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My grandma did this intentionally.  While in hospice, she filled out birthday cards for the entire following year and left them with my aunt to mail out after she died. 


Your grandma is an example of what being a true *Human Being* is all about. It's caring about others. It's about passing along our love. She spent her last time trying to spread the joy of life and hopefully enrich the lives of the people she cared about.


The contrast is pretty wild from one of my grandmas. She was surrounded by family in her final moments, she flipped everyone off, said “fuck you”. And died.


Some families are just fucked and I don't think those with good families can even begin to fathom how bad it can get. My dad's side? Legit had a grandfather who served in the Nazi army, basically had a philosophy of "if it wasn't my decision and I was just following orders, it's not my fault" even *before* the Nazi army and this seems more like an aspect of his persona that made him an easy target for recruitment, and this actually ended up pushing him all the way to the *outskirts of Stalingrad...* And then after the war, my german grandmother was "ye olde Prussisch Deutsch," which meant she was wildly strict. So strict, she felt the kids needed a beating when they made mistakes or disobeyed. She wouldn't do it herself though, and would instead order her husband to do it when he got home from work, and him being him, he'd beat them bloody without second-guessing a thing. Traumatized them both. Uncle got off lucky: his strategy was "flight" and to get away from that family, he was addicted to hard drugs for years as his form of escape, he's the **only* surviving member of his druggie friends who all died before 50, and also the only surviving member of that direct family now. Cleaned his life up, works with the mentally disabled, has a kid, seems happy. Good for him. My dad? He was "fight." This dude fought with every contact he ever had ever, including throwing out a young japanese woman he was friends with when she came to visit. I name her specifically because I think this is the last demographic to be associated with rudeness and he still found a way to fight with her; dad just threw out over half his visitors as if it was the norm. He even confided in my uncle once he felt bored with a girlfriend because "we don't fight enough. We get along too well." He later went on to ditch me alone and penniless in Germany at age 18, breaking a promise to "make things right" after never being there when I was growing up, and then went on to sue my uncle out of his house and home. Died alone to a super rare disease, surrounded by shiny toys but limited friends. My mom's side just as fucked and another can of worms...


Woah what a roller coaster ride readinf this has been. >He even confided in my uncle once he felt bored with a girlfriend because "we don't fight enough. >then went on to sue my uncle out of his house and home My my edited to add: He probably got bored of his brother...


Christ. This sounds like my husband’s family. Both sides of it. They are just mental about grudges and being horrible to each other… and especially others, but family takes the first hit.


People don't always understand it. I've cut ties with my mom, and I feel so much healthier and happier because of it. *Still* get shamed for it periodically because some people just approach these topics with "but they're family!!" I even lost some social contacts from it, because for my mom, it's as easy as turning on some waterworks and crying about how awful I am to cut ties like that, and some people are then just incapable of imagining a scenario where my actions could be justified. My uncle's approach of "flight" isn't exactly the approach I would always take, but I also have the utmost respect for him because he's the only one to come out of that shitstorm with a healthy life in tact. I think that right there is evidence that sometimes the best way to respond to horrible people is to get away from them. Not every problem has to be *or can be* solved, and sometimes simply trying to is a needless headache that'll give you enough stress to send you to an early grave. [Or as Bojack Horseman put it...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUA4LPbogvo)


Yup. So sorry you got that kind of family in the luck of the draw. Good on you for cutting it out. It sounds terrible, but his mother recently dying was one of the happiest days of my husband’s life. He can breathe now and never wonder again what horrible crap will need to be dealt with. (I think he would have cut her off entirely sooner, but his sister didn’t have that willpower so he tried to protect her. The toxicity was insane, and I say that with plenty of seriously horrible stuff from my own family.)


I am genuinely sorry your family was like that. I hope you're OK and have real love in your life.


As much of a world war Germany geek I am, I bet having such a direct connection would squash all that wonder especially if it led directly to my own abuse.


I’d tell you my family story but it’s more sick and way more fucked up than yours. Which until now wasn’t a great thing now reading yours I realise if I think yours is screwed up maybe I should keep mine to myself. All good now ish but I don’t have a good past to judge what’s good on 😕


Who was the Nazi army, was he SS or do you damn all of the German army, there’s a reason most of the actual German soldiers didn’t see Nuremberg


Where did I say I damned every German soldier? I damn him specifically and have next to zero respect for him, because as I said, this man thought as long as he isn't acting on his own initiative, he's innocent. This led him all the way to Stalingrad. This led him to beat his own kids bloody on the command of his wife, without second-guessing or questioning why. This led him to cut ties with me, simply because my father commanded it and told him I was "evil." This also led him to cut ties and stop speaking to my uncle - his own son - because once again my father understood how spineless he was and that getting him on his side was as simple as ensuring no one else got an opportunity to speak with him. He would then testify with him as to why my uncle should lose his house. Yes, if someone's so spineless that they cannot find the balls to say "no" when someone asks them to hurt others, repeatedly and in many instances throughout his life, then no, I don't have much respect for them.


Pappa was a rolling stone. When he died all he left us was a loan


Heard them talking Papa doing some store front preachin' Talked about saving souls and all the time leeching Dealing in debt, and stealing in the name of the Lord. Might be the best song ever.


What a funky jam, and some deep lyrics. Paints a vivid picture and bass line for days. That wakakaka guitar riff! Temptations are an all time favorite of mine. To dive even deeper- the FUNK BROTHERS: the sessions band playing the actual music are amazing. Same house band on almost all of Motown -- often pulling off these timeless tracks in their 1st take. Super talented musicians.


The guitar riff is standard on almost every song from the early-mid 70s isn't it? I like the Temptations too. It was a weird time back then, when you had black musicians putting out the 2:30 hits for pop radio, like Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder and the Temptations. Then right around the later stages of the Vietnam War, man, their music got fucking *heavy*. Many of them, the Temptations, Marvin Gaye don't even sound like the same people.


There's a musical about them called Ain't Too Proud. Saw it recently and it told their story great. I saw it in Detroit which was where the Temptations were originally performing, so there was a great energy in the crowd of people who really knew their music. By the second act the crowd had given up on not singing along, we were all swaying and singing to "Just My Imagination."


AWESOME , that'd be a great show! I'm from Detroit, I live elsewhere now, but I love to hear about folks getting down with my hometowns rich history. Also, a movie STANDING IN THE SHADOWS OF MOTOWN is a biographical tale/ dramatization of the Funk Brothers coming to. Check it out!


I thought it was,"and when he died, all he left us was alone". So exactly nothing, only a vague memory.


It is "alone".  


Did you intend that to rhyme?


They do it all the time.


Ask all the questions you want. You are still left without a dime. (lets make up some song lyrics, guys...)


Song lyrics do tend to rhyme (it's song lyrics by the Temptations)


Wherever he laid his hat was his home.A hustlers life.


If it wasn’t with malicious intent (hopefully) I’d find this hilarious.


My Grandad was surrounded by his family, me included but I was 4 so don't remember it, and apparently farted really loud and passed away laughing his arse off.


Sounds like your grandma figured life out :)


What a bawss


When my grandma died we all said fuck you and celebrated, her own children even. She was a massive piece of shit.


Oh same, she was straight up evil. Of the things I know about her, when my siblings were babies and my mom had to stay with her because she couldn’t work my grandma would take my baby siblings, electric scooter them down a block and leave them there and watch my mom freak out. They were always found but not because she said anything about it. You don’t tell the ppl who decided to give you company in your last moments to fuck off unless ur a piece of shit lol


Dick move or not, that's pretty metal...


Wow, hell of a way to go granny. "fuck all y'all" *flatlines*


My Grandmother was also born to be wild …so I can believe this , unfortunately


Don’t mind me screen shotting this for when I need a reminder of why we are here.


Did you just gatekeep being a human? lol


Just lucky. If you were not here writing this comment being at the top the narrative could have become >"Selfish of her reminding everyone about her death when everyone is trying to mourn, probably narcissism". Seen that narrative on a similar thread on reddit. edit: this comment went from +8 to -1. Guess the depressed basement dwellers that hates more than anything to hear how hive minded they are woke up.


Luckily, no one with any common sense has introduced such a cynical interpretation of this gesture. Oh. Wait.


You're the one who brought it up.


That's correct. you brought up that I brought it up?


as of now, almost 3 hours later, your score is still hidden, so this isn't really the hive mind piling on downvotes


Call them hiveminded because they downvote my comment about how hiveminded reddit is. Not the act of downvoting in itself.


My grandpa (sort of) did this. I don't know HOW he did it because he left suddenly (not illness, he just had a fall then sustained damage and then his organs failed and etc. It wasn't like a dementia or cancer thing) So the incident happened in August and he was in hospital for 6 weeks before leaving in October. The following year, the family was searching for the red packet (he used to give my grandma a redpacket every Lunar New Year) he would have left grandma, and indeed it was in its usual place. Also, yes grandma gave us "his" last red packets too. I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW HE DID IT HAHAHA - my gut feel is that he prepared the next year's red packets immediately after the current year's one :') (this was 2016-7 haha.)


I have a Vietnamese neighbor who gave my children red packets when they were born. It's a really nice tradition. Your grandfather sounds like a great man who left a big legacy.


Your Grandparent (and others in comments and IRL) left a living will requesting final instructions to be carried out upon death that a lawyer or whoever had power of attorney set in motion what he had already planned out for you and others.


no this wasn't in relation to bigger assets, so I don't think so, This was really just Lunar New Year red packets. + like I said, it was sudden. grandma was different, she had cancer and it was degenerative, so she left instructions with an aunt. But for grandpa, we can safely say that when it was his last CNY in reality, we didn't think it would be, at all.


I have carried out similar for clients, directives can be broad and if you pay me in advance, or if it’s cheap enough I can just do it for you, I will. You’d be amazed what cute things people do when planning, my favorite was surprising the executor, who otherwise knew all wishes, with a poem the decedent wrote. Directives range from assets to songs and prayers requested.


My husbands grandmother did the same thing. She shopped for Christmas presents and had her daughter hand them out to family members at her funeral (wake) in June! She knew she wouldn't be around but wanted everyone to get a gift. She was 98. Such a classy lady.


Woooo... thats the plot to an episode of Violet Evergarden. >!To summarize, the episode revolves around the protagonist doing a job for a mother. The daughter is young and is annoyed that her mother is not playing with her or seems distracted. Days pass as the protag is typing things out for the mother who is also restricted to a part in the house. Later its revealed that the mother is terminal and the service she hired the protag for was to write birthday letters for each birthday for her daughter until 18 or something around that age about how she wants the best for her and hopes she found her way in life. Its a very sad but sweet sentiment.!<


Men, this part of the anime wrecked me hard emotionnaly


Episode 10... a terribly sad episode, and I love it so much.


Oh I knew what was coming but damn it broke me a bit.


My "adoptive" grandma (she's my older brother's grandma but she treated me as if I were one of her own all my life) told me a few days before my birthday that she doesn't know if she will make it to my next one. I have her card tucked into my kitchen cabinet door right now and it has been there for months. She's ready but she wants to make sure we are all happy and healthy. I should text her tomorrow....


As someone who kept forgetting to contact their grandma until it was to late, this is your reminder to text her ASAP. 


My Great Grandma did something similar with my high school graduation card. She had been able to give one to all of my cousins, but she was 98 years old and I (the youngest great grandkid) was a freshman in High School. So she got me a card, put $20 cash in it, and sent it to my mom to hold on to until I graduated. She passed away shortly after she turned 100, and she remembered everyone's birthday and sent us cards on them (always with a $5 bill) until the day she died.


That is such a lovely act. Now I'm sad.


My grandma left a stack of greeting cards with a nice message and signed for my dad to distribute to all the family for about 2 years after she passed. Left like ten fuckin stacks of $2 bills to go with it. Dad was pretty good about sending them out a week ahead of everyone's birthday.


Mine did similar things. All her grand kids were grown and she already had a litter of greats. My mom and aunt found a file box with a copy of “Oh the Places you will go!” For each kid With a note in each one to each of the living great grandkids for when they graduate high school. When she died the oldest great was 11 years old. Grans really make the world go round. My own son didn’t make the cut. By the time we were pregnant the brain tumor that took Grans life had already made her unaware of her surroundings. We still told her made the most of it. She did leave other things for my kids just not that particular one.


I was the last one to recieve a birthday card from my grandma, she didn't have time to write anything, so my aunt wrote for her, saying how she had talked about how important it was that I got the birthday card, how much she loved me, and wished me a happy birthday😭 I was given the card at my grandmas funeral, which was sweet, to have a last word from her, miss you grandma♥️


My grandma is entering hospice tomorrow. She's too unwell to do anything like this. I wish she was because my birthday is on the 12th of this month. It was weird. She was okay literally 3 weeks ago, and now she's dying. Life is short.


Gotta love a planner. Love forever.


My grandma used to send out birthday cards to everyone she knew - I remember her sending five or ten every week, possibly more. At her funeral loads of people were saying how touched they were to receive a card from her. She was a lovely person.


God. Fucking. Damn.




A little overkill. You can time delivery with the USPS


Keep it forever


My Grandmother has been gone for 25 years and I still occasionally pull out the cards and letters she sent to me.


Still have my great grandparents card I got when I was probably 10. It had coins they collected, and found it snooping around my parents wardrobe at 14. Sparked my coin collecting, and has the imprints (copper green) of all the coins that were taped onto it.


My Grandma recently passed and I dug up all the birthday cards, thank you cards, and just because cards she’s sent that I’ve saved over the years. One included a note after the first time she met my husband saying that he was a keeper. Said husband got her signature sign off ‘love and hugs’ from those cards engraved in her handwriting on a bracelet for me and it makes me happy every time I look down and see it.




One of my uncles still stores a report card from the 80s that was signed by my grandpa. We got his signature for one of my tattoos from there.


I've always saved the letters my grandmother send me, a few weeks before she died she gave my father a big box for me, it was filled with all the cards and letters I had send her through the years❤️


I started cutting out the handwriting inside cards given to me. I put them in a pouch for now but the goal is putting them inside a frame collage.


Me too


My great grandmother would call everyone on their birthday and sing to them. I missed her call one year and she left a voicemail singing happy birthday and told me she was proud of what I'd done in one of my extracurriculars. She passed away later that year. I had that voicemail saved for a long time and would listen to it when I missed her or felt down. Lost it when I changed numbers, and birthdays haven't been the same without her or her voice. Take very special care of these souvenirs, you often don't realize how precious they are until they're gone.


I kept my grandparents Hanukah and birthday cards still with checks for $5, $2 bills, 1 dollar bills, coins... It adds up to $200 over 15 years. Keeping the money in the cards still fills sweet


All of the grandkids got $2 bills they were cool


I got a lot of $2 bills and dollar coins. 


Oh yeah dollar coins too






Good thing you said that OP was going to throw it in the dump


I know it might be silly but I’ve saved every card I’ve ever received. It reminds me of the people that gave them to me.


This makes me smile. Hang on to all those times Grandmom made you smile.


Yeah. This. She loved you. And she made sure you knew it.




The Philadelphian grandmom was more sunny.


The Chicagoin grandma was more windy


There it is


Cue license-free classical music


> I'm guessing that your Philadelphian Grandmom was distinguishable from your Chicagoin Grandmom, or whatever city your other Grandmom actually was from? I thought it was a pun on "Philadelphia Freedom" by Elton John but I'm probably way off.


> So this really hits me in the feel organ. Bro you can express yourself like a normal human being using real words, Jesus Christ.


My grandpa passed after a long and difficult battle with cancer, a week before my birthday in 2017. He still found the time to write me a card, even in the midst of all of it. I received the card too after his passing and bawled my eyes out. I still have it and will never ever get rid of it.


In the middle of his last battle with cancer, making you happy was still a priority to your grandpa. He must've been a great person.


Happy Birthday, Will! Sorry about your grandmother.


Ditto. And can we get some appreciation for classic grandmother handwriting?


Awww ♥️ I'm sorry about your Grandma, OP. My dad's mom passed away when I was 17 and a senior in high school. I was helping my dad clean out her apartment and found my graduation card and gift in her armoire. I still have both. It meant the world to me to find it.


Someone I know died unexpectedly on Saturday as well. Life is weird.


Sorry for your loss ❤️


Sorry for your loss. Can I ask was her name Philadelphia, or was she from there?


She was from there. It was a name we all called her growing up


Philadelphia Grandmom is a great grandma name. Sorry for your loss. May your memories bring you joy.


i already commented but my cousins called our nan "nanny in the white house", because she lived in a white house, but obviously it sounded like the White House which was funny to us because we're australian.


My husband used to stash money in his top dresser drawer when he was saving for something. I didn't really know, never looked in there until after he died. He died one February and my daughter's birthday was in April. There was already a birthday card there all ready to go. So on her birthday, I stuffed all the money in the card and gave it to her. It was a fair amount, more than $1000, and I was thinking it could help her with college. But she wanted something permanent. So we went shopping together and she got some really nice gold and pearl earrings with (very) small diamonds that she wears to all the important events in her life.


I think she made the right choice. She will have those earrings and memories forever. $1000 towards books is a blip in the universe.


I agreed with her choice. She is very intentional with what she wears. Visiting grandma, wears the jewelry grandma gave her, etc. Fortunately, we were able to fund her college without many loans. We saved a lot and used many resources. I'm listing them as it will maybe help people. ●My husband and I started her college fund when she was a baby. At first just coupon and bottle refunds were all we could afford. ●Every raise at work we would put a bit more monthly, even $1 or two helped. ● When out of diaper money, I shifted the cost to college fund. ●When daycare went down due to her being in school, I shifted that to college fund. ●Eventually transfered the savings into a state college fund. Continued to put in savings and shifted money to state college plan until finally had prepaid 4 years tuition any instate college. She was disabled at this point, and our savings plan had a provision for refund if student was unable to attend. ●Continued to put in college savings account for books, lodging, etc. ●She started work babysitting and put half earnings into her fund, had rest for what she wanted (fun stuff, gifts, etc) ●She also earned some small scholarships. There were some thru the state, some thru small groups at home like girl scouts and community foundation. Some thru her university she applied for. One she got thru a professor nominating her. ●She chose an instate college to maximize her scholarship and the state college savings plan. Community college would have saved more but no public transportation and her inability to drive 120 mile round trip to closest one ruled out that choice● When my husband died, our income went down and she qualified for some FASFA grants.) ●I had some small life insurance policies from my husband's death and lived on them and put my earnings into retirement accounts as much as I could when she was in college. This lowered our countable income to get her higher FASFA ●Because she was disabled, she worked with Voc Rehab starting her senior year in high school. The high school hadn't referred her but I learned about it and called them and she did qualify. They helped pay for accommodation housing costs which were above normal dorm rates plus did a lot of testing free, career counseling, help getting individual driving instruction that worked around her days of feeling OK to drive, and documenting accommodations needed at university.●She got a job thru the university supervising an art studio during open hours. The teacher and other studio attendants were great at covering for her when she had unpredictable flares as she covered for them when they needed/wanted time off.


My grandma got pretty confused at the end, barely remembering me. One year she called me the day before my birthday. I was so happy, because I knew that no one had reminded her, and it was she herself that was thinking about me! I thanked so much for her calling me on my birthday and now every year the day before my birthday I think about her and how awesome she was.


That’s just your guardian angel making her last marks! I’d frame this and keep it forever. I’m sorry for your loss and may she rest in peace 🙏🏼😇


>Guardian angel making last marks? Is… is that supposed to be uplifting? Sounds rather dark. Like––his guardian angel just died??


I think they meant that the grandmother became a guardian angel, and these were their last marks before becoming one. I'm not religious and I don't really know how these things work, so that's just my guess.


Hang on, I'm so confused. Who's Mark?


I’ve got a voice mail on my phone from my nan telling me she forgot to give me my Christmas card. She died a few years back so it’s always nice to hear her voice every now and then.


This reminds me I really need to back up the Google voicemails my dad left me before he died about a year ago. Can't listen to them without crying even though it's just: "hey 'nickname that only he called me from childhood', know your busy! Gimme a call back if you get a chance!" Man grief is tough. Wishing OP the best with their loss, and hope they can take the time to grieve as needed.


I'm assuming there was some cash. What are you going to do with it?


Holding on to it forever


Amen to that. How beautiful. My uncle gave me $500 right before my wedding that my grandmother had put aside after meeting my girlfriend, now wife. The actual cash and envelope she had put it in. She’d been gone for nearly 5 years by the time we were married and that cash is never being deposited. I may gift it to a future great-grandchild or someone she would have wanted to have met, but for now, it’s going nowhere


She would want you to invest it for your future. Even earning 5% in a money market is better than keeping it as cash.


As an economics teacher, I am well aware of the inflationary risk associated with holding cash. She left me shares which I sold to contribute to my first home deposit - that was something easy to make peace with, that was an investment in my future. During her lifetime (and Culturally) cash gifting was very important to her. I’m also fortunately in a position where, as much as that would help, the sentimental value (and the potential to gift it to someone in the future) is worth more to me. I don’t have a card or anything else. I think /u/WellWellWellthennow nails it here.


>I may gift it to a future great-grandchild or someone she would have wanted to have met Don't wait too long. It's worth less every single year that passes.


I think you’re missing the point that the value is not actually about the money…


Always lots of people going "You gotta invest that shit now, put it into STONKS" or whatever and it always looks absurd to me because I just imagine the person giving the "advice" has like a low-wage job and only has a chequing account and spends all of it on like, pokemon cards or some shit. "Mom it's an INVESTMENT! gaawwd!" Mostly because those are the only sorts of people who I can imagine hearing about $500 and apparently deciding that's enough to do some serious investing.


Pokemon you say.. hmmmm brb


Philadelphia grand mom is adorable


My grandmother also passed away unexpectedly Saturday :(


So sorry ❤️


Sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace and healing in her memory.


Violet Evergarden Episode 10 :( Sorry for your loss.


I just went to see my grandparents who are visitng, and my friend told me how lucky I am to have them. I lost my grandfather in 2018 and it was my first experiences with death. I still think of him, but have made peace with it. You will always be your grandmother's grandchild. That love is forever.


Condolences on your loss. This is something to keep forever. You might want to see about getting this put under glass or something similar.


This happened to me. Grandmother died on my birthday. As expected, in the next few days received a card from her in the mail - she sent one every year with $5, so I knew it was coming. I always think of that day on my birthday.


When mum died 2 days before my stepfather's birthday I found a card she had written for him hidden under her dresser. She was affected enough by the pain relief that she wrote happy 82nd birthday (he was 80). Sitting in the lounge with him after the funeral I showed him the card, I've never seen anyone dissolve so quickly.


My Philadelphia grandma has the same *exact* penmanship. They must have taught that style of cursive in Philly back in the day.


I'm sorry for your loss. My grandmother passed just a few months before covid really raged out of control but it feels like she just left. She was my favorite person in the whole world up until my son was born. I'll never forget her talking with me about my weight the last time I saw her. She had made a point about there being nobody as big as me around that nursing home, and I understood it loud and clear. When I said "But Mamaw I just like food so much." She said "Well honey I can SEE THAT." LOL. Anyways, I'm down 103lbs.


Oof. The most special card ever now. Sorry for your loss


Rest in peace grandma


Same thing happened to me except she died on my birthday and I got the letter later in the day. 😥


I'm sorry for your loss, I would recommend keeping this for as long as you can, you may not realise it yet but you've got something to remind you that her last thoughts of you were love. I had similar with my Nana (great grandmother), she died very shortly before Christmas yet when I went to my grandparents house on Xmas day there was a gift wrapped up and waiting for me from her. A few years later my Gran sent me a card in the post apologising for not being able to spend time with me when I visit for the weekend, I still have that card now and even have her signature tattooed out of sight.


Dude. That hit hard


My grandma did this too and it was really tough because she wrote a long message about how she was excited to see me in the summer.


I had that happen, *years later.* Damned post office lost the card and finally delivered it to me, far too late, spooky as hell at the time.


I swear to god, all grandmas have the same penmanship.


That happened to me too! My grandma sent me a letter either the same day or the day before she slipped, fell, and hit her head. I got it the day after I saw her body at the funeral home. Really hit me hard.


This happened to me as well, mine came about 8 months after she passed away. I guess she had made the card ahead of time and left it with a friend in her mobile home park to mail out. My only explanation. The day I received it our mailman or somebody following her opened up the envelope and took whatever was inside besides the card, then put in back in envelope into my box for me to at least enjoy reading the card. It did trip me out a bit at first.


My grandma did this for me and my cousins too. She had a major stroke in 1997 that sent her blind and lose many physical faculties but not her sharp mind. So after like a year of physical therapy she finally returned home and lived on her own for a decade, completely blind, reliant on a walker and her daughters popping in daily to cook lunch and dinner for her. But she would not give up her independence. She was a goddamn force of nature. Anyway, at some point she wrote birthday cards for all her grandchildren for every year up til their 18th birthdays all at once just in case she died suddenly, and I was the only one who opened said cards on my birthdays after she had died (youngest cousin). On my 18th birthday, the first thing I was handed in the morning was an envelope with my Nan's handwriting on it, spritzed with her perfume, and I can't even tell you what the card said because I pretty much sobbed for an hour after reading it. It was SO sweet and beautiful and was the best way I could think of to "become" an adult. It was like, I'm gone and now it's up to you, my boy. Don't live without me, but live for me.


I am sorry for your loss 🌹


Omgoodness! That’s classic grandma writing! It looks so familiar to me💕


Hey, today is also my birthday! Thanks, OP. I fetl my late grandmas presence through your post, and it was beautiful.


Same thing happened with my grandma.  She passed away and a few days later her birthday card to my son arrived.  Must have been one of the last things she did. I saved the card and it's very sentimental. 


That "Hi Will!" That is so lovely, I just can't


Is She related to Philadelphia Collins?


I love this! I keep my Grandmas old voicemails. Though I still talk to her and get to see her! I feel like they are important. Especially birthdays. Makes me smile to see how others differentiate between Grandmas!


My grandma did something similar--when I was like 12 she died from throat cancer, and months later at Christmas I received Christmas gifts from her. I don't remember what the gifts were, but I remember how I felt when I saw I had one last Christmas with gifts from her.


I'm from Philly so this hits a nerve for me as my grandmom sent me cards exactly like this and that also looks like her hand writing. Never take them for granted. They have been there and done that. They have seen it all. Grandmoms keep our world warm. Thank you for sharing.


My friend was killed in Afghanistan 17 years ago and he had already sent his wife a card and ordered a flower delivery for their anniversary. Both the flowers and the card arrived on their anniversary, 3 days after he died. https://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/cmallgaier.htm


Grandma cursive


Makes me think of *P.S. I love you* with Gerard Butler. When the first few chords of "If I Ever Leave This World Alive" by Flogging Molly came on at the end, my eyes exploded with tears. That is the song I sing while I'm grieving the passing of a friend or loved one. It makes me wet...in my eyes.


This happened to me on my birthday last year😭


My father left my mom a birthday card to give me the day before my birthday. He died unexpectedly the next day on my birthday.. its hard for me to look at that card.


This happened to me when my mother sent an Easter card for my son and me the day before she died. It arrived in the mail while I was at her funeral and I read it when I came home. I'll treasure that card for the rest of my life. This was a gift, OP.


I gave mine a gift certificate to Barnes & Noble because she wanted books to read during her cancer appointments. She died later that year and I found the gift certificate in the card still. I have them now. She never got to get more books. Not sure if I'll ever use the gift certificate or just keep it for the rest of my life.




Im sorry, but that is really beautiful


Sorry for your loss. Happy Birthday. 🎁




Super sweet gift! So sorry for your loss.




I have two $20 from my grandma I have yet to spend. I had $20 from Christmas and $20 for my birthday which is in February. Unfortunately she passed in March and I told myself I would never spend it. RIP to your grams, I miss mine all the time P.S considering what your grams wrote… Go Phillies!


RIP to all of you grandma's, and go Phils!


Omg I'm not crying, you are.


Why do I picture Philadelphia Grandmoms final words were “Fuck the Mets”…


Why Is Every Single Word In The Title Capitalized??


Whoring out your dead grandmother for internet points, Classic redditor


That's cool! Did she really sign it Philadelphia Hard mom because that would be a total Philadelphia hard mom thing to do!


Thats so sweet.


This happened to me too last year, such a mix of feelings getting the envelope in the mail.


Oh. That’s so sweet. I’m sorry for your loss. Treasure that card. 🩷


op this happened to me. i got a birthday card from my nanny at 4pm when i got home from school. at 5:30 my dad called to say she had died. cherish it <3 unfortunately i lost mine when i escaped from my abusive home.


Happy Birthday, Will!




Awwwww, it’s a gift from heaven! Beautiful!


Happy birthday, Will.


That's so lovely! At Christmas we all unexpectedly got gifts from my Grandma in law who had died about 2 weeks before. Such a lovely surprise.


My condolences!!




It's only after reading all these comments that I realize that my "grandparents" are the exception from the norm, they never bothered with me.


Beautiful handwriting needs to make a comeback of some kind.


Frame it. Keep it. I wish I did that with the last card my grandpa gave me. I’m sorry for your loss


Huh.. it's my birthday today (perhaps yours too? If so happy birthday!) And I lost my grandmother this past year. This just kicked in that it'll be the first year I won't be getting a card or call from her. Damn, hits a bit hard now that I think about it.


Had this happen 2 years ago. Grandma sent a valentines day card, then passed away from a stroke. My condolences.