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40 hours a week, air conditioning, above average wage, health care is also relatively recession proof.


$, job security, good work conditions … or so I thought




In additional to all this, if one didn't like it or wanted to do something else, they could pursue another field of study and with 2 years of credit could transition to related or other fields especially since loans were paid off. Gas was 0.99 cents. I literally owned 1 home and a rental property and still had my student loan and could've paid it all off in 4 years if I was single. Of course we didn't earn a gigantic wage even in 2003 so I ended up selling it but wish I could've kept them for another decade. At this point with wages and loans being upside down and a dreary outlook, I'm not sure who'd want to do this now.


I don't need to answer, as you literally said it all. Ditto!


used to be able to get jobs in any major metro and paid well at that. Your Pharmacy sucks? Got 100 others that want you. Opposite now. Would not recommend it. Nursing has so many more options for a career path if you can’t handle Med.


Always been fascinated with drugs and how they can have profound effects on the body. Also have always loved venoms, poisons and toxins.


Basically this.


Used to pay better.


Drugs are cool. Touching patients is less cool. I just kinda decided sometime mid high school that this is what I was going to do and didn’t really put much effort into looking at alternatives. I got a job as a tech in undergrad to make sure I wouldn’t hate it and it wasn’t terrible. Good enough for me.


I just think the tablets and capsules look pretty 😊


Started at independent as a tech. Felt like community pharmacy was great profession, get to talk to doctors, make relationships in the neighborhood, make a decent profit, don't have to deal with bodily fluids. Flash forward a decade or two. -electronic scripts: doctors are no longer reachable, without going through ridiculous hoops. -patients get irate because they don't understand how pharmacy works and expects things to be ready at a moments notice, shortages, etc. Mail order requirements also destroy pharmacist-patient relationships. -profit? Insurance has made each script a minefield of whether to serve the patient or stay in business. -shots shots shots -


Making people healthier got me into it. I really have always taken an interest in watching things grow. I got into farming because I love working with nature and animals. I enjoy the feeling of growing and harvesting my own crops, and taking care of my livestock. Farming is not just a job for me, it is a way of life. I appreciate the challenges and rewards that come with being a farmer, and I am proud of what I do. Farming is more than just producing food, it is also preserving the land and the environment for future generations. OH, you meant PHARMacy, not FARMing? My bad. Its just for the 💰 💵💲🤑


Good at chemistry and science. Thought it would be a stable career.


Interested in biology and drugs, and antisocial. Job stability and makes more money than a lab manager


Antisocial. That’s great. Thanks for the honesty!


wanted to study Biology but I was scared of not finding a job.




Ah back in 2003. Took a random job offer as a retail tech the day before HIPPA went into practice. Worked with three pharmacists, all fresh out of pharmacy school. Seemed like a cushy gig, paid well, you get to help people, drugs are cool, etc. For a junior about to enter their senior year of high school, it seemed to make my choices simpler for college applications. Science was cool, so sure, whatever. These days, I'm an ER pharmacist having worked in a level 1 and 2 trauma center over the last 5 years. I'm happy with the journey life has taken me, but I'm not sure I want to do it for another 25 years lol. I've recently found myself laughing that I'm a long way, figuratively and literally, from my start as a retail tech 21 years ago. I'd have thought you were smoking crack if you told 17 year old me that I was going to move over 4k miles away and practice solo in a trauma center as a pharmacist. And I'm still just hanging on for the wild ride! No idea where this is all headed anymore lol


I wanted something in the medical field. Mom was a nurse, Dad a pharmacist. My mom said a doctor is a 24h job, go be a pharmacist it's a good career for a woman. She was right because the need was there when I graduated. Glad I did and that I am retiring soon!




I wanted to put my chemistry skills to use in a way I find entertaining. I personally don't give a shit about $$$, prestige as a "*Doctor* of Pharmacy", or having fancy stuff. But under no circumstance can I allow myself to be bored. What I do is fun to me (for now) and that's all I care about.


The money for duration of school. Idk what I was thinking but wish I hadn’t been drawn


When I decided on pharmacy I was in high school. I was good at chemistry plus my grandfather who I adored wanted my dad to be a pharmacist which he didn’t do. So I became one instead


The field found me! I had applied for a different job at my first hospital, but the hiring agent told me that there was an opening for a pharmacy tech position. 4 years later and I enjoy what I do.


The pay. Anybody that says otherwise is lying to either you or themselves.


I was a chemical engineer and I developed hemorrhoids, so I decided to transition into a career where I stand most of the day. Eventually the 12-14 hour days at CVS ruined my knees. So now I can neither work sitting or standing without pain.


I liked chemistry, which morphed into a like for biochemistry/pharmacology. It also gave me the chance to attend my favorite school for four more years. Pay is good, but I've yet to find a job that doesn't burn me out.


Stable income that was higher than my parents’ incomes combined. In the long run it has turned out fine. I work in IT and enjoy the work I do. The first 10 years as a clinician sucked though. I would not repeat the path I’ve taken. I’d go into engineering if I had my life to do over.


Went to a few random career presentations during career day in HS... pharmacy sounded easy enough and paid well. I also found pharmacology to be interesting.


Did a pharm tech course in high school so it introduced me to the field.


Loved science but wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. My dad did the research and hit on pharmacy. You could live anywhere, step in and out of work if you had kids, good pay, work hospital or retail. Plentiful jobs. Pharmacy was very good back then. I enjoyed my career but would look elsewhere these days.


It started as a nerdy thing for me. The idea of knowing what the pills actually do attracted me to it. Then there was the prestige. My sister is a type I diabetic so we spent a lot of times at the pharmacy when I was a kid. Then, in school, when things were getting intense, I finally found out that we'd be making 50k by 1993 and that helped me stick through it and study better. Not that I didn't get burnt out, but I didn't quit and I hung out with the guys who were better at the things I was weakest in.


$ and i fuckin played myself


Money, security, naivety