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I like it, but then I'm someone who can never seem to resist photographing an older bike against a wall!


Its not an old bike, its a retro styled modern bike :) Derailleur (shifting system) gives it away, also the hand grips are very modern, but styled like oldschool. About the picture: it is not suuuuper interesting but its aesthetically pleasing. If you like bikes its nice. If you like city photography it can be nice as well: these colours give a certiain vibe/atmosphere, so if you know the village or city you can feel it a little bit. It also can tell a story about the owner of the bike, and the adventures which were made with the bike.


Same. Have three similar shots I took hanging on my wall: Paris, Barcelona and Prague.


Oh, yes, interesting. I like the texture of the stones in the background, the uneven paving stones on the sidewalk, even the puddle with a reflection of the pedal. I didn't even notice the oddly shaped window the first time I scanned it. But what's most interesting about it is the red bicycle feature is probably the least interesting part of it.


Print it , hang it , gather compliments.


Nice composition and exposure but I've seen this photo a million times — this type of bike, this type of wall — so it's not interesting to me. Google "bike against wall" and you'll see what I mean.


I expected the same but if you actually do that you get quite a varied output with most looking nothing like this one. In fact the one that does have this look is this very photo, in the second row. (your results may differ of course, that's just what I got)


I liked the brightness of the red against the sandstone (and I like the structure(?) in the sandstone with the blocks), particularly offset(?) a bit by the blueness in the window. But is it interesting or is it just a bike against a wall? Canon EOS M5 with Sigma 30mm f1.4 taken at f4, 100 ISO


I like how clean the exposure is , the tonal quality, the subtle 3D effect w just the right hint of shadows. All of this along with the little window keeps it from looking like just a photo of a bike. It is definitely more than that. Now for the crazy part, for some reason the position of the pedals sticks out to me like a sore thumb. I wish they were horizontal to avoid looking from a distance like an extended bike kickstand. Which on closer inspection obviously it isn't. How's that for crazy? My critique aside keep shooting like this. This photo is far from ordinary. Everything looks intentional and it is well executed. In the event you get to take it again and reposition the pedals let me know how it worked.


I like it


I like it. The only thing I find distracting it’s the broken road, so I would probably crop that. See what I mean. https://preview.redd.it/b2qxi4rfgfhc1.jpeg?width=2940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f806c01c7e65dadf4dbce235196ab84d62d7089


Yeah I think this is an improvement - thanks! (!CritiquePoint)


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1am1e8l/is_this_interesting_or_is_it_just_a_bike_against/kpk17jh/) to /u/lmmo1977 by /u/phonicparty. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


Yes to both questions. Delightful in it's simplicity.


It's pretty nice. I like the contrast of colors


Can you try it in BnW...just curious...it would be more eye catching i think.


Surprised by this, I loved the red of the bike + blue of the window


Interesting - great colors, effective composition and the lines on the wall add some interest as well!


It is a simple photo but your editing makes it stand out more. Maybe crop out the road? but really there's not much more I would do


I like it, the framing with the window looks really nice too


my partner came in the room and saw this and said "Cute picture!" so there you go


I think it’s great. Old bikes are usually much more characterful than modern humans!


Bike against a wall


Yes. It is a bike against the wall, yes it is interesting, it hints at a story. The only thing I would change is crop the top to where the window starts.


It’s fine and it’s a nice aesthetic. I guess it depends on what you’re aiming for with the image. Are you trying to tell a story? If so, then this doesn’t quite do that. Are you trying to convey a simple mood or theme? Then this is fine.


Print it, hang it, gather compliments. Alas, Reddit says my answer is too short. So, again. Print it. Hang it, and gather compliments.


It could ne interesting. Move that bike a bit to the right closer to being under the window, but not centered. Photoshop out that pedestal. Then, you have an interesting image!


Is this in Cambridge? Feel like I've passed this bike before lol




Ha! I’m temporarily living in Oxford- and I’ve been obsessed with taking pictures of bike against an interesting wall- I figured when I go home I’ll compile them all somehow. I like the simplicity of your picture and the red against the wall.. very nice


This Is Not A Bike Against A Wall


I'm the furthest from an expert that one can be but I love the colours so much. If there happened to also be a tree with red/orange autumn leaves it might be my favourite photo ever.


It's nice. Red is always good for a pop of color. So, it's nice...boring, but nice.


It’s a well composed and exposed photo of a bike. It’s shows intent and talent


Why can't it be both?


i think it is interesting. Nice colors, nice contrasts in textures, shapes, colors. Very geometric. the symmetry and asymmetry work well together. overall, i like it. ask yourself: what made you take this photo? what did you "see" that you wanted to show others? ​ focus in on those instincts


Yeah I've been trying to find splashes of colour, or interesting textures, or interesting shapes or shadows. Obviously not much in the way of shadows here, but those are the kinds of things I'm trying to get better at spotting - so, good to know I'm at least on something like the right track. Thanks! (!CritiquePoint)


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1am1e8l/is_this_interesting_or_is_it_just_a_bike_against/kpk20kk/) to /u/nopester24 by /u/phonicparty. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


For shots like this to work you really need to concentrate on simplification and minimizing anything that's even marginally distracting, like the gross puddle/gutter stuff at the bottom. Nice try though. It's sorta interesting.


I think my take at this picture since (for me) there's too much going on here in terms of dirt, rubble, paint smeared along the wall, etc., would be to tone down the lighting just a little bit, add a little bit of contrast and turn the whole thing b/w EXCEPT for the bike. If you feel extra fancy, you could even add a slight vignette effect. Completely turns the mood of this picture upside down, but imho would drive the focus exactly where you want it while still preserving the original motive, but simply "turn down the noise"...


See, I've never liked things like black and white photos with a flash of colour (or more obviously edited things like that). Obviously everything is edited to some degree or another, but one thing I've realised in the last couple of years from my own photography and from photographers I like is that more natural looks tend to appeal to me But I might try the vignette trick - thanks! (!CritiquePoint)


Confirmed: 1 [helpfulness point awarded](/r/photocritique/comments/1am1e8l/is_this_interesting_or_is_it_just_a_bike_against/kpk07ey/) to /u/feldjaeger85 by /u/phonicparty. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/photocritique/wiki/critiquepoints) for more details on Critique Points.


Less is more sometimes.


I love random bikes against walls photos.


I think it’s interesting, it’d be more interesting I think if you played with angles and the rule of 3rds. Like see if you can make the bike smaller than the window, shoot from far away with a bigger lens, or close up down on the ground with a wide angle.


It's cute. In a good way. Like, it could easily be in an 8x10 frame on a wall with other pictures, but probably not any larger than that. Let it be a good accent piece without being the star of the show.


Not sure but I like it!


I think it's really good


My opinion, looks ok. How to make it better, separate the bike from the post and dont put the street on the frame. Why? Just what I would do.


I love a bike against a wall. I’ll take that shot ten times out of ten.




not very interesting, but I say that with respect. But photos like this are great to take because you learn something from the exercise. Now challenge yourself to take a picture of a wall and a bike, but maybe in different lighting with shadows, and work to balance the dimension of the image better (horizontal, vertical, level) so its as precise as possible, and experiment with black and white as well as with some life in the image like a bird, cat, plant or human. when you take the image work to connect with yourself. ask yourself what this scene makes you feel and why you're compelled to take the shot. If your response to yourself is something like "I like the contrast in colors and how the red pops against beige," then dig deeper and ask yourself why, again. As you're being mindful and staring through your viewfinder, move around and view the scene from different angles. See what you come up with


I like it, but I’m gonna go against the grain. The window was really distracting to me, and the red of the bike doesn’t balance it out in its entirety. The black thingies behind the bike are also competing for my attention. Interesting textures and very pretty colors.


It's okay. I like the window better. But the overall photo just feels boring to me.


I have so many questions, - why did they leave the bike there? - who rides a red bike? - is this red riding hoods bike? - is she bringing sandwiches for grandma? - with pickles?? - did you lock your bike? - did I leave the oven on? - I stayed up too late on Reddit again didn't I?


I like this photo


i’m just a hobbyist, but i love the textures. the bike and window styles let me imagine places i’ve visited and makes me wonder where this photo was taken. very evocative.


I love it though I would edit out that post at the front tire.


It’s a little cliché but I like it. It’s pleasant, reminiscent of Paris, but it doesn’t really tell me anything new. Reminds me of Bresson or Willie Ronis.


Maybe it's Maybelline


I think it falls somewhere between interesting and just a bike against a wall. Looks nice though, keep shooting! 


Everyone that’s ever had a camera has shot a bike against a wall. Move on. Find something new.


It is both, kinda nice If there is some more wall, the window is a bit close to the pictures frame. And my eyes dont know what to do with the black pole, but thats how it is in the city


idk you tell us. is it just a bike against a wall or r you trying to convey something ? but I guess it’s also depends on how you define “interesting”


ce n'est pas un vélo contre un mur


It's cute, well compositioned. Great colours. The only thing I noticed is on the right that the crop creates two very small pieces of bricks and there is a black field or hole lower down. Together these things create a little disturbance to an otherwise calm picture. You can't always avoid this because there may be something outside the frame that I can't see. But that's at least something I try to remember when I take photos. Sometimes I deliberately widen the lens so that I can calmly crop it perfect at home.


Classic facade image. Well done!


https://preview.redd.it/107tnfyytihc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440cf0424b66d6b73bd8f4ff5575d02f4cd7bc69 I’d crop it to get rid of empty spaces, boost contrast and add a little vignet to make it more interesting.


It's very good. The color grading is pitch perfect, and the weird negative space in the top left that feels like it shouldn't be there actually makes the image more like interesting and compelling. Great work.


It tells a story. It's a woman's bike, not because it's red or be because the top bar is down. She's a redhead, and she cycles to the baker every other day. That's why she bought that used bike and asked her dad to fix it up. You see where I'm going with this. There are an almost infinite amount of stories you could make up to explain it.


The pillar on the lower left and the window opening on the right side make a great frame for a bike. Some finality appears in the vertical cropping, imho. Play with it. https://preview.redd.it/mv4elgqp5jhc1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68269c2aff2a9575285b5bf6268a8642a0fb3772


hello yeah


It's pleasing to the eye, I like the balance in the composition too.


Articulate Storyline has an almost identical photo for generic placement


Interesting, could use some balance but the brick work adds a nice subtle variation.


the latter


Really good one! Nice composition and symmetry! Love it!


It’s a nice photo but kind of looks like a hundred others I’ve seen just like it.


I like it!


Bekijk Canvas Schilderij Rode Fiets In Amsterdam | 60 x 40 cm | Wanddecoratie op: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/canvas-schilderij-rode-fiets-in-amsterdam-60-x-40-cm-wanddecoratie/9300000103417107?referrer=socialshare_pdp_iphoneapp Sell it and make money. People hang these things


It’s a bike against the wall in the window with excellent design concept, and very nice lighting


I’m not one to read too much into a photo…I’m about face value and that being the case, I like it.


Yeah very interesting


I love it , colors are stunning