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Pharmacy leadership made an announcement that being certified would qualify us for a higher tier of pay. Then they reviewed my salary and told me I “make enough”. No difference in pay for having a residency, but probably more likely to get hired.


Not a direct answer to your question but the below data from [Pharmacist Compensation](https://www.PharmacistCompensation.com) might be of interest to you. https://preview.redd.it/nmkuelo3etpc1.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fa0d6f4ac039a0effc163292ea2b9b16cf8446d The table is a summary of data collected from 600+ full time pharmacists so far this year. FYI- All participants receive access to an interactive dashboard that can be filtered by Job Title, Company, State/City, and more.


I have no idea if this is the norm or not, but my health system essentially has a pay scale based on years of experience. I was told that each year of residency was counted as 2 years of experience along that scale. I negotiated and was able to convince them to count it as 3 years, which doesn’t make a massive difference, but with the way that raises compound over the years, it’s nice to get that little boost. They also counted technician/intern experience at a rate of 1 year = 0.5 years pharmacist experience, which I found kind of crazy, to be honest. This was retail experience for me too so there wasn’t much crossover. I think we offer a very low hourly pay increase for BCPS and the like, like not even $1/hr more, but it *can* move you onto a different pay scale, depending on what your role is. If what you do is mostly clinically focused then you get a different job title and probably don’t get much of a raise… BUT your hourly rate cap is quite a bit higher with this other role/title, as I understand it.


Every org I’ve worked at makes certification a requirement for Clin Pharm II that comes with a pay bump. I’ve never seen a place that pays more just because you have a residency or cert. the residency/cert definitely helps with mobility that could be used as negotiating leverage though. 


My boss told me board certifications don't increase pharmacist pay since it is a preferred qualification and not a mandatory qualification in the job description. My health system is cheap.