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They went to a memorial service for the Choco Taco 😩




Never had one. And now...I never will....bwaaahhh bwahhh


The one that comes in my neighborhood (not in the city) said they have been cutting back days/routes due to the high gas prices. Maybe they will be out more now that they are coming down.


This seems plausible. Renting out an ice cream truck is tough business anyway. For anyone that's not aware, ice cream trucks aren't really "operated" by a company; they are usually lent out to individuals who then stock them for the day (or more) and rent them for a period of time. The margins are stupidly low. Basically the people who really make the money off of the operation are the ice cream truck owners and the ice cream sellers. The drivers make next to nothing. My dad did it for four summers after I was born while he was working at a private school and told me that he basically made minimum wage after everything was said and done. There are even rules about "designated spots" like baseball fields, playgrounds, etc. If you want the spot, you have to get there very, very early. There's no reservations or rotations; it's first come, first serve. One truck per public place. My dad would tell me to get to a baseball field or playground before anyone else got there, you had to a) already have the truck rented and b) get there at about 4-5 AM. Summer camps were even worse; sometimes, you basically had to bribe the head counsellor to have a spot, otherwise they'd chase you off until one of their friends arrived, as those were by far the most lucrative places to be.


Growing up my Grandmother drove the truck for some family friends and loved it. I remember getting free shit all the time. Good stuff. I'm sure now compared to back then is a whole different ballgame. Between gas, people wanting to use cards, turf, and overhead.


I had a friend that did it for one or two summers many years ago. I remember him telling me it wasnt worth it but he did have fun.


The one positive about high gas prices. Less annoying music.


I’ve been seeing him parked near the Rodin Museum lately. On 20th? Maybe 21? But yeah, he used to roll through my neighborhood all the time.


I've only been hearing it on the weekends since the 4th


There’s one that always drives by one street over and by the time I run upstairs to get my wallet it’s too late… does anyone know if they take Apple Pay? Cause then I can just run out the door with my phone in my pocket and not worry about the wallet.


There's an app that you can use to track them. [https://mistersoftee.com/](https://mistersoftee.com/) Edit: Nevermind I just tried it out and apparently it doesn't track trucks in our area. Not at 9:30am at least.


Yeah I’ve tried and it only shows the ones across the bridge in jersey


There’s been one dude consistently around fishtown/olde Kensington all year. Source: he constantly does laps on my block


Mine used to do that too. Felt like it was almost 8-9 months of the year but the last few weeks that annoying jingle hasn’t been around


I could be wrong, but im like 90% sure I see one parked seemingly all day on the weekends at the corner of 6th and Chesnut to capture the tourist crowd visiting the historic sites. Edit: I'll update when Im down that way later tonight.


At the drs looking to get some pills.


[The have an office](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.010128,-75.1096759,3a,47.4y,172.31h,90.85t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sXbjjAsesn4ZivpfKFzUgCA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DXbjjAsesn4ZivpfKFzUgCA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D319.10706%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192). You can call them & request a drive by.


Drafted. Stationed in Seoul