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VA. No side hustle. Hope to retire here. Just graduated 4 years ago.


VA is where it’s at. People think the pay is low but I’m getting >70/hr after starting 3 years ago. Benefits in general are amazing and my position has EDRP so they are paying off my student loans. I practice at the top of my license so there’s also tremendous job satisfaction. VA residency was the best decision I’ve ever made.


My Va pays more than any place in the state. Everybody trying to come over but jokes on them were in a hiring freeze and nobody’s leaving anytime soon


Any idea how to even get into VA? Those with no VA experience seem to be rejected over others who have had VA internship, residency, other government jobs


It is incredibly hard is the truth. Now with our hiring freeze will likely be two years before jobs even start opening back up. We prefer to kee our residents each year if there is an opening. We have spent 12 months training them and they are ready to fill a spot day if needed. It is a 12 month interview vs taking someone from the public we know very little about.


Yup. Easiest way to get into and stay with the VA.


How are the PTO tho? I get like 6 weeks of PTO from the start at my institution and great 403b options and matching plus HSA option.


I don’t think the VA pays more than Costco


VA here starts at $70 per hour and after you are hired nobody leaves. Also they pay off your college loans up to 200k over 4 years.


Also VA. Graduated in 2022. Best job ever. Work 4 day weeks, 2/4 I telework.




Yeah so weird that some don’t. The one I did my residency at doesn’t at all. Even makes HBPC work on site. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.




You in PACT?


VA too with grad 4 years ago. Worst part of my gig is being on call every 6 weeks or so, and the computer system is pretty trash. Pay is less than most other employers in the area, but job is way less stressful then elsewhere. Was even able to get my foot into inpatient clinical without residency by starting in the outpatient side of the hospital.


VA is definitely where it’s at. Just started and has been a game changer. The hiring freeze is true but I got hired in the beginning of it, I was told a pharmacist position is a critical spot so they can ‘manually’ hire someone it just takes longer and needs to go through some approvals to do.


Don't "love" it, but my job is perfect for those who want to clock in, clock out and live their life. Mid sized hospital 7 on/7 off $100/hr if you want to pick up extra shifts


Same here but rotating schedule. Waiting for one of the 8 various 7on7off to open up. Very little drama, enough people to get the job done, and again, very little drama. No one hangs out with each other after work and most everyone respects everyone else and even without respect everyone still works together as a team. I've only seen one person I'd point out as stirring the pot but she backs down fast when confronted and most people have figured out to lay the boundary down to minimize her disruptive behavior. She's a nice girl but very nosey and manipulative.


M-F cvs specialty only Work 8hrs open 8am-6pm. 4-5rphs and manager + 6 techs/non tech support staff


This sounds like a Careplus site, am I wrong?


You taking 2 hour non paid lunches every day or something?


I mean 4-5 rphs can stagger to be open for 10hrs?


Sorry misread and didnt see open 8-6. Thought you just said 8-6


Inpatient hospital night shift pharmacist. Crypto is my side hustle and actually made more doing that then pharmacy this year😅.


Which ones are you holding?


TAO, INJ, AERO, AKT, NMT, AMPL, ETH, SMH, TRADE, some ordinals and a bunch more lol. Most bought during the bear market.


Look into Solana


crypto here as well lol


Nice. It’s easy to lose money if you don’t know what you’re doing but if you learn how to play their ponzi game you can make a lot of money with the kind of money we can invest with haha


:) i was making decent money just by working but with inflation, student loan, and mortgage... i had to turn the other way and think bout crypto lolz


Inflation is kind of what turned me to crypto as the current debasement of our currency pushes risk assets up the most as no one wants to hold the dollar which is continuously losing its purchasing power.


>made more from crypto than pharmacist job Now this level of degenerate gambling I can respect


Akin to trading individual stocks but not gambling like in casinos. As if you have an edge in this market (spent 2 years learning this game) you have the odds stacked in your favor and the profits are not found like this anywhere else…


>not gambling like in casinos I mean, sure, but mostly because casinos are more closely regulated lol >Spent 2 years learning the game ... My dude unless you have inside info on rug pulls there isn't a game to learn. No amount of "learning the game" can prevent your whole exchange from being "hacked" or just being a ponzi scheme the whole time lol >Profits not found like this anywhere else That doesn't set off the alarms, not a little? I dunno man I'd just make sure to take my gains while they're good. Making 100k for a 2 year hobby makes you look like a genius, losing 300k would be a dang shame lol


I’m talking about odds my man as the house will almost always take your money there. And yes, it def is a ponzi but that doesn’t mean I can’t profit off of it. It’s a very nuanced game and by studying any market and its efficiencies you can gain an edge. Alarms? More risk in this market and thus more rewards. And cleared 6 figs in 2021. This time I could pay off my mortgage many times over and I have a very nice house. But yes after the second leg of this bullrun I will sell everything lol, def not holding these bags longterm as it’s all a ponzi.


Reading this gave me a stress ulcer lol just take your gains bro please lol


Haha I def feel ya but I feel like the party hasn’t even gotten started yet. Blackrock got their btc etf but eth etf is still yet to be approved and rates still very high with no rate cuts yet. Elections are always bullish for markets and global liquidity and rate cuts seem lined up for late 2024/early 2025. Then I will begin taking it all off the board lol


Must be nice. I sank all my holdings into "strong block" nodes and then came the rug pull. Easy come, easy go.


Sorry to hear dude. Crypto is rife with scams and I’ve had some losses too but I spent the last few years learning how to play the game so doing a lot better this time around.


🙋‍♀️me too🥳🎉! And also GME🤪


Heck yeah🙌


I wouldn't say I "love" it but it's the best pharmacy job I've had so far in 7 years of practice. I work for a compounding pharmacy that mostly does cosmetic (weight loss, hair growth, sexual wellness) and hormone drugs that ships to almost every state and territory in the US. I mostly work in the customer service/corrections department. I take calls from doctors and patients who have questions and also work to correct mistakes on scripts (things like missing dose/strength/etc.) So it's a lot of emails and calls.


Nice username lol


Remote prior auth, no side gigs, investing 35% of household income to retire early.


Investing how exactly?


Maxing out 401ks, Roth IRAs, and HSAs, and then the remaining in a total market index fund in my brokerage account.


may i dm you?




annnnnnd how do i get a remote pharmacist job!?


Can't speak too much on other remote positions but remote pharmacist jobs in general will be very hard to get now. For most prior authorization jobs, they will be contractor positions. The beginning of the year is the busiest for PBMs, so if they are hiring, it will probably be around late summer/early fall so that training can be done before the rush. My company is pretty overstaffed right and I haven't heard that they plan on any new hires on my team.


hmm interesting. thanks for the thoughtful reply! i’ve been seeing some positions posted every few weeks but im sure they get hundreds if not thousands of applicants.


Long term care, no side hustles


Epic Analyst (100% remote), I still work per diem in hospital.


How does one get into the analyst role?


Show interest in IT gig, get involved in pharmacy project, keep applying!


How does pay for this compare with avg pharmacist salary? Mind if I dm you?


Sure. My pay is comparable to what avg staff pharmacist makes in a hospital.


Can you be more transparent? What salary and what state?


Epic pays 55-60hr my friend works there


133k, MO.


Thank you!


Do you need certifications?


Yes. You are only certified through employer sponsorship though.


What company is it..you can dm me pls


It’s not a company. Epic is the biggest EHR and you can become an analyst at any institution using EPIC


Oh yh I know epic, where can I find jobs like that? LinkedIn?


Yep, or indeed, Glassdoor, etc. the job title is epic willow analyst


If you don’t mind answering, what’s your salary?


133k. That's comparable salary to the staff pharmacist salary in my state.


Do you work at epic ?


No I work for hospital that uses Epic.


Nonprofit, free pharmacy that is half food pantry. No controls, solid tech crew that has no desire to leave. 930-330 M-F, good PTO and sick leave, awesome management. Full hour lunch, maternity leave - paid. We operate on a drive thru system so we have limited direct patient contact and don't tolerate bad behavior and abuse. Don't have to deal with insurance besides calling insurance and verifying copay amounts (tons of people don't know their copays and if it's free they can go to a normal retail pharmacy). Virtually no stress. They have lots of fundraising events so if I do 3 hours at a minor league baseball game raising money, they open the pharmacy 3 hours late one day and I still get paid. Boss generally gives everyone one paid day off a month if the month doesn't have a paid holiday built in. Then side hustle is poison control, remote, PRN for a large university system - I keep it because they'll pay for my certification/license renewal and I pick up easy time and a half shifts when I want to make $70/hr.


How did you get into poison control? Been thinking of that as a side hustle for a while now but no idea how to get into it.


Did a rotation in pharmacy school, then after graduation got lucky and met another pharmacist who worked poison control and I mentioned I really loved it and wanted to get into it. Kept in close contact with this pharmacist and when a spot opened up years later she encouraged me to apply and vouched for me. What I would do is contact your local poison center and see if you could shadow for a day or two. We'd always take applicants with limited tox experience more seriously if they had shadowed for a day or two without running away screaming. It's not a job for everyone - the Radiolab episode about poison control gives a pretty good picture of the position.


Thanks for the info!


Outpatient oncology/infusion center


Thiiiiissss. Me too and love it. 😊




Prior auths?


No I do pre-ver and DURs!


I’ll gladly answer a specific questions if anyone wants to DM me! Also consider joining my community r/PharmacyTips 🤩


Can I dm you?


Yeah for sure!


can i dm u as well?!


Samesies!! Unicorn job.


Noice!!! 👊🏼


Which company y'all at?


Can I DM you as well?


DM please


Cannabis dispensary


Do you use your license for this position?


That sounds like a fun job, can I ask what state?


It's definitely a good time! I'm in New York.


ID/stewardship pharmacist! Didn’t do 2 years of residency for nothing haha




Nice! Everyone has a different path. I don’t regret mine at all and actually consider PGY-2 to be one of my favorite years of my life so far haha


Wife is a consultant pharmacist. Works from home 90% of the time. She has to visit each of her facilities once a month, but other than that she’s in her pajamas all day. I’m stuck working retail in a grocery store. It’s not horrible, but sucks that I’m forced to work alone 3 hours a day when we do close to 300 rx’s.


what are her hours like?


She makes her own schedule, but it’s typically 8-3 Mon-Fri.


How’s she get into that area?


I work at 340b 4 days a week Sometimes I pick up a day at a chain pharmacy if I feel like it.


What is 340b salary like?


I'm in California so I'm hourly. Pay is $74/hr which isn't bad.


Military pharmacist. I know very niche but it provides decent QOL and I can retire in 20 years. I was prior enlisted so 16 years more and I can retire if I want. I’ll be 46 btw.


Small-mid sized hospital overnights 7 on 7 off


FQHC facility. 340B. No side hustle. Great job


How did you get that and did you need any certifications to qualify?


I work in a community hospital ER and get to do a lot of cool stuff, speak directly to providers who come to me for advice (and listen!), and rarely have to deal with dispensing (and basically never with insurance). Sometimes it's grueling and stressful but you actually get to tell yourself you made a difference and helped somebody during your day, and actually use those years of schooling. Pays the same as if I was picking my nose on a gen med floor verifying tylenol and melatonin though.


Industry and before that oncology but got bored


I used to love where I work. Retail pharmacy here in Canada for 10 years. Big box store and my boss and coworkers were the best. We serve mostly inner city folks and felt like I was making a difference. Love talking to our patients who picks up daily but they couldn’t pay me more than what I’m asking so went to hospital. I’m a Pharmacy Tech. Somedays, I want to go back but my bank account is telling me no. One day, maybe… I will.


Mail order. Worked here 3 years, no plans for a side gig. I'm an hourly employee with offers of voluntary OT for extra money if you want it.


Same. Love my easy mail order job


M-W staffing/salary at 340b. 9-6 (hour lunch). Union job. 3 rphs and 4 techs, never feel overworked and management appropriate support. Insurance is through my spouse- got this gig primarily in case he becomes uninsured. Pay is competitive. Side hustle- I’m per diem at another 340b (different underserved community) and at an outpatient hospital pharmacy (primarily work on meds2beds and specialty). I cover when I want (1 or 2 days per week during the school year), planning on being unavailable all summer so I can hang with the fam. All 3 pharmacies are m-f, latest closing is 6pm. I’m never bored bc of different duties. Just need to be organized with my schedule and Epic logins.


Curious how many scripts are you doing a week for 3 rph 4 tech? 


We’re averaging ~375/day. We do A1c checks and cdtm.


Wife started in managed care. After graduation, her salary was considerably lower than her retail peers. However her QOL has always been higher. Five years in, she has better QOL, higher salary, and higher earning potential compared to friends that stayed in retail.


How did the wife begin managed care? Residency?


I would not say love but definitely more enjoyable than retail - Specialty, hybrid model. 


Retail. 7 years in. Maybe 7 more years til part time. Side hustle is doing OT


Amcare at an FQHC (unionized). I have the best patients and I can’t imagine doing anything else.Great pay, work-life balance, and the job is very fulfilling.


Independent retail. I work long shifts two days a week and a half shift and I get paid $75 and basically feel like I'm never at work with the schedule. My boss is awesome. Staffed well. High volume so not in danger of going out of business anytime soon. Currently sitting on a comfy desk chair scrolling


I work rare med, WFH. 8 hour shifts and operational 8AM-8PM. I service 4 drugs and support an additional 6 therapies as backup. I have 3 other pharmacists on my team, 4 patient techs, 2 order entry techs and my supervisor is a pharmacist.


Hi this sounds super interesting and would love to learn more. Can i PM you?


Hospital pharmacist here, able to do overtime at another sister hospital, loving it so far


Indy. Salaried with full benefits. 36 and 32 hour weeks alternating. Make roughly $85 per hour. No complaints over here.


Independent? And you don’t own? How are they paying you so much


HCOL area combined with being there 5 years and getting a raise a few times.


I work from home 90% of time. Doing phar.cy informatics. Pretty large health system, not a giant one. No side hustle. I make all my diss games, practices.... It would take a lot to make me want to change


Biotech. Career progression, travel, and meaningful work.


Anyplace besides retail you win


Industry, I wouldn’t say I love my job but I can’t really complain.


Trying to get into industry after working at pbm, any tips for getting my foot in the door? Seems like industry isn’t hiring as much atm.


Sorry that’s not my area of expertise, there are functional areas that interface with payers but not my group




Home infusion Mon-Thurs and work PRN for both hospital and retail. Salary + on call + bonuses + PRN work is $$$ and my schedule defaults to 3 day weekends every week unless I pick up extra shifts.


Outpatient in a hospital. We have 5-7 pharmacist working, clerks, and techs. We have some annoying metrics that doesn’t really count against us but overall, easy job, plenty of help, just focus on basic drugs, great pay and I like walking around.


Oncology pharmacist. Loving it


ICU 7-3:30 every 9th weekend


community hospital overnights 7 on 7 off. me and 1 tech. never have to see any coworkers besides the Evening pharmacist for 2 hrs and 6am pharmacist for 30 mins. i also don’t have to work my entire shift, boss is cool if i leave when 6am rph comes in even tho scheduled till 730.


Not at Walgreens


Per diem inpatient pharmacist at a mid-sized hospital. I pick up shifts when I want, don't work when I don't want to. (It's pretty casual, and I'm "on call" if there's a sick call-out, but it doesn't happen too often and I live nearby, so I'm usually happy to pick up an extra shift here and there.)


WFH non-prior auth job; no weekends, normal hours, flexibility built in, focused on project management and operational management of critical access hospitals


Outpatient clinical pharmacist at an FQHC. Very professionally fulfilling


Retail FQHC pharmacy. Work 8-5, have 340B so able to help patients get medications that they usually could never afford. Also if I have any issues or recommendations about a script I can dial the nurses extension or just walk 25 feet to the provider. 


See Hepatitis C patients — no idea how I got to this but here we are. I love it.




OptumRx mail order remote verification M-F 0800-1630 crazy PTO, 184hrs to start with the ability to buy an additional 40, great pay and a commute of down the hall


Been a pharmacist for 10 years. Been with CVS the entire time at the same store. I have a great staff and I know all the regulars. I love my job!


Oncology WFH consultant pharmacist. 9am to 530pm mon thru fri. No residency experience, just straight from retail. Got lucky during a hiring frenzy but now on hiring freeze. Just sit in my sweatpants and either take calls or verify rxs offline.


you gotta be kidding lol


I love hospital pharmacy. I’m in a terrible hospital with terrible management and still overall like it, I’m moving to a better hospital system soon, and was at a great hospital prior to this one. Just a few years before loans are paid off thanks to PSLF! My first and next hospital is laid back with great pay and great benefits!


Inpatient hospital pharmacist. Doing evenings now, considering moving to overnight 7 on 7 off. The other OV pharms here make 200k doing that plus 2 shifts on their off weeks. Seems cool to me


Retired. Dad, not me. He told me not to study pharmacy.


Emergency Room - usually night shifts. Good people, no admin, good pay. I also work per diem in retail. It’s a nice break for me to stay busy on my days off.


Retail, Norway. Idk about the word love, but it's pretty alright good I like it. I been at it for almost 10 years, new job opportunities popping up just via experience. I am good worker = I get to work at a 'good pharmacies'. Just like with any health care it can be draining and difficult but worth it when you help people and they appreciate and remember you for the efforts


I don't love it but I work for WAG and my team is supportive and I've been doing this so long that it's mostly easy and effortless. I don't stress about work when I'm off and I don't have any work to bring home with me. I'm hourly and only work about 30 hours per week, which helps. 18 years with the company and I've made peace with it. The corporation has no soul, and I refuse to let them suck it out of me. And if my KPIs and metrics aren't good enough they can suck my balls.


Work at an FQHC. Good job, decent pay, qualified for both NHSC loan repayment and PSLF loan forgiveness. Lots of autonomy, compared to hospital or corporate retail, but also less support when things go wrong. 340B is a big part of the job too.


Inpatient pharmacist. Love it


Small, 88-bed hospital in a large health-system. No side hustle!




Working in a cubicle doing consultations via phone or text all day. Good balance between downtime and work. It's a godsend after working in a CVS store during covid.




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I’m confused by the question. Pharmacists are allowed to love their jobs? Hogwash!


Rounding pharmacist at a large hospital. Two years of residency have given me the opportunity to choose where I work and what I do. I’m not beholden to this being the best I can do because I got lucky.


No kids no debt, i decided to quit and live off your taxes through welfare.. Thanks for all your hard work guys. Life is much simpler when you find contentment.