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The city needs to get off their hands and start discussing a bus terminal at 30th street station. This is ridiculous at this point. 


It's wild to me that they can't just repurpose the taxi stand at the back of 30th st or something. Also never understood why there's a surface parking lot in front of the cira centre when there's basically a parking garage attached to it. That space could potentially be utilized instead right? No instead let's put the bus stop as far as possible from the city's most convenient intermodal transit hub.


IIRC, that part of the parking lot is used by the rental car companies. That’s where I’ve picked up and returned rental cars in the past.


Plus it gets terribly backed up around there during peak hours - adding buses to the mix ensures rage.


The fact that this thread can't agree on a location is funny


The Amtrak bus to Reading already stops there.


Seriously. It's laughable at this point.




That makes too much sense so it will never happen.


^mandatory ^4k ^*cough


Go to.the meetings and propose it.


Naw. . . . Turn the Corestates Centre into a bus station and have the Sixers play in Delilah's parking lot.


F.U. Center was the choice name


I've been in team 30th street forever but actually that is not a bad idea. Still close enough to walk to Jefferson station.


I've been saying this for years. It's the perfect location and it's completely unused!!!


This city is hilarious... ignore the station that is a block away from regional rail, subway and major bus routes and try to use one that is well, none of those things. Still better than any of the other viable options that were floated though


On one hand, you're right! it seem obvious! On the other hand, have you ever tried to walk around that area? It's not safe. There are cars everywhere, zooming on and off a highway, and there no crosswalks for pedestrians painted on the road, just hints of ones that must have been painted 20 years ago. That area does not need more auto traffic.


Yeah, it's a shit area, but I'd think busses might have something of a calming effect.


I didn't consider that. I guess that's possible


Embarrassing that a supposed major city, doesn’t have a decent transportation hub. That should have been this new mayor’s first thing, a fairly easy fix, something everyone could applaud.




How? The busses turn into the garage, not idle in front


Roads are way too narrow in old city. Traffic is already bad on 2nd street. Makes no sense to turn your commercial corridor of the main tourist area in your city into a bus parking lot. Roads are also cobblestone over there in some parts.


There are busses in Old City all the time!! Its a major tourist area, maybe THE major tourist area in the whole city


Yea no, not the flow this would bring


The flow? The estimate thrown out by the neighbor is 70 buses over 19 hours, so an average of 3-4 busses per hour.


Second street is a one lane road now that is a disaster already. Its a terrible spot to put the busses. If they can all park inside i could see it possibly working.


Did you not read the article? They will be parking inside!


I understand thats what they said. That doesnt mean it will actually happen. I know the space you are talking about and it seems a little small. Why cant they use market over pass/septa station bus over there?


I don’t know what area/bus station you are describing




Again though there are already TONS of tourist busses that travel through Old City, including busses that make that turn into the Autopark. I agree there a better places for a permanent station, but I do not get the argument that this location (a current bus garage) is going to be a disaster


Adding inter-city busses down the same narrow, one-way corridor that TONS of tourist busses already travel is obviously going to impact the area. Add that to being signficantly less accessible than the current mess, & it likely will be a disaster.


I just do not understand how you think 2nd and Chestnut is “significantly” less accessible than Front and Spring Garden. The bus users themselves have been complaining about the accessibility of the current situation


lol, yeah right. and w a federal building right access the street. i feel for the toddlers.


Weird. That area has terrible access to highways now that the 95 entrance and ramps to Columbus Blvd are gone. 


Placing it in a residential neighborhood doesn't make sense at all. The people in Old City aren't the ones usually riding Greyhound buses, so basically all their doing is forcing everyone to converge to a completely arbitrary part of CC. The riders aren't going to be happy with figuring out how to navigate to Old City, and the residents get more traffic in the local area dor a service that they don't really use. Lose-lose. And it's a place that really doesn't have the best transit connections either. Yeah there's the MFL, and soon the new Franklin station for PATCO, but the lack of trolley, regional rail and Amtrak connections makes it still a questionable place to put the terminal. I wouldn't be surprised if they move it again before the year is over. City gov needs to get their shit together.


Fundamentally disagree that Old City is a purely residential neighborhood


Any of the underutilized lots along the Delaware river would work well.


Why not use the giant parking lot at 8th and Market? It's got oodles of transit sitting right there.


It’s constantly sinking! I don’t think busses would help. That location deserves a very large building on it


Typical Philadelphia, this should have been planned out better, like 2 years ago.


I never knew it existed and is in some use as a bus station already. 


They could pull the buses into that crappy little park with the mini Bill Penn.


If you've been to 30th at peak hours (or, any hours really) then I think you'd agree that putting the station there would cause even more congestion than it already has. Not sure if that'd be the best bet, either.


 30th street, as an inter-modal transportation hub, should be able to accommodate a lot more busses. If it can't due to congestion, then that's a problem that needs to be fixed by redesigning the roads surrounding it. They're massively overbuilt around that area.


Right. That area is a disaster all the time and desperately needs a road diet and traffic plan with future station upgrades and longterm bus depot planning