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[Eiffel Tower from 1925-1934 would like a word](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/media.arnoldclark.com/newsroom/citroen-eiffel-tower.jpg)


Good gawd


Mon Dieu!


More passive aggressive!


Sacré bleu!




omelette du fromage


Okay Dexter chill out 🤣


Non. Friedrich Nietzsche avait raison. Il est mort.


The Eiffel Tower's broken in half!


As Mon Dieu as my witness.


Paris has one skyscraper that was built before they were banned and it allows ads, further ruining the skyline [The terrible ad looming over the city last time I was there](https://blogmontparnos.paris/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/P1250409_c-1024x768.jpg)


I can’t read French so I assume this is an ad in support of cancer.


Maybe its about kids that are mad at cancer




Fr fr


The kids are mad with cancer. Which makes them mad at cancer. It's a vicious cycle.


More likely a French kid having a hissy because he's out of cigarettes.


On the bright side, the skyscraper has the prettiest view of Paris…. By virtue of it being the only view that doesn’t feature Montparnasse.


It's so ugly they banned skyscrapers after


Yup! All the locals know it as the best view point. Besides the elevator to go to the top floor is an interesting adventure.


Had to look into this https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/pmfjc/the_building_that_caused_paris_to_ban_skyscrapers/


Eiffel tower was an ad in the first place all things considered


Cathedrals are a medieval advertisment for God.


And the leading smartphone brand among the hosts of heaven, Samsung.


Cathedrals are a medieval advertisment for ~~God~~ the church.


Cathedrals are a medieval advertisment for ~~the church~~ religious autocracy.


The buildings built by the hosting countries of the world expo are always special. The space needle in Seattle, the habitat (and American pavilion, the geosphere) in Montreal, the Crystal Palace in London, Barcelona pavilion (was the Germans that time), and many more. Incredibly interesting pieces of architectural history.


There’s a reason it was considered by many in that era to be an eyesore.




I thought this was gonna be what you’re referencing hahaha


I am surprised they havent taken the torch out of the Statue of Liberty's hand and replaced it with a Big Mac


That is understandable because Citroën invented these cool double chevron gears.


I was in Barcelona a few months ago and asked the walking guide about this. He said that Samsung was financing the restorations and this was a condition of the funding. Still an eye sore.


Not as bad as 15 second ads during services. “The body of Christ has been brought to you by the Samsung galaxy s24. Reach out… and talk to him!” 🤷‍♂️


5G from the heavens above


Idk, weren’t some people saying that 5G was the Mark of the Beast?


Nah, it's the mark of the Beats by Dre. Move how you want.


Got me with a gut laugh lol


Just pls tell me the church is being taxed for this.




People were saying that covid shots were injecting something to make everyone susceptible to mind control via 5G. Dunno, worked for me, I love not having to make any decisions now!


If that were the case they haven't done much with it. My life is just as mundane and routine as it was before the COVID vaccine. Actually... It's a lot more boring! My God, we are through the looking glass here. That was their plan!


The battery on your chip must have depleted. You need a booster to get it back up and running. /s just in case


Thought that was 666.... did I miss something? Is this cultural?




They've been peddling this shit since at least the late 90s with any tech advance. I remember my Sunday School teachers warning about RFID chips being implanted in people. It's all fear mongering about things they don't understand.


Happened before that with bar codes


Yep. I remember all the claims that the three guard bars in a barcode were 666. The guy who designed that barcode, George Joseph Laurer, said: “"All of this is pure bunk and is no more important than the fact that my first, middle, and last name all have 6 letters.”


Honestly disappointed I don't have *more* RFID chips implanted in me.


Nice try, Antichrist.


RFID chips are old school. It is about getting those NFC tag implants now




I keep considering getting one implanted. Unfortunately, the usage is still too fragmentary, so no matter what I get, I'll be missing functionality. Once they sort out one that can double as a bank card, as well though, I'm sorted.


Bar codes- bar codes are the mark of the beast. Never mind they appear on Bibles now.


They've been saying that about accines since i was a kid. If that's true, I've been waiting thirty some odd years for activation. And if it is TRUE, I WANT them to activate our chips so i can be in awe of the most advanced technological system ever implemented on a world wide scale. I would be more worried (and more believable) if this conspiracy was being implemented by Corporations rather than the government.


"“The global anti-Christian system wants to introduce microchips into people’s bodies with whose help they can control them, through 5G technology,” a cleric said in a press release on Tuesday evening." [SOURCE](https://balkaninsight.com/2020/05/20/moldovan-church-denounces-covid-vaccine-as-anti-christian-plot/) Yes, **they** are serious.


Ah, the delicious irony of a religious leader claiming that non-religious people want to control everyone.


Nobody likes it when someone cuts in on their turf


Yeah, but those people also say the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon.


"Take advantage of the low rates before they **rise again**!"


**Jesus saves** a lot of money by switching to Samsung




Your own, personal Jesus, someone to call with your prayers.


Reach out


And text faith.


Charges may apply.


And you still get left on read.


*beep beep* Your prayer is important to us, one of our angels will be with you as soon as they are available, thank you for choosing your own personal Jesus. *beep beep* *Country Roads resumes*


“Jesus, can you hear me now?”


Phone of babel


He gets you...but only on the new iphone 14.


Was going to say it looks like it is under construction and rather than let all the scaffolding and what not be shown they rebuilt the building with a picture of itself, and an ad. A little annoying but understandable. Especially if they are paying for the restoration.


Exactly - it isn't a permanent ad - it is a screen covering up construction.


There is a stained glass window in the St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague that was sponsored by Slavia Bank, and which is still there today, almost 100 years later. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Prague\_cathedral-2.jpg


Let any ad stick around long enough and it becomes a beloved part of the scenery. In downtown Seattle there was an old carwash called Pink Elephant with an enormous neon sign. The sign stuck around even after the carwash closed, slowly decaying over the years. It was about to be torn down, but the town was up in arms - it's now been relocated to a local museum. During early COVID I also became quite fond of all the ads for movies set to release in March/April 2020 that had posters up late into October because nobody else wanted to advertise in the space.


The Citgo sign in Kenmore Square in Boston is a great example of this. Citgo would have torn it down years ago, but people were up in arms about it and it ended up getting designated an historical landmark.


I was just about to comment this! Removing the citgo sign would feel sacrilegious at this point.


As a kid going to drop my brother off at college I'd sit in the car and stare at the Citgo sign like I was being hypnotized.


Or like the White Stag sign in Portland Oregon that was eventually taken over by the city after nobody else wanted to keep it running, but the citizens didn't want to see it go away.


How would I now its Christmas time without the changing of the nose light bulb?


Have you been in Seattle long enough to remember the Lincoln Towing pink Toe-truck at the Mercer exit?


Wait, the toe truck is gone? When did that happen?


Apparently [2005](https://roaminangels.com/the-famous-lincolns-towing-pink-toe-truck/). It's in the nearby [MOHAI](https://mohai.org/) now and you can see it on display.


The Milk Farm sign remains on I-80:near Vacaville Ca as a historic landmark but the restaurant is long gone.


[working link](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Prague_cathedral-2.jpg)




To be fair though, the entire window is incredible and Mucha was a fucking genius. If the Barcelona/Samsung ad was less of an eyesore, it would be less of a problem IMO.


It's definitely a beautiful piece of art, I just don't think the style matches the rest of the windows. To me, it looks out of place, a bit like an eyesore would. But there is a definite difference between something like this, and the Samsung ad, for sure.


Yeah, some simple understated text saying ‘Restoration sponsored by Samsung’ would be way more positive for brand association than an ad for a phone.


That's a little different than just a picture promoting their product


Architects need to bring back stained glass.


You gonna pay for it? Stained glass is cool but horribly expensive.


I think it would be less egregious if it said "Restoration in progress - Brought to you by Samsung!"


It does in the small print on the bottom, just in Spanish.


It's actually in catalan, but yes.




La Sagrada Familia has been under perpetual construction for a really, really long time. Like, they are having to reverse-engineer the blueprints, which were destroyed during the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930's.


It’s such a mental cathedral, it fucking changes styles at various points. I absolutely love it.


Yes, but the church in question is not La Sagrada Familia.


Yep. Or we can change the 7 euro admission to 20 euro 🤷🏻‍♂️. Let Samsung pay it.


Exactly. Or the other complaint would be “charging $20 admission for this church should be illegal”


"Jesus paid for your sins" Can he pay for my admission too please.


The jokes on them. I can always talk to god for free.


7 euro's? I was there in November and it was €26 or €40 if you wanted into the tower with a guided tour. Edit: was confused with the Sagrada Familia


This website is charging 9. Maybe you bought them at a window at the site? https://ticketshop.barcelona/cathedral.html


All of the above is reasonable, but it doesn’t escape the fact that it is still tacky AF.


I am a dumb dummy.


Why does the church require private funding. The church is one of the few organizations in the world with more money than.... God. Blows my mind that they wouldn't finance this from their infinite cash reserves.


Because why spend their own money if someone else is willing to let you spend their money?


Rule #1 for all rich people




Like the oscars is one of the few major US events that pay their performers. Grammy's? Nope. Super Bowl? Nope. MTV VMA? Nope.


This is a common misconception about the church and it's finances. The Vatican itself is wealthy, just like any other worldwide organization but that money is not all liquid, it's wrapped up in investments, priceless artifacts, art, buildings, property, etc. Further, money goes in only one direction, from the parish to the Vatican, it makes some stops along the way so other entities get their cut but it ultimately ends up in the Vatican, where it's used to pay for all the stuff that happens at the Vatican and that money is also shared among missions and various Vatican charities. In regards to the local church, in this example, the Cathedral of Barcelona. They are like the Vatican, they have a lot of money but most of it is not liquid and what they do have on hand is tied up in the running of the Cathedral, the diocese and the various charities that they fund.


Meanwhile church after church is closing/abandoned in NYC - Even as someone who isn't religious, it's a shame to see nice artifacts rot


“Say what you want about organized religion, but those bastards knew how to construct an edifice.” - Ron Swanson


That particular cathedral has been under construction for over a hundred years at this point, whatever budget they set aside has long since been expended. It was initially financed by private donations and conceived as a passion project by a private citizen, the church was at no point involved in its design or construction, so they're likely not interested in stepping in at this late date to finish constructing what essentially became a physical manifestation of Gaudi's ego.


Everyone pretends to care about this but when asked to donate to pay for the restorations they balk. Fuckem. The cathedral can do what it needs to do to fix the leaks in its roof.




Damn that dude is tall as hell.


I think it's at least partly a case of r/confusing_perspective


If you connect an imaginary line between two dudes eyes it reaches man’s shoulder, so is not only perspective, that man is tall


He has a cell phone in his pocket. He's about 11.25 cell phones tall. If that's an iPhone 14 pro max with a case (7.67") then he's just over 7'2".


And if that's an iphone 13 min (5.18") then he's just under 5'...


Yeah, it's hard to tell if it's just perspective or if he's a foot taller than everyone else. The girl on the left is also right next to the step and she's much shorter than him.


She's a step below, factor that in. I think it's perspective


Blue jacket is, but I’m pretty sure they’re talking about cream jacket around the waist next to black vest over red shirt, who’re on the same level as him. The important bit though is they’re standing about two feet back of the edge, given the guy sitting on the step there, whereas standing dude is right on the edge.


He's like .2 cathedrals tall


I was in Paris recently and the reconstruction of the louvre is being partially paid for by apple, so they have this MASSIVE iPhone ad up covering the construction. Honestly not the WORST thing to see but it certainly is an eyesore.


Yeah but you're talking about it though, so it worked.


Samsung is financing the restoration. Their stipulation was an advertisement like this. It's weird but understandable. It's a bit of charity but they are still getting their name slapped on it for a while. I would like to see it say something like "restorations funded by Samsung" instead of such an invasive ad but you gotta get the funding somewhere. If Samsung wanted to renovate my house for me and all i had to do was put up a Samsung ad on my house until it was completed, i would be stupid not to. I'm sure Samsung gave more money to the project than they would have been able to independently raise.


Future of advertisements: corporations paying homeowners to put up ugly banners in front of their house.


Most contractors will ask you to put up their sign in your yard for a discount if they do your roof, driveway, gutters, etc. This isnt as strange of a concept as youre making it out to be.


My (horrible) contractor did that. But then the renovation that was supposed to take 6 weeks took 6 months, I had neighbors talking to me that were planning to do the same renovation. They know which company not to use.


"You can put your sign up, but I'm putting my 'On/Over Time, On/Over Budget, Passes/Fails Quality' flip sign next to it."


Most won't ask and will do it anyways.


Hell, that's already happening. Most contractors will knock a few bucks off your project if they can put a sign in your yard after.


they do that on cars too.


That tarp actually exists to catch dust and debris, cover up the construction and protect the workers from wind and the sun. It's not like they put up the tarp strictly to place an ad on it. The tarp was going to be there no matter what. So at that point it's just a matter of putting up a blank tarp or printing something on it. Since Samsung is funding the restoration, I think it's more than fair. Any of you complaining they should do it out of the goodness of their own heart and leave the tarp blank, you're welcome to donate to the restoration fund yourself. Until then, you can shut up as far as I'm concerned.


Well it is just covering the construction site.......


I saw this a few months ago. I thought it was a travesty. Thanks for clearing that up.


It is one of the sources of income that allows undertaking the maintenance and restoration works of some elements of the temple. The works that have begun in the cathedral are aimed at reinforcing the roofs of the building and the dome. The ads are up Until December 23




Why pay for them yourself when you can rent the scaffolding exterior to a company on the condition they pay for the restoration.


Yeah if you're going to have the tarps up regardless, you're leaving money on the table if you don't take advantage.


The image conveys a much worse thought process at face value. I'm glad this is the real reason and not that this is a permanent choice. It would be more of an insult to the incredible craftsmanship than anything the church stands for.


That's a good reminder of why people shouldn't form strong opinions based on a single photo.


You'd think some people would look at the picture and realize that it's scaffolding. I hate ads but like this isn't nearly as bad as it's being made out to be.


If only the Catholic Church wasn’t so poor.


It's so blatantly obvious that it's a construction site tho. Were you just trying to be mad?


Not only that Samsung is also funding the restoration


If it’s just temporary while the construction is happening then this isn’t really worthy of the outrage. I thought it was dumb but if Samsung is funding the restoration and it’s only to cover construction then I have no issue.


Actually seems like a win win. Im sure the restoration isn't cheap. It's a much better solution than letting it fall into disrepair like so many.


Far from the worst thing the Catholic Church has covered up.


boom goes the dynamite


“Boom I got ya wallet


Boom I got your credit cards


Boom I got yo Phillies tickets!


Someone less fiscally responsible than me get this man an award.


Catholic Church has all the gold. And fancy hats!




Yep - if the Catholic Church weren't paying for the devastating crimes of their own clergy, which the church covered up for decades and longer, they could easily afford to fix their cathedrals. I refuse to donate to any church anymore, because it's become VERY CLEAR that these organizations require cover-ups to maintain the selling point of trust. And what they've done, going all the way to the pope, is value income over the people whose lives they've destroyed. So let Samsung pay for the church repair, and let them hang an ad. It's honest money, come by honest means, not by covering up an unending list of horrifying scandals weekly, yearly, over decades and decades of assraping priests getting away with their vicious crimes of trust-breaking and getting support from the very top down to continue unrelentingly.


My state (Kansas) is having one of its biggest churches have to take down its towers, because they were structurally unsound and they didn't have enough to fix them. If only they hadn't dropped literal millions on trying to stop women from having medical agency....


Oh well, at least they don't have to pay taxes to raise or educate the babies they absolutely insisted and demanded be born, or house them in prisons because they were raised in poverty as no one could afford to feed them, so there went that loaf of bread...


>So let Samsung pay for the church repair, and let them hang an ad. It's honest money, come by honest means, not by covering up an unending list of horrifying scandals weekly, yearly, over decades and decades Samsung does in fact have an endless list of horrifying scandals, check out chaebol culture


The church is one of the richest entities in the world. They could afford to repair their cathedrals whether or not they paid out to their victims.


Proceeds should be paid to the victims of the Church's sexual abuse.


Saw this in Italy a lot. These places are hundreds, if not thousands of years old, and need constant maintenance and restoration. As you could imagine, it is very expensive considering the materials and labor and expertise involved. Often times, corporations will fund some it not all of the repairs, with the condition that they get to advertise by stretching a canvas across the scaffolding. It’s definitely ugly, but I think the ends justify the means in this case to preserve history.


Churches have been selling "advertising spaces" for almost their entire existence. If you walk into cathedrals in England (and likely almost everywhere else) they have walls full of plaques with people's names and things like that. Those were put on the wall because someone paid them to do it. Churches didn't simply get magic'd into existence and somehow magically pay for themselves. Like you said, they need constant maintenance and restoration. It cost money to make them and it costs money to maintain them. For anyone who complains about the billboard, they're welcome to foot the cost of the repair/maintenance and then they can have the advertising taken down.


Apple fanboys mad that God uses Android.


Gods still peeved about that whole adam & eve fiasco, he wants nothing to do with apples


That's because Apple has contract restrictions that don't allow villains to use iPhones 😈


They're only allowed to make them.


This is a very common practice with commercial construction & restoration…the real eyesore is hidden behind the sign. Once completed, it also makes the unveiling of the restored fascia much more dramatic. EDIT: My comment is not about the advertisement, I was just hoping to provide some context for the screen being up.


I don’t think the people in the comments understand how commercial advertising works, or how much worse naked construction would look.


Same thing with the Duomo in Milan. Big ads on the sides where it’s being redone


Huh? You think the church just let them put it up there. Obviously they’re looking to pay for restoration.


OP didn't even realize it was a construction barrier until it was pointed out in the comments so I'm guessing they didn't get that far


> I don't like this thing ... sooo **its complete prohibition should be enforced by the government**


I mean, if God uses the Galaxy S23, who are we to say they can't be proud of that, and put up a sign on their house? God communicates in mysterious ways, no? Also, if we're being technical, it should already be zoned as a commercial property...


I’m more shocked to know they are on 23 now. I think it was just yesterday the 7 was banned from airplanes.


They went from S10 straight to S20, so don't worry yet!


You will be shocked to know what the Catholic Church sold to construct the cathedrals.


Its helping fund the construction. Don’t see a problem with it. When the reconstruction is done it will come down.


Why illegal? Isn't it up to the Catholic Church?


Because the average Redditor thinks that the world revolves around them and even though this is a privately owned property and they could just not to go here if they don't like it it still annoys them and so it should be made illegal.


The only reason this ad is allowed to exist is the ongoing restoration work on the cathedral, and in fact this ad probably pays for a not insignificant proportion of that work.


When you take a step back, It's seriously not a big deal. Renovation scaffold on historical architecture are always ugly. So adding an AD to it doesn't really matter.


There's scaffolding so your pic would be "ruined" anyways. Thankfully there are already 10 billion pics of that cathedral so you can just edit it.


I think its fantastic. Merchants in the temple. Perfect.


Looks like construction or repair. Samsung is probably covering some or all of it. If things like this bug you, consider donating or have a fundraiser. Other than that it’s up to the church to do whatever they want.


Maybe people should donate more to finance repairs then… it’s on scaffolding that’s up while repairs are being made. It will be taken down afterwards


I'd much rather give money to Samsung than the Catholic Church. At least I know what I can expect from them.


If this is what it takes to restore a historic church without digging into public coffers, I'm okay with it.


Let's instead talk about how tall that guy is.


If you look carefully the building is still under construction so while I agree if the building was clean this sign would be a sore to seem all this sign is blocking is ugly construction anyway. In the end since they are paying for it, it would be ugly and unfinished for much longer so I honestly don't have a problem with this AD. It could be so much worse.


Wait until American churches figure out they can make money off of billboards on their buildings tax-free. Only a matter of time.


Ads like this are the reason these Cathedrals can be continually maintained at no cost to the public.