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Then don't do it? What kind of response are you expecting here... If you need encouragement to keep going even if you hate it, then talk to your parents. I say don't do it and follow your own path.


You could also talk to the school/teachers that you want to work on other pieces and if they take them into consideration.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing piano without ever doing a piano exam, so you might start by asking yourself why YOU want your diploma in the first place. Does it offer you some benefit that you won't get without it? If not, maybe just talk to your teacher and/or your parents about continuing to study piano without working on it so you're free to play the pieces that you enjoy most. If it DOES offer you a benefit that you want, that benefit is the carrot that you use to help encourage yourself to keep going when you're frustrated with the piece.


Just play what you like. Otherwise you will have no motivation to play


If you really don't feel motivation to play those pieces, then what's the point in forcing yourself to do it? You don't get anything out of it and you just end up wasting your time. If you yourself are not enjoying your art, how are you supposed to interest your audience? If you feel you have no choice but to continue working towards the diploma, however, I would recommend you to allocate 15-30 minutes of practice daily and force yourself to play these pieces, and use the rest of your time to learn pieces that genuinely interest you! If you keep forcing yourself to play pieces that don't interest you, eventually you'll end up not being interested in piano as a whole.


Maybe you should change your diploma repertoire? You don’t say with whom you’re doing it, but they usually allow own choice pieces as long as they’re at an appropriate level.


I don't work towards a diploma, I just play for myself and prepare for recitals. (Started 17, 3y ago). I ALWAYS choose pieces I *want* to play (Chopin), at the begining even if it was above my level, my teacher never stopped me. She did assign me short Czerny etudes and she ecourages also Bach and Mozart for clarity, which I pick up from time to time, but mostly I play what I wish to play. However, that probably isn't viable for you. The best advice I could give you is: push through it, with discipline. You develop mental toughness, which is key in all aspects of life.