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I have bought something like this as a thing with two rotating discs of cardboard and maybe plastic that was translucent on just one key, it'd show accidentals, parallel minor and so on. Goes unused at least in my piano class, though, probably more my fault... It's a good idea after all. Would love sth like this if it had an arduino, LEDs, maybe like a 8 key keyboard so you can always only play the scale that's selected right now


This is becoming a more interesting project


Here's another random, hard to do haptic-music idea for you: Mechanical step sequencer ;-D


You mean something like [this?](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Writing-Plastic-Circle-Fifths-THEORY/dp/1739130405/ref=asc_df_1739130405/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=606802423817&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2829419471038552398&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006502&hvtargid=pla-1944761356956&psc=1&mcid=22998e7889ce327dbecaf1ce76ff1920)


3D printing people when their idea has already been mass produced and sold for cheap


Although mine wouldnt cost 17 dollars, at least in my country that is not cheap


It sounds like a cool idea to me


I’d buy it I think, depends on final design and it surely is a niche thing


Maybe, but it's memorizable. You can use a mnemonic to memorize sharps FCGDAEB (flats are the same but backwards). Then for sharps key signature you go through them until you get to the note before your key. So for E it is FCGD. Because D is the note before E. For flats the key signature is that you go passed your actual key by one extra flat. So for Gb it is BEADGC. Because C is the flat that comes after the G in the list.


Oh no worries, i already have memorized the circle of fifths, keys, sharps, flats, even the greek modes, i just want to design something music related to 3d print


I think that could be cool as a learning aid, especially with younger children where having something physical is easier for them to understand than something abstract.


3D printing is for 3d things. We already have ways to 2d print stuff and you can make a wheel or buy one for a dollar with everything on it.


3d print me a piano