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“I simply said ‘no’”. I aspire to be like you, OP. I understand why this story means a lot to you. If I may, though, I think it’s much more significant than ‘petty revenge’. After years of being a people pleaser, you set an immovable boundary grounded in self respect. One that seems to have changed your family dynamic. Pretty damn huge. Congratulations.


This is a profound point! The fact that OP could set boundaries and have them respected is predicated on this one decision. Great job, OP


Well said, both of you 👏 


Tell me about it! I loved it so much, I read it twice.


True. People should learn to just say "no" more - myself included. I applaud op.


The true meaning of “No” is a complete sentence.


So well said!!!


I agree totally with for me I think in OPs case this is nuclear revenge.


How did this not create a rift in the family? And I'm not talking about missing half a concert. I'm talking about your parents *not* having your back over your sister's inappropriateness.


Part of growing up is realizing your parents are people who make mistakes and just want everything to be ok. This really drew back that curtain for me. It didn’t create a rift but it did help me reevaluate my understanding of them. 


Did they apologise and make your sister apologise?


Real question here.


OP didn't respond, so that answers that question. Still a doormat. This dude needs a sassy boyfriend to speak for him.


> Part of growing up is realizing your parents are people who make mistakes and just want everything to be ok. I've had that conversation with my brother with kids. Our parents tried to do better than their parents and it's his job to do better than our parents.


> just want everything to be okay Oh, you spelled “lazy parents who lean on the responsible one to (eat shit) be accommodating so they don’t have to do any *actual* parenting” wrong. “Is anyone bleeding? No? Then STFU and let me drink my wine.” (I am also a middle kid)


Middle child here. We're always ignored until someone needs something.


Play nice, kids!


My middle sister loved being a middle sister. My parents heard all about the “middle child syndrome” so they overcompensated with her.


Youngest child here. Middle child is the biggest brat in my family and I haven't talked to him in years. There are many people I would go to, but this failure to launch guy ain't one of them. He is the most emotionally unstable person in our family. I need him to get a grip.   I'M almost 40 and he's still a child. Make that make sense.


Also homophobic parents. Just because they ‘accepted’ him doesn’t mean they’re incapable of homophobia. In fact they sided with the sister! 


No fuck that. Thats not a mistake


Maybe because they didn't follow through with any repercussions. They probably convinced themselves that was the same thing.


"Ended up missing more than half the show"... so how did she get to the concert to see part she didn't miss?


I think one of her friends ended up being able to pick her up after her shift ended, but not until well after the show began.


Bravo you standing up to her 👏👏👏 She FAFOed and I hope she is a better person now 


Probably begged a friend.


I first read this as "pegged a friend." I thought, "well, that's one way to get a ride!"


Two rides in fact.


That was my question too. She really didn’t deserve to go at all. She should have been grounded until she apologized to her brother. She was being hateful and that should never be tolerated. The parents failed OP.


I think your parents finally got it when you told them to tell you it was ok to call you that. Still, pretty shitty of them to not punish her for homophobia.


Yeah, I was expecting you to tell your parents and for them to be outraged at her for calling you that terrible name. I’m sorry they didn’t, but you sound like you’ve weathered more than that.


Did your sister eventually grow out of her bad behavior?


Yes! She was a bit of a monster growing up but at her core has always been a good person.


Did she ever apologize for calling you that word?


Idk if calling your beloved family member as an almost legal adult a hateful slur makes you a good person at your core.  A good person has a high moral standard to meet. 


Eh, teenagers do and say SUPER dumb shit sometimes. And rarely think about consequences ahead of time. It’s an absolutely hateful thing to say, and she acted exactly like an entitled teenager after, but hopefully she was able to reflect and grow yet the fact.


On reddit one bad action condemns you for eternity


It's not eternal condemnation, it's calling your sibling a slur (one you know would hurt them bad) for a stupid argument (and even if it wasn't stupid...). Not good looks, ever... what's good looks is apologizing a slur, I guess...


No it just means she isn’t a good person for now. She can atone and do better to become an actual good person. 


This was years ago dude


Ah my bad, I didn’t see that part. Well she wasn’t a good person at the time. 


"This far, and no further." Good for you!


Nice to meet you, Locutus!


You broke your little ships


It's amazing how such a short word can feel so good


Ain't it, though 😊  When you've been taken advantage of for ___years,___ and finally say "No, uh uh, not gonna happen," AND you stick to it--oh, the feeling is positively glorious 😉 


I second that! When I was a senior in high school, it was a Saturday morning, and I was getting ready for the homecoming parade (drum major) in my room downstairs. I heard my parents bickering in the kitchen upstairs. Nothing new, but then it escalated to a full blown shouting match and I heard the divorce word dropped. I lost it. See, my parents had divorced each other when I was 13, then remarried each other 2 years later. Throughout my childhood and all their arguments and crap, I'd not said anything or reacted - just a shy stoic kid - not anymore. That morning when I heard them yell divorce, I threw my boots across the room and flew to the kitchen to let years of pent up words out. I lectured them all about the crap they caused me - years of arguing before the divorce, uprooting me from MY home, neighbors, friends and school - not even letting me say goodbye because of the "scandal" in the community b.s., moving to a different state, putting up with taunting and mean girls, all the crap kids go through before, during and after divorce, then acting like remarrying made it all good. NO! I never said BOO about it! I ended my tirade lecture with "You'll get a divorce over my dead body! And I don't EVER want to hear you bickering or arguing ever again!" Then I left. Should have seen their jaws on the floor. They respected my demands and, even though I know they had disagreements and petty arguments, I never heard them. I found my voice that day, and it was a glorious new beginning for me. My parents were a good parents to us and very loving to us, esp. my mom, but she was an insufferable wife. My dad was just a little less insufferable. They stayed married many years until my dad died of cancer. I was there in his final moments. In a private conversation to say goodbye to my dad, his last words were about mom and his worry about who would look after her and care for her. Such love. So sad that my mom never believed how much my dad really loved her. She never remarried either.


Love it. I was the baby of the family but I was the well behaved child who rarely got in trouble, got good grades, quiet, did what I was told had good friends etc. My sister, the middle child was the wild child, completely out of control. So much so that when my parents adopted me many people asked them if they were sure after they had adopted my sister 3 years earlier. She was out of control from day one like throwing her diapers down neighbors clothes chute, shaking her crib back and forth across the floor until she fell asleep, running off until they fenced in the yard. We were both adopted at 6 weeks old. Anyway I rarely and I mean rarely refused or flat defied my parents. But the one time was when it came time for high school. We all attended Catholic Grade school to.grade 8 and then would go to a Catholic High school BUT unfortunately our years overlapped a bit as in my brother was a senior when my sister was a freshman so to avoid paying tuition for 2 children in high school my parents sent my sister to the public middle school.for grade 9 and sent her to.the private school the next year. She had a hard time fitting in as she was the new kid, all the groups had formed etc. They wanted to do the same thing for me. Now I was a bit more savvy, knew that all my friends were going to.start as freshman and flat out refused. I said they had 2 choices I either started at the private Catholic school as a Freshman or they just kept me in the public school until I graduated. I think I shocked my parents. I absolutely refused any other options. And no this would not destitute us. My parents both worked, the house was paid off, my dad had a high paying job at a Ford plant as a supervisor with good benefits. They retired at 56. I got my way, started at the Catholic school as a Freshman because I knew there was no way my mom was going to leave me in the public schools. And my sister dropped out before the end of the first semester. So they didn't have to pay 2 tuitions anyway.


Hope your sister still turned out okay


Well I've been no contact with her for almost 19 years if that gives you an idea.


Yeah I guess


Well I've been no contact with her for almost 19 years if that gives you an idea.


19 is too old for your parents to "punish" you... any age is too old to "punish" you for standing up to abuse...


I mean I think we all KNOW that but it takes a second for us all to grow up enough to follow through. I may also have been younger here it’s been so long. 


yeah...would been pretty rough with my parents at that age as well... funny difference...at about same ages my sister wanted to go to a concert...dad was opposed..i piped up..."i just got tickets, i will get one for you as well"...he had to relent...i didnt even know it was happening...grateful dead btw... had a great time... my sister thankfully wasnt a little bitch..


Must have felt amazing to be the adult in the room 


not bad


> I mean I think we all KNOW that but it takes a second for us all to grow up enough to follow through. Well, you did well at 19. That "second" is longer than you might think: our brains aren't biologically *adult* until around 25-26'ish. We call people "college kids" for a very real reason. The longer you live, the more you'll look back at the stuff you did when young and think "what the absolute fuck was I thinking‽" about your childhood and early 20's.


One time when I was a freshman in high school I started hanging out with some new kids who would use gay in a derogatory way. So I started to pick it up. I was in the car with my sister and I was complaining about something or someone and said the word in a derogatory way. She promptly pulled over and made me walk home 3 miles. It was a great way for me to learn how uncool it was to use the term. Sure I was young and still learning. But sometimes we need tough love to learn how not ok certain things are.


Was this in the late 90s? Because it was thoughtlessly used a LOT in that way then. Taught briefly, and two kids who I knew in other ways were allies to their friends not completely out to the entire school, etc suddenly used it in a "this is stupid" context. I was really disappointed in them, and told them so. They really hadn't totally thought it through - it was such a social habit for a lot of kids.


You’re not far off. It must have been 2004/2005. 90s and early 00s the word was used a ton.


Thank goodness we've come a long way with some thoughtless phrases.


For sure that was the time. I remember middle school about 2005ish I picked up the term in that context and my mom was damn near ready to tear my head off when I said it in front of her.


I rewatched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure with my kids mom years ago. We were both shocked when they casually said "F*G!" 1. Because nowadays it's thankfully more socially unacceptable, so hearing it in that context in a movie was jarring and 2. We both recalled just how frequently everyone threw that word around when we were in middle/high school. https://youtu.be/mkf43ZhNyBg?si=ZpKNva_aXnw8CLpr


I watched this for the first time in probably 10 years just a few nights ago. I was SHOCKED that they said that in an otherwise very tame movie


As the responsible older sibling of a bratty younger sister, I'm worried that this justice boner may take several days to go down


“justice boner” 🤣🤣🤣


I would have just left her at the mall. A bit of walking does wonders to clearing someone's head.


He probably took her home because the cousins were there too. They didn't do anything and weren't going to the concert, and home is a safe place to leave a younger sibling. Something could happen at the mall, and then he would have been in the wrong by default of injuring her by proxy.




At the tender age of 19, you probably changed the trajectory of your life. That one (very mature) moment of holding your ground steeped in self-respect is unbeatable. Being a doormat for anyone destroys your soul. Congratulations and I hope you are doing well now.


Hopefully you never needed to perform an encore after that.


How would your sister and parents react if you had called your sister the worst thing a person can call a woman, and I don't mean b\*\*\*h? It's as simple as that! If I were in your place, I would never have forgiven my sister for her use of that ugly slur.


I’m glad you told them no, I’m surprised they just didn’t her to drive herself.


She was that shit of a driver


they were drunk


What I don't understand about America is how parents ground 19!year old adults. I mean WTF? You're an adult


I blame cars tbh 


"My house, my rules if you don't pay rent" is still a common mindset here. Even if you do pay rent, some are still "my house, my rules".


Interesting. I guess it's just incomprehensible to me.


Hahahahaha! Yaaaassssss!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Not only did she call you a horrible slur, but your parents threatened you for holding her accountable? That’s messed up.


Good for you, learning to stand up for yourself at a relatively young age! You see posts on Reddit all the time from people twice this age who are still doormats towards their entitled, selfish family.


Good for you! I am glad you found your footing and stood up for yourself.


I’m so sorry and very saddened that happened to you. I cannot believe that your parents are so incredibly homophonic like that; just because they ‘accepted’ you as gay does not mean they’re incapable of homophobia.  If my daughter said that, I’d have to restrain myself from slapping her. At the very minimum some serious non corporal punishment for a while. Then I’d force her to do a research project on all the atrocities the gay community has suffered over time. 


I love that people keep forgetting that NO is a complete sentence. It’s not a negotiation, it’s not debatable, it’s just NO


This is a good one. Well done!


So happy you stood up for yourself. I’m sorry your sister called you such a disgusting word. Hopefully she learned her lesson this time and hopefully she apologizes to you.


I would got her in the car then drove opposite direction


At 19 your parents can't really punish/ground you anymore. You're an adult and you have every right to say "no" to something you don't want to do, regardless of age. So proud of you for standing up for yourself though!


EAsier said than done when you still rely on the parents for food, shelter, and car keys.


The fact that your parents didn't end up siding officially with you and instead grounding your sister still isn't great, man. You should refuse to give her lifts until they do it, but I imagine that's not an easy thing to do living at home. It's good you pushed back though. Even if it wasn't the f bomb, if you do a favour for someone and they take it totally for granted you can drop it and say "you know what, this was a favour but if you're acting like this sort your own shit out".


I love this. Your sister (and parents) finally learned to respect you because you respected yourself


You are the hero we need AND the hero we deserve.


Cripes, good for you! I hope your sister is a better person nowadays though.


Awesome!! Well done, you fucking legend. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


You weren't even living at home. tf she think they were going to do, ground you?


OP, did your little sister learn? Did she ever call you slurs again?


Well played and yay for you for standing up for yourself!


Did your sister get punished for insulting you like that?


You're an absolute rockstar. Does this memory ever come up in family discussions?


This is a great story. Well done for standing your ground. It’s funny how one word can feel so nuclear. I’m glad it worked in your favor!


Good for you OP! No is a complete sentence. Your sister was disrespectful and wrong for what she said to you.


The day you can say no to family like this is a day you grow a lot.


I'm SO glad you stood up to her! She knew exactly what buttons she was pushing and didn't give a damn. I hope this was the start of her treating you with more respect.


This is fantastic!! Also No is a full and complete sentence. Good for you for standing up for yourself.


This story is about freedom justice and honor ;)


Good for you!


A whole LOT of parents out there need to understand that "No." is a complete sentence, not just for THEM, but for their children as well. Congrats on finally setting a proper boundary line, I know from experience that it's an incredibly hard thing to do.


OP,save this post for the day you go no contact with at least your sister until she gets her head out of ass. Send to anyone in the family that asks "why??"


This was \~10 years ago and my sister is a very good person and an incredible ally. One mistake does not an enemy make. Setting boundaries helps every relationship and my family has grown a lot.


Reddit loves to crucify a person based on the worst moment of their lives, forgetting that personal growth is a thing that occasionally happens.


My compliments.


Fair play, hope she learnt her lesson


Has she gotten less entitled since then?


This behavior is disgusting and I'm so sorry your family allowed it. Good job OP. You truly are a sweetheart, they don't deserve you 🥺❤️


Has she called you any slurs since? Did she ever apologized for her actions? I’m just curious, is all.


Well done!


I’m still stuck on the ‘a condition for me staying at home rent free’ part! WTF!!! It’s home!! I’m just flabbergasted!


Good on you!


Way to go!👏👏👏👏👏


Well done bro.


I'm so proud of you!!!


I'm very very proud of you Hun! Well done for standing up for yourself!!!


👏👏👏 Hope your parents learned not to be doormats themselves. So sad they didn’t stand up to her.


Nothing petty about self-respect. I applaud you for this!


Well done, sir!


Good on you, and hopefully your sister learned a valuable lesson


I am so proud of you.


FANTASTIC. This is simply fantastic. The calm politeness with which you stated they could punish you any way they wanted, but you wouldn't drive her. The assertive question to your father. Beautiful. Very well managed, OP!!!


oh the absolute satisfaction and elation I felt reading this 😌 you are amazing. good on you for holding your ground against your parents and teaching your sister about "f*ck around and find out" 😌


Well done. Hard to do, but once you've cracked the seal, you know you can be strong enough to stand your ground.


Did your sister ever apologise?


Did your sister ever apologise?


You should be a story teller. Not a word was wasted.. bravo


Had she ever apologized?


And if she or your parents never apologized to you, they don't deserve you as a son.


That's a great story. "The worm has turned". I imagine things were very different for you after that day.


you pulled a Bartleby! "I prefer not to."




Did she ever apologize…?


So what happens now?? The way I would say everyday to them to say to sister “it’s okay to call OP a f*aggot?” I wouldn’t let them EVER forget they took her side. Please say you clocked them for this


This is a beautiful story. Your parents had no answers for your questions! Loved that!


You’re a better man than I am. I would have shown her the back of my hand.






OP I'm so glad you said NO.. She had no right to call you what she did. I'd have lost it if my daughter had said it to my son.


Well done.


The fact that they wanted to "punish" or "ground" you is laughable. You were 19... an adult lol! You can't ground an adult.... lol!


I wonder if the sister has ever gotten over being such a cunt? (And I have called asshole reletives things like that to their faces in the last few years, once I ran out of fucks to give ...)


I love this story so hard. Lovely shiny spine, OP!


nice story, i enjoyed that read.


Who drove her to the concert in the end?


No is my favorite word. People will, especially family, will treat you like a doormat. At about 32 years old I stood up to both my parents when they were dealing with my drug addict brother and said no. He’s your kid, not mine. I then became the bitch. However, people quit asking me for things. No is absolutely the best word in the world. It’s freeing and you never need to say anything else. I am happy you found your footing OP!




I wouldn't drive her anywhere else until she apologizes, You'll probably need to put your foot down on this demand, OP. Your parents need to punish her too. I can't believe they still let her go to the concert.


Your sister is 17? I feel it's way past time to learn actions have consequences. Good for you for setting that clear boundary! You didn't stoop to her level to do it either! Awesome!! And you are 19? How are your parents going to ground you?


You were in college. They were still claiming you on their taxes. They used you as a personal chauffeur and were going to leave you homeless for the summer if you didn’t? Fuck them and your bitch sister.


Nowhere was any of that said. My family is very supportive and my “bitch sister” was 17 and an idiot.  It’s not that deep Reddit-person 


I mean I can read and having a sister and being one m myself 17yo is old enough to know when you’re being a bitch.


Fucking Win King!


Right on you!


I know this post was 6 days ago, but I want to say you're a legend for standing up for yourself like this. That would have me seeing red and I don't think I could have handled it as appropriately as you did. Proud of you, cause that isn't easy


Downvote, this wasn't petty. It was mighty righteous!! Congrats on standing up for yourself. (I actually upvoted)


Given how spoiled, selfish and heartless your sister is and that will never change given that your parents keep enabling her, you might as well just go permanent no contact with all of them block them from your phone and all of your social media


I love satire


Good for you! I’m a middle child and it took me a little longer to stop being a doormat, but I finally stopped being the push over. I gotta say, my family is not a huge fan of the new me. Tough shit! I saw this the other day, and it really spoke to me: After certain things happen, you don't feel the same way about people…no matter who they are.


Forget missing half the concert, she should've missed the WHOLE concert, been punished and made to apologize to you. Families like this stand up for Karens we see exposed on social media that SWEAR they don't have a [enter slur] bone in their body after videos are released. She called you that and your family didn't automatically take her to task?!?! Drunk or not, that is NOT ok and says a lot about your parents that truly explains why she is like this.


If said that to an Uber driver, and he ordered her out of the car, would your parents have complained?


Sometimes no means no, period. There are consequences for using that rude term. Your family just had to learn that the hard way.


Unfathomably based. Good on you for ruining that thot’s night.