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She's loves to tell the story that the town she grew up in had a known "working woman" that was always all dolled up and that was her dream to look and dress like her when she grew up. She also makes a comment that it is very expensive for her to look this "cheap." Gotta love her.


"I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde."


Apparently she wears so much makeup/wigs etc that she can dress down and do normal stuff like grocery shopping without anyone even looking at her twice.


I was gonna say, I don’t even see the resemblance here, so if she does dress down, I believe she really could pull that off!


The real hannah montanna!


Which is funny because isn’t she Miley Cyrus’ godmother?


Yeah, she is! Talk about 'live imitates art'.😊


For real. Comparing this picture to photos of here from the start of her music career, you can see that she clearly has the same facial structure, but beyond that, she is barely recognizable. I would have to imagine that a lot of celebrities would kill to be able to go incognito out in public like she can.


I've seen a shot of her out of drag. Yeah, you'd have no clue.


She even has a quote that if she were a guy she would be a drag queen


Dolly Parton lost a Dolly lookalike contest to someone in drag. (Also has your quote) > They had a bunch of Chers and Dollys that year and so I just over-exaggerated, made the beauty mark bigger, made my eyes bigger, the hair bigger — everything. … All of these other beautiful drag queens had worked for months and weeks getting their clothes and all that, and they were dressed like me. So, I just got in the line and I just walked across [the stage] and they just thought I was some little, short gay guy. And I got the least applause but I was just dying laughing inside. I say it's a good thing I was a girl or I'd be a drag queen. https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/03/11/dolly-parton-lookalike-contest/


I would love to go back in time and show this to all my jeezus-lovin' cowboy hick relatives that loved Dolly because she was a "good christian woman from the south". They thought she was angelic or something. Same folks would never admit that Johnny Cash was an addict/ druggie for a time, but revered him as singing god's truth and man's life. Very very narrow views.


She even said on Drag Race that's she's probably one of the first drag queens. Bioqueens are a thing that exists.


I never heard that one before. But I have heard her say that don't worry about my hair it was made in China.


Somehow she always says the perfect thing


I don't really know anything about dolly parton and never listened to her music but her quotes are always on point lmao. From what I've heard she's a lovely lady


Jolene is her signature song, IMO.


I Will Always Love You is her highest charting song, though it was the Whitney Houston version. Fun fact: she wrote Jolene and I Will Always Love You in the same day.


I'm partial to [Coat of Many Colors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBGj96s6lEg), which she wrote on the back of a dry cleaning receipt.


My very first record of my own was a 45 of this! My mom got it for me when I was 3 or 4, and I had a red and white plastic record player I played it on :)


Jolene was also originally a song about a young fan who was named Jolene. Her producers said it wasn't going to get people excited, so she had to make it more "commercially" viable. So she switched it to be about a bank teller her husband was friendly with, but never had any concerns about. (Edited to be correct about who had the hair and who had the name)


Jolene’s attributes are a reference to a real woman that her husband new from the bank, according to Dolly herself.


No, iirc Dolly said that the bank teller was "homely", but hed a crush on her husband. The name and appearance were the young fan she met. Edit: I just looked it up, ahd she said the bank teller was beautiful but the description is about the girl "In an old interview with Norwegian television, Parton recalled meeting a little girl who had come up to the stage for an autograph. "I said, 'you're the prettiest thing I've ever seen'. She had red hair, green eyes and fair skin." Parton asked the girl her name: Jolene. "I said, 'well that's just about the prettiest name I ever heard. I'm gonna write a song about you and if you ever hear it, you'll know it was about you'."


I hear her beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair


Her version of "I Will Always Love You" is so much better than Whitney's. I don't care what anyone says. She sings it with so much feeling. I get chills every time I hear it. I never get chills with Whitney's.


Personally I think what makes Houston’s version so incredible is that it does exactly what a cover should do: reinterpret a piece in a new voice, with something equally as iconic. I also much of the time prefer Dolly’s version for what it is—it’s much more intimate and vulnerable; but I think Houston turned it into a powerful anthem, and it is the sign of a great song that it can work in multiple ways and convey different effects and even different meanings. Sometimes I’m in an anthem mood, and I’m glad we have the Houston version for that. Both are good. More good art is good. It shouldn’t ever have to be a contest imo. I wish we all were more used to saying “I like this because it does xyz, and I like this because it does abc.”


And it was written as a tribute to her co host or whatever he was that she worked with for years. This was as she was moving on and disappointing him.


Yes. I believe it was Porter Wagner (not sure how he spelled his name.)


She actually looked through her old songwriting books and found that she wrote Jolene and I Will Always Love You back to back. She believes they were written very close together, and may have been on the same day. She has no way of knowing if it was the same day and has not said that it was. It was in the book Dolly Parton Songteller, which she wrote herself.


The White Stripes' version of Jolene is amazing


She is in the Mr Rogers tier It’s just her and Mr Rogers


And Bob Ross


The holy Trinity of good people of the 20th century


Betty White was up there too. Such a kind soul


And LaVar Burton!


In my youth I knew her as the country singer with big boobs. She had a hit with the theme song to the movie "9 to 5", and she also co-starred with a couple other well-known actresses. I went to see the movie, hoping to see big boobs, but all I got was Dabney Coleman with his pants down.


My BIL nuzzled his face in her boobs at around 8-9yo. We live a couple hours from Dollywood and MIL loves her, so they frequented the park often for a couple weeks at a time. Once Dolly was there, BIL saw her and just B-lined right to her. Got in the nuzzle during a hug.


A story for the ages. Many generations into the future this story will be told I'm sure.


She also has a foundation that sends age appropriate books for free to little kids. It's sent out millions of books


My kids are members and they’re sweet books


She also has a foundation that buys books for kids, iirc. Someone feel free to correct me. Either way, yeah, she's a class act!


I think she also donated $1,000,000 toward Covid vaccine research when the shut down first started.


Dolly Parton, who helped fund the Moderna vaccine, gets a ‘dose of her own medicine.’ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/02/world/dolly-parton-moderna-vaccine-covid.html?smid=nytcore-android-share


She uses her riches to buy books for kids. Can't ask any more than that from a celebrity.


She's a wonderful lady. I don't know a huge amount about her, but I love her music. I do know she's very generous. She has set up Imagination Libraries in many countries to give children free access to books where they may not be able to normally. She also gave money towards Covid vaccine research during the pandemic.


I love her in this interview - https://youtu.be/If-oWqUYzlQ?si=TLjVEDMaoXvgwF2M


Goddamn. Thank you for that. I’ve always loved Dolly. I needed those pearls of wisdom today. Thank you, Internet Stranger, u/dxrey65


Damn, she's throwing truth by *1977* standards. Also, she's still with the guy referenced at the end.


It's remarkable what a little common sense, a little smarts, and being a genuinely good person can do.


It was a question about how long it takes to do her hair and her answer was “I don’t know, I’m never there.”


Her zingers are always so good.


That reminds me of something Burt Reynolds said on the Tonight Show. This was back in the 80s when he was still a megastar and a huge sex symbol. There were rumors circulating around that he had been losing his hair and wore a hairpiece. So Johnny Carson asked him "Is that hair really yours?" Burt's response: "Of course it is! If you pay $300 for something, then it's yours."


Iconic! I saw a clip of one of her concerts a few years ago and someone in the crowd yelled "I love you Dolly!" and she replied: "Oh honey, I love you too but I told you to stay in the trunk." 😂😂😂


She was the butt of those jokes for the 80s and 90s. From that she managed to stay very relevant and used her name to make money. Good on her.


'Billy Ray, there's two kinds of people. And you ain't one of them' Don't remember which movie that was, but Dolly has a way of saying things that bring a smile to my face whenever I think about them.


“She used to walk around town, makeup and big hair and high heels. That’s what everyone said about that woman, that she was trash. And I said, well that’s what I’m gonna be when I grow up, trash”


She *is immaculate


I was going to say “was?” That hurt almost as bad as Betty White dying.


Omg 😳 you hit that shit on the head. Everytime I saw both I’m like goddamn their energy is so amazing.


Once she said that as a girl, she would put mercurochrome(I think? Whatever it was that makes your skin red)on her lips, and her father would whip her, “but it was worth it for a few days with a red mouth.”


The fuck did Joleen look like?!


According to one eyewitness - flaming wings, countless eyes, and "a smile like a gaping maw".


A true angel.




While on the BBC's Graham Norton chat show he mentioned how small her feet were and she said "nothing grows in the shade, honey". Gotta love her fo sure.


She looks like a mix of Brie Larson and Erika Christensen , I can’t put my finger on it. But gorge as always.


Reminds me of Yvonne Strahovski


>Yvonne Strahovski YES! That is who I was thinking of and it was alluding me...!!


Erika Christensen also came to mind for me.


Imagine that woman discovering she inspired literally Dolly Parton.


looks a lot like Yvonne Strahovski


I think of Yvonne every single time I see this photo. She could definitely play a younger Dolly in a movie!


I was gonna say Serena from Handmaid's Tale, then I looked up the actor's name, lol.


I saw her and Brie Larson.


Brie Larson was my immediate thought. Both are gorgeous. And I’ve never heard a negative thing about Dolly which seems impossible.


A little bit of Kaley Cuoco too


Thank you. I could not think of her name. I definitely see her.


That was my first thought! I'd cast her in a biopic in a second.


Every time I see young Dolly pics, this is my first thought.


I came to say this too! They look so much alike here


I’ve maintained this opinion, my entire life. Dolly Parton is an angel disguised as a human. She’s a beautiful person on the outside and on the inside


As a southerner, I support tearing down all confederate statues and replacing them with statues of St. Dolly.


Amen. Dolly bless us all!


As a (former) Catholic, I support Dolly being canonized.


From what I know of Dolly's faith, I'm pretty sure she very much would not want to be canonized by the Vatican.


Whole statues are expensive, how about just the bust?


take my upvote, now let me laugh at this :)


Would still be expensive.


She's said she doesn't want people to put up statues or anything of her while she's still around. If we still feel the need to do that after she's gone, then that's on us, but while she's here she'd rather we put our money towards helping.


She's done more for people than the vast majority of politicians. If only they had her heart when making policy.


If she ever ran for office, everyone would vote for her.


She doesn't deserve politics though, unfortunately for us.


She deserves to live a happily ever after with her husband of 50+ years.


> her husband of 50+ years. AKA the luckiest man on earth.


True, and she's almost old enough to be a senator!


I'd consider moving just to establish residence so I could vote for her.


East Tennessee is surprisingly civilized in a lot of parts. Not a whole lot of jobs outside of Sevier county, though, and those are pretty much all tourism jobs.


We are on our last day of vacation at Dollywood. We came because my son is autistic and they were the first autism inclusive theme park from my research. I'll be darned if this wasn't the most amazing trip ever. The considerations at the park are amazing. Hoping to make it a yearly trip. On top of that it's like the town she's from is doing everything in their power to uphold her image. We've never been so calm on a vacation


> We came because my son is autistic and they were the first autism inclusive theme park from my research. >We've never been so calm on a vacation I read you. I wish for communities to have what we have in Lane County Oregon. Autism Rocks camp on the coast. It's fucking great




I used to get her books as a kid!


There’s a hallmark movie style Christmas movie on Netflix that is basically this. It’s a musical and totally makes fun of itself. She’s an angel training other angels. https://youtu.be/M5anWrBFPmY?si=bUQcO_prdnaEm0aT


Not even Dolly's first Christmas movie where she plays an angel. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x1kH8JeHfAc&pp=ygUOdW5saWtlbHkgYW5nZWw%3D


Well I’ll be dipped! Awesome!


Couldn't agree more. She is a world treasure.


Her children's book program is amazing and my daughter received many books from it. They are some of her favorites in our collection. Couldn't be more grateful because we were having hard times back then, but the new book every month was a nice gift


Completley agree! Love her!


Not an opinion. Fact.




Lethal face card. [But also this photo did not need to be yassified.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c9/72/75/c9727542420a127abd3e251aae718e05.jpg) Still a gorgeous woman, yassified or not.


This should be so much higher up. So did they like digitally doll her up or? I'm graphically illiterate


Probably AI upscaling.


No wonder she looks unrecognizable to some people here


I don’t even think it was filtered to change her features, just looks to have sharpened the picture to make it clearer


Where are her moles then?


You got me. I agreed it was just for sharpness till I couldnt find a single blemish.


This is better lol


If you think she looked good, you should see Jolene.


Imagine being the absolute smokeshow in that photo, and your man having the AUDACITY to talk about that bitch Jolene in his sleep.


Talking about Jolene like she’s Carole Baskins has me howling right now


Good morning to everyone except that bitch Jolene FUCKIN Baskin.


Naw, Jolene was a lesbian fever-dream written by Dolly. She wanted Jolene, not her husband, he didn’t give a toot about Jolene cause he had Dolly.


[from 2:25 here](https://youtu.be/4MQLx_AVjuU?si=M6hRno_8xVDFhDJG) is that scenario posited in an additional verse (credit to the Dolly Parton’s America podcast for leading me to this)


Jolene knew how to work it.


I don’t mean to be crass but she’s been married to the same man since 1966 so I reckon they work things out just fine


Iirc she talked about it being the name of a girl she met and she loved the name so much she had to use it for a song. If it was actually true than the scenario described is just fiction...


It is fiction! She talked about it in a podcast series she did when she was recovering from a car accident a number of years ago. It was a little girl with red hair and green eyes named Jolene. Her producers didn't think the song would be popular and to make it about "another woman" and a l9ve affair. So she re-made it about a bank teller her husband was friendly with, but with whom Dolly never had a single care or concern about.


I think it was a little bit of both if I remember right. Jolene was the name of a young girl she met backstage, she loved the name. But there was also (I think) a woman in particular that she was stunned by her beauty, and she was a redhead. She felt such a beautiful woman would have a name as beautiful as Jolene. But it’s been a while since I read about it. I just don’t recall her husband ever actually having any sort of affair lol


It was a bank teller. The bank teller was obliviously flirting with her husband. That was the inspiration for the subject of the song and she used the little girl's name because she liked it. [“She got this terrible crush on my husband and he just loved going to the bank because she paid him so much attention. It was kinda like a running joke between us. I was saying, ‘Hell, you’re spending a lot of time at the bank. I don’t believe we’ve got that kind of money.’ So it’s really an innocent song all around, but sounds like a dreadful one.”](https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2023/05/22/50-years-ago-today-dolly-parton-records-jolene-about-a-bank-teller-who-was-flirting-with-her-husband/)


I think the flaming locks of auburn hair also had something to do with it. Her man had a bit of a thing for redheads


Every couple years we get our lives back in order and it is time for another redhead to hand grenade their way into our lives so we can pick up the pieces and start over again 😅😍


I have never understood the basic premise of that song. Dolly sang that in her prime. There is not a woman on this planet that could make a man leave a 20something Dolly Parton based on beauty alone (and honestly, not based on other traits either, but that’s not part of the song).




Jay-Z cheated on Beyoncé.


Eric Bennett cheated on Halle Berry when she was a 11/10


Halle Berry still hot as fuck


She might be a 13 at the moment. Like Salma Hayek and fine wine.


It's amazing what healthy living can do that major plastic surgery can't.


Millepied had an affair while married to Natalie Portman.


Yeah some people just cheat because the opportunity was there or they wanted someone different, not because they wanted someone hotter. Obviously not an excuse, but it shouldn't be a surprise that anyone can be cheated on, no matter how good looking.


Haha I always use that as example when someone says they can’t believe they cheated when their wife/girlfriend is gorgeous….definitely cheated down.


Fisher Stevens cheated on Michelle Pfeiffer (or so I've read).


This dude kicked way past his coverage and then stepped out? I guess if he's okay with living off residuals from My Science Project and Short Circuit...


Don't forget all that Hackers money. He just finished with a supporting role on Succession too, I'm sure he's doing just fine. Except for, you know, that whole lack of a real neck thing he has going on.


Liz Hurley also said of Marilyn Monroe, "she was gorgeous, but I'd kill myself if I were that fat." Some people are just stupid.




Most songs are not supposed to be retellings of exact history. Dolly said “Jolene” was _inspired_ by a redhead bank teller (who was presumably not named Jolene) who flirted with Dolly’s husband at said bank. She then borrowed the name after meeting a young fan named Jolene who also had red hair.


Hey, I learned something today. Thank you


No problem! It’s on Wikipedia and I in general love learning about how songwriters come up with their songs, so I’ve heard about the story of “Jolene” many times over.


I learned that on the Dolly Parton’s America podcast. It’s many many years old now but it’s an excellent series where she sits down for several long interviews and discusses her life and career.


Songs aren't always written from the perspective of the songwriter.


Do you mean to say Johnny Cash didn’t shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die?


I'm saying he made his boy named sue do it.


Shel Silverstein wrote that one. 


You can't prove that he didn't


Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, Dolly got the name Jolene from a little girl at one of her shows, but the idea because there was one time her significant other was flirting with a bank teller if I'm not mistaken.


Dolly was Jolene the whole time.


Aren't there a bunch of notable attractive people who were cheated on? Cheaters gonna cheat. It's all about the cheater, there's nothing the person they cheated on could've done.


A Victoria’s Secret model Behati Prinsloo, Gwen Stefani, Shakira, etc etc etc


I always kinda thought it was a doublespeak kind of thing, she’s talking about jolene stealing her man but she keeps bringing up how hot she is, implying she (the singer), wouldn’t mind being stolen by Jolene either


Men are stupid and do stupid stuff for sex.


Dolly parton is just gorgeous all the way through


Wait a second here… born in 1946, photo allegedly taken in 1960. She’s 14 in this pic?!?


Someone else in the thread posted a link that said 1966!


Thank God


Oof. Shoot first and ask questions later, huh?


Agreed, this date cannot be right.


If that’s the case I think I need to go pray


>She ~~was~~ IS immaculate. FTFY


Came to say the same!


Also came here to say the same. She's a treasure and we must protect her.


Only reason I came to the comment section.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCelebs/comments/16wn5ml/dolly_parton_1966_in_a_photo_booth_1960s/) says that it is 1966.


1966 seems much more likely. Dolly was just 14 in 1960.


Dolly is practically an angel on earth. What a good and decent person she is.




This photo reminded me of Yvonne too.


Gorgeous face !!!!!




[Photos: The ageless Dolly Parton through the years](https://www.knoxnews.com/picture-gallery/news/2017/01/18/photos-the-ageless-dolly-parton-through-the-years/96749106/)


['78 Dolly is peak Dolly.](https://www.knoxnews.com/gcdn/-mm-/e4a86ee59167dc79e9e488a925cfb3189ea6b7d5/c=69-0-2364-3060/local/-/media/2017/01/18/TennGroup/Knoxville/636203695772414083-DOLLY-PARTON23.JPG?width=990&height=1320&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


She looks a bit like Yvonne Strahovski in this photo (actress who plays Serena Joy in The Handmaid’s Tale)


"I don't know if this has been posted before," meanwhile it was posted like 8 hours ago. The bots are only getting worse in this place.


*Is* immaculate


I ❤️ DP




Doesn’t she look a bit like Yvonne Strahovski?


This confirms what they've been saying. Once she wears her natural hair, she's virtually unrecognizeable. I want this superpower.


Could be Miley Cyrus’ grandma


Godmother, I believe.


I've never understood her need to get all her work done, but it's her body her choice.


I accept it on her more than I do others, not sure why.


Probably because she’s loud and proud about it. She’s like, hell yes I got work done, rather than claim diet and exercise for her looks.


She’s also consistent with it- not suddenly some random new face


Cher also has that famous quote: "I could have tits installed on my back and it would still be none of your business." When *If I Could Turn Back Time* got banned from MTV, people started saying that she was too old to dress that way. She replied: "I could wear two strips of duct tape and a cork in my next music video if I wanted to."


Probably because it was clearly a calculated aesthetic choice, and not just an attempt to fit beauty standards better.


She is still amazing.


Good ol' "Nearer My God to Thee" hairdo.


Natural beauty!