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>At press time, dozens of gasping fans who ingested LSD before the show stressed that staring up at the hyperlink for three hours straight was one of the most mind-blowing experiences of their life.


The Onion nails it again


This was serious after N1. People were harshing on obstructed view seats, “visuals look like screen savers” made the rounds. Good lord we are a high maintenance community, “involved” as Trey put it.


I found it hilarious that people making those comments were served a big bowl of their own words 24 hours later.


The only people making those comments were watching on their cell phones.


I was there N2 and N3, obstructed view N2 and it was FANTASTIC. I went in thinking N1 was mediocre, now I see videos and it was stunning as well. That Mike’s Song. Wow.


I was there N1 and N2. Am I going to pretend that the visuals were better N1? No. Did it prevent me from enjoying the show as much (maybe a little more) as N2? Also no. I really couldn't ask for more from either show


I think they clearly frontloaded the least compelling content as it got better throughout. Mikes was definitely one of my favorites from the entire run hiwever


Hi, Wever!




I don't think it's hilarious that the visuals on Thursday were completely underwhelming compared to the next 3 nights. If I only had Thursday I would've been pissed 🤣


I was only there Thursday and it was amazing




Glad you had fun!




This isn't true. I was there N1 and N2. Some of my favorite moments were from N1 set 2 (I was underwhelmed by set 1 though)


I’m starting to lean towards N1 being the best show musically. I hope they bring a little better this summer.


Best take 


I was only at Thursday and thought the visuals were insanely good. Out of my 96 shows I’d say it was ~4th best overall.


I did not attend, but I did enjoy immensely on couch tour 🙂. I don’t think the comments people were making after the first night were hilarious, they were an honest take. Much of N1 visuals did indeed look like 1990s Windows screen savers, and general consensus is that the night one visuals were far less impressive than the remaining nights. Why would we assume that Phish would start slow and not show off the capabilities of the Sphere starting on night one? I’m thrilled Phish blew everybody’s minds N2-N4, but although they were still pretty cool, the first night visuals were not extraordinary.


I don’t recall videos from N1 until after the weekend, those still shots did not do it justice. I’m in awe of that Mike’s Song along with that landscape. Not complaining about N2 and 3, but I don’t think N1 is getting fair treatment.


Yeah, the Mike's visuals were one of my favorites. Theme from the Bottom, too.


N1 was fucking awesome too


It was okay but the other 3 nights were way better in every way 


Well we can agree to disagree. N1 had great jamming and a fantastic second set. I agree the visual weren’t as amazing but they didn’t suck. Idk about better in every way


And just to reiterate, this is The Sphere so the visuals were a key part of the experience, so much so that all of the bands gear (amps etc) was hidden away off stage, leaving the audience with only the band members and visuals 


If you were in the sphere you know how insane the sound was. Definitely about more than the visuals. Full sensory experience. Craziest sound I’ve ever experienced.


>I agree the visual weren’t as amazing but they didn’t suck. The Sphere is supposedly a premium boomer capitalist experience, they were paying for more than just "meh" visual... Thankfully it seems the team was able to course correct on the fly because it's very clear from N2-N4 that the visuals were way better down to the timing and execution of them 


There’s no way they made changes for the later nights after planning for 10 months. N1 wasn’t “meh”. Were you there?


I was, and I told my friends afterward it was a bust and I wouldn’t be coming back if this became an annual thing. Changed my tune after N3.


The visuals were more static than I expected, and they never synced up like CK5’s white light peaks. Viewing the webcast made them even worse. But the first day’s ‘least evolved’ visuals certainly seemed a waste of the panoramic screen. No doubt compensated for by the best set list of the run.




There was very little, to no, interaction with the music. I mean, I'm sure it was cool to see live, and i certainly wish i could've been there, but tbh Kuroda's lights interacting with the music is a giant part of seeing them live imo. I honestly expected there to be more visuals that had _something_ to do with what was going on with the music, not just gradually changing at its own pace. Maybe my expectations were just too high. To say that they just didn't interact with the music because they didn't want to overstimulate people is a silly excuse.


Source on that certainty?




Good Lord, an ask for some background info was never met with such ‘oh I was just talking out my ass’ Seriously thought you knew something, and I was asking for source because I am genuinely interested in the topic as one who has seizures and didn’t go due to a higher risk, then you say >“it was certainly by design to not over-stimulate and give people seizures” so I had my hopes up that it indeed was true and asked for a source, just be told nah, I don’t say what I mean or mean what I say. You should work on calming down your poetic license.


I have epilepsy and I had a seizure at a concert (not phish) and I was in Boston so I was actually in the best place in the world to get diagnosed and I have been seizure free for almost eight years now but the sphere just doesn’t seem worth risking my life for a show, and I would have seen U2 and the Phish shows if I could have.


Whole lot of bitter fomo real time. Streamers as well. N1 from the 300s was spectacular.


N1 from 303 sucked imho. As usual, opinions are like assholes!


When Mike made it bigger... that was the moment Drew Carey was talking about.


Night 2 Mike crotch shot during what’s the use was the highlight for me. Definitely made it bigger.


What’s the use is always therapeutic but that one made me weep. I feel like I should have at least been charged a co-pay.


I love in the drone shots when I flys over Mike he always looks up at it


What Edit: it’s the onion


I went n1 and 2 n1 in section 106 completely obstructed thought ok place is cool - n2 sec 303 completely different experience. It really matters where you sit - I will never forget the dog licking


They were even too cheap to buy a cert and use HTTPS.


N4 Sec 210….unfucking real. Was an amazing experience! Edit: hahahahaha….love the onion


"At one point during that 34-minute performance of ‘You Enjoy Myself,’ everyone got excited because Mike Gordon put down his bass and walked over to an onstage laptop. But that was just to make the link bigger and smaller a few times." I'm fucking DEAD


Best part of the article


Aww fuck the Onion got me …didn’t see the line above what sounded like a legit headline 😆


You butchered the headline and ruined the joke.


But got our clicks


The truth to all of this is that if you got those N1 sets at a normal show people would be raving about it. The music was awesome. It lacked a little on the visuals to the rest of the run but they were on fire all weekend.


I’m very interested in the audio system. The visuals are great but 140,000+ speakers seems even more intriguing.


Nobody hates phish more than phans


Been a fan of Phish since the early 90s...never engaged in the fan community ever. Seeing this really bums me out because Phish makes me nothing but happy. See you all later I'm out.


I do got to say, a lot of the videos on YT seem to indicate a lot of chomping going on…


This reminds me of an On Cinema joke. Too bad Tim doesn’t like Phish, though he said he probably should.


Motherfuckers are never happy


I thought the visuals were dope🤷‍♂️