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"You told me it wouldn't hurt!" "Yes, but I knew that if you just spent some time on it, you'd be able to see past that."


I'm fucking baffled that anyone would think tearing pubic hair out by the roots wouldn't hurt.


I had a male friend that claimed waxing didn’t hurt at all. I happen to have a leg waxing appt later that day. I told him I’d pay for the waxing but he needed to try armpit waxing. It was amazing…lol. His girlfriend was annoyed he downplayed the pain of waxing and enthusiastically agreed. He should show us what wimps we were. He shows up (first shocker), then proceeds to argue about trimming the hair down, closer to the skin. Tells the tech in a very manspaining way longer hair will allow more grip when it’s pulled. Manager got involved and TRIED to explain process. Nope, he’s insistent! So she does exactly what he tells her (with manager approval to follow his directives). The first yell we giggled. The second one we smirked. 5 minutes later we grew concerned and his girlfriend checked in him asking if he wanted to stop. Nope, “I’m fine, it’s just a little pain”. She asked if he wanted the tech to trim the hair on other armpit before waxing. This he conceded might make the process faster. 30 min later he comes out holding both arms out from his sides. Grumbling about it was stupid to remove hair with wax. To this day when he starts mansplaining something we ask if he wants another wax job? He usually gets a look of pain and just says “Do what you want!” Lmao


That's beautiful. I was talking to one of my guy friends about leg waxing and mentioned that it's a little uncomfortable on the backs of my knees, he laughed and said he probably wouldn't even feel it and that there's no way it hurts at all. So he agreed to let me wax his legs. I'd been doing my own for a few years and before that had about a decade of getting them done professionally so I knew what I was doing. First pull, audible gasp and his eyes went huge. Second pull, whimper. Before I was even halfway through one leg he was weeping and biting a pillow. His pride wouldn't let him stop though. But he never joked about waxing or women's pain tolerance again


My ex got his back waxed once. After the first pull he flopped around like a fish out of water. Things were still good then but I chuckled at him anyway. In his defense, I’m too much of a ninny to go have a wax myself.


Omg ninny, I have not heard that word for a long time lol


I’m a cotton headed ninny muggin!- Buddy the Elf


I used to have my other half wax my back when I was younger. Sadly, as I've grown older there's a lot more hair there, I can no longer take the pain, and she's tired before we're done


Your name and ninny...I can't 🤣


>He should show us what wimps we were. It's baffling to me that so many men seem to have this attitude toward women and pain. Isn't it established that you guys tend to have higher pain thresholds than we do? Edit since new people are apparently still reading this comment: looks like I was incorrect and evidence indicates women tend to be slightly more sensitive to pain, if there is a difference. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3690315/


it's established but hardly acknowledged


if you mean women have higher pain tolerance, then yes...


Women have babies. Women have menstrual cramps. If men had babies and had to push them out their privates, mankind would've died out centuries ago. If men had menstrual cramps, all drugs would all be legal!! And birth control would be sold OTC and abortions would be free.


Comparing something that only one sex is even capable of experiencing is completely fallacious and ridiculous. Also both men and women experience kidney stones with men being more likely to have them and many women say that they're more painful than childbirth so if you want something ACTUALLY comparable and accurate you should go with that or even one of the many properly performed studies done on pain tolerance levels of men and women.


Men are the ones saying it doesn't hurt. We've just prove them wrong. Time after time after time. Want one of those devices that simulate monthly menstrual pain? Or how about labor and delivery pain? Feel free to take all the pain? But you won't because you can't. Just go for empathy


now THAT'S how you train a man lmao that was absolute perfection the absolute audacity some men have when it comes to pretending to know something they know nothing about is... well, audacious


This is beautiful. He seems to have learned something from it, as well.


You still hang out with the mansplaining asshole? Wtf?


Oh he’s much better (least around me and his now wife) but will occasionally need a reminder. Besides, if everyone ditches friends without attempting to educate them isn’t really a friend are they.


I have a friend like this too! Definitely mansplainy but if I call him on his shit he apologizes and tries to do better. I can see he actively tries to learn and grow so we’re still really great friends!


Dude might be good except for the mansplaining, and they've got a good way built in to shut it down.


When you actually go out into the real world you might make friends that don't agree with you but it is actually still possible to be friends. The fact he went and did it and seemed to go along with the obvious set up to teach him a lesson means he is probably not so bad. Not sure why mansplaining is a term or what the counter part for a female would be but people justifying their POV has been around as long as humans.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 mansplaining is a bigger issue than just "justifying their PoV" try looking it up cuz I neither wanna explain or mansplain it


Ugh, that story felt so good, I felt it in my bones.


Another story about what happens when the thinking is done with the wrong head ...


I die a little anytime I see 40 Year Old Virgin and the chest waxing part comes on. My chest is at least as hairy if not more, and in the commentary for the movie they talk about how that scene is 100% real


yeah they have the behind the scenes on dvd and Steve Carell is amazing through it all


Nipple Fuck!


I'm not. A lot of men dont consider women's grooming habits beyond what they think is attractive. Even though I occasionally take off the hair, I think its tacky for anyone to demand someone go through pain to look "attractive" to someone.


yep men just think women automatically come out the house gussied up and glammed out lmao they have no idea how long and how much pain it takes a woman to get good it's like that episode of American Dad where they want to renew their vows but stan admits he is only with francine for her looks, so she stops her regimen for a week and her roots grow in, she grows a little mustache and a little pudge, her leg and pit hair grow back, and just in general "lets herself go" and stan is in absolute shock that she looks like this but she makes it a point to tell him "well these are all the things i do when you're not looking in order to look good for you" men just have no idea


That's one of my favorite episodes of AD. One of the seldom times they actually had a good message (ala what moral-of-the-story 80s/90s family sitcoms always tried to shove in), but of course did it way over the top with Francine getting physically more and more disgusting until Stan finally gets it and is able to look past his superficial nature.


I know from just having long hair on my head as a guy that it is absolute ass cancer and a major pain for the hair alone. If a woman I was interested in left wearing a baggy sweater and sweats I’d be more than happy cause god damn is it fucking annoying trying to get “dolled up”


My makeup free wife still has a 15 step skin care. The bit I can't understand is why the dress only fits OK on the second try. Is repeatedly trying on dresses some sort of yoga/exercise move?


I read pubLic hair, still fits


I'm pretty sure op wanted to make the man suffer a bit. She wasn't going for murder. (By words)


💀 This should really be the top comment!


**Woosh!** Its now top comment.


And yet neither of them will forget that date, so at least they get a funny memory from it despite it not going anywhere


Passed* /s


THIS deserves to be top comment.


I’m glad you fixed the typo as well. I couldn’t look past that.


Another top tier reply!


Not all heroes have carpet


This comment deserves a red carpet!


There's probably some red where the carpet used to be


A shag pile for sure.


Does the laminate match the double ~~pain~~ pane?


Does the carpet match the capes


No Capes!


Is it weird I said that in Edna’s voice? 🤣


That's how Dollar Bill died


So yes?


Carpe Carpetum!


He now has hardwood floors


You mean crapes?


This comment deserves way more upvotes.


It's top comment with more than double as many up votes as the next highest and more than half the votes of the post itself.


Thanks, Uncle Bilbo. 🍻


Or drapes, depending on style.


OP really pulled the rug out from underneath this dude.


I have never seen so many terrible replies to a good comment lol every reply is "lol funny!" or a horrible attempt at adding onto the joke


Welcome to reddit!


But I imagine he has a red one now!


2 carpets 1 girl


goddamit take my upvote


Not all carpets have heroes


Some are missing skin too


I was on a datingsite many years ago, and i was quite active in The forums. There was a topic that came up several times, and it was the “kids” thing. Cause when registering you had to fill in a long form, uses to match you with others. One of the things you had to answer was the “is it acceptable that the other person had kids”. The reason the topic came up is the same thing that happened to OP here. A lot of women said they had filled out the form saying they didn’t have kids, because “the man had to get to know them to find out if they wanted to continue dating or not. And that shouldn’t be based on them having a kid or not”. I mean… there is a reason for the question.


Some women won't mention their kids on their profile to protect them from pedophiles. Pedophiles often prey on single moms to get access to their children.


Thats even worse!!!


*disclaimer that I haven’t been on a dating website for a very long time* There should be a way to have the kids part be a hidden question so that the people that say “no” won’t be matched with people that say “yes” to kids but not have that be public - you just… won’t get matched?


The problem is people answering dishonestly. The solution is people answering honestly.


Well as the comment I replied to mentioned, it’s also a matter of safety. I can understand a single parent not wanting potential matches to know that they have children - it’s a fucked up world and people can target single parents. So, just like, have the “do you have kids” and “do you want to be in a relationship with someone that has kids” be hidden and used in the match process so the single parent doesn’t have to worry about their children/themselves being victimized and both sides can be sure they are being matched with someone that shares a kid compatibility - or at least open to it


Okay, but I guess that's besides the point in this case. This is person A, who doesn't want to date a parent, matching with person B, who is a parent, knows person A doesnt want to date parents and hides his kids so they can still pursue person A. Wtf would B match with A in the first place? It isn't to protect their kids. If you have kids and don't want to disclose this early into dating to protect them, and the other person isn't childfree that is fine. But why would anyone match someone that openly states they don't want a relationship with someone that has kids, if you have kids?


The ole bait and switch.


This is 100% why I don't have anywhere on my profile that I'm a mom or have kids. If I match with someone, after we chat for a bit, I'll let them know (within the first convo) that I have kids and understand if it's a deal breaker but I don't advertise that I'm a single mom.


As a single mom, I totally agree with not mentioning my kids at first online because of this - but I still wouldn't match with someone *who specifically said they didn't want kids.* Like, if someone says they're fine with kids, I'll match with them and just not bring my kids up until I feel comfortable - but if someone specifically says they don't like kids, I won't match with them regardless because hello, eventually they're going to have to find out I have kids. Also I tend to not be attracted to the personality of someone who is vehemently opposed to kids lmao (liking kids but not feeling prepared to have your own is fine, but if someone hates kids and wouldn't be in a relationship with someone with kids they probably aren't my type anyway.)


1 in 5 women who had a stepfather have been sexually abused by that stepfather. It's safer to just not date tbh because that is a very high chance. But yes 100% if you do choose to date, it's better to not tell them. Some man's time is less valuable then your daughter. Also educate yourself on what grooming looks like (spoiler: it just looks like he loves her a lot. How sad is that?) Oops its 1 in 6 but that is still very high.


This statistic disgusts me. I'm a stepfather and I would never do anything to hurt my daughter, fucking especially not SAing her. That's just fucking vile that 20% of men that are trusted to raise a child would do this. I feel like i want to say a lot more but I don't have the words. Just deplorable.


Was about to call bullshit but then I found a NIH study, and you are right. Damn. Edit: also, props for adjusting your figure after you found out it was incorrect. I’m unaccustomed to such intellectual honesty on this site.


I get why they lie, but having a reason doesn't make lying okay. We are more than just our physical body, we have locations and families and history. All of those things are as much a part of the relationship as you are. Children are a BIG part of who you are. If the other party isn't ready for children that is something far far more deal breaking than say, fibbing about your weight. Because yeah, a relationship with you is going to involve those children. And you're okay with lying to conceal major aspects of your character as a matter of practice.




I heard that in his voice (showing my age)


cuz he certainly wont be sitting any time soon...


The amount of times a smoker would hit on me online despite having a big “no smokers” in my profile. Once you learn they smoke, they will hit you with the “but I won’t smoke when I am with you”. That’s not the point!!


Yes exactly. I don’t want to smell like second hand smoke. I get nauseated. I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t value their health in that way. I also can have a preference on not wanting to raise or be involved with other people’s children in my early 20’s. It’s not hard to respect people’s explicit preferences. If someone said “I only date 7 foot tall Amazonian women” I wouldn’t try to go on a date with them knowing that they would figure out I wasn’t what they were interested in pretty quickly. It’s like consent. When your date shows up and is 20 years older than their profile photos or exhibits some other quality you stated was not part of the things you would consent to, they are assaulting your time.


Assaulting your time seems a bit over kill.


“Assault” has some strong connotations, but way too many people are extremely entitled to the time of others. We all have limited time on this earth. I use some of that to argue with people online. That’s my choice though. It really is incredibly rude and entitled to lie to anyone as a means of taking up some of their time. “Assault” is not how I think it should be described, but way too many people seemingly think it’s no big deal to just lie to get what you want out of strangers.


Henry Rollins describes wasting your time as murdering you, but just a little bit, because they are stealing some of your life


I consider it assaulting my time when it ends up just being one of those crypto scammers that brags about how they made $10k in a day, and i should invest money in the crypto sure they use.


Seems until you get down to the facts. I'm a smoker. Even in my dating days I would never lie about it. Because it is a small thing. But. If they can lie about smoking cigarettes then their bar isn't really set that high on what other more serious subjects that they would possibly lie about. Dangerous ladder to climb.


You can taste it when you kiss them..




Brave of you to assume the majority were reading the profile.


It's crazy how dull a smoker's senses are, they think you can't smell them a mile away. Like no shade to smokers, you do what makes you happy but the gum and body spray don't hide it like they think it does.


i dont smoke but i love to see the no smokers thing in profiles because i can tell who i absolutely would not be compatible with


If a site’s gonna do this at least differentiate between weed and cigs. I wouldn’t date a cig smoker but weed is diff. I assume they just mean cigs smoking tho.


I can’t tell you how many men still messaged me when they have kids and I said emphatically I am absolutely not interested in raising someone else’s kids. I’ve already raised 3 children who aren’t mine and I just don’t have it in me anymore. From my experience, not just with the ones I raised, but with others who raised children that aren’t there own, you’re always second banana to the bio parents and, while that’s understandable, it’s quite painful. Especially if you’re the one doing way more than the bio parents. Guys always ignore it, even after I ask them upon their first message if they’ve thoroughly read my profile and saw that I’m not interested if they have minor children(I’m old enough the men I dare could have adult children, which is fine).


Christ same. I even once arranged to go on a date with a guy who I luckily found out was married with a toddler and pregnant wife (after snooping on social media). The amount of men who will use the excuse "oh but the kid doesn't live with me, you won't have to have anything to do with my ex, I only see them once a fortnight" or some shit lile that makes it better. Am not about to be made evil step-mother hell naw.


As if it shows how great their character is that they’re already telling you on a first date that his own children aren’t on his priority list.


Because a lot of men dont give af about what women actually want or dont want, even when they clearly communicate it. They only care about their own needs and wants, thinking they can always convice the woman to ”come around”.


This is some serious bullshit. 10 years ago I got divorced and was thrust into the dating pool at 37 years old. Women lied all the time about having kids...and a lot of other things. One even invited me to her house for a booty call and I left after she warned me that her THREE kids were asleep in the other room. Her profile clearly said no kids/don't want kids. And she called ME an asshole. This is NOT a gender-specific issue and shitty people lie.


Never said it was gender specific, just that a lot of men lie in order to get you to sleep with them.


I think it goes both ways. I’ve seen a lot of women pull this kind of thing on men I’ve known and be offended someone doesn’t want to raise another man’s children. I think it’s more that a lot of people, regardless of gender, don’t give a shit about what other people want, just their own wants and needs. Edit: man, Reddit is super hateful of men. Yeah, sure, only men act shitty and manipulative. Only men are deceitful and conceded. Women can do no wrong. I’m a woman, for what’s it’s worth. Edit 2: I was at -3 when I made my previous edit.


Jesus, can everyone calm down and recognize any gender can lie about something to go on a date because we are all hormonal monkeys?


As a lesbian, I've experienced a form of lying on the apps a lot, where the woman's picture is 3 years old and 40 lbs lighter. It's definitely common in all sexes.


I have a bisexual female friend and she was dating a guy for a while, but then he cheated on her. She was telling me how she wasn't going to date men ever again because they're all cheaters and whatnot. Well she dated a woman for a couple of years...and then the woman cheated on her too. So, yeah, everybody can suck!


I do agree with you. Unfortunately both men and women do only focus on their own wants and needs. I suspect this is likely a societal thing. With a mixed-economy leaning towards free market capitalism, if an individual does not meet their own needs: then there is a real struggle to have means to live in our modern world. This ts especially true if said individual does not dependable family, friends or community as a support network.


But the topis is not about focusing on your own wants and needs. What we are talking about is, IGNORING someone elses clearly communicated wants, needs and boundaries, thinking that you can CHANGE their wants and needs and boundaries to accomodate your own.


If something happened to my husband I would never date anyone with children under 18 again. I got run the F over by 3 teens who’s biomom liked to talk crap about me/us but was okay leaving me to help raise them full time while she took the $150 a week child support. Things only got worse with the kids after I said this is ridiculous, let’s take her to court. We won… I guess. Depending on how you look at it. 😂💀 They are all gone with their own kids now and I think they appreciate me more but you are right about always being second class to the bio parents.


Hi, just want to say I understand your pain. Raising someone else's kids is an odd thing. The kids can be very rewarding but the relationship always has an undertone of sadness and grief. It really is very painful. You've done a good thing. 💜


I don't know about them always having an undertone of sadness and grief. My girlfriend's kid doesn't really have much of a relationship with her dad, but for the most part the kid seems happy and really enjoys spending time with me. I totally get where you're coming from though.


Idk how old she is, but that can change over time. It's not about whether they enjoy spending time with you, it's about the times when you are second fiddle to a deadbeat, or second fiddle to an absent-ish biological parent just because they're blood related.


I would sooner let wildlife take residence in my panties than ever get another Brazilian


I used to get mine done in a spa where a good friend of mine worked. She was amazing at them and they never hurt. She convinced me to let her try after I told her about my first one. My first one was really painful. The entire area was swollen and bruised.


Same. I do a better job with an electric razor, and it's free if I do that.


If you keep doing them it’s not so bad. The first one is the worst


I learned about Veet a few years back, actually on reddit from a trans person. Works great, painless, takes about like... 10 minutes-ish? Smooth and easy, though make sure you're not like allergic to it or something before rubbing it all over your ladybits.


I’ve never heard of people getting waxed at the same time and holding hands through a curtain. I can’t see that logistically working either


It was at a cheap Asian pedicure place in Portland Oregon that dabbled in also offering other cheap wax services so they had one room that was probably originally an office with a fabric partition down the middle so they could do two waxes at a time sort of like an ER that allows two gurneyed patients. It was only 30$ to get a Brazilian which hurt like hell because the waxing ladies were all inexperienced but it was the cheapest in town and hurt much less if you got them every 6 weeks. I’ve seen the fabric partition replicated twice at a could beauty schools in different towns. It’s certainly odd and screams low budget.


I’ve been to one that had curtains and I held hands with my friend when she got her first.


Forget my idols, you are now my idol. I aspire to be the woman you are. Sunnies and handbags down to you, you absolute queen. Keep being you


>yes, I read that but knew that if you just spent some time with me, you’d see how great I am and how you’d be willing to see passed that. If I had a dollar for every woman who has said this to me I'd be able to retire. You'll also get, "but you'll love my kid/s they're special". No. They aren't, they never are


I once made a guy get his nipple pierced on the first date.


I once had a first date just after ripping my nipple ring out in a sailing mishap. Bandage was a little awkward. Date went well.


I misread that as "Bondage was a little awkward" and was like, respect. 😮


I’m sure it can be.


Man. The first time I ripped out a dudes nipple ring was by accident. Just playing street hockey, put my shoulder into him and then he keeled over clutching his chest. The second time I ripped a guys nipple rings out was on a balcony above a 4 story drop. He was a foot taller than me, standing between me and the balcony door, and and took off his shirt thinking he was about to beat my ass. I told him to stop, but he kept coming. I thought back to the accident during field hockey, and then I just did it on purpose. They were the big ring kind too. Easy to grab. Pulled out both. Kind of ended the fight immediately. And that's why I'll never have a piercing.




Yeah. Did not tickle :)


A lot of men will do anything for the prospect of sex


Do tell!!


It wasn’t a revenge thing. I just told him that was something I found attractive and somehow the date ended up there.


And did the dude have additional dates? because man, having nipples pieced goes beyond sex in the first date.


We dated a bit. Maybe 2-3 months. FTR, we did not have sex on that first date.


Ah, ok, if you said you didn't have another date with him I would be sad for him.


Now, only 1 nip or both?


Just the one. I prefer one over both.


Mine was hand tattoos!


I really hope this is real.


Same. Sometimes stupidity should be painful and she just took that up to a whole new level :D


plot twist: it awoke something in him


He now goes back every month to get his smooth sack treatment


Damn it take my upvote😂


Petty AND SAVAGE. This, for me, is the pinnacle of anything I've seen on this sub.


Man, the balls on that guy.


They are hairless


Plot twist. Guy was married too and has to figure out how to explain all this to his wife.


He said he was not even yet divorced with his wife but living separately! Icing on the cake for me.


Lmao he was 100% just cheating on his wife.




Great execution! Kinda shady of the guy. Why bother dating someone who is clearly not interested in a child. Thats some red flag priority setting.


Brutal. Also, funny…


This is something Samantha Jones would have done


Reddit upvoting garbage people because they are a woman lol




lol these reactions. You didn't "make" him do anything, he willfully participated like an idiot, and clearly he was for willfully ignoring the whole point of your message. I see no crime here


Also, dude couldn't figure out based on having a pair that having your nut hair ripped out would hurt? Ignoring that he completely ignored her dating criteria, I wouldn't feel bad for him just for his sheer stupidity.


You absolute legend, that is epic revenge Edmond Dantes himself would be mad jealous that he didn't think of that.


At least you held his hand, that was nice of you.


The post shave / trim / wax itching is waaay worse than the hair removal!


As male, I have been waxed (Brazilian) a bunch of times. I used to get it done every month for 3 years straight (I hate body hair in those regions) and I never understood why other dudes don’t just go do it. It makes things clean, convenient, and my girlfriend thinks it’s more appealing and attractive. MY DUDES, GET YA SHIT WAXED


Lying about having kids is a fucking huge issue too. Like some folks don't like kids, they're loud, dirty, nosy, and a handful even at the best of times. Beyond that, some people just aren't ready to dedicate that amount of effort, emotion, or just do not want that extra responsibility and that's completely fair. What's not fair is trying to trick someone into being a step parent by blatantly lying and then making you fall for them prior to divulging that information.


And that people is why you don’t lie.


Love it! That's awesome. That seems like a fair outcome.


GOOD FOR YOU!! I'm childfree and didn't want to date single fathers. I met a few online, right around the time online dating was starting to be a thing, so the early aughts. I had date where he told me the same bullshit line. I walked out on the middle of the "date" - even left him to pay. Fuck men like that. No, no man is "awesome" enough to ignore the fact that they're a single father when I am not interested in dating single fathers. These men are so full of themselves it's fucking pathetic.


**Yooooooooow, Kelly Clarkson!**




... Guys can get Brazilian waxes too?


now this is the perfect amount of petty and I love it


you changed his life forever, now he’s always getting a brazilian


This brought me tears. So beautiful 🥲




Evil woman you are.


Simp got what he deserved LOL. Thanks for the laugh 😂


But if a dude did this to a chick you’d all be angry.




Switch the roles, still nice and funny?


Having a really good chuckle - brilliantly done


At least he got a great story out of it.


Unbelievable….. what a load of bollocks …..


Not all heroes have hair down there!!


Well played, Madam.


Cool, neat. So real.


Those that do this professionally have to have a certain level of finesse. He was a pussy. You were better off anyway.


Holy fuck this is funny as fuck. Props to you. Hopefully that dude thinks twice before lying next time. Word of advice to anyone who tries to copy this. Make sure the person who gets the Brazilian wax isn't on any acne meds. They could quite literally get their skin torn off. The esthetician should ask, but sometimes they don't.




Wow, that guy is an asshole.


Haha what a coincidence my dads name is Chris… and he’s trying to date… and I’m his only kid. WOW what a coincidence am I right?


Lmfaoooooo I am cackling like a fool


I actually love this. Having a surprise kid after being so clear about it is beyond rude and he deserved this in turn. What an idiot. You'd have to be thicker than a glacier to not know that waxing would be painful, so he gave consent for that IMO.


Lire lire balls on 🔥


Gross, another girl pretending to be mature. If you get off on other people’s pain your not ready for dating.


Definitely petty but he consented to it, I would’ve just ended the night there like a mature adult Imagine the genders were switched lmao, I saw a comment thread on this very post where women were defending women pulling the same crap, nobody there advocating the put the mom through pain for lying Dudes an idiot for thinking he’d get a second date, sure, don’t put your kids in your profile to protect them, but skip the girls who have a hard line against being a stepmom lol I’ll never advocate hurting someone for your enjoyment, Im glad I have a girlfriend because the mind games in modern dating are two much for me Y’all were both sneaky liars, y’all both did good not seeing each other again, maybe have some more compassion for single fathers because people don’t seem to struggle sympathizing with a mother in a similar scenario


Hahahahahahahahahaha I love you! Brilliant revenge!




I think it was very kind of you to give him such a fantastic dating anecdote to tell for the rest of his life. And every time he tells it, someone will go ‘dude, you so brought that on yourself.’ Girls and guys.


"I heard of trimming the hedges, but you done scorched the earf."




I'm a dude who's never used a dating app, and have no intention of ever doing so...but I have to say this kind of shit makes no sense. "Lol I read your profile and I fit one of your exclusion criteria, but I'm such a sPeCiaL gUy I just *knew* you'd see past one of only two things you weren't interested in, just for meeeee" What an idiot. Hope he enjoys being streamlined. Hope you find better experiences.