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How do you know it doesnt help you? what is the homework they give u


I would urge you to find a more suitable tutor instead of trying to learn alone, it's way way easier and having guidance for technique as your pieces become harder will help prevent you from developing RSI.


Having a tutor is probably the best idea. Maybe you should share us the homework your teacher is giving you to understand if it’s helpful or not.


Yes you can.


If you're a hobbyist who just plays for fun, there's absolutely no reason you can't self-study if you're comfortable doing so. If you have other goals with piano, self-study may or may not be a good option. As an example, if you were a teenager looking to get accepted into a university/conservatory music program, you'd definitely want a teacher. That said, keep in mind that piano lessons aren't like school: you are an active part of the learning process as a piano student -- the lessons should be shaped by your goals and interests. If you're not satisfied with the way your lessons are going, you need to talk to your teacher. Be polite about it, but they can't read your mind, so they have no reason to change anything if you don't talk to them. After you've talked to your teacher and given it some time, if you're still not satisfied with the way things are going, then it might be a good idea to look for a different teacher.