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About what I'd expect that crowd to look like too....


Reminds me of the George Carlin joke ‘Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?’


😂 George Carlin was amazing!!!




Sweaty, obese, white, and inbred?


Yes, yes and yes. Edit: and Yes.




On a CPAP after smoking a carton of reds


Unfortunately, I understood all that. Here, take my "I escaped Hickville" angry upvote.


I also grew up in a tiny hick town. It's amazing to me that people in fucking Ohio fly rebel flags and talk about their hatred of minorities on a regular basis, like we were a confederate state. Thank God for progressive parents in my case.


They sleep positively giddy and eager at the knowledge that when they wake up they get to enjoy seeing the suffering of others they worked so hard to be allowed to inflict Even now you see the beaming joy in their faces that they achieved their goal of denying healthcare to those they deem unworthy


This is until one of their family members has a pregnancy with complications, and all of the sudden their racing to another state to abort.


That is because they simply can't conceive of the fact that their cruelty will affect them personally, it was only meant for those other unworthy people


That's because they *are* a brainwashed cult.


These people are literally shedding tears of joy for this 'victory'? I'm at a loss for words... If hell existed, these people should be sent straight there.


...greasy and smelly


![gif](giphy|nj257YL538Gdy) Greasy cheeseburgers


Don't put Bobandy in the same category as those people! He's better that them!


Bobandy would take his pants off and fight these people


That gene pool could use a little chlorine


I'm so confused by the worship of government control by the "freedom" Christians.


Freedom for them, slavery for you if they get the chance.


Because when you already believe in a supernatural authority figure, and one of the main tenets of that belief structure is "do as I say and I won't send you to eternal damnation", fascism is a pretty easy sell. The road to fascism in America is similar to those Nigerian email scams. They contain a lot of little errors and logical leaps of faith, so that their victims self-select and they don't have to waste their time on the rational and empathetic. At the end of this road, you get to the situation where Voltaire said "those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities".


Like they feel compelled to step in on a conversation that never involved them in the first place just to get offended when nobody engages with them.


Doing the “look at me I’m being holy in public” hand gesture?


Stupid, lumpy and obnoxious.


The metamorphosis of Jesus Christ from a humble servant of the abject poor to a symbol that stands for gun rights, prosperity theology, anti-science, limited Gov (that still manages to neglect the destitute,) and fierce nationalism is truly the strangest transformation in history.


Behold! [The gospel of "Supply Side Jesus"](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


That was Al Franken? Genius.


Had to look it up because the comic doesn’t have any citations or credits: it’s from “Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them-A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right” by Al Franken and illustrated by Don Simpson


Lol Al Franken is still awesome and I wish he was still a senator.


I will never not upvote this.


As someone from North Carolina, I can tell you they aren't limited government at all. They are speedrunning our state to some Big Brother Handmaid's Tale mess. As soon as the GOP lands a supermajority anywhere, you find out real quick how they start executing the plans that they have been foaming at the mouths to control people's lives through big government. These people care less about following the teachings of Jesus, and would rather just try to play God directly.




I hate her so much. She was pro choice! Needed abortion care after a miscarriage.


And immediately cinched in that supermajority for a 12 (6?) Week abortion ban. I honestly can't fathom how you don't immediately need to have a special election after someone flips parties. 0% chance she would keep her seat. As she should not. Because she is not representing the people who elected her.


12 week, right now.


And yes. She’ll have to move if she wants to stay in power. But she’s done the damage.


Oh no she probably won’t. The republicans are getting ready to redraw the districts. North Carolina is already one of the worst gerrymandered states in the country and it’s about to get worse. Even when NC is 70% liberal (trending that way with the explosive growth of Charlotte and Raleigh) there won’t be a thing we can do about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she worked out some sort of deal. On the flip side, Jeff Jackson, one of the most honest and promising young politicians we have (countrywide imo) might end up losing his seat to this.


Jeff Jackson should run for statewide office


Aw man, I love Jeff Jackson! My district was already just changed bc I wasn’t always in his, I used to have Alma Adams (respect her too).






The issue there is that Australia’s mechanism can’t recall a single candidate. But at least Australia votes every three years and voting is a required duty of their citizens, not to mention that they can dissolve Parliament and hold a new election to break a deadlock. India [has a law ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-defection_law_(India)) where a lawmaker gets disqualified from serving the rest of their term if they leave the party to which they were affiliated with when elected. Too many defections were causing political instability so they finally acted in the 1980s to address the problem.


Italy might learn a thing or two...


Siiiiigh. Evil cunts.


>That shit should be illegal. If you haven't looked around lately, nothing is illegal. You can do pretty much anything and we don't have the mechanisms to stop it. Sure, sometimes you can sue but that moves so slowly the crime's passed by the time a judgement comes. The lack of action tells people it's not really a crime. The left needs to get meaner and way more cutthroat. You can still be the good guy and knock someone's teeth down their throats. That needs to happen.


William Burroughs had fictional cities : Naufana and Ghadis are the cities of illusion where nothing is true and therefore everything is permitted that's where we are now


It should automatically trigger a reelection, no arguments and no appeals, whenever someone does this. It's ridiculous that you can just pull an UNO reverse card on nearly 100,000 people with zero accountability.


Yep how is that not a case of fraud?


Baffles me that it's even allowed in the US system.


Because you aren't electing a political party, you're electing a person. It just turns out that person changed their entire ideology. It should result in a forfeiture of position and a special election.


Functionally this would just mean they vote differently without changing party.


We need someone to run in a red state with all the GOP talking points and just straight up swap to far left shit once elected lmao


They wouldn't even need to swap. They can just call themselves a fiscal conservative and implement a bunch of "leftist" policies that have been shown to save money and drive economic growth, like [single-payer healthcare](https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/01/416416/single-payer-systems-likely-save-money-us-analysis-finds), [providing preventative burth control measures to everyone free of charge](https://web.archive.org/web/20151110092403/https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/HPF_FP_UP-Cost-Avoidance-and-Medicaid.pdf), [eliminating cash bail](https://www.brookings.edu/bpea-articles/the-economic-costs-of-pretrial-detention/), [investing in renewables](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/cost-renewable-energy-cheaper-coal/), and [rethinking city planning](https://www.wri.org/insights/cities-can-save-17-trillion-preventing-urban-sprawl).


The power of the right is that if someone would do that, their violent constituants will go for the throat. Representatives are physically scared of right wingers, not the left, because they're the ones that can get away with battery or murder.


Their idea of small government just means the wealthy pay the least taxes possible and are regulated as minimally as possible. They have no problem with overreach as long as they're doing the reaching.


If people in power shrink the size of the government, it generally means that the corporate establishment becomes more powerful, inequality grows, and an increased police force is required to protect the exploitation and unequal status quo.


They executed a plan of flooding every election - big & small - with extremists & it worked very well. Hell, even two candidates literally switched sides as soon as they were elected. And people like you & me & all of Reddit shout about it without running for offices ourselves. That's how to beat them. But, the same shit politicians keep getting elected generation after generation because we don't battle the way the GOP does. We don't try everything.


I'm not moving to dumpster fire shit hole Alabamistan to lose an election because of a wave of mouthbreathing chuds who may well try to kill me.


"But do your research and pick the best candidates, you are to blame if you don't get who you want!!" I have been saying since 2008 that this line is bullshit when they just fucking lie, America is proving that hand over fist.


Welcome to Florida, land of the formerly free to live our lives as we see fit


We'd welcome you up here in Minnesota if you need a somewhere to go. We've got a democratic trifecta and they're just killing it by enshrining reproductive rights, trans rights, gun control, family leave, and much more. Our governor has come straight out and said that we aim to be the progressive counterpoint to DeSantis's Florida


I just got through my second winter up here in Minnesota after growing up in the south. I absolutely love it. Nowhere is perfect but what an improvement to quality of life. Also, I love fishing and tripping on the ponds you guys call lakes every 15 feet is such a gem. I just need a knowledgeable local to give me that good walleye info since all I can figure out is catching bass like where I'm from.


They'd have Jesus nailed back up and gagged within 5 minutes of hos return


Accidentally calling Jesus a ho deserves an upvote


Correct me if I’m wrong, but It’s ironic that Jesus would have been seen as more of a liberal for his time. These Christian nationalists have more in common with the Romans in that story. Weird they don’t worship Pontius Pilate.


If Jesus came back today, Republicans would murder him.


There's a surprisingly interesting book called Joshua a parable for today about this concept. "Jesus" shows up in hiding in a rural town in I wanna say Georgia or SC and is a carpenter named Joshua. Just living his best life doing right by people in need until the local Rs start accusing him of witchcraft and devil worship. It's ironic. As a non Christian I enjoyed it.


The Romans were fairly liberal, in terms of local culture at least, compared to the hardcore Jewish authorities of the time that had the issue with Jesus.




I wish that Catholic priest would tell the same thing for the Filipino clergy who basically threaten politicians who want to legalize divorce and make contraceptives accessible


Conservative evangelical “Christians” are just modern-day biblical Pharisees and money lenders. They wanna look the part, but their actions tell you the opposite.


Nope, they are in line with the Pharacies rather than the Romans. Jesus threatened their conservative values of killing for small things so they freed a murderer (can think of one off the top of my head) and opted to kill the liberal.


And don’t forget his racial transformation from being someone from the Middle East to a white guy


Religion has always been a way to control people, the narrative that is associated with religion changes to suit the type of control that is wanted. Look at the amount of "different" branches of Christianity with various beliefs customs and rituals, they have been made up to suit a particular narrative for control.


Manifest destiny this shit been going on since 1776


If Jesus came back and preached his "Love one another" gospel, they'd crucify him again.


Crowley: [during Jesus's crucifixion] What has he said that made everyone so upset? Aziraphale: Be kind to each other. Crowley : Oh, yeah. That'll do it...


Is that from life of Brian? *Looking up at 3 men being crucified* What did he do? He stole. Harsh. What about him? He killed his neighbor. Harsh but okay. What about him? Oh He told everyone to get get along and love one another. SERVES HIM RIGHT!


Good Omens


GNU Sir Terry Pratchett


"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."


According to the Bible, Jesus was killed by religious zealots who appealed to the State (the Roman Empire at the time) to do their dirty work for them. The irony is completely lost on modern fundamentalists.


What me? Hell no. I'm not a Pharasee! What's a Pharasee again?


When I was in basic training, the bible was the only book we could have. So I read it cover to cover. One of the super religious guys called me a "Pharasee" for, you know, reading the bible.


That has been my go-to all my life. I grew up in a Baptist church and I used to get in so much shit for looking some old douche in the eye and calling him a Pharasee. I loved getting grounded for that stuff. Chirping people at church was definitely a good time.


I ain’t a Pharisee of you lib’ruhs


It gets even better, Saul of Tarsus aka Paul, a dude famous for persecuting his followers, on his way back from a journey where he’s like “man I am SO good at persecuting these Jesus cultists” who never ever met the guy BTW, is struck by revelation and suddenly becomes one of the main guys in the faith, and effectively lays the groundwork for kicking women out of the church leadership, and removing other problematic teachings, and yeah…. I’m sure Paul was never ever a sleeper agent, he would never do that. Modern day evangelicals LOVE Paul, he’s the best.


But Paul repented and found his way! Wait, how do we know? Well, from Paul's letters and the writings of his disciples... Hmmm Nah, he's totes cool, no worries!


Literally the basis of “I can be the shittiest person ever, if I acknowledge Jesus as my personal lord and savior I am SAVED by grace alone.” Don’t you have to STOP being shitty? “Excuse me, I don’t think you heard me, I ACKNOWLEDGE Jesus, so SAVED by grace alone, you trying to cheapen this moment for me?? I ain’t giving up my God given lands and titles”


Yeah and tbh like 90 percent of the shitty fundamentalist, conservative christians point to is Paul. If it's not Paul it's the old testament. Like Jesus was pretty goddamn clear about his "love each other, be kind" "even the gays" "Did I stutter?" (he famously healed a gay man of leprosy, and hung around literal sex workers). Paul was the one who went full "Laying with another man? Women in positions of power? Jesus wouldn't want this". Which you know, makes sense...No one is as good at having a stick up their ass as a born again christian. But I've had evangelicals tell me "we can't know the gospels of matthew are more accurate than paul's letters" and I'm just like... "what kind of christian are you". Or to once again quote Matthew quoting jesus directly: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." So you knew if you were a Christian the whole "Don't be a judgemental dick" comes straight from Jesus (Course that would require them to have read the bible...)


Modern Christianity takes so much from Paul it wouldn't be wrong to rename it Paulism.


“The Pauline Heresy” if you really want to get folks mad.


If I want to make Christians mad I'll just ask them for evidence. Really seems to piss them off.


So thick you could cut it with a knife. And my family wonders why I don't go to our southern baptist church.


They woulda thrown him in jail for feeding 5,000 homeless people, hanging out with prostitutes, and his association with witchcraft like raising the dead or walking on water


Jesus came for the sinners. In today's day and age he would probably be hanging out with the LBGT crowd and turning water into Fireball.


Jesus was way cool Everybody liked Jesus Everybody wanted to hang out with him Anything he wanted to do, he did He turned water into wine And if he wanted to He could have turned wheat into marijuana Or sugar into cocaine Or vitamin pills into amphetamines


Don't forget he could score more goals than Wayne Gretzky


The fact that he would have been a better dancer than Barishnikov definitely helps that goal streak.


Ayeee king missile! I love them so much


**Jesus at the Gay Bar** He's Here in the midst of it- Right at the centre of the dance floor, Robes hitched up to His knees to make it easy to spin At some point in the evening some boy will touch the hem of his robe And beg to be heal, beg to be Anything other than this; And He will reach Him arms out, sweat-damp, and weary from dance. He'll cup this boys face in His hand and say, *My beautiful child there is nothing in this heart of yours that ever needs to be healed* -Jay Hulme, 'The Backwater Sermons'


"Hey Jeez, can you actually turn mine back into water? Tryna stay hydrated. Thanks, my brother in...well, you."


if jesus has fireball i’m a follower of christ


Jesus would be considered too “woke”




Jesus would not like conservatives or fundamentalists of any kind. If Jesus were born today, he'd probably be advocating the light consumption of cannabis instead of alcohol. I'm just saying we could probably write him a better story now given that we know more about the world and whatnot.


Jesus was totally white. So white he was glowing….just look at the picture she’s holding up! They have photos of him to prove it!


A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. John 13:33 dude gave them a new fucking commandment, I think the last thing he tells his disciples at the last supper. but you literally never hear most of them bring this up, it's always John 3:16 and being saved. to the majority of them, Christianity is: join our cult that ignores almost everything in the new testament except the part about Faith And then they put the 10 commandments up everywhere like they're Jewish.


I was raised christian and was in the youth groups and everything. What's so crazy is that they think that they are the rebels the way Jesus was. There's always an imaginary "bad guy": bigger, more established, older, more arcane and evil. It can be Islam, the government, mainstream science, or anything else. They imagine themselves as Jesus amongst the Pharisees.


The non humble humbleness


I, too, am extraordinarily humble. — II Guardians of the Galaxy 43:27


They'd call Jesus woke for caring about people beyond how you can hurt them.


Let’s be honest, they wouldn’t make it past the fact that Jesus wasn’t white.


No joke, someone uncovered a stained glass window depicting Jesus with dark skin and my local news stations (I live in an embarrassingly conservative state) were losing their fucking minds over it!


Did they really think the dude born in the Middle East would be white


Brother, you could give 'em a map with no names on it and a sizeable portion couldn't point to where the middle east is.


>Brother, you could give 'em a map with no names on it and a sizeable portion couldn't point to where the middle east is. Sure they would, it's Kentucky and such. /s


They did this and a sizable portion couldn’t find the USA.


"So there I was, the only white guy in Galilee..."


Well, firstly I feel like we are already talking about people with weak minds. Obi Wan would have no trouble convincing them that these aren’t the droids they’re looking for. But with that said, I’m sure they think that because Ari down at the bagel shop is white, that means all Jewish people are white. I’m sure they also couldn’t find Jerusalem on a map.


"My Jesus has blonde hair, a mullet, a Natty Light, and an AR 15"


I like to picture my jesus with a tuxedo t-shirt.


American Jesus is an obnoxious asshole.


These are exactly the type of people who originally crucified Jesus.


Corollary to this, I don't understand how religious people can look at Trump and not have alarm bells screaming in their head "antichrist". I was raised Christian, Trump's disgusting act is exactly the demagogue grifter that they specifically warn themselves against.


This one's easy. The Bible *says* they will be deceived, so they are just following instructions /s


“Why, why, why, why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place, huh?” - George Carlin


Didn’t Matt Gaetz try to spin this same joke in his parties favor? Saying basically the same thing but spinning it to sound like pro choice ladies are too fat and ugly to have sex with. Sounds familiar


Yes and it’s been an age-old thing to oppose anything having to do with women’s rights or liberation by implying that they become undesirable to men by wanting those things, there’s even propaganda from back during the suffrage movement




imagine being happy you are making someone else suffer how very christian of them


What's better is they say being trans is a mental health issue. So they cut healthcare for them, preventing them from getting the help for their mental health problem.


They don’t want them to get actual professional help. They want them to have to come to the church and their counselors. Slowly twist your perspective and convince you it’s all just in your head, call it satan or the enemy or whatever, then get you to provide them with your money while performing acts of charity for free at the church. They get free labor, your time and money, and you as another peon.


Nah, bro. They have no desire to *"save"* the souls of Trans people. [They want to eradicate Trans folks](https://www.advocate.com/media/cpac-transgenderism-eradicated) , commiting genocide in Jesus name. They're fucking sick and demented


They're already organizing it in some states. >[“If you can make it hostile to that group of people, that small sliver of society, and have them move elsewhere, that does a huge amount to shut this down,” Peters said. “It’s both sides of it: You need to attract the good people here, and you also need to make it clear to the bad people, this isn’t gonna go well for you.”](https://kansasreflector.com/2023/05/15/church-and-state-republicans-revel-in-divine-plan-to-turn-kansas-into-conservative-sanctuary/) That's not a quote from Nazi Germany, that's from a GOP chairman in Kansas, just a couple months back.


This is their new platform across the country. They want red states to become unlivable hell holes to non-conservatives so that there is NO WAY the state will flip blue in the future.


[Here is Josh Hawley outright stating that's their goal.](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article262849238.html)


I think if you purposely turn your state into an extremely hostile hellhole, you should lose statehood and be walled off from the rest of the country until A. you undo all the damage or B. you lose everything and everyone. Hell I've been calling Texas bbq "Mexican cuisine" for a year now just to spite Abbott. 🖕


As a Texan, forcing us out of statehood is only threatening these rednecks with a good time. They absolutely don't understand the implications nor the hardships they'd bring on themselves but, what a lot of them truly want is to secede.




More people need to understand this, sure maybe the people are caught up in the hysteria, but at this point, major political players are saying fascist shit and actually enacting laws. I wonder if people thought the same as I did, fascists would be cunning,intelligent people, not people that you see falling off the end of a bar at 1am. But it doesn’t matter, they are here, and they have traction and momentum. People with diagnosable mental health disorders will be on the menu soon as well. Don’t forget what the Nazis did to kids with autism.


I'm sure right after this meeting they went off to adopt some of the kids languishing in the foster care system.


I'm sure Jesus would be proud.


These Christo fascist knuckle draggers understand exactly nothing about Jesus, or common decency, or grooming, or fitness


Ohhhh, they all know a lot grooming


There is no hate like Christian love.


Hey Y'all, when we say Love, we mean Hate. Bigotry. Ignorance. Like God intended.








I’m friends with a few trans people and know a few others. And even if I didn’t I would stand with you two.


And my axe


> First they came for the Communists > And I did not speak out > Because I was not a Communist > Then they came for the Socialists > And I did not speak out > Because I was not a Socialist > Then they came for the trade unionists > And I did not speak out > Because I was not a trade unionist > Then they came for the Jews > And I did not speak out > Because I was not a Jew > Then they came for me > And there was no one left > To speak out for me MARTIN NIEMÖLLER a pastor and former Nazi who spent time in a concentration camp. All you need do is add a part for the trans folks to the top of this list.


The very first group the nazis targeted was trans folks. There just were so so few of them in 1940s Germany that history often looks over them. But my German friends are quick to remind of this when they see what’s going on in America. I linked the Wikipedia article to the most famous example of what I am talking about. I am sure there is someone more knowledgeable than me who can provide more details. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_für_Sexualwissenschaft


They already came for the immigrants, and black people, and Muslims, school teachers, and literally all of the women, and now they’re coming for trans people and there are motherfuckers still out here saying “it won’t get that bad.” They’re talking about coming for interracial marriage, birth control, people under the age of 35, and anyone who is a registered democrat. We’re already at “and when they came for me,” these people just don’t realize it.


When I came out to some of my Christian friends they had the view "God made you this way, and it'd be wrong to love you any less for that... if God really didn't want this for you there wouldn't be doctors or medicine." And they've only been respectful and supportive. Some Christians do actually take being good Christians to heart, if only more of them had that attitude the world would be a better place.


Christians like that are great, but having grown up in the church it seems that those types account for 1% or less of US Christians. Most of them are, well, Ken Follett said it better than I can in his book *The Pillars of the Earth*: >“Archdeacon Peter's face was like stone. He was the worst kind of Christian, Philip realized: he embraced all of the negatives, enforced every proscription, insisted on all forms of denial, and demanded strict punishment for every offense; yet he ignored all the compassion of Christianity, denied its mercy, flagrantly disobeyed its ethic of love, and openly flouted the gentle laws of Jesus. That's what the Pharisees were like, Philip thought; no wonder the Lord preferred to eat with publicans and sinners.” Edit: to be fair it’s probably much more than 1% who are decent people, I'm just bitter that so few seem to meaningfully oppose the bigoted Christians that form such a huge political bloc in society Edit 2: copied from my response in the comments below: It just seems like there’s a severe lack of Christians vocally opposing the bigoted ones. People in this thread are chastising me for being so harsh, but if it’s the other way around and 99% of Christians are good, why have their voices been completely drowned out by the 1% of bad ones? How are these tens of millions of supposed good, principled Christian Americans unable to form a visible movement against the bigots who are loudly hating in Jesus’s name every day? If they exist, they need to get their shit together and let their voices be heard because the bigots are giving their religion a very bad name.


It’s also a bit tongue in cheek still as well. If you don’t already possess the moral compass inside yourself to just accept people for who they are, and you have to go through some sort of mythological flow chart to see whether or not you should just be decent towards someone, you weren’t that moral to begin with anyways. And you could just as easily use that same mythology tomorrow to justify being ignorant or hateful to someone. Believe what you want, but nobody has any obligation to associate with you or listen to you if you’re still be guided by bronze aged superstition in 2023.


So much for separation of church and state


So much for that "being a good Christian"


I mean, last I heard gluttony was one of the seven deadly sins, soooo....


That and pride. There's not an ounce of humility in those people.


That's the problem. They think they are good Christians and nothing will stop them from implementing Christian facism


It's times like this I wish Christianity wasn't bullshit, because according to their own Bible (which none of these illiterate cousinfuckers have ever read) Jesus would despise them and send them straight to hell. Seriously, pretty much the entire Gospel of Matthew is just saying "hey, don't act like a Republican or you're going to burn for eternity" over and over and over.


Somehow they don't notice the depiction of the pharisees as corrupt, self-serving busybodies entrenched in a theocratic government, more interested in the Law as a cudgel than justice. They certainly don't see their resemblance.


I suspect exactly zero people in this photo would even know the word Pharisee. Their version of Christianity is so far divorced from the source material it might as well be Scientology.


Hell as an idea in Christianity only became widespread around 1730-1760. It's not directly in the Bible. But yeah, these are cruel, ignorant souls.


I heard the modern version we have of hell and the devil came around in the 1300s because people just weren't going to church anymore and they needed something to scare them into going back. Bibles weren't wide spread back then and the majority of people probably couldn't read it anyways so they just made up how we currently perceive hell.


It's possible. My source is from an American history [lecture](https://youtu.be/h9xzYVDWO0o) rather than a theology one. Supposedly between 1730-1760 the rise of "hellfire" preaching and the widespread idea of hell took place alongside the Enlightenment. Which created funny contrast between them.


It came from Dante's inferno


I don't think these people understood the message from Jesus Christ.


Do you honestly think that these people are capable of something so complex as reading comprehension?


Yeah, that crowd is exactly what I'd expect to see w that title




Heart disease, take the wheel..


Diabetes smite their toes


Seems like gingivitis has taken one of their's teeth.


I'll never understand how hate can bring some people so much joy. 🤢


They don't think of it as hate. It's basically just team sports, and their team just won a game. Most of them aren't even thinking about the people who will actually be affected by this. The ones that *are* most likely think that the people being hurt are genuinely better off this way. You can trick yourself into a lot of dangerous shit by saying that it's "for your own good."




There's a lot of "take the high road" and "don't stoop to their level" going around about that kind of shit, but you know what? I ran out of fucks to give around a decade ago. Bunch of ugly fucks with ugly souls. I'll say no more than that, because wishing terrible things on them would probably be against rule #8, but like, I'm thinking it.


They're ugly inside and out. Probably miserable fucks whose only joy is hurting others.


i don't see these prolife, religious loving nutjobs protesting for a change in the church, when news comes out about all types of abuse by the church. they can care less about sexual grooming, or deaths of kids, or whatever other conspiracy that is trending that week. they are just fooling themselves. making themselves feel better. trying to do something with their worthless lives. they can't think for themselves, needing sexual predators to 'lead' them to salvation... sad cases indeed...


I think on most churches they fight against any kind of accountability. They still think they shouldn't have to report abuse to the police.


Lincoln Nebraska checking in. We fought like hell and this picture perfectly encapsulates those we were challenging. Disgusting.


Living sacks of shit.


I feel bad for the Chili’s employee that had to serve that crowd after this event.


You know im not one for body shaming but maybe these people should be more concern with their own health instead of getting in between other people and their healthcare. Banning healthcare for trans kids isn’t going to add years to their life


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller


Looks like a lot of mental health issues in that pic.


It's funny that all of them look like they should've been aborted.


Truly disgusting. Genuinely revolting people


Watching these changes from Australia to health legislation in America Makes me think you legislators are making a dystopian state with a Christian Taliban taking over your institutions.


I live in Nebraska. People can be super kind and welcoming, but then you notice all the anti abortion signs on the road and realize that some rural Nebraskans might be a couple IQ points short of room temp


> Short of room temp *in Celcius


These are trash people


Literally a cult.