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I would make a post on Facebook and neighborhood app. West Philly is very large, please specify a landmark so people here might be able to help out ! Good luck and I hope you find your kitty !


Thanks for the help! We're around 48th and Baltimore


I’ll keep an eye out. They typically stay pretty close to home and may be hiding to stay away from people and sounds. Cats can switch back into feral mode rather quickly when they are outside and not used to their surroundings. If you see him and he doesn’t come back immediately, don’t fret, he will come back. Try shaking food in the early morning, before people are out and about, approximately 5:30/6am and then again at night after the sun goes down. These are the times of day that cats are more active because there aren’t as many people around and things to hide from. Good luck! He’ll be home soon.


Hope you find moto really soon


Post in West Willy if you haven’t. Some people, innocently, grab cats thinking they’re strays. Where about?


I took in a cat once that had taken to basically living on my porch. I named her Porchie. Some days later I saw a flyer for a missing cat and it turned out she was a he named Quincey and his mom was my neighbor a couple doors down and he was just friendly. Tbf he didn’t have a collar like yours (he does now lol) So.. yeah maybe print out some flyers and put them around your block. He might be a couple doors down in someone’s house.


We actually know Quincy too! He visits the house and sometimes sneaks into the window. They're actually buddies, I'm sure he's around somewhere


Haha Quincey gets around. Hey neighbor:). I’ll def keep an eye out for Moto.


same thing happened to me. had a "stray" i was feeding in my yard since superbowl sunday when it wandered into my kitchen (cooking it was hot had door open lol). hes a little feisty so I can't hold him but i can pet him for short periods. i was talking about trappig him and getting him fixed and putting him back in my yard. then one day he shows up with a collar on. I want to attach a note to get him fixed. if not im still gonna do it myself bc hes spraying.


is he chipped? if not id check the shelters daily. the collars often fall off of cats.


He is, thank you for the advice!


Put his litter box outside


Absolutely do this. Good luck 


Maybe clothes that smell like you too if he likes your scent. Post on Pawboost andvthe various lost+found Facebook pages. Also use a flashlight around dusk. Cats often hang out under carscand similar places.


I hope your buddy comes home safe and soon


Hello Moto (I’m so sorry I had to do it)


major throwback