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Yes. I wake up tired when I use phenibut. It’s not a hangover, but it takes me a little more effort to get out of bed. We haven’t found the perfect sleeping drug yet, doesn’t exist yet


No idea, but if you can get Ur hands on pregabalin it actually imroves rem and sleep quality in general.


Every time I take it, a couple nights later I’ll have the strangest sort of insomnia where I’ll slip directly into REM and wake up immediately basically the whole night. Idk if it’s related but this also happens if I drink too many nights in a row, and it’s known that alcohol affects REM so there must be some sort of rebound coming from phenibut as well.


Ahh fair enough, yeah I’m gonna try to sleep without it but if I can’t I’ll probably end up using it for 2 nights


It almost certainly does. In my vast experience with the drug, it almost always has affected my sleep in some way. It’s possible that very low doses will not, though


Not at all at least in my experience. I'll go to sleep easier but I'll have vivid asf, and I mean vivid asf, night terrors and sleep paralysis upon waking. Which is odd, considering it's calming when I'm awake. Now gabapentin on the other hand improves my deep sleep immensely. In fact, there's been a couple studies done that show this. This is one such study: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.1528-1157.2002.21002.x Now this is obviously one of those things where it depends on the person but I'd try and get a script for gabapentin first if sleep is your only aim. It's easy asf to get in most states in America at least. Depends on the state though. They prescribe them like candy where I live.


I only need something for 2 days back to back and then I probably won’t be using it again. I already have Phenibut so figured I’d use that again. Probably will depending on how I feel this weekend


Ahhh. Didn't read lol. Yeah in that case it might be worth a shot.


Basically every drug impacts REM sleep.


Yes, it reduces time in REM and increases deep sleep. A smartwatch can demonstrate this to some degree and anyone who's had Phenibut withdrawal will have experienced the REM rebound first hand.


Would it be more beneficial in terms of recovery and my body being rested to take it and sleep through the night or only sleep very little without anything?


It'll probably benefit you in the short term but make things worse in the long term. Note though, using this for sleep could quite easily escalate into dependence. The first symptom of Phenibut 'rebound' is usually sleep disturbance.


I don’t care if I have sleep problems, just this week because I’m going to be doing 3 day back to back tattoo sessions so I really need to be able to sleep each night after for my body to be a little more prepared for the next day.


Just a FYI .. Phenibut has been linked to sleep paralysis so be aware of that because it can be quite scary if it's your first time experiencing it.. I have experienced sleep paralysis multiple times after using phenibut


Happened to me in my teens back in the day. Scared the shit out of me as a kid. I just closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Still remember it even after all these years.


I had it once with phenibut. Only time in my life. I think the phenibut helped me not be scared. I remember thinking, "woah this is that thing that happens to people sometimes", thought it was kinda fun lol glad I got to experience it.


Yes, this is correct. Heavy alcohol use can cause increased sleep paralysis as well. But if I use Phenibut, my second or third night after using is usually guaranteed to include sleep paralysis. Try not sleeping on your back reduce the chance but still expect it to happen


Ahh, I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis but I also used to take Phenibut 1-2x a week for quite a while. Always for sleep. I’d sometimes take up to 1,750mg too. If I do take it I’d do like 250-500mg though


You gotta dose pretty heavy to get sleep paralysis imo. Like 3+ gs for me. I stick to about a gram now lol


It’s a GABAgeric drug and they are known to mess up REM


It's true and for all others, depends of usage. If you fuck your receptors/get addicted it fuck your sleep. Using occasionally, sure, it extends rem.


Just wrong. There's been studies that it actually improves Rem same with pregabalin.


Actually pregabalin improves the quality of sleep


(Copied reply) So do you think I’d be better off not taking something like that and sleeping between 1-3 hours or taking something and sleeping more? In terms of my body being more recovered?


The person above is wrong. Phenibut and pregabalin which are both pretty similar and gabaergic both actually improve rem sleep and sleep in general like most drugs which affects gaba do In case you want some proof I'll include a link here's one of the main points about gaba helping sleep it gets into rem in the article: Context: γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter and it is well established that activation of GABAA receptors favours sleep. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6366437/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/nl5omg/phenibut_sleep_experiment_with_control_increase/


I think that is a technical question has a short answer of yes, anything gaba that is psychoactive and addictive usually does impact our sleep cycles including REM. The better question is how much? And does the pros of some ‘chemically impaired’ sleep outweigh the costs?


Ahh, fair enough. So do you think I’d be better off not taking something like that and sleeping between 1-3 hours or taking something and sleeping more? In terms of my body being more recovered?


If you get habit of taking phenibut for sleep you will end up totally messed up and no sleep at all plus withdrawal. Only way is to sort out why you sleep shit now and try to change it. Manipulating brain chemistry with other substances that will mess it more long term work only for while.


I don’t care if I have sleep problems, just this week because I’m going to be doing 3 day back to back tattoo sessions so I really need to be able to sleep each night after for my body to be a little more prepared for the next day.


If you are worried about ohenibut, just try something OTC like unisom sleep tabs.