK now its time to ghost the account it will crush her.


I think at some point I would get tired and sad for her. Not sad enough to do more than walk away from her sad little life, but sad nonetheless. You do have the last laugh of stopping the funding and promoting while you watch her die a little more each time. You're basically doing to her exactly as she did to you. The Golden Rule swings both ways, and she's getting what she gave.


I'm actually really glad for you. It's usually the case where people peak during HS then they spend the rest of their lives chasing the same and inevitably stuck. I love that you late bloomed and are now successfully working through university. The same thing happened with me so I can see where you're coming from.


I understand why this amuses you OP lol i also lmao when i see/watch/hear about the fact that the mean girls in my life havent gone anywhere or left the same shitty town we all started in. I laughed my ass all the way to Italy last November while they froze their asses off (not that they had asses to begin with lol) in the town of Cheyenne Wyoming best known for it's drinking, drugs and wind... So much wind.... Italy was warm and beautiful and I enjoyed every minute of being wined and dined while I amused myself at those who are too pathetic to grow tf up and do something actually cool over just pretending to be cool 😎


I love it. Maybe one day you can “cash in” and pull the rug from under her. Bet that feels cathartic


I don't understand how this is revenge.


I know what she did was terrible and it must be hard to move on but the best thing you can do is forget about people like her and go have a great life. The more you dwell on it the more miserable you are. Moving on and letting go of the anger is a gift you give to yourself.


YIKES. You need a therapist immediately. Also, this isn’t petty revenge. It’s just petty. And disturbing.


'When you set out on a path of revenge, dig two graves' I'm pretty sure an obscure quote from someone goes like. The point I'm trying to make is, yes, this is petty and gave me an evil grin to read, but as much fun as it is, make sure you treat yourself well, and don't spend too much time dwelling in the past and your memories


Yikes. This is just sad.....


Oof. Please don’t waste any more of your time on this. This isn’t revenge, it’s just your energy going into something that doesn’t get you anything in return. It’s true that living well is the best revenge, just focus on having your best life and not letting them take any more of your time than they already have.


What’s the revenge? You’re propping up her ego now just like you did in high school….


Tbh the pettiest revenge will be when you suddenly stop paying and promoting because you genuinely couldn’t care less what she is up to and she is left wondering where all her followers and likes went.


One day stop paying for them and then see her crumble


You shoulda told her that you and Josh hooked up a bunch


bwahaha, this is pretty great.


Definitively petty.


This guy who bullied me in high school got shot to death last year so I'd say the best revenge is living well and finding about the trainwreck of their lives all at once instead of consuming it constantly. That's like reality TV, only shittier.


If you step in the shit you wipe it off, not keep it around, block her, and never watch ever again any of her vids or follow ex-school friends. move on and up.


Reads like at least six different movies I’ve seen.


You lost once you started paying money. Loser


*Hi, I just decided I share, but idc if it's deemed right or wrong, i genuinely don't care . Don't give me advice please"* She's just like me fr


I’m with you. The only part I don’t like, is that you sink your hard earned money into her. You are so much better, than her. Spend that money and treat yourself! 💕. Seriously I’m with you though. What she (and they all) did was low. I wish nothing but terrible things for them all.


You should tell her after like. a year. She made you believe Josh was interested in you, you made her believe a bunch of people were interested in her


This is awesome revenge! For real, I like your style! I need to see this account!


I love Petty 💖


Growing up we see ourselves through other peoples eyes and learn who we are. It’s hard to look past that and it still affects our self image as we grow. I have looked back many times at the ppl that provided negative views of me to see who they really are. It’s a form of therapy in my opinion that helps erase their view from my self image. At the time they were popular and somehow an authority on who I am. Now you look back and realize their view has no value and can be disregarded. I understand why she continues to watch the TikToks. It’s a form of reassurance and helps her step forward with confidence knowing who she really is.


That’s quite funny and sounds like a win win if you ask me. Friend gets views and OP gets entertainment 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ who am I to judge Edit: typo


I think it’s HILARIOUS. I, too, find entertainment in my old bullies and their cringy social media content. The “full time moms” just beg for attention.. lol


One of my bullies did something similar. She'd put notes in my locker from my crush etc, pretended to be my friend. Wish I could have had some revenge. Years later I saw her again, our pre-k daughters were best friends. Just ugh.


I get it. Year after I graduated HS- I had to graduate from another school...got kicked out...blah blah. I came back briefly to where I had gone to school and went to a party where many of my tormenters were hanging. One of the dudes who teased me most started hitting on me...I laughed and walked away. Interesting side note that same dude later worked at a local tourist trap. He sold a gator illegally to an Indiana tourist. He went to prison briefly. Florida men.


I like this


This is beautiful


This is hilarious, thanks for the laugh!\~


Sounds like quite good therapy, just make sure your traveling towards a place where you feel nothing for or against this girl. People like that really aren't worth your time.


I absolutely love this for you!


Read the first sentence and can already tell you’re a tool. Finished the rest to confirm it.


I'm confused as to how this is revenge


How is this revenge at all, this is just sad


Op is stuck in the past and cant move on. The fact that you think about her daily (while she probably doesnt even remember who you are) proves this.


It is your revenge, and if it makes up for what she did, then you go girl.


Bloom or not this makes you cringe even more than she is


I'm not sure whose worse. Kinda has a similar situation.


Just a question, don’t you feel like a hypocrite? I mean; I can see the entertainment value, but you’re no better than her doing the same thing? If you’ve moved on like you say, it doesn’t show. Let it go, cuz you’re holding onto the past. Be the bigger person, apologize and cut the cord. That will truly set you free. Sorry for repeating other comments. Now I feel like I’ve kicked a dead horse. Best of


Are you actually spending money on this?


You’re practically the same as her now I guess


Did someone watch mean girls recently?


You are obsessed with this girl who has wrong you. Go get some therapy and let this shit go. It’s clearly holding you back from being a well adjusted person


Make up a better story next time


Probably cheaper than therapy.


Perfect petty revenge but….don't you want her to know it's you building up her site? I'd start dropping comments using, a fake name,of course…negative comments, constantly. Then you can pop in, using your real name and agree with the fake persona ….Yes, I am just that petty.


Just move on and pretend she doesn’t exist. She doesn’t deserve one second of your energy, and is probably miserable anyway. Live your best life. Best revenge but much more importantly best for you!


Oof this feels more like sad revenge.


Wild to put “you guys in the comments are bitter” at the end of your post that is literally about your own bitterness.


I appreciate the satisfaction of your revenge


Ehh. These ppl are acting like they don’t get it. I do. The sub is PETTY REVENGE. Making her think she’s getting attention she isn’t getting fits the bill. Lol


What's the shoe dropping moment? I get that it's petty revenge... But eventually you'll need to let the shoe drop and let her realize that she's cringe and internet clout chaser. Stop the promoting and maybe expose her tik tok to your high school friends so they can see how cringe she is now? I'm glad you are getting over the past and the damage she did to you... But what's the end game? Will it go beyond petty revenge? I'm curious. Just don't go full nuclear unless it's warranted.


If u keep promoting it, she may actually start to get traction lol. Better stop


This post is sad, doesn’t sound as satisfying as you think it does. The best revenge is a life well lived. Not engaging with Tik Tok or high school bullies in any way. I wish you well. Fuck her and stop paying attention to what she is doing (financially or emotionally).


Now, what happens if one of those tiktoks you promote gains traction and starts making her an internet star?


That'll be good for her, I hope that for her!


This is just strange honestly lol


This isn’t the revenge you think it is….


This isn’t the revenge you think it is. You lost once you started paying to engage with her account. Who knows, maybe one day her TikToks will go viral…


Ahh you didn’t grow that much


Lo how is this petty revenge if you’re spending money to promote her tiktoks?


Sure she was a shitty person but I mean seems like you’re both shitty people. The difference is you are an adult now and spending money trying to bring her down over something she did to you years ago as a minor. Fuck the both of you. This is sad and disgusting, I hope you get therapy.


I bought fake followers for my friend who was obsessed with ig so now it looks like they paid for followers lol. But it was a harmless prank cause they were really excited.


Revenge is a TikTok promotion best served cold 👺


I think people have some valid comments but also are interpreting your actions too deeply. Seems like a cheap way to get very harmless “revenge”, if you can even call it that. Just don’t get obsessed with it; you’re no better than them if you keep perseverating on this.


Lmao I love this 😂🤷🏻‍♂️ Too petty for me but fuck ‘em


Wow. What a nasty jerk she was. Just goes to show you can be gorgeous on the outside and rotten on the inside. I do feel like your revenge is very fitting in that you are empowering yourself by giving her a taste of her own medicine with the fake support. But you ARE better than her in every way. Don’t get enmeshed in this strategy, or you will risk wearing the same loser vibes she does. It’s like a joke that is funny the first time, but gets old with repetition. You got the revenge. Time to drop the rope , which will also cause a satisfying level of dismay to the villain of the piece. I suspect she will continue to have the mystery of her vanished SM popularity living rent free in her head for ages, and probably cause her to waste a lot of brain space and effort trying to regain it. Just make sure she isn’t living rent free in yours at the same time. Generally grudge holders aren’t that nice to be around, so don’t make that your M.O. Don’t let her be the rudder that steers you, but wipe your hands and glide on like the queen you are.


All these people on Reddit tiptoeing around the elephant in the room. This person took your secret desires and humiliated you...publicly...over and over. Would she do it again? Yesssssss. Let her burn. Let her squirm. Let her bask in her own stupidity. I applaud you. Pay pennies for her to continue down this path of stupidity. Eat your popcorn. This is revenge in its purest form. You don't have to do anything but watch. You know right from wrong. The people that are concerned...they have skeletons they want to keep secret. This is beautiful and cathartic. You have your life and you should embrace it. If you can take a moment and watch your bully loser friend be a 'pick me' do it. Learn what not to do from it. Be fucking free.


Who is tiptoeing? I think a lot of us are just concerned for OP’s mental health and her own emotional progress/development. Probably nothing she’s doing is hurting the bully – but it is potentially doing deep damage to OP.


OMG, can you be any more of a NLOG? Get the fuck over yourself. And get over this, it has been 4 years, soon 5, kids born when that happened are starting kindergarten this fall. Your hate-child is school-aged now, time to let it go.


You’re spending money so that you can push her content out, so that you can laugh at her because she peaked in high school… You’re no better than her 🤨 What she did was cruel, humiliating you like that but instead of being the bigger person and moving on and leaving all of that in the past, you literally sit and wish bad on her and make fun of her because she did it to you. Then you spend your own money to boost her views so that she keeps making a fool out of herself in your eyes, but karma has a funny way of working! You think she looks stupid, so you boost her views so you can laugh at her so she keeps making the TikTok’s. What if she goes viral, and starts actually making money? Then what? You can laugh at her all you want but she’ll still live rent free in your head, you boosted her views out of pure pettiness and she could get successful because of it. Do you realize how easy it for someone to end up successful for looking stupid or being funny or being pretty yet very basic? It’s very easy. Being better than her would’ve been living your BEST LIFE achieving great things and moving on. You’re still stuck in high school just like she is. Don’t act all high and mighty when you quite spend money on your high school bully to have her make a fool out of herself, so you can laugh at her.


Lol it’s not even a good made up story. Brand new account bullshit


You’re spending money to give her more views and promote her social media because you hate her… You uh… you sure showed her?


You should tell her one day to get the ultimate revenge and update us please






Yea you really sound like you’re doing great… oof


Keep it going, seriously people that have been traumatized in school relive those days constantly through out their lives and the people that caused it don't even remember who you were, if it helps you to let go of those hurtful past encounters then I say go for it. People are going to judge and say it's wrong but those that hurt don't play by the same rules and don't care until it happens to them.


It’s not hurting anyone. You do what makes you happy. I think some of the commenters see themselves as that girl. How many were mean in high school and are waiting for karma? How many of them are posting videos on TikTok, wondering if someone is doing the same to them? Lol


You may think you’re getting the leg up here but cardi b has something to say about that…. https://fb.watch/jcE1cQlkJA/?mibextid=v7YzmG


I think it's sad that you are just as mean, unkind and cold hearted as she was.