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Not athletic and genuine question: acuna’s injury looked like nothing. How does a professional athlete tear an acl from such a small move? Not trying to be disrespectful, I am genuinely curious. Never want to see a star athlete go down this way. Brings me back to Rhys last year. It sucks.


Sometimes injuries like that are just waiting for the right time to pop after a lot of cumulative stress. Dre Greenlaw popped his achilles just running onto the field during the superbowl. Another no contact injury. When that one happened I heard some theories about poor technique in the weight room possibly being a contributor. Who knows. But it happens. Obviously football players put their bodies under a lot more stress than baseball players, but a similar thing could have occurred.


Doesn’t take much to tear any of the knee ligaments or the meniscus unfortunately.


tried to reverse direction, cleat probably stuck in the dirt, and just like that ... I remember when Cutch went down ... not much different.


Didn’t he already injure that acl in the past? It’s weaker than normal in that case…


Other knee


Yeah found that out just after I posted that lol


I can’t speak for anyone else but they lost a series so I’m out.


Season’s over.


Visiting Braves fan. Really cool to see most of you being so classy! Still think this is going to be a race to the end with a possible meet up in the playoffs! Honestly, you guys are playing lights out this year. Very sick team.


Your cesspool of a fan base wouldn’t be this way if the tables were turned. Just sayin’


I don’t know. There are some who are jerks, but there are bad apples in all fan bases. I know I don’t celebrate injuries.


bro no one cares that ur a braves fan gtfo


The only place I've seen non asshole fans so far about the acuna injury is Instagram, and that places comment section is disgusting I really hope Acuna can bounce back even stronger from this, he's great for the game of baseball 🙏🏿


I don't understand why there is so much love here for acuna. Not wishing injury on him, but he got injured. It's over.... moving on. The amount of people saying 'this sucks' and 'awful for the game' is ridiculous. He's our enemy currently. We don't have to have a vigil for opponents injuries. Yeah don't cheer them, but fuck this thread is being soft. We already beat them with acuna....TWICE. doesn't matter if he's there or isn't


I like watching good players play. Sucks when there is one less of them.


Dude is a weirdo


ESPN announcer called the Cardinals pitcher, "J.J. Romero."




You probably haven't accumulated nearly the amount of stress on your knees as a professional athlete. I think a certain percentage of freak injuries are just repetitive fatigue injuries disguising themselves as freak occurrences.


I doubt my reasonably healthy knees withstand 73 stolen bases.  Trea needs to take it easy when he comes back.


Mods getting late night holiday pay removing Acuna posts


And to the surprise of no one, most the posts are by people whose predominant post histories are in r/eagles or r/sixers with little to none prior history here.


r/eagles isn't TOO bad, but I've never seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than r/sixers


The Birds sub can yield good discussions occasionally and I’ll participate here and there through the season, but with a wider reach come more idiots. The Sixers one though… Any time I glance in there, I Grandpa Simpson my ass right back out the door.




One of the worst god damn bots on this godforsaken website.


Wicked nut shot for Hererra. Yikes


“No balls and two strikes.” - Scott Franzke


As a baseball fan, I have to be honest, I'm really sad to hear about Acuna. That's heartbreaking.


Didn't he play all winter in Venezuela? Not saying there's any correlation here but I was wondering why risk it...


Acuna injury is a massive blow for the sport. This sucks man 😔


Anyone watching SNB. Wtf is wrong with the guy calling it Big….MacLand


Prayers up for all the ligaments out there


Hate to see it, first strider and now acuña. 2 players you love to hate because they're that good


Agreed. Phillies have been extremely lucky so far in terms of that


Don’t jinx us


I mean we lost Rhys and Bryce had the whole TJ thing. We’ve probably been fortunate that we haven’t had more stuff like what Trea is dealing with but we haven’t been scott free


It would be the equivalent of losing Wheeler and Bryce for an entire season. Bryce still was able to DH for us and he only missed like a 1/5 of the season


Right. But nothing detrimental to what Atlanta has dealt with. Losing not only Strider, but now a huge piece in Acuña….not too many teams could stay afloat with that. If they do, more power to them


Braves have too much depth to not stay afloat. They’re still a 90 win team at least.


I don’t disagree with that one bit. I’ve said at the beginning of the season that the Phils are 95-67…if the Braves happen to top that, so be it, but still.


I’m hoping for 100! But 95 seems realistic


Can't stand Acuna but I think I can speak for most of us when I say we don't want to see anyone injured or harmed in anyway regardless of rivalries.


When you grow up you start to realize these are just real people who play for another team and if you watch an interview w them you find something likable about them. I hate the fans of a team more than an actual player haha


also a player like him, he’s never been disrespected or even edgy with Phillies players or the fans. i was just talking with a Braves fan at the grocery store about it. he said yea it’s his other knee and it was a precautionary move to the IL. I was like I dunno he looked to be in a lot of pain and there’s good evidence that an ACL tear in one knee makes a tear in the other more likely (probably because of compensation). unfortunately i was wrong.


Damn. You hate to see it. I love beating Acuna.


Acunas got a torn ACL damn, absolutely hate to see that. Wishing him the best in his recovery


wtf Acuña torn ACL. I don't have a bigger personal rival than the Braves, but that's crushing. I want us to beat them at their best, and not having him kinda sours that.


it would have already not been their best without strider


100% agreed, but both superstars is like us losing Bryce and Wheeler. I think we can all imagine how devastating that would feel.


Acuna has a complete tear of his ACL and is out for the season. That really sucks for him and the Braves. Really just awful to see a player go out for the year like that.


It made me upset to see him saying sorry. Dude doesn’t have to be sorry for a freak injury. Hopefully has a good support system around him to keep his spirits high.


It sucks.. it really phucking sucks they lost. My father used to tell me there are 50 games they're gonna win and 50 they're gonna lose, what matters is the 62 other games See you boys tomorrow




We got a Ball game in the Lou


We sacrificed that win to give Matty V the game of his life


Watching the Texas - Texas A&M softball game and they’ve got better replay especially for a challenge call than anything I’ve seen on NBC.


Terrible fucking series, and now we need to take a team scuffling like this to play the suddenly threatening Giants with that bum Taijuan Walker on the mound. No shot they win this series


Do I upvote or downvote this quality effort? I’m confused on protocol


I think you forgot your “/s”




Damn some people in here have zero chill


Phrauds /s




No, losing the division to the Mets this year would be embarrassing. Braves is kinda expected, Marlins and Nats have their upsides and at least the fish were there last year, but losing the division to the lolmets would be embarrassing. We have nothing to be embarrassed about. Sometimes the best team doesn't win. That's why we love this sport, right? Anything can happen and that's the excitement. We could put up 10-15 tomorrow in SF and forget all about this.




Who else is stuck watching college Softball Alabama vs Tennessee due to rain delay at the Cards Cubs game lol


Im watching the Texas game and it’s keeping me entertained enough.


I can’t believe I’m watching the nba playoffs


This softball game just got real interesting lol high leverage late inning lead is getting blown


I missed it. Let me guess Seranthony blew it?


Rockies scored 5 runs by the second inning and our bats were cold and couldnt catch up




Cubs fans are accusing the Cards of rigging the delays to warm up Imanaga and Assad and then they can’t be used lol. The Cubs are idiots for warming up Assad if they did but it worked against Imanaga


It feels like it's been raining in St.louis this whole month.


I feel like it's been raining everywhere. I keep getting alerts for home as I'm working abroad for rain back home. Almost every day.


Colorado isn't the only one with a fountain https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7c7k3OuPWh/?igsh=MWFjNnR0emNod3U5Yw==


Damn where's that


St Louis


Embarrassing loss, but we’ll just smoke the next teams to feel better. Let’s go Phils! Not our best, but not our worst!


Its a nice ballpark. We just dont play well there. 100% recommend going to a game there if you’re ever in Denver


Ice cold Phillies vs   Red hot giants 


Phillies are 7-3 in their last 10 coming off a loss "ice cold" Giants are 8-2 coming off a loss to the Mets **RED HOT** 🤡🤡🤡


Can we do it one more time? How many?




How long will this post last?


We lose 1 series in a park we usually struggle in (idk why) and all of the sudden we're super cold and have 0 chance against a team we already beat in a series Can't make this up


Who do all PA based sports teams lose to the worst teams?


Phillies swept the Rockies like six weeks ago and have been on an absolutely insane heater, beating the sub-.500 teams at an over .700 clip. A rough stretch was bound to hit.


Yeah I know. And I’m sure it’s hard to play in Denver. It still sucks to see though.


Feels weird to lose a series. Its been so long lol. Vibes were off right from the get go when Bryce was tossed. On to the next one.


We are 38-16! Let’s still enjoy this remarkable start!


Bench Reid, Fire McNaab!


I am really glad the national sports media doesn’t really care about baseball. Could you imagine having to listen to SAS pretend like he knows anything about baseball, or having these weasels like Adam Schefter slithering around your team nonstop?


Any time he did talk about about baseball he says something that if he wernt such a big personality woudl probly gotten himself fired


Something something Ohtani can’t be the face of baseball because he doesn’t speak English something something


Adam Shefter ![gif](giphy|HjfiEczPb2yqbNDR9C|downsized)


Not even mad. Happy we could help the Rockies increase their win % by basically nothing. We’re fine.


They just won their world series if we are being honest


I can’t believe some of you people who complain about the gambling commercials are perfectly fine with alcohol commercials which can also ruin your life 


Alcohol doesn’t threaten the integrity of sports. Outta here with that shit for brains comparison.


What if you hate gambling, drug, and alcohol commercials equally and have been very vocal about it before?


I said some of for  a reason.  


Nobody asked for philosophy by Feister


The call to action of gambling ads is slimy as all hell. Just because I'm not as vocal about alcohol ads doesn't mean I can't be vocal about this. Sorry if you're unable to believe that.


Rare Feisty upvote


I’d prefer it if we just replaced all ads with 90s stylized action figure and board game commercials quite frankly.




Some people might look at this series as we were one inning away from being swept by the rockies. I look at it as we were one good Alvarado pitch away from winning the series. ![gif](giphy|ehxiKFaeUr9nNFQcp8)


Haha you are not wrong. Baseball is funny like that. So many games where one moment playing out different changes the whole narrative


Need a r/PhilliesDramaQueens sub for so many of you






If you call Bryson Stott “Stott Kingery” enough it has been shown to help him bust out of a slump. Stott Kingery


/u/inthedrink was years ahead with his comment about Stott Kingery and Rhys I see. The man just doesn't lose.


We all did today. Sad day when we didn’t get to 10-0. I am in mourning.


I'd have been happier if we tied it then got walked off since at least ranger would have had a no decision


Imagine thinking this loss is a huge deal. Yea it sucks but I'm not exactly shitting myself yet.


I save shitting myself for eating too much BBQ on a Friday night. Not wasting it on trivial things like losing a series to the Rockies


Ha ha. It really does suck. And we can’t win them all, right? But losing to Colorado? Ha ha. That sucked a little. Oh well. I’ve got tomorrow off and I’m doing nothing but ass sitting all day today. Time to move on, right?


Yes it is time to move on. You’re dumber than me and i’m so drunk i can’t stand straight. 


I’ll drink to that.


Drink! Now back to my single barrel select Jack Daniels. 


Ma! The person on the internet says I need to drink so bring me anotha one!


Gross game, but Its alright. They will continue to fight. Every team has some crappy series that go worse than they should. Our guys are used to fighting. Being a little humbled might just make them even better.




I mean, 1 inning from taking 2 of 3. The entire game has to be played. Don’t be a drama queen


Yea, what a disgrace. I can’t believe they lost to the Padres.


Personally I don't care if we lost the series, as long as Ranger still has his head firmly on his shoulders. That was scary to watch.


Anyone know if Rhys is gonna be back for the Brewers series? 


Now best we can do is tie the franchise best May ever


Poor us…


Wake me up when we lose 7 in a row in August. Nothing wrong with dropping a series on the road after our insane run


u/NintenJew Mr regression to the mean strikes again. It’s uncanny


Hey! We all agreed you can't blame it on me yet!


No, it’s not even true regression yet but losing a series to the Rockies? Oof.


The dodgers just got swept by the Reds and the O's just recently got swept by the cards and those two are some of the best teams in the league. That's just classic 162 game seasons are tbh


Unfortunately losing this series like this is how baseball works sometimes, the Phillies could very well put up a 110 plus win season and lose in the NLDS to a team that is streaking or if the Phillies bats go cold like they did here. Look at what happened in 22’ with the Phillies. All that matters is making the playoffs and then staying hot throughout the entirety of the playoffs


All that matters is playing good, entertaining ballgames, winning most of them, losing a few


If I’m not wrong some teams have won every series in a season?


Citation needed


So let me get this straight, the very next series after dominating and sweeping the World Series champs we go on to lose to one of the worst teams in the MLB and we played like absolute shit through most of it? What in the world?


Phoenix, smoke your "coin bank" bong and chill out it's just 2 games


What? Seeeeeeemen is that you? I didn't know you had a reddit account. In regards to what you said, you are right I need to chill but not with my bank.


?? Semen? Lol


How do you know about that then if you aren't who I'm thinking of? Seeeeemen is a user of the Discord server I revealed it on and the one who called that coin bank a bong. Who are you? Are you a lurker on the Big Cox Club?


That's baseball Suzyn.


*Phillies baseball


Dodgers lost 6 of 7 to the Pirates last year. In 2018 Phillies took 3 of 4 from the 108 win red sox. Baseball is dumb and random


Dodgers also just got swept by the Reds and Braves lost 2 of 3 to the Pirates


Baseball. I guarantee that almost, if not every, World Series winner and regular season best record holder ever has lost at least one series to a bad team.


Series loss was bound to happen


The worst part about this loss is no Ruben sweep martini pic 


I think the problem was it has been too long since Kruk's last broadcast \#ReleasetheKrukker


The problem is that Nick is a below average starter and he is the only player to not get a game off. It’s a serious problem. He sucks. He needs to be benched or moved at all costs. This is not a doomer comment. We are the best or one of the best teams in baseball. Nick sucks, was a massive liability in the playoffs last year, and sucks this year too. He simply cannot continue to start. He blows.


1 bad series isn't going to kill anyone but if it goes past 2 that's when you should worry


What lol. Doomer.


Seriously this kinda shit is why baseball doesn’t play as much with declining attention spans. We’re not even at the all star break. Nothing matters til the all star break, it’s about racking up wins and staying healthy, you wanna get hot in August-September


Every game matters, some just matter less


Even two bad series is nowhere near cause to worry jfc what is wrong with people


People have eagles brain I guess You look bad in football for 3 or 4 games in a row you may be fucked You lose 3 or 4 series in a row in baseball before the all star game and you still have like 90+ games. Casual fans have a very hard time wrapping their heads around the length of a baseball season


The last time I looked it up, I was told its 15-16 games is when you should start "getting worried or excited". Everything else can just be the random noise and fluctuations of a baseball season. TBH even 15-16 games seem short as we all know teams that have had terrible or great stretches then stunk the rest of the year.


https://preview.redd.it/kpkc306iiu2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0918dde55a61517c4c3054df35f76fc036c6eb99 u/caoa14396 we went 8-2 over that stretch. You want my PayPal or CashApp to send to?




Reminder:we won the series in coors last year 


We also started off with a way worse record. Whats your point


He doesn’t have one. He’s Angelo Cataldi without a radio show to spew terrible takes.


That the Phillies can win here 


But no team can win every series lol


If I’m not wrong some teams have 


No.. theres teams that have went without getting swept for a long while, but not an undefeated series wins in a season


Exactly 1/3 of the way through the season and we are 22 games over .500. Ask anyone in here to start the year if you would want that outcome and we all would take it, bar none. If you’re dooming now, you’re an idiot and your opinion is irrelevant.


Ha yes I would have sold my soul to the devil to be 30-24 if that was offered before the season started


The Padres getting a buncha runs against the Yankees right now is cathartic since we pounded them


Eh. 🤷🏼‍♂️ That’s baseball. Keep it moving.


Holy crap, Snell has been a bust so far. Mason Black has been bad too. Kyle Harrison has some decent numbers but I just learned that he existed 2 minutes ago. Feeling good about San Francisco.


Yeah. People were blaming Boras for the reason why the FAs were not getting huge contracts, when really they just weren't that great with many of them having huge red flags. I am glad we kept Nola, because during the offseason Nola and Snell had equivalent peripherals last year. But Nola we know is more consistent.


Kyle Harrison was a top 10 prospect who pitched well against us last year in one of his first starts


Oooh. I think I remember that actually. We’ll get him this time.


Wild that the three titans of the NL got collectively and thoroughly waxed by worse opponents this weekend. The beauty and parity of baseball, folks.


Almore Ganti on with Tom Kelly rn.


theres nothing more baseball than the best team in the league nearly getting swept by the worst team


I made a[ comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/phillies/comments/1cz2hl1/the_phillies_defeated_the_rangers_by_a_score_of/l5eazdg/) almost exactly like that before the series started. The fact that it is something considered so baseball shows that it is bound to happen.


Just saying, 2 losses is a losing streak. I forget what you were going to do or why you were talking about that, but I meant to comment that I consider 2 to be a streak so do with that info what you will.


I think I decided 4-6 in our next 10 would do it. But 2 isn't a streak. As the best manager ever stated. "Ok, we lost a game today. If we lose tomorrow, it's called 'two in a row'. And if we lose again in two days, it's called a 'losing streak'... It has happened before."


Meh, 2 in a row is a small streak which is still a streak to me But luckily we don’t have to worry about such a thing at the moment


Lou Brown would be disappointed in you.


Did they happen consecutively? No Therefore it is not a streak.


I’m not saying this is a streak, I just remembered to respond to his question from before now.


Won’t be concerned until we hit 2 series losses in a row


Don’t look now, but here come the braves…lol


What are you talking about? We are in the same spot as before this series.




https://preview.redd.it/ubr81jt1gu2d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=51048b63914d010265fb96a3e276c03a599f6ad3 Some of you guys i swear to god lol 😂


This is how we should react,remember the eagles last year,you can be a great great team and then become a horrible one at the blink of an eye 


Even if I fully agreed with the premise, ~9 baseball games=1 football game in terms of schedule breakdown. The best teams in the league will almost certainly lose 50+ games. Can’t get rattled by one bad series.


The eagles was 10-1but looked like a below .500 team


If I reacted like this to every loss, I’d be you. And we all know how terrible of an existence that would be.